Deeds to Habit
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Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ
Dr. Hassan Elwan describes the benefits and rewards of sending peace and blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Peace be on all of you. Peace is not the absence of a storm, rather peace is the ability to be calm, serene, tranquility in the midst of storm and hardship. We cannot give peace if we are not in peace. We cannot be in peace if we are not close to the source of all peace. Allahumma anta salam wa minka salam tabarakta yadhal jalali wal ikram. Oh Allah, you are as-salam, the name of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the source of peace. Wa minka salam and from you comes peace. How can I develop peace in my life? Today I want to speak about the habit that inshallah, if we do regularly, we can have this peace from the source of all peace, as-salam. What is that habit? Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he one time was walking with one of his companions and all of the sudden he falls into a long frustration and then when he comes up, his face is shining, he's smiling, he's happy, and one asked, oh Prophet of Allah, what happened? And he said, yes indeed, Jibreel came down to me and gave me wonderful news. He said that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling you, whomever sends peace and blessings onto you, ya Muhammad, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will send peace and blessings onto him. What does that mean? If I want peace from the source of peace, I want peace in my relationships, in my work,
in my home, inwardly, outwardly, all what I have to do is I have to send peace, I have to say salam to the Prophet of peace, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But what does it mean when I say Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Muhammad? That's the habit we need to do every day. What does it mean? How can I do it with a focus? Tell me something that helps me develop this habit. Well, let's take an example, imagine a person in our community that life was difficult so he did something wrong, he went perhaps broken the masjid and took the charity box, took the money from the charity, it was something terrible. And then the cameras caught him and you know, the police came and they put him on trial. And here comes another person in the community, and he goes to that person and he says, you know what, I saw what happened, I think you need a lawyer, and you need a good lawyer. I am going to sell my house, I am going to sell my car, and I'm going to use this money to hire a lawyer for you. And that person says, but wait a minute, I'm not a good person, didn't you see what I did? I did something terrible, something big. And he says, yeah, yeah, despite what you've done, I still think you're a good person. I don't want you to suffer in jail. And I'm going to help you, I'm going to take some harm, I'm going to take some hardship in my personal life, so I can stand beside you when you need me the most. What would you say to such kind of a person? How can you thank? This is exactly what the Prophet ﷺ did to us. When he ﷺ said in an authentic hadith, for every prophet, there is a dua, a supplication that if he uses, if he asks, Allah will grant. Every other prophet used his supplication and his dua. However, when it comes to Muhammad ﷺ, he said, and I chose not to use my dua.
I won't use it for myself, I won't use it for my family, I won't use it to propagate Islam, I won't use it for the companions that are being tortured. I would rather suffer, why? So I can save this dua for the day of judgment, so I can intercede for people in my ummah. He thought of me. He could have used this dua to make his life easier, to save perhaps many good and righteous companions, to make the people of Mecca become Muslims, that dua would have been very useful. But he chose to suffer, to experience hardship, because he thought of people that would come later and he knew that people like myself, our biggest need is not a worldly need, it's on the day of judgment and he wants to be there for us. Some of us might say, but you know, I do, I'm not me, if you only know what I'm doing, brother. He ﷺ said, I made my intercession for people with major sins in my ummah, people of kabair. So what does that mean? When I see that I'm doing something terrible, nobody would look into my face, it is me that Muhammad ﷺ thought about, and it's me that he ﷺ suffered throughout his life so that he can stand beside me on the day of judgment and ask Allah ﷻ to forgive me. How can I repay that? What can I do to Muhammad ﷺ? I look to Allah, Ya Rabbi, I can't give him anything. And that's when I turn to Allah and I say, Ya Rabbi, I can't give Muhammad ﷺ anything, therefore, You, Allahumma salli wa sallim ala Muhammad, You send peace and blessings unto him, You raise him in rank, You raise him in honor, You shower him with Your mercy because I can do anything, it's a dua, I'm making dua for the Prophet ﷺ. And the most beautiful thing, it reaches him, he ﷺ said, there are angels roaming around,
whenever one of us would say Allahumma salli wa sallim ala Muhammad, they take this and they go to him and they inform him, Hassan from California is sending peace and blessings, sending peace to you. Can you imagine if the Prophet ﷺ opened the door and entered unto you, how would you say, Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, that's, see I can have a personal relation with Muhammad ﷺ, my salaam reaches him. How can I start my day without saying salaam to the one that brought me salaam? Let's make it a habit, every single day I say Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Muhammad ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening because he said, whoever sends peace and blessings unto me ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening, my intercession, I will be there interceding for him definitely under the observance. I ask Allah ﷻ to grant us the ability to send peace on the one, the human that brought us peace so that we can get peace from the source of peace, Allah ﷻ. Salatu ala nabi wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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