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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

A Habit for the Morning

What do you do the moment you wake up? Mufti Abdul Rahman offers some practical advice on how to wake up on the right side of the bed, in the favor of Allah.


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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Nihamduhu wa nasalli ala rasulihi al-kareem. Amma ba'd. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. This is your brother Abdul Rahman Waheed speaking on behalf of Yaqeen Institute. What do we do when we first wake up in the morning, when our eyes open up to this new day? What are our first thoughts, gestures and actions? This will determine how the rest of our day will go. If we examine the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, we see that when he first woke up in the morning, his first words was Alhamdulillah. The moment his eyes opened up to this new day, his thoughts and his words were synchronized. And it was in the praise of Allah. The first being that he remembered was Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The first thought on his mind was being grateful to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and praising Him. Alhamdulillah ladhi ahyaana ba'da ma matana wa ilayhi nushuur. How do we wake up in the morning? What are the first thoughts that come to our mind? What are our first actions? There's a beautiful hadith that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, man asbaha, the one who wakes up in the morning, wa dunya akbaru hammihi. And the first thoughts on this person's mind are things of this dunya. Whether it's his job, whether it's the materials that he owns or she owns, whether it's their phone. Because you know, I mean, let's not get into a scholarly debate whether the phone is something of dunya naqiah, so you can do good things on your phone. But if the phone is the first thing our arms stretch out towards, and we're checking our messages, Facebook status, and whatever else we do on our phone, if you're selling something online on eBay, checking if someone placed some bids, if our mind is the first thing we wake up in the morning, and unfortunately for many of us it is the first thing we do. We stretch our arms out for our phone. There is a very powerful
message in this hadith. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying the one who wakes up in the morning and this is the first thing on their mind? Ja'alallahu al-faqra bayna a'inahi. Allah stamps poverty between this person's eyes. Of course that doesn't mean it's written faqeer or poor between your eyes, but what it means is you will search to become independent and wealthy by doing one job, two jobs, by four people of the family working, but the house will still be deprived of blessings of Allah. The ends will still not be meeting because a baraka will be snatched from this household, from this person's life. Who, when the first action of his, the first thought of his in the morning is something of dunya. Ja'alallahu al-faqra bayna a'inahi. Wa shattata alayhi shamlahu. Oh, I wish I could explain this in a five minute video. Shattata alayhi shamlahu. If I had a piece of paper you would understand it better, but imagine I'm holding a piece of paper in my hand and I take it and I put it into a shredder and it becomes small particles of paper and then I take those particles of paper and I throw it all over the room and then I say pick those particles up. Allah says those affairs that were meant to be very easy to accomplish, something A, B, C, you know it's so easy. Allah says I will scatter those affairs throughout your day. Now you'll be running from north to south, west to east trying to get things done, but just like how a person now is responsible to pick up these particles of paper all over the ground, how difficult is that? And how much more time does that take? If it was just a piece of paper, just pick it up, not even a second. But if it's so many particles of paper it'll take longer and it's more difficult to accomplish that. And that, this point is backed with another hadith. In the hadith of Qudsi Allah says, ya abdi, tafarag li'ibadati. Oh my servant, take out time for me. If you do that, amla sadrka ghinan wa sadr faqrak.
I will fill your chest and your heart with independence. You will not need anything else because you have me. Wa asuddu faqrak and I will close all doors of poverty. Wa illa taf'al and if you don't do this, mal'atu yadaka shughlan. I will make you completely busy. Mal'a means your hands will be full of busyness, occupation. Meaning you will not even have time for your own family. What's the most misunderstood word in the world today? Busy. Everyone's busy. I picked up my son Yusuf from school when he was like six years old. I said, Yusuf, how was your day today? He said, Abu G so busy. I said, what? A six year old saying I'm busy? This, my friends, could be a punishment from Allah. That we don't even have time for our families, for our worship, for our own relaxation we don't have time. And this is, it starts with how we woke up in the morning. That if we woke up in the morning and the first thing we did was something of dunya, ja'al Allahul faqra bayna a'inahi. Allah stamps poverty between our eyes. Wa shattata alayhi samlahu. Allah scatters our affair. Wa laa yateehi minad dunya ilaama kutiba lahoo. And even after making all that effort and spending all that energy we will only get what was written for us. And the opposite is true as well. Wa man asbaha wal akhira tu akboor hammihi. And the one who wakes up in the morning and the first thing he or she doesn't do is touch their phone anything of dunya. Like let's start doing that now. So this is my take away today. Put our phones a little bit far away from us. Wake up in the morning and recite the dua, get out of our bed. The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam would do miswak right away. Go to the washroom, do everything else. Give Allah two, three minutes. Before you have a conversation with anyone in this world, have a conversation with Allah. Before you ask anything from anyone in this world, ask Allah. Start our day with this. Kullu amlin lam yubda bi bismillah fa huwa baad. Any matter that starts without the name of Allah, it will always be incomplete. Start our day with the name of Allah. Start our day with the taar of Allah. Start our day thanking and praising Allah. Then we will see the miracles
that will happen in this day. And that is why the hadith says the one who does the opposite of this, what does Allah do? Ja'alallahu alghnaa fi qalbihi. Allah puts ghnaa, independence in this person's heart. Wa jamaa alahu shamlahu. And those affairs that were scattered all throughout the room, Allah puts them together for him and now those things that would take one month, he does in one week. Those things that are supposed to be done by an average person in one week, this person accomplishes in one day. So on and so forth. Wa atatu al-dunya wa hiraghimah and the luxuries of this world come to him even though he or she doesn't want. Allah make us among those who can wake up on the right side of the bed and have Allah in our mind when we first open our eyes in the morning and put our phones and things of dunya away and let that not be the first thing that is in our mind when we wake up in the morning. Jazakallahu khair. Wa-Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu.
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