Deeds to Habit
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A Habit for the Afternoon
What was the afternoon of the Prophet like? Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed describes the Prophet's afternoon routine and how we can apply some of those habits to our lives.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Nahmuduhu, nusalli ala rasulihi al-kareem. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. My previous reminder was dedicated to a habit that we can develop, a sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ for the morning, how we wake up in the morning. Today's reminder is dedicated to a habit that we can develop, a sunnah that the Prophet ﷺ had that can turn into a habit for the rest of our lives in the afternoon time. Something in the afternoon. So our morning, our afternoon, and then inshallah there will be another reminder for the evening before sleeping. So something that the Prophet ﷺ did on a regular basis in the afternoon. SubhanAllah if we read the life of the Prophet ﷺ, his whole day is crystal clear. We know from the morning till the evening what he did, what his habits were. There was nothing coincidental. His life was so methodical. He had to give time to everybody and no one ever felt rushed and he also had enough time for his ibadah. So what did he do in the afternoon? What was the afternoon of the Prophet ﷺ like? If we look into the seerah books we will find that he had a set routine for the morning. Sit in the masjid, listen to the sahaba stories, give them some nasiha, go to the marketplace, visit the sick, and like this he spent his morning. Now when afternoon came around, his afternoon was dedicated for his loved ones, his family members. Dedicated. He would walk home and this was his winding down period. Like all that in the morning, oh Prophet of Allah I need this and I need that and I had this problem and then he would come home in the afternoon time and he would relieve all those worries. Leave it out the door and he would just relax, kick it back with his wife
and his family. Have a light hearted moment. And we find most of the hadith about the best among you is the one who is best to his wife and to his family are all at this time. Those light hearted moments with Aisha talking about the Prophet ﷺ and his wife was in the afternoon time. It was the afternoon time where he would wind down with his family and just talk to them and relax. Unfortunately this habit of ours we have in the western world. That's why we have a lunch break. A lunch break is to get our head off of everything. But how do we use our lunch break or how do we use that afternoon period to wind off and just get our mind off all that stress of work and meetings and this and that and to get to the next part of our day which we all hate and we can't wait till we get home. Most of us spend our time maybe on our Facebook or on our phones or just looking at some sports and doing something different. This is the time we get our lunch break and we get our mind off of our work. Let's follow the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ that's missing. Right when our lunch break hits, pick up our phone. Call our wife. We can't go home because we'll probably not get back in time. Call our wife. Say I miss you, I love you, I'll see you soon. Call our children. Call her if we're not married and if we don't have children yet don't call her. Call your mother. Call your mother. Call your father. Get your mind off of things. Tell them how your day was going. That's what the Prophet was talking about his house. My day was like this, my day. Just tell them how your day is going and you'll notice in your life that just talking to these people, the elders, you might be stressed out. Your colleague might have said something. Your boss might have stressed you out. Just speaking to them, you'll blow off a lot of steam and you're following a sunnah so you're getting reward for it. So this is a habit that we can start developing in the afternoon time. Of course a habit was also qaylula, taking a nap. But taking a nap, we can't really do that. It's not practical for most of us who are working in the Western world or even throughout the world. But this habit, let's not forget it. Whenever we talk about the Prophet's afternoon, the first thing that comes to our mind is qaylula. That was at the end of everything. He would come home, relax with his family, talk to
them and then take a small nap and then go to the masjid. That's what he would do. You know the hadith that the Prophet says when he would come home he would participate in the housework and spend time with us and then when the mu'adhin would call adhan he would go to the masjid. This is about dhuhr salah. This time was dedicated for his family. So, let's make this our habit. Pick up our phone, FaceTime, whichever app we're using, call our wife, call our children, hey say I miss you, I'll see you soon. Looking at a beautiful baby or child will definitely help us relieve stress and the pressure of work. Calling our old mother and saying, mom make dua for me, I have a meeting in the afternoon. Letting her know, checking in on her. Checking in on her. How you doing? How's your health? This is a sunnah of the Prophet. Every time we do it, even though we're enjoying, we're talking to our spouse, we're talking, our wife is calling the husband, we're talking to our children, we're enjoying it. But this is also an ibadah, we're fulfilling a sunnah. Now that we know this, let's develop this habit in the month of Ramadan. Right now most of us are in quarantine but inshaAllah after the month of Ramadan when we get back to work, let's develop this habit, put it on our list of something we have to do on a daily basis and think of this as a sunnah and we'll get rewarded for it inshaAllah. JazakAllahu khair wa-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu.
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