
Juz' 14 with Dr. Tahir Wyatt | Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 2

Juz' 14’s Makkan surahs Surah Al-Hijr and Surah An-Nahl reaffirmed the Prophet ﷺ in his mission and warned those who continued to persecute the Muslims. These verses also helped nurture the faith of early Muslims learning about Islam for the first time. Dr. Tahir Wyatt joins Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro to reflect on the blessing of the Qur’an and having gratitude toward Him and the Message.

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That's everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah. We are joined once again by the one and only Shaykh Dr. Tahir Wyatt from Philly. Alhamdulillah. The first repeat guest twice on the weekend edition. Alhamdulillah. For Qur'an 30 for 30. How are you Shaykh Tahir? Alhamdulillah. How are you? May Allah bless you. Alhamdulillah. This weekend edition will not be an extended one inshallah. Careful, we're gonna hold ourselves to it. We're gonna go for 30 minutes. 30 for 30 inshallah. 30 for 30 for 30 minutes. There we go. Bismillah. Alright, now we got a challenge. Shaykh Abdullah, how are you doing? Alhamdulillah, I'm good. Good. Alhamdulillah, I'm very good. May Allah bless you. Hopefully the pre-recording where I just got like a double face palm. Shaykh Abdullah almost fell out of his chair. Maybe we'll get the footage and put it up later without the joke. Hopefully that wasn't caught on the stream though. But I think we did get it. InshaAllah khair. It's good to have you both back. Alhamdulillah. And a reminder to please download the Du'a Daybook that Dr. Tahir Alhamdulillah led the project on. Now it has commentary with it. Alhamdulillah. Some of the fawa'at, some of the gems. And subhanAllah it is extremely beneficial. Honestly, before you get into the last 10 nights in particular because people are thinking about the du'a to make in Wittir and some of the du'a to keep themselves going in the last 10 nights. Some of those small du'a subhanAllah that I had not pondered upon those ways. Really enjoying the books. JazakAllah khair, Shaykh Tahir, for that book, for that work. May Allah reward you and everyone who worked on it. Allahuma Ameen. And also download the Quran 30 for 30 companion guide, biidhnillah ta'ala. You can go to yaqeeninstitute.org. Find both e-books there, biidhnillah ta'ala. And let's get started inshaAllah ta'ala. We are now alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, I mean almost halfway through. We are in Juz 14.
Where you have Surat Al-Hijr and Surat Al-Nahl. Both once again Meccan surahs that came to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in the later phase. So you kind of have this portion now of the Quran that is later Meccan Quran one after the other. Surahs one after the other. That serve within the same theme of reaffirming the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, warning those that are about to lose the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam from Mecca after they have been persecuting him. And warning them of course of a punishment on the Day of Judgment and then also comforting the believers with the reward that will come to them and the promised victory in this life as well. So I want to go through Surat Al-Nahl. And I think subhanAllah there are some verses here to really focus on that have rich seerah backgrounds as well. Just very quickly verse 4. Now the surah actually starts off with them asking the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam about the Day of Judgment. Asking when is the hour and to show some signs of the hour. So Allah responds to them in that regard. And then verse 4 subhanAllah. Allah Azawajal says Khalaqa al-insana min nutfatin fa-itha huwa khasimun mubeen That Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala created man out of a mere drop of fluid and then look he turned into khasimun mubeen like an open, belligerent, argumentative person. And this is referring to according to many of the ilama Ubayy ibn Khalaf who was one of the opponents of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and also distinctly the only man ever killed by the hand of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam threw a spear his way as he was attacking on the day of Uhud. So this is referring to him according to many of the ilama a man who was just extremely nasty and think about what a distinction that you are the one person killed by the hand of rahmatan an'alamin a mercy to the worlds. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect us.
So this is according to many of the ilama referring to him how could you find yourself in such a state and look at what he has become in terms of his belligerent nature. So that is verse 4. Verse 41 and I'm kind of just going through these because I want to get to the verse I really want to speak about. Verse 41 wal ladheena haajaru fil laahi min ba'di maa dhulimu la nubawwi anahum fid dunya hasana wala ajru al aakhirati akbar law kanu ya'lamun A very beautiful verse that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says and as for those who have forsaken their homes for the sake of Allah after much persecution we certainly shall grant them a good abode in this world and surely the reward of the hereafter is much greater if only they knew. Like SubhanAllah what an excellent end that awaits them in the hereafter as well. And some of the scholars say that this actually is referring to the first muhajireen, the first that migrated the first group that migrated to Habasha, to Abyssinia because they were forced to leave their homes and they had suffered at that point all sorts of persecution and at the same time they're coming back and they're finding that things are not the same in Mecca and now they're on their way again for the preparation for the hijrah to Medina which is to come soon after. And so Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala promising those muhajireen, those that left everything behind that not only will they have a great reward in the hereafter but that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will grant them a good abode in this dunya and some of the scholars say this is a bushra, a glad tidings for Medina SubhanAllah, glad tidings for Medina and it also ties into what I know both Sheikh Abdullah and Dr. Tahir want to talk about tonight inshaAllah Ta'ala about that idea of goodness in this life and the next so a promise to them that not only will you have the reward for your hijrah but there is a place that you're going to migrate to in this world
that is going to offer you much goodness and much comfort. Now the ayah I really want to talk about SubhanAllah and we did talk about it last year from the tafsir perspective but this year in the words of Sheikh Abdullah we're doing tafsirah so this is verse 90 Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says InnaAllaha ya'muru bilAAadli walihsani waita'idhu alqurba wa yanhaa anilfahsha'i walmunkari walbaghi yaAAidhu kumlaAAallakum tathakkaroon Surely Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala enjoins justice, alAAadl walihsani, excellence and the doing of good Ita'idhu alqurba to those that are closest to you of your kin and Allah forbids all that is shameful and evil and oppressive and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala admonishes you or exhorts you so that you may be mindful. This is as Ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu says the most comprehensive verse in the Quran. This is the most comprehensive verse in the Quran and there's a reason why you will hear it or rather it is, I'm sorry, the most firm in establishing justice in the Quran and comprehensive in that sense. I mean so SubhanAllah lays the foundation for justice it lays the foundation for our interaction with Allah and for our interaction with the people as well and there's a reason why it became again popular to be repeated on the manabir on the pulpits on the day of Friday and I wanted to mention two incidents in regards to this from the seerah one of them is a chief by the name of Akhtham Ibn Saifi At-Tamimi so Akhtham was a chief who had heard about the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and he was a powerful man and when he heard about the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam he was from the outskirts he wanted to go visit the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam personally so that he could hear the message himself some of his people they said to him that you know it might be strange for you yourself as the chief to go travel to meet the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and to listen to him
so as a sign of nobility and as a sign of you know something that's more befitting to your dignity and to your station they said why don't you send some emissaries some ambassadors to go and listen to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam listen to this man Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam who's claiming to be a prophet and we'll report back to you what we hear so Akhtham sends these two men to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam two emissaries and they go to him and they say to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam who are you and what are you calling to and he says that I am Muhammad Ibn Abdullah and I am the servant of Allah and his messenger SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and then after that they asked the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam do you have anything for us to take back to our chief and the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam repeated this verse so he recited this verse Inna Allah ya'muru bil adli wal ihsan wa ita'atil qurba wa yanha'an al fahsha'i wal munkari wal baghi ya'idukum la'allakum tazakkaroon then after he said it they said to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and they were seemingly stunned by it right the beauty of it they said to Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam can you repeat it again and so he repeated it again and they kept asking the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to repeat it until they memorized the verse properly to go back and tell Akhtham what they had heard so they go back to Akhtham Ibn Saifi Atamimi and they say to him that we met Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and he said well what did you think about him what did he say when you asked him and they recited the verse to him and Akhtham immediately SubhanAllah he said this is a man that calls to makarim al akhlaq he calls to high morals and he forbids low values and he said to his people that I embrace his religion and all of us should embrace his religion and not lag behind like those that follow the camp later on SubhanAllah let us be from the sabiqoon even though this is later in Islam
let us be from the forerunners that as soon as we hear the message we embrace the message so Akhtham Ibn Saifi actually embraced Islam just on the basis of his two emissaries coming back and repeating this verse to him over and over again when they learned it from the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and SubhanAllah one of my favorite narrations and it matches our Ramadan series so please do remember this and one day InshaAllah Ta'ala I'll do a proper biography of this great companion Uthman Ibn Mad'un RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu Uthman Ibn Mad'un he says at the initial stage I embraced Islam because people around me said that it was the truth but Islam did not yet take its roots into my heart and SubhanAllah I'm gonna want Sheikh Tahir and Sheikh Abdullah to both comment on this with the experience of having embraced Islam he's actually talking about the journey of embracing Islam he said that you know I embraced it so it matched my intellect I knew it was true but it didn't really root itself in my heart yet this is a sahabi talking and then he said then I was with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam one day and all of a sudden you could tell that the signs of his receiving revelation were apparent to him and so after some time when you could see that he was receiving revelation SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said that the messenger of Allah meaning Jibreel Alaihi Wasallam came to me and this verse was revealed to me and he recited Inna Allah ya'muru bil adli wal ihsan wa ita'ilil qurba wa yanha AAani alfahsha'i wal munkari wal baghi yaAAidhukum laAAalukum tathakkaroon he recited the verse and Uthman ibn Mal'oon says that is when iman was established in my heart and that's when I truly began to love Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam SubhanAllah he said that's when I loved Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam that's when faith settled my heart and that's when the love of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam settled in my heart when he received this verse and I was with him when Jibreel Alaihi Wasallam brought this verse to him
SubhanAllah so it really matches and by the way there will be a whole episode about what it was like to be around Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam when he would receive revelation and to witness that so this is one of those incidents he said that's when I really loved him Alaihi Salatu Wasallam and iman was really firm in my heart like there is no way this is not divine revelation because of the power of that one verse finally just verse 106 Allah SubhanAllah says Man kafara billahi man ba'di imanihi illa man ukriha wa qalbuhu mutma'innun bil iman Allah SubhanAllah says except for those who are forced to engage in fighting Allah SubhanAllah mentions those who disbelieve in Allah after faith has come to them and then Allah says except for those who are forced to utter kufr forced to utter disbelief while their hearts were settled with iman this is referring to Ammar ibn Yasir radiAllahu ta'ala anhu according to many of the scholars we know that when the family of Yasir was tortured that Sumayya radiAllahu ta'ala anhu Ammar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu I'm sorry Sumayya and Yasir passed away as the first shuhada of Islam may Allah be pleased with them and Ammar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu uttered a statement against the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam just to escape persecution and Allah forgave him and the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam forgave him as well so inshAllah ta'ala with that I will open it up to Sheikh Tahir and then Sheikh Abdullah ibn Ilan we can go on Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu wassalam wa ala rasoolillah so I'm assuming you're talking about commenting on that last part correct and not delving into yes okay I would just say because of the personal nature of the journey to Islam it's very difficult to talk about that
especially publicly but there's no doubt that you know people accept Islam for different reasons and I mean even even when you look amongst the companions themselves they didn't all have the same journey to Islam even though they all wound up being you know people of strong faith and the best generation of this ummah and some people come to Islam emotionally and other people come to Islam intellectually that's just the reality of different people's journeys but subhanAllah there is no doubt that a person who stays firm in Islam will by Allah's will grow in Iman and feel you know the strength of that Iman at times much more than they probably had in the past and this is I mean this is just the reality of the increase of Iman or the increase and decrease of Iman that sometimes subhanAllah there are things that happen there are realities that hit there are pivotal moments there are you know mu'asim al khair like Ramadan like Hajj you know that really help a person grow in their faith and I think that you know perhaps the person who has accepted Islam may experience that a little bit differently from a person who was never without faith was never without Islam and Allah knows best but I mean and I plan on actually talking a little bit about this later on but even the Prophet peace be upon him there were times when his Iman increased like in Ramadan as we'll discuss in the day of Ta'ala so I don't think that that's something that's you know I think that that's something that we all experience but probably in different ways and Allah knows best JazakAllah Khair
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu Alhamdulillah ala nibbatul Islam you know we praise Allah subhanAllah He's blessed us with recognizing his oneness in all names and attributes and how he's unique and how he is there is nothing that is like him in any shape form or fashion and as I mentioned before in a couple of gatherings earlier that you know subhanAllah I think I told my masjid this last night or it was a couple of nights ago that I didn't come into Islam because someone was nice to me doesn't mean that we should not be nice or it doesn't mean that you know using that as a means to call people to the beautiful beautiful faith which we all are committed to inshallah at the utmost degree but I came into Islam because of that first pillar you know because of recognizing that Allah subhanAllah is the creator of the heavens and the earth and that necessitates something from all of us as creation I mean whether we you know we know subhanAllah that there is a maker and there is a deity but voluntary acknowledging that is a universal responsibility for those that Allah has deemed as responsible spiritually responsible so when looking at the issue of conversion or reversion or whatever you want to call it I always like to say that you know I don't split hairs over convert or revert because the revert if we look at the first pillar of Islam that was the fitrah and the natural inclination of the self that recognized that there was a maker and a creator but then you converted in your lifestyle and going to Mecca one time in your life and circumambulating around the Kaaba fasting 30 days as opposed to maybe fasting in Lent or you know fasting for health reasons you know it's more of a spiritual connection so that is the quote unquote conversion that one could call it
but when looking at this conversion of Islam or reversion we see with the companions I always like to remind myself and you all that subhanAllah yaqeen in and of itself in the name of certainty was there it's there for people that convert to Islam that were in a you know disbelieving faith or outlook in life or outlook in regards to God but that also may fall for those that call themselves Muslim and may fall for you know youth that never really never really understood what Tawheed really was never really understood Islamic monotheism and how it is different than other forms of quote unquote monotheism they never really understood it it was something that took place in their life a friend, a friend of the family reading about a story of the companions Ridwan Allahi Alaihim and seeing how the universal experience and the universal responsibility was fulfilled by these illustrious people Ridwan Allahi Alaihim therefore after we say their names we say RadhiAllahu Anhum Allah said RadhiAllahu Anhum wa Radhu Anhum so you know the whole concept of voluntarily acknowledging your creator and in trying your level best to show the utmost gratitude through the system and blueprint that he has brought through the prophets and lastly the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that is what will bless someone with a good life and that's the transition to my verse in the chapter of An-Nahl chapter number 16 where Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says in the verse number 97 and many of us may have heard this verse and understand this verse but it's firstly no problem with At-Tiqra it can be the meaning of Tiqra or repeating this beautiful beautiful words of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala when he talks about people that sell their life sell the next the afterlife for this life in regards to swearing by his name for some worldly benefit
he speaks about that in earlier verses but he concludes this subject matter with verse number 97 when he says after Audhu Billahi minash shaitanir rajim man amila salihan min dhakirin aw untha wa huwa mu'min falanuhiyannahu hayatan tayyiba walanajiziyannahum ajrahum bi ahsani maa kano ya'manoon Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says here whoever works righteousness whether male or female while he is a true believer in monotheism verily we will give him or her a good life so let's stop here for a minute Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says it's at what they call a conditional sentence jumlatun shurqiyya so with the conditional sentence there is a verb that is requested by Allah or there is a verb that is mentioned that is virtuous or not virtuous and if one does that thing implements that verb that is mentioned the reward for that whether good or bad will be mentioned after that clean your room you will receive money pray inshallah you know this will be accepted right so the action is clean and pray so here Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says man amila salihan min dhakirin aw untha whoever does a good deed or whoever does good deeds or works righteousness and salihan here means al jilsi the action of righteousness whoever does the action of righteousness and he is a male or female wahoo a mu'min and here she is a believer he makes this caveat that there is someone that voluntarily believes in the one that they are doing the actions for because in Islam I'm a lens all in hand is the Amal that is much less than enough it is an action that you are doing for the sake of Allah ultimately so if I hold the door open for someone that can be an action that I receive a reward from Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala if my intention is being courteous to one of the creations of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala and receiving reward for helping out another person so Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala makes that caveat here
wahoo a mu'min then he makes a promise and in the linguistic form he uses two forms of surety here but he says a fella no he yen no hi Atan play but then verily we will bless them with a good life but the word life here you know in English does not do justice to the word hi Aten play Eva as many scholars have mentioned many scholars have mentioned that they have said you know hi Aten play by Zimno play matches hi Aten who hi Aten who can be the key to the last subhanahu wa'ta'ala it is bringing life to the heart of the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala and that remembrance is play even and that is a good remembrance that when the heart is brought life that is the life that can never be distinguished be in the lights on it is the life of remembering Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala remembering your Creator and trying your best to do the I'm an unsullied hand the good deeds other scholars have mentioned it as pana contentment how many times have we seen people that we may have looked up to in this life from people that may be famous or things of that nature but we see they have what many people may desire from the tangible items but on top of it all they're still emotionally distraught on top of it all there is no spiritual rejuvenation there is no spirituality at all because they may not even believe in a creator but Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala here is saying hi Aten play Eva the one that does the good deeds and tries their best to do the arm and Sully Han they will be emotionally rejuvenated emotionally nourished spiritually nourished and even physically nourished and this is something that is important because when we look at the movement the movement is the one it comes from the word Iman that Iman they find a level of security because for lack of better words is translated as faith as a prophecy
Allah who I lay was selling he says in a beautiful hadith where he says I saw a little movement in the umbrella who could let who let who care well a sadality illa little movement he says I am amazed it is amazing the situation of the movement his or her situation every situation that they may encounter is good and that is not except for the movement see he makes a caveat here so a lot of something he said this is nothing is not except for the believer in a saw who in a saw who a saw shaka for who I don't know when a saw who the raw suburb who I don't know the process I'm said if anything that was would make him or her happy was to afflict them or it was to happen to them they are thankful and they are thankful and that's better for them and if something that they did not anticipate was to happen they're thankful and that is better for them how can that be because the Iman in Allah is Iman be asma'ihi wa sifati you believe in his names and attributes and the only way you can firmly believe in the names and attributes is to voluntarily learn about them to know what they mean and the actualization of that in your life generally as human beings in all of creation and particularly through your encounters Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala continues on here where he says wa la najiziyan hum ajrahum bi ahsani ma kanu ya'madoon so the first portion is hayatun tayyibah as a lot of scholars mentioned that it is in this life he blesses you with contentment in this life the contentment that when you after you're done praying you say astaghfirullah astaghfirullah astaghfirullah for those of you that come after work and you say astaghfirullah praying asr in the masjid you made the effort to get out of traffic you go to the masjid and you feel this sense of tranquility after giving Allah his due
right and being proud and happy and feeling at ease when doing that because you voluntarily love Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala then Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says and then we will reward them and we shall pay them certainly with a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do and that is a paradise as some scholars mentioned the hayatun tayyibah the good life is in this life with contentment with being pleased with what is in front of them and being pleased whatever they encounter with which with whatever they encounter and then the reward in the next life so that contentment in doing actions of khair and I want to conclude by a beautiful concept that subhanAllah Ibn Rajab brings in regards to gratitude you know where Ibn Rajab talks about the concept of gratitude when we look at ibadah when you thank Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for something you think of something you've been given you say alhamdulillah you thank Allah for that the fact that you thought about that was a blessing and because you thanked Allah for that that is a good deed so you will be rewarded again by thanking him again and when you thank him again you will be rewarded for that act of a good deed so the good deed you will receive a reward for every good deed you do and that's the process that's the process but when we leave the shukr or even being more general we leave the remembrance of Allah that is when our tongues will be busy with other than the remembrance of Allah and our hearts will be busy with other than the remembrance of its creator and that's where the heart can be in a coma and eventually die and be of the dead hearts may Allah subhanAllah protect us from that and I want to leave us with the statement that Ibn Qayyim used to mention in his book and you find that scholars do this in the introduction he would say rahim Allah ta'ala asallah and you say to make you of those he said I ask you I ask Allah to make you of those that if they were
given they are thankful and if they were tested they are patient and if they were to commit a sin they seek forgiveness and he says and these three is the sign or the attributes of happiness may Allah subhanAllah make us of those that are happy in this life to be with him and the Prophet shallallahu alayhi wa sallam filh in the next inshallah JazakAllah khair, I'm gonna immediately just ask Sheikh Tahir to pick it up from there inshallah Fadla Sheikh Tahir Alhamdulillah that was beautiful and I think that the the issue of shukr is is critical for us and bi-idni Allah ta'ala we're going to look at one of the things that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala instructed the Prophet shalallahu alayhi wa salam to be thankful for and it really is difficult when we're talking about an entire juice of the Quran to pick one ayah or one group of ayat to discuss over others because subhanAllah I mean there's so much the Quran is so rich and the speech of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is infinitely amazing and every time we go back we find something else that we didn't see before subhanAllah but since this is the month of Ramadan the month in which the Quran was revealed and the month in which we increase in our recitation of the Quran I think it's good to be reminded of often of the blessing of the Quran itself and how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala frequently reminded the Prophet shalallahu alayhi wa salam of this blessing this happens several times the reminder of the blessing of the Quran happens several times in this juice the 14th juice of the Quran and I'm going to focus on the statement of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
in surat al hijab which is the 15th chapter in the Quran in the 87th ayah when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says to the Prophet shallahu alayhi wa salam wa laqad ateinaka sab3a'm min al mathani wa al quran al azeem we have given you certainly granted you the seven oft repeated and many times if you look at the translation you'll find it says right there verses but I'll talk about that in a second so we have granted you the seven oft repeated and the glorious Quran so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala here mentions this great favor to the Prophet shallahu alayhi wa salam the specific gift of the seven oft repeated which the scholars differ over does this refer to the seven long surahs of the Quran starting with Baqarah or does this refer to surat al-fatiha and there either way we're still talking about the Quran but the seven oft repeated even it comes in several ahadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam for example when he told one of the companions I'm going to teach you the greatest surah from the Quran it is um al-quran surat al-fatiha wa hiya al sab3a'm mathani this is the seven oft repeated that I have been given by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala here and then and then there that's the specific which is a sab3a'm mathani the seven oft repeated and we have given you and granted you the glorious Quran subhanAllah some of the scholars mentioned that Allah did not say we revealed to you here or we sent down to you he said we gave you so that there is the feeling that this is a great blessing and a great gift from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and indeed it is immediately after that immediately after
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what he gave him he then says la tumudanna aynayka ila ma matta'na bihi azwajil minhum wala tahzan alayhim wakfil janahaka lil mu'mineen Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then says so don't look at don't turn your eyes longingly right towards what we have given some of them to enjoy and do not grieve over them and lower your wing of humility for the believers here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reminds the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of this gift of the Quran then he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do not long for people's material possessions don't allow that to distract you from the bigger picture now interestingly if we just go back a couple ayahs right this is the 87th and 88th ayah we're talking about if we go back to the 85th ayah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says huma khalaqana al samawati wal arda wa ma baynahuma illa bil haqq we have not created the heavens and the earth except in truth meaning except with purpose we did not create heavens and the earth in vain wa inna al sa'ata la aatiya and the hour surely will come and what do we get out of this Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that put everything into perspective right don't look at the dunya as a measure of success I think this is very important for every believer so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives the dunya to those whom he loves and to those whom he does not love he gives them he gives the dunya to people who are guided in his believing service and he gives it to those who reject
faith that's that's a person's test but as for the Quran then this is the greatest gift from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the sabba and methany as the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam said those seven oft repeated there is nothing that has been revealed in the Torah or the Gospels that resembles surat al-fatiha so the reality is is that this is that great gift from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if you have the Quran and you're blessed to recite it and to know its meanings and to memorize it and ponder over it then that is the gift that makes you truly rich so don't look to what other people have because Allah has blessed you with the Quran and this is for every believer subhanAllah that if Allah azawajal blesses us to be from the people of the Quran then there's nothing else that we can or should desire from what other people have it is that gift and in the Quran that satisfies the cravings of the soul and nourishes the heart and this directly makes a person increase in generosity when you feel rich inside right when you are content and you feel rich inside then it makes what you have in your hand a lot less valuable to you and a lot easier for you to be open-handed and generous and give it away so how does this relate to the month of Ramadan because it ties directly into an observation that was made by a very young man at the time the younger cousin of the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam Ibn Abbas radiallahu ta'ala anhuma what did he say about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam's generosity he said that kana and the be you salallahu alayhi wasalam a edge with in this the
promise of Allah was Salam was the most generous of all people this was all of the time this is how he described the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam but then he said well edge with umayah kunu fee Ramadan but he was at his peak of generosity in the month of Ramadan heena yelko who Jibril wakana Jibril alayhi salam yelko who fee Kuli Layla tin mirama dine he said he was at his peak of generosity in Ramadan when he would meet Jibril alayhi salam and Jibril would come to meet him every night for you daddy so who Quran and they would study the Quran or the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam would present the Quran to him and study that Quran with him and then even our best described the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam by saying for the Rasul Allah salallahu alayhi wasalam edge with Bilkhari mena be he and more Salah and so the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam was more generous with goodness than a swift wind now subhanAllah obviously we don't have enough time to go into some of the miraculous aspects of this hadith or how even our best described the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam as being more generous than a swift wind because I mean for a lot of us maybe we don't make that connection but but in agricultural societies like they were when they were living in living in Medina they understand the importance of the wind and how the wind in fact carries the seeds of certain plants to other areas so that they can grow right so what's happening actually is that the wind helps these objects that cannot help themselves subhanAllah so it's it's like he's describing the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam as this swift wind and notice that he says a piece and more Salah so so the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is also quick to do good and he's doing good for people who
otherwise could not do good for themselves and his good was general it hit everything like the wind the wind is not just in one place if it's coming it's going to benefit the society as a whole if it in fact is a beneficial wind and not a wind that is bringing the punishment of Allah subhana who what I mean that being said what I want to pull out of this here is that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam increased in generosity in Ramadan right yes because of the the time itself and because of the importance of Ramadan but also because he was studying the Quran with Jabril alayhi salam so there was an increased feeling of gratitude for the revelation of the Quran and this gift of the Quran and as Ibn Hajar rahim Allah said there was also that renewal of a feeling of contentment and internal richness and richness is one of those things when you feel rich it's one of those things that leads to generosity that being said I think that it is important for us as a takeaway from these ayat that we also increase in our gratitude for the Quran and we can do that in this month when we talk about gratitude shukr right shukr has these three pillars or three essential elements of shukr one that we we recognize it in our hearts we acknowledge that gift and so we should be thoughtful in our acknowledgement of the gift of the book of Allah subhana wa ta'ala as a guidance for mankind and we should talk about it we should mention it on our tongues praising Allah subhana wa ta'ala and mentioning it mentioning the importance of the Quran to other people this is one of the ways
that we show gratitude without this in fact our gratitude is is questionable and it's definitely deficient but then there's also shukr with the limbs and how do we thank Allah subhana wa ta'ala how do we increase in our gratitude for the Quran we adhere to its commands and its prohibitions we increase in our study of the Quran reading and listening to the Quran and reading the tafsir pondering over the meanings of the Quran and making the Quran the source of our guidance making it our our first resort not the last resort right so it's very important that we this is one of the major takeaways from this ayat that Allah subhana wa ta'ala is mentioned this blessing to the Prophet alayhi salatu wassalam I think that the other takeaway for us is the kind of shift focus right perhaps even we have to do a shift in our worldview of how we measure success and that we begin begin to live a a life that is hereafter centric a life where we use the worldly gifts that Allah subhana wa ta'ala has given us to draw closer to him and which our focus is his pleasure and one which we are not yani a life in which we are not deluded by the worldly possessions that other people have and we use this time that we have on earth to grow in our understanding of Allah subhana wa ta'ala's book and to thank him for the final revelation Jazakallahu khayran Dr. Taha for those beautiful reflections SubhanAllah I wish I would have spoke to you before I recorded the Ramadan series got some more gems from you on that that hadith about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam's generosity in Ramadan truly you know subhanAllah did not think about
the context of Medina and what that meant and and some of the other gems the fawad we can extract from that may Allah subhana wa ta'ala allow us to live up to that as well may Allah make us people of the Quran and allow us to bring this Quran into our lives and let it be the spring of our hearts let it be our source of guidance and our first resort in happiness and in sadness let it be our our guidebook back to him Allahumma ameen Jazakallahu khayran Sheikh Tahir beautiful reflections inshallah ta'ala I'm gonna remind everyone once again download the books the dua a day the Quran 30 for 30 companion guide and please do support the Qayn Institute with your generosity binna na'i ta'ala as well as all the other good efforts that are out there good projects that are out there may Allah bless you all and reward you all Jazakallahu khayran Sheikh Tahir again it's great having you Jazakallahu khayran and how a lot of people don't realize you know the the vast number of people who've experienced trauma and that they don't realize that what they personally have experienced could fall under the umbrella of trauma too you know I'm I've been a clinician for a long time you have been also reading it is very complicated it's very very hard to understand and so I one day I was driving I was like you know Allah just show me an easy way for us to link psychology and trauma and I was like panal like students of the hat is the perfect example and it's so easy for people understand you know and it it really it hits trauma from a clinical perspective on all different levels and so we are so happy for people to be able to see that throughout the series
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