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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz' 23 with Ust. Ieasha Prime | Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 2

Every single human must face trials and tribulations in their lifetime, and the prophets faced the most severe ones. Ustadha Ieasha Prime joins Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro to reflect on juz 23 in light of those hardships. They discuss the qualities that make believers different, why the du’a from Yunus (pbuh) is so beautiful, and the value of tawbah, especially in these last ten nights of Ramadan.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah wa barak to all of you in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. So reminding you all, biidhnillahi ta'ala, to please keep us in your du'a and inshallah ta'ala to also consider Yaqeen amongst your last 10 night donations biidhnillahi ta'ala and of course to follow all the resources we have at yaqeeninstitute.org slash ramadan to benefit and alhamdulillah tonight we have a very special guest and when I say very special alhamdulillah that's no exaggeration ustada A'isha prime alhamdulillah you can read her multiple bios, her lengthy bios, resident scholar at Dar al-Hijrah and you know her work with different organizations with Manna, I know very recently with Imam Zaid alhamdulillah and of course at Yaqeen but beyond that I've known ustada A'isha alhamdulillah now for close to two decades alhamdulillah going back to the days in New Orleans. So she is from New Orleans, not from New Orleans, I like to claim it but she lived in New Orleans for some time alhamdulillah rabbi ameen actually when I was in New Orleans at Mazda wabakir ustada A'isha was giving classes there alhamdulillah rabbil alameen as well in the same masjid and alhamdulillah a dear family friend as well and just want to welcome you ustada A'isha, welcome to the show. Jazakumullah alfay, thank you so much for that warm welcome. Allah ibadakiki. Now I'm going to ask you to do this, so I'm going to ask you two questions one of them is going to be a little bit longer and then we'll get into the Quran inshallah ta'ala but I have not known the story of your name until very recently. I assume that when you embraced Islam you changed your name to A'isha and subhanAllah when you were talking about it recently the actual way that you had the name A'isha it really moved me subhanAllah and I think it moved a lot of people so I actually want you to share that story before we get started with the night ta'ala about how you took the name A'isha or how the name A'isha was
given to you. Yes so alhamdulillah there um long story short my mother uh her you know since I was young she would tell me stories about the man who delivered me and how you know she just respected him and how you know just his character and how he made an impression upon her Dr. Mujaddedi and so she would tell me the story about when I was born uh Dr. Mujaddedi asked if he could uh if he could just hold me and you know say a little prayer in my ear and so she gave him permission so it wasn't long after that um actually some somewhere in that process uh my father came in and my aunt and my father always debate about who was the first uh to to do this but my father came in singing the Stevie Wonder song Isn't She Lovely Life Is A'isha and so uh he came in singing that and uh Dr. Mujaddedi and so my father was like A'isha my aunt was like A'isha and Dr. Mujaddedi was like A'isha is a good name and so uh that's how I got the name A'isha yeah and you know you said subhanAllah you had such good character and and you know your mother would always talk about him and inshallah you want to meet him inshallah time you know something that's been the night time you're just talking about trying before we got started you know inshallah planning to meet him in the night time in his old age and subhanAllah you never know who you who your good example will inspire and um you know that where that seed will be planted and um I'm sure he's very proud I'm sure he's caught a program of you inshallah so Dr. Mujaddedi if you're watching this alhamdulillah I hope you I hope you you realize subhanAllah that the person that you deliver alhamdulillah is a great gem to our community alhamdulillah may Allah bless bless you A'isha and bless uh bless him and bless bless your whole family so the second question is what is what was your favorite I know it's Ramadan
we're fasting favorite po'boy joint in uh New Orleans tell us where your favorite po'boy is in New Orleans I want to so so people know when they take a vacation to New Orleans you know I'm not even sure I could say that I have a favorite one um I mean you do like po'boys right yeah shrimp po'boys are definitely my favorite but I'm not sure um I could say that I have a favorite one um other than you know I would just say any time that master Rahim right is cooking fish fry um but I can't say that I have a specific po'boy spot right I agree master Rahim is as good as any restaurant you'll see um in in downtown New Orleans alhamdulillah may Allah bless you I'm Rafiq in that community that's an amazing community serving the people and we're serving the people after Katrina very well in in the inner cities as well well it's a pleasure to have you and Sheikh Abdullah how you doing today I'm good alhamdulillah happy to be here and remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala how are the last how are the last 10 looking for you alhamdulillah just got to keep the schedule right you know I'm saying just make sure we know ourselves and our capabilities but still at the same time do jihad enough and strive for the next the next version of ourselves you know Sheikh we only got a week left man subhanAllah week left of doing these programs and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless bless you for all that you've been doing and reward you and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward everyone that's been tuning in so regularly but subhanAllah it's really starting to settle in we got a week left of this subhanAllah jameer and all of us and you know I just want to make a small you know subhanAllah reminder is that the people behind the scenes as you always do mashallah but it's important that we remember the people that are behind the scenes from the logistics we just come sit down and press a button you know it's a lot of
people in yakin outside of yakin other organizations that are taking it upon themselves and you don't see them you don't know their names but subhanAllah just to remind all of you out there that are dealing with the logistics of any of these events that you reward us with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and don't ever don't ever forget that inshallah may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless them all Jazakumullah khair tayyib bismillah wa alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala so in this juz and I remind everyone to go to the companion guide inshallah ta'ala for quran 30 for 30 that gives the structures but I know what I want to focus on inshallah ta'ala is the comparisons that are made in this juz particularly when you get to surat az-zumar surat az-zumar is the is literally a surah that constantly portrays two camps of people it portrays all the way to the end of the surah you know the very famous verses wasiqa alladina taqaw rabbahum idha aljannati zumara where it gets its name from gets its name from the the arrival of the people of paradise to the gates of paradise versus the arrival of the people of hellfire to the gates of hellfire may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not make us amongst them Allahumma ameen the the uh the people of despair versus the people of hope in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the people who strive versus the people who are lazy I mean it is comparison after comparison after comparison those that worship Allah those that worship the idols so you just constantly have these categories and I know that ustada Aisha inshallah ta'ala is also going to be reflecting on a similar theme and so I'm going to just look at the actual names that the ayat were revealed in regards to according to a large group of the mufassirun so we'll start actually with verse 17 and verse 18 where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions wal ladheena ijtanabu taagoot an ya'buduha wa anabu ila Allah lahumu al bushra fa bashir ibad Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says those
those that have gone away from serving a taagoot which means all false gods and they turn to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh sincerely anabu ila Allah I remember the very famous verse in surat az-zumar qul ya ibadiyya ladheena asrafoo ala anfusihim la taqmatoo min rahmatillah inna Allah yakhfiroo dhunuba jami'a inna huwa alghafoor raheem wa anibu Allah calls us turn back to Allah turn back to your Lord wa aslimoo lah and submit yourself to him so these are the people that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions anabu ila Allah they turn back to Allah and they have the glad tidings so give glad tidings to my servants according to the mufassirun this is referring to those that became Muslim or those that embraced the monotheism the message of pure monotheism before the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam received revelation so if you've been following the series on the firsts this is referring to zayd ibn aamir ibn nufayl radiallahu ta'ala anhu who died before the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam received revelation but the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam mentioned on the day of judgment he will be an ummah all by himself this is referring to waraq ibn nufayl this is referring to salman al-farsi radiallahu ta'ala anhum ajma'een so it's referring to those people that were monotheists prior to the clear message coming down to the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam so they were following the best of what was coming to them from the people of the book and that's why you know they mentioned that the next verse verse number 18 allatheena yastami'oonal qawl fayattabi'oonah ahsana olaika allatheena hadahumullah wa olaika hum ulool albaab those are the ones who pay heed to what is said and they follow the best of it so some of the scholars mentioned here that what was unique about that group of people is that they weren't dealing with you know the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam as a clear prophet at the time they weren't dealing with a clear revelation they were dealing with what they could decipher from the true message
of jesus peace be upon him the true message of isa alaihi wasallam at the time when there was such dispute and difference over what isa alaihi wasallam represented and who the people of the book were supposed to be and what monotheism was so they were listening they were studying what was coming to them through the people of the book but their hearts were so pure their pursuits were so sincere that they were arriving at tawhid they were arriving at monotheism they were arriving at the pure message even before its most pristine version came through the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam after they had already embraced monotheism so allah reminds them olaika allatheena hadahumullah this was allah guiding them and walladheena jahadu feena lanahdi annahum saboolana those that strive in life in in seeking allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allah will guide them so allah was guiding them and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says wa olaika hum ulu albaab these are people of pure thought one thing that the mufassirun also point out is at-tawhud here refers to the shaitan and refers to any worship of anything beside allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so if you remember when ibrahim alayhi as-salam was speaking to his father ya abati la ta'wud ash-shaitan oh my father do not worship the shaitan and of course his father was making and worshipping idols so uh you know ta'wud is singular but it refers to anything that is worshipped besides allah subhanahu wa ta'ala which is the delusion of shaitan and then here you have uh again those people that were able to see through all of that delusion all that confusion due to their sincerity and uh and strive so that's the first group of people the sincere strivers and then verse 22 just a few verses uh later another uh comparison afaman sharaha allahu sadrahu lil islam fa huwa ala noorin min rabbihi fa waylun lil qasiyati qulubuhum min dhikri allah ulaika fee dalalin mubeen are those whose chests opened up for islam and who are illuminated by a light from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to be likened to to other
than them so woe to those whose hearts were further hardened after allah's reminder came such are people in plain and clear error so this is now after the revelation was clear and you had those whose hearts were further hardened who only went farther away and if those of you that have been following the last two nights the reflections on the thawa'id of ibn al-qayyim rahim Allah this was the first reflection of ibn al-qayyim rahim Allah ta'ala uh the the verse in surah qaaf where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh mentions um uh that um those um uh laahu qalbun aw alqas samaa wa huwa shaheed uh the the dhikr the reminder coming to the one who has a heart and who gives their full attention while they are witnessing the revelation from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so al qasiyati qulubuhum uh allah says woe to those who have hard hearts from the dhikr that only increased them in disease and they are in clear error the scholars say this comparison now is between abu lahab and his sons and hamza and ali radi allahu ta'ala anhum why because abu lahab was speaking about the lost ones of banu hashim and he was speaking about ali and hamza may allah be pleased with them and how lowly they were how they turned their backs on banu hashim and how they were not equal anymore to the rest of banu hashim they did not deserve the uh the good uh character or the uh the good standing in society because they had turned their backs on banu hashim and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying you think that these people ali and hamza are equal to abu lahab and his sons right those that after guidance became clear so building on the verses prior increased in faith and they were illuminated by that light from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala whereas tabbat yada abu lahab what a what a humiliated man abu lahab is and those that sought to obstruct that light finally bidun ahi ta'ala verse 53 the most famous verse in the surah
say oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves do not despair from the mercy of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala verily allah forgives all sins and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is a full rahim all forgiving most merciful this was revealed in response to particularly two men that represented a larger group um there was a man by the name of hisham ibn abu la even ibn al-as hisham ibn al-as was detained in mecca prior to the hijrah and forced to renounce his religion under persecution and then you had aiyash ibn abu rabi'a who was the half brother of abu jahl and aiyash ibn abu rabi'a was on his way out with umar bin khattab radi allah ta'ala anhu and abu jahl came to aiyash and he told aiyash radi allah ta'ala anhu look your mother is in great distress in mecca come back to her we're not going to harm you but you need to ease her so aiyash was guilted to go back to mecca to see his mother who had uh who had taken up a hunger strike due to his excessive and his accepting islam and abu jahl promised you know and his half brother promised and those that were with him promised they wouldn't do anything to him um radi allah who sniffed he he smelled that this was a funny plot right he knew this was funny so um radi allah ta'ala anhu actually had given aiyash his best camel and he basically told him instructions how to escape if they betray him because he felt like they were going to betray him and indeed they betrayed him on the way back they captured him and they beat him and forced him to renounce his religion and subhanallah you know aiyash and hisham ibn al-as were in mecca at this point having apostated not because they wanted to but because they were forced to and they wondered if there was a way back to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so allah was saying to them and to everyone by extension those that had committed many sins and
ignorance and those that had even gone to kufr under persecution that they had a path back to allah so this represented broader the mufassirun said the meccans who had a lot of sins in jahiliyya a lot of sins in the day of ignorance and they were afraid that allah would not forgive them and these two men in particular who were afraid that allah would not forgive them now you may have heard this story many times by the way but subhanallah one thing that i'll mention that i don't think i've mentioned before which i think is significant is aiyash radi allahu ta'ala anhu not only heard the message and came back to the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and became a muslim but he died a shaheed in the battle of yarmouk he actually died a very heroic death as a martyr so you've despaired you've gone far away come back to allah allah will forgive you turn back to him and submit yourself and you will see what transpires of the mercy of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so he made you know of course this was all under persecution in the first place but a comparison once again from those who despair and remain in despair to those who turn back to allah and who avail themselves of the forgiveness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and then exert themselves uh for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and with that inshallah we're actually going to turn to ustada aisha because the verse she's actually reflecting on uh literally speaks to the exact same theme uh verse number nine um amman huwa qanitun ana'id layt saajidan wa qa'ima yahzirul aakhira wa yarjoo rahmat rabbi qul hal yastawil ladheena ya'lamuna wa ladheena la ya'lamun innama yatadhakkaru ulool albaab so i'll turn it over inshallah to ustada aisha bidna to share any reflections she'd like inshallah ta'ala on that verse and of course anything else that she'd like to reflect upon Jazakumullah khair Jazakumullah khair in looking at this uh particular ayat that uh sheikh omar just mentioned i'll just give the translation inshallah so it says is one who worships devoutly during the hours of the night prostrating himself for standing in adoration who takes heed of the hereafter and who places his hope
in the mercy of his lord like one who does not say are those equal those who know and those who do not know it is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition and as sheikh omar just mentioned how allah subhana wa ta'ala throughout this surah are comparing those who believe right by even though they're tried right even though they've been tried uh they still come to belief they don't allow their faith to become trauma informed they don't allow their their trauma or the things the hardships that they endure to be something sorry that removes their faith from them but in many cases they actually allow those trials to become something by which they become closer to allah subhana wa ta'ala as opposed to in other in other cases those that um are tried with uh with wealth right that they have a certain status and instead of being grateful to allah azza wa jal it becomes a means by which they become arrogant or hard-hearted or feel a deep sense of entitlement and so throughout this surah allah azza wa jal gives us examples of the anbiya um in addition to as as uh sheikh omar he gave us the background story and in terms of the the ayat that it's relating to the sahaba allah azza wa jal also begins to talk about the different prophets of allah that were tried uh with different aspects of of um different aspects of the world so for example in the case of da'ul or sulaiman like in they are tried with wealth and power right and many times that um when people are endued with wealth or in power it becomes something uh that it becomes not just a sense of entitlement but a deep sense of arrogance right a deep sense of um that they have the right to be in power or
to subdue other people many times leading uh to to tyranny and oppression right but allah subhana wa ta'ala is showing us in the case of da'ul alayhi salam or sulaiman alayhi salam that actually right wealth is something that we should use to become nearer and closer to allah azza wa jal something inshallah we we living in the states should become very familiar with during these days of ramadan that our wealth or whatever uh you know is given to us should be given back to allah right as we know that in the case of abu bakr siddique that his wealth became something that he used his junya for the akhira right and then uh other cases where allah azza wa jal is mentioning in this same juz about prophet ayub right and how he's actually tested with the loss of his wealth right the loss of his provision the loss of his family and even the loss of his health right and people are saying to him you should curse allah right you should curse allah you should leave this religion and i want us to reflect because many times when you find people who have turned to atheism or who've turned away from religion in general they are people who have experienced some level of life's hardships and they say well you know someone in my family died or and where was god when that happened or where was god when this terrible event happened to me but being able to recognize the power of allah even in the hardship to be able to recognize the moment where allah azza wa jal was saving you sometimes from something worse or that he was protecting your heart um even during someone else's dhulm or harm or that allah azza wa jal was still taking care of you that he was merciful that it takes a certain kind of nurul iman it
takes a certain kind of light in one's heart to be able to see allah in a hardship and so this you know comes into that example of prophet ayub sometimes we're tried with our reputation because of our faith right many times we're saying well you know because i'm a muslim or because i have faith you know people have persecuted or discriminated against me or said bad things about me of course in all the cases of islamophobia and so forth and so you know people have been ridiculed and whatnot so sometimes people begin to feel like you know why am i being ridiculed for my faith god should defend me right without recognizing in the case of for example like prophet noah that he's ridiculed called a madman even our beloved messenger of allah that sometimes your reputation is in question because of your faith but this shouldn't be something that diminishes our light this isn't something that should cause us to become a renegade of mahwardeen in fact it should be something that throws us closer to allah azza wa jal and say ya allah despite what the people say about me that they are not the ones who created me they're not the ones that i'm going to return back to right that so i don't know a lot you're the one who created me who provides for me who takes care of me who protects me that should be something that throws us further until the in front of allah's door right it should be something that brings us closer to allah as a wajal so in looking at the ayat uh that shiqh omar he mentioned right that those that you know i'm and who are going to turn on that i'll lay the sage again what are you man yes doodle akira to a young joe rahmata rabbi cool hell yes the will that be a limona well that even i a m
in the maya that guru allul al bad like in at these particular nights in the nights of ramadan we find ourselves standing in the night worshiping allah doing our best to be amongst those that are considered to be devoted like a lot and the the reward for that the reward for saying y'all i've been tried right i've been tried with my wealth or lack thereof i've been tried with position or lack thereof i've been tried with being ridiculed right but those who are able to throw that behind them right and say allahu akbar and stand in the late hours of the night crying out to allah raising their hands and asking yara be right take care of me provide for me yeah and mohamed uh protect me and aziz give me victory over my enemies who are asking to be firm upon the sunnah of the prophet and they set out to waslam who are asking for increase in their faith they're not equal to those who fall by the wayside they're not equal their reward is not equal their dunya won't be equal their akhira won't be equal like allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as he talks about fasting is mine and i reward him right allah is saying fasting is mine and i rewarded which means you won't be able to count the ajar of allah even for one night if we reach laylah subhanallah one night will be better than a thousand months subhanallah there's no reward like allah so i'll close out on this inshallah what
it reminds me about this particular verse how do we keep the faith how do we become those people who are devout no matter what right how do we uh become those people that no matter the circumstance we find ourselves um completely in devotion of allah standing with khushu consistent and constant with istiqama and moving forward progressing on this path be found amongst those who contemplate a lot often as mentioned in this ayah be firm be amongst those who are found being grateful to allah right be those that are found reflecting on allah as a which helps creation and as a result his greatness be found amongst those who are reflecting upon the reality of death in the akhira the reality that this dunya will end that all these tests and trials eventually it's coming to an end and it's our lord that we will return to may allah may allah honor us with his acceptance may we be amongst those that he welcomes into his jannah because we were devout and steadfast Jazakumullahu khairan wa salamu alaikum wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barak allahu fiki astaghfirullah absolutely beautiful reflection subhanallah and we expect it no less than to be shaken by what you would share with us may allah reward you and increase you subhanallah just a reflection isn't it interesting that qanit with a ta is someone standing up at night and praying and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying that that person is not equal and then allah says la taqnatu with a ta qanit with a ta is one who despairs in allah so the one who is deeply devout standing in front of allah at night is from the qanitin and the one who despairs that allah warns us not to be is from those taqnatu min rahmatillah may allah protect us from being amongst those that ever despair in his mercy
as much as we're always standing in devotion allahumma ameen Jazakumullahu khairan Shaykh Abdullah Bismillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah bil alameen May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward you for those beautiful insights and touching it you know with reality and what we face as human beings and kind of even mentioning some of the statements that go on with inside of ourselves uh within this month of ramadan and outside of this month of ramadan but what i want to really talk about subhanallah is you know another statement that hopefully we will say within ourselves this ramadan and it's the statement of yunus alayhi salam allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives a small story of yunus alayhi salam jonah and his name is yunus ibn matta and he was known to be of the people that were called to bani israel and subhanallah allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the chapter of saffat verse number 139 to roughly 142 allah subhanahu wa ta'ala speaks about yunus alayhi salam and this chapter of saffat he touches about talks about a number of prophets but there's one beautiful lesson here that i want are a couple of beautiful lessons that i want to extract from these verses that speak about the story of yunus alayhi salam which is mentioned in other verses such as al-anbiya as well and it's where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala starts off by telling the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to remind the people of yunus so if allah is telling the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam then it is definitely for us to remind ourselves as we are doing today in the majlis of zikr and the sitting of remembrance of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to remind you about yunus alayhi salam allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says if they are the regime so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says and yunus was from the ones that were sent he was from the
mursaleen he was the one that was given a risalah and the risalah is a risalah of tawhid risalah tawhidiyah that he was given to tell the people about allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the people that yunus alayhi salam was ordered to tell were the people that subhanallah did not accept his message did not accept his message message at all immediately and yunus alayhi salam became angry and we'll talk about this inshallah so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he says to remind the people tell the people when he left and fled when he fled to the and the fulk is a vehicle that could be in the in the sky or on the earth or something in the sea and primarily it is talking about a ship here and it was full of people how did this take place where yunus alayhi salam was calling the people and the people was a village named ninawa ninawa and he was calling the people to islam and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in another verse so the first portion of this verse in the chapter of al-anbiya is where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking about the noon and then noon is yunus then noon means the sahibal hoot means the person of the fish where is the fish in this story we're going to mention it inshallah so yunus alayhi salam left his people and some scholars like tahir bin ashur he mentions means angry but it is the verb that is used here is meaning that the action took place between two parties so if you say
means to fight each other so means that he was angry and they were angry most likely the scholars say he was giving the message of islam and they were angry with that which made him angry so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in his subhanallah is so beautiful the language of the quran is we should not take it lightly the verbs that he uses not even the verb the letters that make up the verbs that he uses has a purpose the morphological makeup of the three letters have a purpose he could have said but he said to show that there was and there was anger in the air not only from him but with from them also then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions where he says and i was reading and i remember this verb and i remember reading in the books of fiqh when it talked about you know post-war and the spoils of war and people that may be left over and it was talking about people that were in the control of others and they would run away this was called an abic someone that would run away from the person that was they were under their control from the prisoners of war so here allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uses that verb so it's a verb of a servant to his master someone that runs away from their master or their keeper the i was understanding why did he use abaca because allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ordered him to stay with me now what with the people that he ordered him to call the message to but he left and it was without the order of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that's why in the chapter of subhanallah al-qalam verse number 48 allah subhanallah tells the prophet the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says wait patiently oh messenger of allah for your lord's judgment and do
not be like the sahib alhoot do not be like the person of the fish wait for his judgment so when yunus fled he did it on his own volition he did not do it by the order of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he is still a prophet he is still a prophet but as we see with other prophets such as musa alaih salam he was angry these are human characteristics but they will never do a sin that goes and affects other people that allah would allow to take place because they have the himmah to risalah they have this message of the prophethood of the wahi of islam so then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says when he came to the full kill mushroom he arrived to this ship and then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says after that so when he got to this ship it was full and they realized that either we throw some people off or some people have to get off or we will sink so allah says and the fat means meaning so when he got on the ship what happened after that he's painting a picture for you after that the people on the ship said we have to draw a lot cast lots to where basically we have the stick and whoever pulls the short end of the stick then they have to jump off of the ship so he said so allah says so when they casted the lots he was from the ones that were not fortunate and there was more than him meaning that he was with a number of people that had to jump off of the ship or be thrown off of the ship then allah goes on to again then after that he's thrown in the sea a big fish swallows him allahu akbar he was thrown in the sea and a big fish swallows him and allah says he is blamed you know you're thinking blamed from what what did he do
he left the order of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he left angrily let's stop here how many of us does our anger cause us to leave that which is more beneficial for us to where we may be moulin so it is as though allah subhanahu wa ta'ala you a deep who is allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is teaching all of us a lesson all of us so when he's swallowed by this big fish allah subhanahu wa ta'ala could make it happen immediately but he has something in store al-qadir the one that is able to do all things then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says uh faltaq ma hurhutu wa hu mulimun falaw laa anahu kaani minal musabbihin la labitha fee batunihi ila yaumi wa a'adhin allahu akbar allah says after this he says if it was not for the fact that he was from the people that glorified allah musabbihin from subhanallah if he was not from those people then he would have stayed in there he would have stayed within the fish till the day of resurrection so let's just ponder over this real quick and then we will conclude allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying in this time of hardship when he is literally fee botany in the belly of the fish and the belly of the beast in the belly of this big fish he could easily be swallowed for now that fit bullmat as allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions as we talked about earlier in the verse of ambia fana da fi dhulumati allah ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal dhalimi three things these last 10 days brothers and sisters for any day that you are facing the 10 days is universal for all the muslims to where we should as a process some said it's a harrow feel actually a wife to look and to work hard in these last 10 days looking for later to other as well make sure that you make this dua and it's of three parts three forms of
acknowledgement the first one he said la ilaha illa anta because he was angry and he came and he was swallowed by the fish so he recollected and he thought about what he did let he acknowledge the greatness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that there was no one worthy of worship except him acknowledge his greatness how the greatness of him with his ability to create this situation as allah says he thought that we cannot overpower him so when he realized this he called out la ilaha illa anta so when we start our dua la ilaha illa anta then after that the second acknowledgement is of his freedom from any likeness to his creation we see that this word subhanak is used many times in the quran will call it taqad allahu what other subhanak when they associate him to be like his creation anthropomorphic morphism to say he is like his creation to tanzi saying he is far from that that is not even fathomable to where the creator of the heavens and the earth is like his creation that's the second the third thing acknowledging your shortcomings and this breeds humility humility in england even comes from hummus which means low to the ground being humble oh allah forgive me for what i've done oh allah i remember when i did so and so forgive me for that it's really la ilaha illa anta subhanak ya rabbi oh allah i remember when i screamed at my mother earlier today oh allah i remember when i took something from someone oh allah i remember when i lied i remember when i did this evil deed i remember when i didn't want to stand up and pray i remember when i said i prayed and i really didn't pray at fudger i remember when i told my parents this i remember when i screamed at my children like this oh allah forgive me for that these are the nights to do so and this is a huge example for
us in the lives of the prophets this is why they were the best of human beings bringing the epitome of situations literally being swallowed by a big fish in the belly of the fish and calling out on allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in times of hardship do not neglect your calling on the one that can take that hardship away because he is able to do all things so may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that call out on him in times of hardship for verily as the you know the ones that are patient as they say uh uh whoever has a tana na lama tamanna whoever has patience and today youth and is easy and patient with their situation they will get what they hope for may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that receive his blessings jazakallah barakallah fika shaykh jazakum allahu khayran i think we we might have lost uh ustada aisha may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless her but i think subhanallah oh there she is alhamdulillah you're back alhamdulillah but subhanallah the sheikh what you just shared um when we talk about don't despair from the mercy of allah yunus alayhi salam was in the darkest place and could have easily despaired but because of his turning back to allah he's not a prophet that we scorn he's a prophet that we celebrate for his tawbah that's why the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said don't say i'm better than yunus don't degrade yunus alayhi salam because uh allah chose him he was better after that situation than he was even before it because he was both a prophet and one who was ta'ib to allah sincere to allah subhanallah give us a dua to draw close to allah subhanallah so the aisha any any reflections you'd like to share in closing with me you know i was in thinking about this story of yunus alayhi salam there's something about it that always strikes me um even this concept don't think that you're better than him like in terms of the hardship that he was enduring from
his people like their level of stubbornness and their level of obstinacy like against allah as it went down and like they just you know and if you can you know um and you correct me like how long was he with these people trying to teach them how much yeah the mufassir mentioned i mean all types of numbers right sheikh abdullah what did you see like did you see a rajah opinion there or something no not actually no no i've seen i've seen hundreds of years that he's with them hundreds of years that he's with them trying to teach them and guide them and plead with them and you know show them signs of allah as a wajal so just this is not like nine minutes i got mad after nine minutes right this isn't you know we're not talking about even you know a few months of like i tried to teach you you wouldn't accept you know what i mean that's it yeah you know i'm done with you like this is somebody who just the the level for me of his sabr even with his people um before he has that moment of like i just need i'm just running to my lord and so what i've always been taught and understood about that narration is that also when he when he's on that ship and you know there's that tossing and turning that happens and they're like you know one of us is one of us is a right is a wrongdoer and he's just like it's me and they're like no no no he's like it's me right no no can't be right because you're you're the one we find fasting and praying right so it can't be me and in that little secret is that sometimes our own worship in the night or our own belief about our connection with allah will veil
us from our deeper transgressions that we think because you know i'm fasting i'm praying i'm i'm doing it that sometimes it's harder for us to be able to recognize within ourselves though i've got internal sins no i've i've you know on the outside i'm praying to allah but internally there's a portion of me that has despaired right there's a portion of me that has given up on a particular commandment of allah or a particular uh you know a particular understanding or a mission that allah has given us sometimes we've retreated to the masjid and to our ibadah not out of steadfastness but actually out of that we've given up out of a hopelessness and so how we um you know it's like i've given i'm i've given up on giving dawah i've given up on advocacy i've given up you know i've given up on the people i've given up and so now i'm in my ibadah uh and now that ibadah almost becomes a selfish thing right and so um for me that moment is a great warning for us uh to not let our own ibadah become a veil uh for our despair for our secret despair um and for us to do as he did you know some say you know there's some mufassereen who say that uh they threw him over but what i was taught and learned is that he eventually jumped and said i throw myself to the mercy of allah because they won't do it they won't throw me over but i know my own sins and so not that you know he was just saying i'll be i'm giving myself
up to your mercy like i i turn myself in um and so you know that even in that moment of when allah uh deals with us right like we know when we have those moments of atonement and allah deals with us sometimes our egos start to come out right i'm the imam or you know i'm giving dawah i'm teaching we start to list like all of our good deeds as if we've done a favor to allah right well you know i did this how come i have to be tried i you know i wore my hijab i prayed i this i you know our ego comes out even about our own ibadah and so for him to be one who um says like this becomes a deeper level of toba a deeper level of submission a deeper level of devotion um that becomes true and since it becomes like that that's humility with siddq and for that you know we all say may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us the type of toba that brings us that brings us closer to allah azza wa jall and may our ibadah never veil us from the deeper truths of ourselves powerful powerful reflections may allah bless you both we could go all night hamdulillah but we appreciate you both hamdulillah and we're a reminder to everyone inshallah and these last nights to please keep everyone in your du'a inshallah may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us his forgiveness and his pardon and his reward and allow us to be amongst those who observe laylatul qadr a reminder to everyone inshallah to please consider supporting yaqeen bidnillahi ta'ala amongst your 10 night donations inshallah and also to continue to benefit from the resources yaqeenistube.org slash ramadan new papers new ebooks alhamdulillah
and of course beneficial sessions one of them tonight it was it was a pleasure to have you ustada ayesha barakallah so you're gonna you're gonna come back next year too right inshallah inshallah i love yaqeen i love yaqeen hamdulillah may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala open up the doors and continue to bless yaqeen may it be a means by which millions if not billions are granted yaqeen for programming ameen ameen shazakum allah khair that's that's that's exactly how we should end off then inshallah barakallah fiki ustada ayesha shazakallah khair shahaballah assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh the mission of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam was to impart knowledge to speak truth and dispel falsehood to bring hope in times of darkness to build a confident people to bring us together with compassion and in strength and most of all to instill everlasting faith in every aspect of our lives so that we can have stronger conviction fuller hearts and a well-defined purpose this is what motivates us every day to inspire a world of faithful change makers who serve as ambassadors of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and as yaqeen strives to build on the final prophetic mission we invite you to join us in these final 10 nights and realizing that goal
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