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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz' 4 with Tesneem Alkiek | Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 2

As the fourth post-Hijrah year commenced, Muslims were faced with rebuilding a society after the fateful battle of Uhud. Today's guest, Tesneem Alkiek, joins Dr. Omar and Sh. Abdullah to delve into the concepts of juz' 4 that are just as relevant to our hurting ummah today: taqwa, qadr, the rope of Allah, brotherhood, and du’a.

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Bismillah walhamdulillah wassalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30 alhamdulillah. I want to remind you all inshaAllah ta'ala to first and foremost make sure that you keep up with the Qur'an 30 for 30 e-book which serves as a companion guide to this and gives the structures and overviews of each juz inshaAllah ta'ala as we get into our seerah focus. Also the du'a's book by Dr. Tahir Wyatt and also a reminder to please inshaAllah ta'ala consider supporting Yaqeen Institute by hitting the donate button bidnallahi ta'ala amongst all the other noble causes that you're supporting in this month of generosity bidnallahi ta'ala. May Allah azawajal reward you all for tuning in, for participating. I hope you've been enjoying the programming thus far that's been coming out from Yaqeen and make du'a for the whole team at Yaqeen that's been working very hard to put all of this content out on a consistent basis. We have alhamdulillah with us none other than the most frequent guest of last Qur'an 30 for 30 Ustada Tasneem Al-Qeek who we will call Dr. Tasneem by Eid inshaAllah because we want her to finish her sheikh inshaAllah ta'ala make du'a for her inshaAllah she will be finishing we pray to Allah that she will be finishing her PhD bidnallahi ta'ala in Ramadan it's like a Yaqeen tradition we want to graduate PhDs in Ramadan bidnallahi ta'ala and so we're gonna call her Dr. Tasneem by Eid or Dr. Tasneem with an asterisk inshaAllah but we want to we want to get used to it bidnallahi ta'ala so by the last 10 webathon inshaAllah it'll be like Dr. Tasneem Al-Qeek with no asterisk at all so welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30 Happy to be back you guys alhamdulillah Sheikh Abdullah Adur how are you feeling? Good alhamdulillah alhamdulillah wa alameen Good to have you as always sheikh Allah yabarik for you How are things at Kapel? A few minutes over praying tarweeh Things are well alhamdulillah we're in a unique situation alhamdulillah things are well
Alhamdulillah wa faqihamullah sheikh So with that inshaAllah ta'ala let's get started so we are now on Juz 4 in Surat An-Nisa still continuing along the same historical structure so I hope inshaAllah ta'ala by now everyone is able to appreciate how profound it is the way that it's being laid out Juz 1, Year 1, Juz 2, Year 2, Juz 3, Year 3 and now we're getting into really the end of Year 3 but also going into Year 4 after the Hijrah in Medina and you see that this surah is talking about the aftermath of Uhud now I want to frame this from a surah perspective when we look through the surah Uhud was a shock, Uhud was you know unique in many ways and the potential that it could have had to demoralize the Muslim community but alhamdulillah wa alameen it did not and part of that was Allah azawajal offering forgiveness to all of the people that fled from the battle of Uhud you had a lot of people that passed away and a lot of senior companions that passed away so every house in Medina was struck by a casualty in Uhud and that means something right, you know we're seeing now what widespread death looks like across a community may Allah azawajal have mercy on all of our deceased ones, Allahumma ameen imagine Medina where every single person has a family member either a husband or a father or a cousin or an uncle or a brother someone was struck in their family so every house in Medina was mourning the lost ones of Uhud and that includes of course the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam who lost his beloved uncle Hamza radiallahu ta'ala anhu who lost Mus'ab ibn Umair radiallahu ta'ala anhu so these are senior companions and this was a blow to the Muslim community
and of course there is also dealing with you know the first act of treason from the hypocrites the open act of treason from the hypocrites which was the 300 people that turned away before the battle of Uhud even started so the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam has to put this society back together with the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to make sure that Uhud becomes a lesson and Uhud does not become you know some sort of permanent detour for the Muslim community in Medina that hurts them and that cripples them in a way that they're not able to recover so we look at Surah An-Nisa here and Surah An-Nisa focuses on themes that are very close to war and are very clear in a post-war context particularly when you have a lot of casualties so I want to start off here by saying that it's not always that the name of the surah is over-represented in the surah itself so like the theme of the surah does not necessarily always tie to the name of the surah and that is the case you know for example in Surah Al-Baqarah the mention of Al-Baqarah the incident of the cow is a very small portion of the surah itself whereas Surah Ali Imran there's a lot about Ali Imran right the family of Imran Surah An-Nisa focuses quite a bit on the aftermath of Uhud and has many themes that are not related to women in particular but the way that the scholars would look at the naming of the surahs and that's why you'll find that some surahs have multiple names is that they look at the words that are unique or the words that are most repeated within a surah right so it's a way of distinguishing that surah from the other surahs of the Quran so the theme of Surah An-Nisa is really rebuilding a madani society after the war, after the battle of Uhud and so immediately you have the first ayah which calls us to worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to be mindful of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and this is really profound because taqwa is the basis of our individual progress to Allah taqwa is the basis of our marriages remember the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam advised the community the men in particular at the end of his life Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to fear Allah, to have taqwa with Allah in regards to their spouses taqwa is the basis of a community as well because when there is no taqwa there is deception and corruption so taqwa is the foundation so SubhanAllah you find this here in Surah An-Nisa that the very first ayah is Ittaqoo Rabbakum O people Ya ayyuha naseet taqoo rabbakum allathee khalaqaakum nafsin wahida wa khalaqa minha zawjaha wa battha minhuma rijalan kathiran wanisaa wa ittaqoo Allah allathee tasa'aloon abihi wal arhaam inna Allaha kana AAalaykum raqeeba O mankind fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and created from it its match and spread many men and women from the two and fear Allah in whose name you ask each other for your rights and fear the violation of the rights of the relations through the womb surely Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is ever watchful over you so before we get into these very complex issues of marriage and divorce of society especially in the wake of a very sensitive defeat that took place in Uhud before we get to any of that remember the first command in the Quran is taqwa and remember the goal of Ramadan is taqwa and if a person does not have taqwa they'll find a way to cheat and they'll cheat in regards to their family lives they'll cheat in regards to their societal endeavors they'll cheat in regards to everything but at the end of the day they'll only be deceiving themselves and so taqwa, taqwa, taqwa it starts with establishing taqwa across the community and what's the first verse SubhanAllah after the verse of taqwa that relates to a post battle context
in a post war context you have a lot of people that are now orphans and that are the most vulnerable people in society the orphans and the widows right and it starts with the orphan who was the most vulnerable person in the society of the Prophet Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam or I should say rather in the jahadi society in a society of ignorance and then honored in the society of the Prophet Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam so the first manifestation of taqwa that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions is beware of consuming the property of al-yatama okay so give them their due right do not cheat them in regards to their wealth do not take advantage of them wa la tatabaddulul khabeetha bil tayyib do not switch that which is filthy for that which is good wa la ta'kulu amwalahum ila amwalikum do not eat up their property or consume their property along with your own innahu kana hu ban kabira that verily it is a major sin for you to consume the wealth of the orphan to take advantage of the new orphans in the society of Madinah so subhanAllah that's the first manifestation of taqwa is don't prey on those that have been most vulnerable made most vulnerable in a post-uhud context and then you start to see the verses that come afterwards so the verses of marriage, the verses of inheritance the verses of taking care of the widows the verses of that restricted polygyny at the time to four spouses of course in a context it was the sabab an-nuzur it was the reason for revelation was a situation where you have plenty of widows in the wake of uhud and then of course you have the messages that are prevalent in these themes dealing with the unique consequences, the unique circumstances regarding the people of the book the unique circumstances regarding the hypocrites what military operations will look like thus forward in the wake of uhud and how a society is meant to function at this point
and I want to end inshaAllah ta'ala my part of this setting the scene with this everything about surah an-nisa every single context that's given here taqwa is the basis and then the most obvious and minimum manifestation of taqwa is listen to Allah and the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam go back to the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and so Allah azzawajal gives us all of these contexts contexts of breakdowns in marriage breakdowns in society breakdowns in all sorts of situations and the time where you really see a person's taqwa show is their ability or refusal to go back to the way of the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam when a breakdown takes place that's when you see taqwa really show right so you'll see the most religious of people but then when divorce comes around subhanAllah like they don't want to hear anything about the prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam or the sunnah right people just insist on their way you see the most religious of people right but then when a breakdown happens in their business or they get into a dispute with someone suddenly all of those messages from the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam go out the window and so the greatest manifestation of taqwa is whether you're going to refer back to the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam when things go wrong and so Allah azzawajal says Ya ayyuhaladheena aamanu atiAAu Allah wa atiAAu arrasool wa uli alamri minkum fa intanazAAatum fee shaytan fa rudduhu ila Allahi wa arrasool in kuntum tu'minoona billahi walyaumil aakhir tharika khayrun wa ahsanu ta'weela SubhanAllah this is such a powerful verse O believers obey Allah and obey the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and those amongst you who have been put in authority and if you dispute amongst yourselves in regards to anything go back to Allah and the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam if you indeed believe in Allah in the last day like you claim to really believe in Allah in the last day then you're not going to try to milk your dispute to where you get the most favorable outcome
you're going to try to do what is most in accordance with Allah and the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and that which will not cause you fear and apprehension on the last day so if you truly believe in Allah in the last day go back to the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam tharika khayrun wa ahsanu ta'weela that is better and the most commendable the best way of going about things so I think that's just a very powerful way and of course I know Shaykh Abdullah is going to talk about disunity Allah as we said in the previous 30 for 30 with this juz Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala warned the previous nations of their disunity and the way that they turned their back and focused on in the previous ajza' the previous chapters the mistakes of past nations but here the juz focuses on the mistakes of the Muslims and the biggest weakness is our disunity so inshallah ta'ala with that I'll turn over Dr. Tasneem if you have any reflections on any of those particular points and then Shaykh Abdullah inshallah ta'ala you can take it from there I just want to point out one thing and I think the transition that you talked about from surahs Ali'Imran to Nisa the fact that it was supposed to be a war world when you have at first you have like you mentioned it's the introduction of the rights of orphans the riyatama and then immediately after it's the ayah about allowing a restricted amount but allowing polygamy and if you think about the context the context was literally to protect women a lot of women were widowed and at the time husbands were financial caretakers so a woman often had two options either one remain widowed and have very little recourse or access to monetary assistance or think of you know that relationship differently where now she is has an opportunity to get remarried for that financial care and so when you think of it in that context you recognize some of the benefits that the law had allowed in terms of the flexibility in allowing for polygamy
especially in this context of a post-war world Jazakum Allah Khair Sheikh Abdullah Tafalla Alhamdulillah, Mashallah I like how you mentioned the importance of taqwa and as we know that is the ultimate goal of Ramadan and that is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions la'allakum tattaqoon perhaps you may be of those that are mindful and taqwa is one of those words it's almost at the level of you know when we say Allahu Samad as the scholars mentioned the word Samad and the name of Allah being a Samad very comprehensive on top of the fact of Arabic being a very eloquent and rich rich language to translate it into English in many cases does not do justice it's not just one word to translate it has to be interpreted to where it has to be understood by explaining the meaning of the word and taqwa falls into that category you know SubhanAllah it's very important that you know we as human beings and as Muslims realize the importance of having mindfulness of our creator and our maker in all aspects of our life and that's a segue to what we want to talk about here in the chapter of Al-Imran where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions roughly from verse 101 to 103 where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is asking a question to those that voluntarily disbelieve in the message after it has been manifested to them where he says wa kayfa takfuroona wa antum tutlaa alaykum ayatullahi wa feekum rasoolun and how can you be of those that disbelieve after the verses of Allah are present to you and amongst you is his messenger wa man ya'tasim billahi faqad hudiya ila siratin mustaqeem then Allah says and whoever holds fast ya'tasim billah whoever holds fast to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will be guided to the straight path now just remember this word ya'tasim to hold fast i'tisam means to prohibit something or can also be understood as to hold on to something firmly and that's where we have the name mu'tasim come from
then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions after that a verse that many of us hear at the beginning of the khutbatul jum'ah where he says after a'udhu billahi min ash-shaitani r-rajim ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu ittaqullaha haqqatu qatihi wa laa tamootunna illa wa antum muslimoon O you who believe be mindful of Allah as you should be you should be mindful of him or fear Allah as you should be feared haqqatu qatihi wa laa tamootunna illa wa antum muslimoon and do not die except in a state of being of those that submit to Allah alone that submit as Muslims then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala brings the next verse after this command of showing as some scholars mention this is one of the epitome the verse that really speaks about taqwa very eloquently because he says be mindful of Allah in a way that you should be mindful of him or in a way that you should fear him so when we hear the word fear of Allah and mindful of Allah it is as though when one is mindful all of the other aspects of worship come to light all of the other aspects of worship have more of an opportunity to be activated if you will when you are mindful of Allah when you have dhikr of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala this will remind you to do things that will shield you away from the actions that are not beloved to Allah and that is exactly where the word taqwa comes from wiqaya which means to take a shield so when you are watching 30 for 30 for instance there could have been something else that you could have been doing on your laptop or on your phone and each and every one of us know that there are choices that we have to make so when you do an action that Allah loves and that Allah is pleased with that is an action of a mutaqi that is an action of a mindful person Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says after that a beautiful verse that is very important for all of us as human beings, as Muslims, as community members as civilians if you will he says after that, after he orders the individual to have taqwa of Allah to be mindful of Him in a true way he says وَعْتَصِمْ بِحَابِلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا he uses the same verb that he did earlier
when he was talking about the ones that وَمَنْ يَعْتَصِمْ بِاللَّهِ whoever holds firm to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and His Messenger and really they are guided to the right path then he instructs them and reminds them to have taqwa to have mindfulness then after that he gives a command verb he's telling you, okay this is how you can fear Allah in a way that you should be feared this is how you can exemplify the epitome of mindfulness of Allah in a way that is befitting to you and to society as well he says وَعْتَصِمْ بِحَابِلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّكُوا and all of you hold firmly to the rope of Allah and do not separate there's so much eloquence in this verse from the aspect of rhetoric what they would say is rhetoric and being balagha in Arabic it is basically how are you trying to relay a message to the listener in many different eloquent ways and that's a whole other science in the Arabic language when studying the Arabic language so here Allah says and hold firmly to the rope of Allah جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّكُوا all of you together and don't separate this is an important aspect because he's telling all of you to hold firm to the rope and some scholars mention why did he say rope? because when you are holding on to a rope you are trying to save yourself or to elevate somewhere and that is very important because the one that there had to be someone that placed the rope there in order for you to save yourself or to elevate so Allah says hold firmly to the rope of who? مُضَوَّف مُضَوَّف إِلَيه the possessive form the rope of who? the rope of your Lord the rope of the Creator the rope of your Maker حَبِلِ اللَّهِ the rope of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى because the rope of Allah is that which will ultimately save you and that's where the scholars mention that the حَبْلِ the rope of Allah is the Quran the Sunnah the Quran and the Sunnah all of the meaning is the same جَمِيعًا all of you together and do not separate so this is another eloquence where Allah says
hold all of you firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not separate it's indirectly implied that when he says together that means don't separate but he confirms it by saying hold firmly together and don't separate this shows the importance of being conscious of maintaining the brotherhood the sisterhood in Islam and keeping the brotherhood even in humanity because once that bond of brotherhood and sisterhood is broken jealousy, backbiting, slander, massacre, death even takes place and what's so amazing is that this verse was revealed as some scholars say in regards to the two factioning tribes in Al Medina when the Prophet ﷺ arrived to Al Medina Al Aus and Al Khazraj that these two tribes as Tahir bin Ashur mentions they had issues with each other 120 years before the migration of the Prophet ﷺ from Mecca to Al Medina so Allah is setting a standard he said all of you hold firmly to the rope of Allah together and do not separate what is a way that we can do this وَذْكُرُوا نِعْمَةَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ yourself what is something you can think about what are some memories that will be productive for your development individually and collectively remember the blessings of Allah upon you إِذْ كُنْتُمْ أَعْدَاءً فَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ Allah ﷻ says remember the blessings of Allah upon you when you were once enemies and Allah brought your hearts together Allah brought your hearts together so the first ni'mah وَذْكُرُوا نِعْمَةَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ remember the blessings of Allah upon you when you were once enemies and then Allah brought your hearts together فَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ فَأَصْبَحْتُم بِنِعْمَتِهِ إِخْوَانًا and you became brothers so you when you remember those times that you had an issue with someone and you think of how Allah brought us together you say whether it's my culture whether it's my tribe whether it's my locality what
transcends all of that and what takes precedence over all of that is the brotherly bond the bond of Tawheed the bond of the oneness of Allah ﷻ and that's very important because you're gonna have issues with a fellow brother and sister you know you're gonna have issues you know you know you may work together in a capacity but you realize personalities you clash but do not let that overpower the reality of their right upon you as a human being and their right upon you as someone that embraced the faith of Islam so then Allah subhana wa ta'ala when he mentions that you all were once enemies Allah ﷻ when he mentions after that he says you were about to fall in a pit of fire and he saved you from it you were about to fall in a pit of fire in your way of thinking in your in your bias towards a certain nationality or a certain culture or a certain way of thinking you were biased and you belittled those people therefore it caused enmity amongst one another do not let that happen because you will be on the brinks of the hellfire when you belittle people and that can lead to rude statements rude actions and things that can separate the community which totally goes against what was mentioned earlier of having it to some holding together firmly with a lawsuit kind of a data and the fate of Islam and the faith of believing in the Creator the one that brought you all into this world and has an ultimate muxad shari' an ultimate Islamic objective for you to come together all to show your gratitude to Allah subhana wa ta'ala which is manifested in different ways but ultimately it's manifested within the sharia within the channels of water that come to a body of water further nourishing the soul me a lot of kind of a time to make us of those that come together for the greater good and allow our differences to be on this on the sideline for the greater good of showing
gratitude to Allah I mean just like a little fish a couple of that beautiful reflection if I was I would hang on to one thing it would be that the consequences of causing disunity are not just found in this life with the community that then becomes fractured but you know it could it could lead a person to a seriously you know negative place or station with a loss of Hanowat I mean on the edge of the fire on the day of judgment and so a person should really fear Allah once again with what they what they do to the community right you know causing bringing people together or fracturing the community you know also requires a level of taqwa that a person make sure that they hold things together so the doctor look at I don't want to take too long I'll hand it over to dr. Tasneem before even shallow for this just I want to talk about one of my favorite ayahs I should say one of the most powerful ayahs I don't know necessarily think in terms of the the context that it comes in in terms of the Surah everything that surrounds it and that is in regard to the battle of efforts and there's a few ayahs that specifically talk about the incidents of the battle of hoods and I'm gonna work a little backwards here because it really helps to put things into context and near the end of this ayah Allah Subhan Allah tells the Prophet to tell the hypocrites who essentially were second-guessing everything and were questioning everything you know why is this happening why did we risk our lives on the battlefield why couldn't we have stayed home why did Allah Subhan Allah decree this for us they had all of these doubts and questions and really challenging what Allah Subhan Allah ordered and Allah Subhan Allah says say tell them he's telling the Prophet tell them like even if you're at home whether or not you're on the battlefield or you are home in your in your in your
bed lying comfortably in your bed if death was going to come to you if death was written for you it was going to come to you no matter where you were and I think this is particularly powerful and I guess a favorite reminder because it reminds me of the inevitability of death and that's particularly relevant especially for us today that whether or not you know you've taken all of your precautions whether or not you you you've worried yourself or you've you've remained comfortable if death is going to come to you it's going to come to you and when it came to the the hypocrites when it came to the disbelievers this was something that was really they couldn't let go of it it became crippling it was that Allah Subhan Allah describes in this ayah ahammatuhum anfusuhum they were just so obsessed with what about themselves about what was going to happen yaquluna hal lana minal amri min shay do we not they were saying you know do we not have any you know say in these matters why is it that Allah Subhan Allah is doing this why do we have to do this and I think it sounds really familiar with us today that why is the world happening you know why is it the way it's going now why is it that I have to still put in effort why do I have to worship Allah Subhan Allah despite the struggles that I'm going through so a lot of this the same rhetoric that the hypocrites had are things that we often feel today and what the difference is is that in this ayah you have the hypocrites who are challenging you know what Allah Subhan Allah has either done has decreed for themselves and for the community as a whole and because of that they had this this crippling fear now this is particularly in contrast to the believers who come at the beginning of the verse that Allah Subhan Allah says that he brought down upon them and a deep powerful and secure sleep amanat and no ASA and that the tafasir the exegetical literature on this ayah says
that the companions these believers in the midst of the battle on the battlefield they were a lost patata given this this sleep that was so deep that if they were carrying their swords when they fell asleep they would drop this their swords on their side because they were so deep in sleep that they lost sort of sense of where they were and what was going on and it was because in contrast to the hypocrites these believers didn't question what was panting on it decreed for them or for the world around them and that justice Allah subhan Allah tells the Prophet tell the hypocrites when in America level in law that all of the affairs are for Allah subhan Allah all the affairs are lost control that because the believers firmly held this to be true and understood this that no matter what they do no matter how much they worry how much they worried about themselves like the hypocrites were worrying nothing was going to change the fact that Allah subhan Allah had decreed their obligations and had decreed what was going to come out of that and because of that they were able to sense the most powerful and deep sleep and if you I don't know if you've all encountered similar experiences but almost any time I've checked in the news this past year one of the very first top articles every single time without fail is rising rates of anxiety rising rates of insomnia sleeplessness people can't sleep anymore from the amount of anxiety they have and it really puts I'm reading this ayah and it's putting things into context that subhan Allah if you really submit to the fact that in that amara kula who did that that all of these affairs are for or in a loss pant on his control that you will be able that will be your your key your solution to attaining that deep sleep and I want to point out backtracking one more I had two more I yet remember the context of this verse this is coming at after the Allah subhan Allah reprimands the archers at the battle of hoods who have left their position left their station despite that what a surah
they're open P offering despite the fact that the Prophet of God is calling them come back come back don't leave your post these believers left their posts and in part of their as a result of their actions partly they lost the battle and a lot of times I had is recommending them in the Quran that you know you were chasing this world when you should have been chasing the after I say this because the context is so important because when the ayah comes afterwards about this eminence and no ASA this deep sleep it's talking about those believers too it's talking about the believers who made mistakes and it's talking about the believers who stayed but we're always firm and I think that is also especially important for us because sometimes we think of this like oh well I can't get that type of ease and calm and tranquility because I'm not the best of Muslims I'm not a companion I'm not you know a superstar Muslim and so that I'll never be able to sense that what's my dad it talks about those disbelief those those believers who committed something that really when you think about the details of the situation it's you'd be watching from the sidelines horrified what are you doing turn back how could you blatantly turn against the wishes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the wishes of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala yet despite that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says well I thank you that he Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgave them because they recognized they turned back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and they recognized along with the believers who stayed firm in the number of will not that no matter what happens everything is in the hands of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and I know especially that a lot of times we throw around words like you know oh it's just other it's just our fate it's our Nasib and you know any word or language you want to use to describe that we you know sort of understand this but it really requires this deep thought like think about it more profoundly and really be mindful of this more closely because if you can attain that mindfulness if you can really grasp and repeat to yourself and recognize in an emerald Allah would
in that all of the affairs almost pant on his hands if you can do that you are going to sleep so well both in this world and in shall not be rewarded in the next so that is one solution that really is an easy fix Allah subhan ta'ala promises the believers who have been perfect all their lives and the believers like you and I like all of us who make mistakes day in and day out and something it related that I have read recently that I thought fit so well when I was thinking about this is one of the wisdoms of it but I thought law and he says so I'll be cool he met me now you're cool as well and buddy that no matter how enormous your him and your worries your anxieties those things that believe me I'm speaking from experience this past year was not stress-free by any means that no matter how much that can overcome you and overtake you it's not going to even be able to pierce the these fortress walls of your father that these deep insurmountable walls it won't even able to keep pierce through it it no matter how much you worry so knowing that your fate is preserved it's protected by these fortress walls is something that really again reminds you of the fact that all of the all of our affairs in the last part of his hands and especially now that it's Ramadan it's a reminder that the only thing that we learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the only thing that does change our father is do I that rather than wait you know spend so hours and nights sleepless nights worrying and really bogging down our minds and people around us with our anxieties and our stress translating that into making dua in this month is the one thing that will will truly Allah's promise is going to change your father so that's an invitation for you and I to be spending every door out we can this every moment we can to be making to Allah subhan taala to to grant us what we want to grant what is best for us as Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala knows what is better for us to be able through that that qadr through that dua to be able to gain that same deep powerful and secure sleep that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala granted the companions after the battle of Uhud. Jazakum Allah khair. SubhanAllah very powerful I now have something to stop at with surah Nisa subhanAllah I really think about so may Allah reward you for that and I think the only thing I would just add on to that is make dua for your Ummah, I mean when you're making dua for yourself and you're making dua for a lot to ease your affairs and you're making you're making dua' to Allah to open up this door for you and for Allah to forgive you make dua for your Ummah make dua for your Ummah to be united make dua Hua for your Ummah to to be protected make dua for your Ummah to be forgiven Make dua for people. I think that is part of prophetic concern. We can't take the individualism and also put it in our dua as to where we don't have a share of our dua for other than ourselves. Now of course make dua period, but like don't forget other people in your dua, and don't forget your ummah in your dua, and your concerns come out in your dua as well. I think as this surah is really talking about putting the ummah back together keeping the ummah directed, focused, oriented and what happens with the ummah is never distant from what happens to us as individuals. We, and just the last thing SubhanAllah, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioning the ummah as one body what overtakes us when we're hurt? Sleeplessness. So the sleeplessness is not over this world, the sleeplessness is over what pains our ummah. You know, and that's something that's really profound SubhanAllah, that the ummah is hurting, and so we are sleepless not because of something of this world but because of the state of our ummah. So I think it's not distant
what Shaykh Abdullah was talking about with the unity of the community and what you were talking about with dua and how you sleep at night those things are not distant from each other. JazakAllah JazakAllah khair Any last comments, Shaykh Abdullah? SubhanAllah MashaAllah the whole concept of selflessness is what I was thinking about when she was mentioning these verses and how when one is selfless in correspondence to what you were saying with dua you know, you're thinking about others than yourself that goes a long way and you know, people feel that people realize that, they feel it when you really want them to win when you really, you know have their best interests in mind and in heart. I think that's something that is a characteristic that we as Muslims in general and in particular in particular in human beings in general need to always think about someone other than ourselves on a daily basis. If you even make it a habit when sitting with your children and having them watch individuals that may be less fortunate than yourselves and showing them how they can practically help them, you know, whether it's money, expertise or just time and learning I think that's something that is huge again with all these organizations that help those that are in need voluntarily making that effort to reach out, you know, physically and going out and getting involved in those efforts and particularly in this month of Ramadan particularly in the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan is something that we should not be taken lightly. And one thing I do to help remind me and really cultivate that feeling is every single day I dedicate a special dua for one person and as Shahoma had taught us in the Angel series last year knowing that the angels, no matter what dua you're making for someone else, they're saying ameen to your dua so it's a win-win situation choose, if you want to remind yourself to make dua for others set a, you know, a goal of every single day pick one person
and you really start to think about okay, what would that person really, really want and it helps you connect with them and also forgive them for anything in the process and the angels are now saying ameen so you can get the same benefits MashaAllah So on that reminder, inshaAllah as you are now adopting the new practice of making dua for one person please make sure that the three of us have one slot inshaAllah ta'ala as you do that so please include us and include others and make dua for your Ummah JazakumAllahu khayran Sheikh Abdullah, Dr. Tasneem Asterik, inshaAllah the last 10-night webathon, bidna day ta'ala you'll be done, but very beneficial session as always, may Allah bless you both and to everyone else again, please share the stream inshaAllah ta'ala get people caught up with Quran 30 for 30 read the companion guide, each summary is about just two pages per juz to help you go along with this inshaAllah support yaqeen and support all of the wonderful causes that are out there anytime you're seeing these causes come up for your Ummah that's hurting whether it's $5, $10, support everything that you see out there that you possibly can and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will surely bless you as you make dua for people and as you give to people, may Allah unite our community, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make taqwa permeate, cause taqwa to permeate our hearts and all of our affairs, whether it is our individual affairs, our family affairs, our community affairs, and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala subhanAllah la masjidun ustis ala taqwa a masjid built on taqwa, that's how Allah azawajal referred to it, right? So may Allah build our masajid and every structure of our society upon taqwa. Allahumma ameen. Wasallahu wa sallim wa barak al nabiyyina Muhammad wa al alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in. Assalamualaikum
wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
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