Qur'an 30 for 30 | Season 2
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Juz' 16 with Dr. Jihad Saafir | Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 2
This juz contains the powerful chapters that played a role in establishing Islam in both Makkah and Madinah: Al-Kahf, Maryam, and Ta-Ha. Within their verses are vivid stories of the prophets—of da’wah and du’a as they relate to Muhammad ﷺ. Dr. Jihad Saafir joins Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro to glean the wisdoms Allah has set forth in a way that speaks to every one of us.
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This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen. Tonight we're joined by a very special guest, Dr. Jihad Safir, alhamdulillah, from LA, Islah LA. Dr. Jihad, welcome to the show. Alhamdulillah, it's a pleasure to be here before everyone. Alhamdulillah. So Dr. Jihad, alhamdulillah, someone that does vital work, alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen, in the community. He's an imam. He runs probably one of the most important organizations in North America, alhamdulillah, Islah LA, which everyone should support, alhamdulillah. They're doing work that is truly filling a void, alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen. And he just finished his PhD, alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen, just a few months ago. We were talking about that, alhamdulillah. And he is, his next goal is to embark on getting Sheikh Abdullah's biceps. We were talking about that before the show started. We're trying to, we were debating before we started what takes longer, to get Sheikh Abdullah's biceps or to get a PhD. So, alhamdulillah. So Dr. Jihad, tell us about Islah LA really quick, like what the work that you're doing with Islah, inshallah. Well, Islah LA, alhamdulillah, we're on the shoulders of giants who came before us, you know. So I want to definitely, my father, Imam Sadiq Safir, and others, the pioneering communities that came before. So we are a product of Temple 27 and also Masjid Ibadillah, which was opened in 1986. So today, alhamdulillah, we have a full-time food pantry. We have Islah Academy, which is a private school. We're teaching Quran and Arabic language and also some of the, you know, core sciences on Crenshaw and Slauson. This is in South Los Angeles. We also have four homes, four transitional houses, two for formerly incarcerated
and also homeless women and formerly incarcerated and homeless men. So we're doing the work, you know, we're on the front lines in South Los Angeles and it's a pleasure being here before you all, you know. I think, you know, we get a lot of inspiration from the work of you, Imam, and then also of Yaqeen. So alhamdulillah. JazakAllah khair. JazakAllah khair, Sheikh. I appreciate all that you do. Alhamdulillah wa Rahman wa Raheem. Bismillah wa Rahman wa Raheem. Inshallah ta'ala we'll go ahead and get started. So alhamdulillah wa rahman wa raheem. We're coming to the Juz 16 now. So we have passed the first half of the Quran. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to have an accepted second half of Ramadan. And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to observe Laylatul Qadr. Allahumma ameen. And this is, of course, a Juz that contains, I think, the favorites of many different people who reflect on the Quran. There are often people that will be asked, what is your favorite surah of the Quran? And a lot of them will say Surah Maryam, for example. And that is, of course, in this Juz. SubhanAllah, you know, before Ramadan, I was talking about Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and the way he talked about how we should read the Quran. And I love Ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu anhu's reflections on the Quran. And he was the one that said, whoever loves the Quran loves Allah and his Messenger ﷺ. And he has all of these beautiful narrations about the Hawameem, about the different Hameems in the Quran, the surahs that start with Hameem. He has these beautiful narrations about how to read Quran with a pace. He received the Quran, 70 surahs, fresh from the mouth of the Prophet ﷺ. And, of course, he was the first to recite the Quran publicly. And he says about this particular portion of the Quran, just listen to what he says. It's very beautiful. He says about Bani Israel, Surah Bani Israel, which we said is Surah Al-Isra,
Al-Kahf, Maryam, Taha, Al-Anbiya. So the narration is an authentic narration, actually in Bukhari, that he says about Surah Bani Israel, Al-Kahf, Maryam, Taha, and Al-Anbiya, Qala innahunna minal itaqil awwali wahun min tiladi. He said that these are some of my first earnings, and this is some of my most precious old property. What does he mean by that? The ulama talk about that. First of all, they use this as a proof that the tarteeb, that the way that the Quran is set up, the way the surahs are set up, is indeed divine. That the order of the surahs is something that comes as a form of revelation as well, because it's significant coming from Ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu ta'ala anhu in this way. They also say that what he means by that is that these were some of the first surahs that Ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu ta'ala anhu revealed to get him through the hard times. You know, when you say like those are the old earnings, these are the jewels that I leaned upon for many, many years, and I always go back to them. These are my tilad, these are my old earnings. It's really special. So these were surahs that were revealed, of course, in the Mecci phase. All of this is Mecci Quran. They were revealed as the Muslims were undergoing persecution, and they were not revealed in the last phase per se of the Meccan phase. But in fact, you see some of these surahs or some portions of these surahs were revealed in the middle phase of Mecca. How do we know that? Because we know, for example, with Surah Maryam that Ja'far radiAllahu ta'ala anhu recited the surah to al-Najashi when he went to Abyssinia. So that is a proof that it is earlier in terms of its revelation. And so this is a juz that contains some of those surahs that you really go back on, some of the fundamentals of Islam and some of the very personal stories of the prophets. So there are two things I want you to take from this inshaAllah ta'ala.
I know we have some beautiful reflections ahead of us. Number one, that this is the da'wajuz. This is the da'wajuz. How is it the da'wajuz? The previous juz, Allah subhana wa ta'ala says, u'du'i ila sabili rabbika bil-hikmati wal-maw'idati al-hasana in Surah al-Isra. To call to the way of Allah with wisdom and with beautiful preaching. This is the juz in which you see wisdom and beautiful preaching, both in terms of the way that the surahs themselves were used in the seerah and in the stories of the prophets themselves and how they will do da'wah, how they are being instructed by Allah subhana wa ta'ala to do da'wah. So first and foremost from the seerah perspective, again Surah Maryam is the surah that Ja'far radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, when he was with the Muslims. And think about how consequential this moment is with Ja'far radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu and the early Muslims. As they are called forth in Abyssinia where they have fled to seek refuge and Amr ibn As as an opponent of Islam at that time is telling Najashi that these people do not believe in Isa as-Salam, they don't believe in Jesus peace be upon him the way that you do, that they are different from you, that they insult Isa as-Salam because they don't hold the trinity for example and they don't hold some of the mainstream Christian beliefs about Jesus peace be upon him, about Isa as-Salam. And Ja'far radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu steps forward and he finds no other verses, no other speech, no poetry, nothing that is more fitting than reciting these verses of Surah Maryam about Isa as-Salam and they brought a Najashi to tears and a Najashi embraced Islam on the basis of the introduction of Isa as-Salam as comes in Surah Maryam. So it is the surah in which you have the conversion of a Najashi. Surah Taha is the surah in which you have the conversion of Amr ibn Al-Khattab radiyaAllahu
ta'ala anhu. So SubhanAllah the conversion of a Najashi and I just want you to think about the connection between the two. The conversion of a Najashi through Surah Maryam gave the Muslims a safe space in Abyssinia because at that point there is no doubt anymore that a Najashi is not only not going to send them back and not persecute them but he is even going to join their religion and be a part of them so at that point they have complete safety in Abyssinia. There's no more apprehension about whether or not things are going to change for them. They knew a Najashi had them and they knew that they had the security provided to them from Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala through a Najashi and that's Surah Maryam. Then you get into Surah Taha, Amr ibn Al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu when he went to his sister's home and he recited those verses of Surah Taha and became a Muslim through Surah Taha it was the Islam of Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu that gave the Muslims a sense of power and public outcome of their Islam or coming out with their Islam publicly within Mecca. So the solidifying of some level of security and Izzah and victory of the Muslims in Mecca came through the Islam of Umar ibn Al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu which came through Surah Taha and the solidifying and power and access and safety of the Muslims in Abyssinia came through the Islam of a Najashi which came through the recitation of Surah Maryam. So SubhanAllah, Uda'u ila sabili rabbika bilhikmati wal mawa'idatil hasana, there's no greater da'wa than the Quran, there is no greater speech than the Quran, there's no greater way to call to Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala than the Quran and we see exactly what happened as a result of that within the context of the Seerah of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. Then you look at the stories of the Prophets themselves as they relate to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in this Juz and the stories of the Prophets themselves is one in which
du'as are being answered. So Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala is going one by one through the stories of these Prophets and how they're calling upon Allah and their du'as are actually spelled out and Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala is showing us the result of those du'as and so Allah does not leave a du'a of a Prophet in this Juz without the answer and the result of that du'a closely following it. So when you look at Surah Al-Kahf for example, you have the people of the cave, the sleepers of the cave, right, and they called upon Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala and their du'a was answered and now you have in Surah Maryam every single time in Maryam and Taha and you go through these Surahs, Al-Anbiya, the du'a of a Prophet is mentioned, the result comes right after that. However, the result is often different than what they initially called upon Allah with. Some of the other connections that you can make in these Surahs that relate to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam is that these du'as were all revolving around the idea of what will come after us. SubhanAllah, every single du'a of the Prophets that is mentioned here is so that they could do a better job at their da'wah and so that the da'wah could be long-standing and successful, that it would survive the test of time and the test of persecution. Every single one of their du'as has something to do with that. Whether it was Zakariya Alayhi Salam asking for Yahya Alayhi Salam, whether it was even Maryam Alayhi Salam, right, she was worried about, you know, she did not ask Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala for a child but she was worried about what would happen to her and what they would say about the people of Deen, what they would say about her family and her name and what that would mean for what she stood for and what her family stood for, when they accused her of what they would accuse her with. When you think about Ibrahim Alayhi Salam, when you think about Musa Alayhi Salam, asking Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala, SubhanAllah, in Surah Maryam he is asking Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala, wajAAal li wazeera min ahli haruna akheeb, grant me a brother, or grant me nubuwa
of my brother, grant me support from my brother so he can help me with his eloquence, with his support. And then in Surah Taha, it is Musa Alayhi Salam himself asking Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala to guide his tongue. Both of them are about the legacy of the da'wah, the success of the da'wah and the da'wah staying firm and surviving the test of persecution and time. Every single one of them. So there is a connection between da'wah to Allah, meaning calling to Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala and dua' to Allah, calling upon Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala, that the prophets here, all of their stories are about them calling upon Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala so that they could be better at calling to Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala. And you can go one by one and you can measure that inshaAllah ta'ala and of course this was the concern of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. The dua's of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam that he was making in Mecca were that Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala would grant legacy to this call of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and the call of the prophets and that it would survive all of the persecution that was coming his way Alayhi Salatu Wasalam and he was willing SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to endure the worst of persecution so long as, which is in his dua, so long as Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala will allow the da'wah of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to survive and to go forth. The last thing I'll mention here inshaAllah ta'ala and I'll hand it over. The sincerity of the prophets in this regard and the way that the result sometimes, SubhanAllah, does not actually match with the initial intent of the dua yet at the same time the effect of it is blessed. When Zakariya Alayhi Salam asked Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala for a child and you can connect this to Surah Al-Kahf. Zakariya Alayhi Salam asked Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala for Yahya Alayhi Salam so that Yahya Alayhi Salam could be, and of course Allah named him Yahya, but so that his son Yahya Alayhi Salam could be a means of continuing the legacy of prophethood and continuing the da'wah and he did that Alayhi Salam.
But Yahya Alayhi Salam was shaheed, he was martyred, he was killed for his da'wah. And we see in Surah Al-Kahf SubhanAllah a young child that's also killed but for the opposite reason. So the point is that the way that succession works, the way that legacy works is very different for each person, each story, however we see the culmination of calling to Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala, calling upon Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala and the way that those two things are intertwined in the life of the prophet Sayyidina Issam as well and how it gave them strength and how these surahs played a role in actually establishing Islam in Abyssinia and in Mecca as well. And inshallah ta'ala with that I'll turn it to Dr. Jihad if you have any reflections inshallah that we can move to Shaykh Abdullah. Bismillah, no alhamdulillah I think you know some of the points that you hit on especially just the dua of the anbiya, you know the Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala giving us this privilege of having you know sort of like a window into the secret conversations between his anbiya and also himself and seeing what they're going through at the time. I mean this is da'wah within itself you know allowing us to see what they're going through and really resonate in their struggle but also getting this window to these secret conversations. I mean this is such you know such a beautiful opportunity for us you know to have these different narratives and then also you know we look at Umar bin al-Khattab having these powerful figures that you know enter into Islam you know and what that does to the overall community. You know we have more recently Kyrie Irving and some of the others who you know have this clout.
You know I think about being in the inner city and some of the gang leaders who become Muslim and how powerful that is for the overall community and you know it really you know it speaks to the Muslim community being able to draw these parallels between what we're dealing with today and then also the early Muslim community. Alhamdulillah beautiful reflection. JazakAllah khair Dr. Jihad. May Allah bless you. Sheikh Abdullah, tifadhal. Alhamdulillah I think I got it. I got to call it out. The elephant is in the room. Sheikh Jihad, Dr. Jihad is smooth man. I mean mashallah smooth presentation smooth mashallah. May Allah bless you Sheikh. May Allah preserve you mashallah. Very smooth mashallah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless you. No mashallah I think you know what Sheikh Omar was mentioning and Dr. Jihad about the importance of being an influence and the importance of you know when you have that position to use it for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to use it to call people to that which is good and when you call to people to that which is good there's prioritizations right you prioritize and you know that which is fadl and that which is fadl and mafbul and that which is more preferred over the other and no doubt that the prophets alayhim wasalam they are the best of individuals that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has brought on this planet and in the human existence being that they've been given the message of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala hence being called an Nabi and the Nabi is the one that you nabbi an nas al khair or yunbi'hum ilal khair they're the one that gives the news and the message to the people. And the chapter of Taha is a very profound chapter amongst the chapters that Shaykh Omar mentioned in regards to this you know this just being a juice of da'wah when listening
to the chapter of Taha and reciting it it talks primarily about Musa alayhi salam and his experience subhanAllah there is no prophet that has been mentioned in the Quran like Musa and that is with ultimately with the wisdom of al-Hakim the wisdom of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala why he chose Musa alayhi salam but what's most important is that we look at these stories even to the Arabic language that has been used and try to extract lifelong benefits and gems that we can implement within ourselves so inshallah together inshallah being the lad we want to just cover chapter verse number 77 and 78 when it speaks about it's right after the story of the magicians that embrace Islam because you know subhanAllah when you read roughly around chapter verse number 50 around that area where Musa alayhi salam is speaking with Fir'aun and and you know they agreed to meet at an area where it would be a festival because Musa was calling him to Islam but he was calling his people to obviously the kufr and worshipping him he said ana rabbikum al-a'la as he mentioned I am your lord the most high which he said and he felt the threat of Musa alayhi salam so he said we pull them you know to bring your people I'll bring my people and they will meet at a place at a neutral place and it will be as I said a festival yom uz-zeenati wa in yuhsharon nasi dhuha that they will meet at a festival and when the in the in the morning time roughly but so what left it on for jama'at so he took it on turn and he gathered his people gathered his plan and they plan and they plied and subhanAllah it gets really descriptive it's literally like you can paint a picture with what is going on and how a lot verse by verse picture and saying okay this is what is happening for now it's turning around and planning a plot then Musa alayhi salam says this to him then Allah subhana wa ta'ala continues on
where the magicians came and they came with their sticks and their ropes and then they threw their sticks and their ropes so it was something like a serpent it was it was it was made to look like a serpent in front of Musa alayhi salam to the degree that Allah subhana wa ta'ala says so Musa had a fear in itself it was a fear in himself it was it was a conceived fear within himself when he saw this then Allah subhana wa ta'ala says that don't have any fear of Moses you have the upper hand in any case when going through these verses Musa alayhi salam tells you know they tell Musa he throws his staff his beloved staff that he received at the beginning of the chapter of Musa at the beginning of chapter of Taha he throws it so it swallowed the magicians ropes and sticks that were that were slithering and looking like they were serpents as some mentioned so at that moment the magicians they prostrated they said we believe in the Lord of Harun and Moses then Pharaoh threatens them and he says that he will cut you know one limb from one side one leg from one side and then the opposite side of the hand and he will crucify them and put them on the judo in nothing on a on a palm tree and in a case after all this takes place Allah subhana wa ta'ala reveals to Moose and he uses the verb to reveal he said after all the letters you're talking well I got a oh hey now you know Musa and as the body father of the home for econ feel but he a bus and let's have a dark and well a doctor a loss of kind of what the other mentions the order that he gave to Musa he said verily we revealed to Musa to travel by the night with my servants and we want to ponder kind of pick this
verse apart imagine now there is a threat from fear on to Musa and his followers and from the followers were from those that were following fear on that were forced that they said a curtain a layman a safer that they were forced to perform the the actions of sorcery to try to bring fear into Musa but they ended up becoming Muslim so fit on is enraged so Allah tells him look take my slaves and he calls him a sleepy baddie the a baddie because they made a sacrifice because when you read in this story when when fear on threatened to kill them they said fuck will be mad and to all do as you wish do as you wish we only for a loss of kind of what time in the medical the hazard hi at the dunya this is what this is the authority that you think you have is only in this life but there is something beyond that so fear on is fuming at this point Allah subhana wa ta'ala with his wisdom tells Moses to travel in the night time and the verse the the verb that he uses us to be which is we heard yesterday is raw or me Raj is to travel at night us to be a baddie he tells him to travel with his slaves with my servants father of lemon party can fill Bachman and here's the second part so the first part is a loss of product I'll ordering him to travel at the nighttime with his servants and then he tells him to it but if a bar to hit the sea with that beloved staff now this staff has many many virtues from them is where Allah subhana wa ta'ala says you know we told him to hit the staff with this the spot Moosa become he forgot not to be a soccer hazard when Allah told him to hit be a soccer with your cane with your staff and had a fun budget of minhuth neta Ashraf to Ina then from it came 12 different springs of water for the animal cool unassigned mushroom home and some of the scholars mentioned that each spring was for
the asphalt for each of the tribes of Benny Israel so here is another situation where a loss of kind of what the other told him to hit the sea father of love father of the party fun to hit the sea with it and he says funny it will be a path now this path what kind of path is it it's a dry path within the sea can you imagine he tells him to hit the sea with the staff and then a party can yeah best son yeah best son means dry not even like muddy dry so when he hits it the sea parts into 12 different channels as some scholars say and the ground they have to eat as it parts they have to walk in the ground and they have to actually run and flee but the ground is barren and dry that's why a lot makes the point says yeah best son that it is dry and then after that he says that's a cough of the rock and well that's a sure he says travel by night with my slaves and hit the sea fearing neither nor being overtaken latter coffee Daragon Yanni it the rock of your own would you would you know who do not have any fear of Pharaoh and his army approaching you well that well that's a sure yeah I mean that's a shot minute look do not fear that you will drown and this is important because throughout you know Moses stories on a salon he mentions numerous times that he's scared it's okay to be scared it's okay to be scared when you are challenged with something in life it's okay to see our I'll be that I'm scared to tell your father your mother I'm scared when it's a mission that you're trying to fulfill for the Dean of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala it's okay to have fear that's a part of the process it's human and Moses said that numerous times in the alcohol and you have to go I lay down and you have to go that really I fear that Pharaoh will go beyond the bounds or will violate a lot so that I says letter coffee in the mouth of my asthma or whatever do not have any fear for verily we are with you when you practice the Sharia ladies
and gentlemen brothers and sisters when you practice with a class and you have fear this is okay but having ultimate to a quote in a loss of kind of a data Allah is telling Musa this he's also telling you he's also telling you when Musa was given the staff at the beginning of the chapter we see in the chapter of number verse number 10 when he was given the staff Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala told him throw the staff and it turned into a hey yet and test I turn it to a serpent that was moving Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions that Musa well a mood to be done well I'm your octave that he turned and ran and alive you get specific so let me walk up he didn't even turn around he fled I lost one guys told him don't be scared so when realizing this brothers and sisters Musa a race alarm fulfilled the mission even though he was it was fearful from fitter own he was fearful from the situation that took place a lot told him go into the sea that has been parted 12 ways for each tribe of Benny Israel and there was dry ground that is amazing in and of itself if this is amazing trust me go on and Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says after that but about a fear I'm gonna be doing he follows you home in any enemy man gosh you then a lot fear on in his army followed them and then they were covered by the sea and it's at a surmountable at an amount that Allah knows Russia home in any yummy man gosh you and in the young some scholars say is a big deep deep sea that has been that is engulfed and covered for it on and causing to drown but but the fear on Obama who when I had a loss from dollar says after that what a lot of it on the home I had that and fear on misguided as people and did not guide them and that is an interesting point that last month Allah says that he misguided them and did not guide them right so we know that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala said that fear on is misguided but Allah makes to keyed and a surety that there was no form of guidance from fit around because earlier in the chapter we are not in the chapter
we see in the chapter of a lot here well last month Allah mentions the statement of it on that that he he my only come in Lamar on a deacon in less of you love a shot I do not say anything except that this is my position and I am NOT calling you except to that which is a form of guidance so realizing brothers and sisters that this story of Musa alayhi salaam we can take an opportunity to read it and understand this beautiful event that took place and that Musa alayhi salaam was a human being and we see that throughout numerous you know instances of his life and of his prophet hood that reminds us that there is opportunity for us to always be better people do not let fear hold you back from worshipping Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and if you're in the path of worshipping Allah doing something that is good for Islam and you have fear continue on for real really a loss upon a dollar is the all-hearing and the all-seeing the last one down a bless us all inshallah check on the last how long it seems like as you can see sincerity and vulnerability are not a contradiction to each other just because you're vulnerable doesn't mean you're insincere it's how you channel that vulnerability that that makes you sincere and so these prophets we're seeing their vulnerability but that's not a slight on them even increases our admiration of them subhanAllah that's exactly what I said Abdullah dr. jihad take us away chef I would be lying in a sheet on the regime Bismillah Rahman Rahim alhamdulillah rabbi al-alameen was salat was salamu alaikum salam Muhammadin ma ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba first of all shake up the law alhamdulillah you're hitting on some very important some significant points when we look at you know even the the communities in the inner city how they do what is called story linking you know drawing the parallels between many of the stories especially you
thinking about the black church and also the black masjid so many parallels between the story of even was taking place and the story of Musa alayhi salam without you know delaying this we're gonna go right into the do I but first we have it have the elaph it on the inner who thought this is important this command go to fear on indeed he has transgressed this and we know that Musa alayhi salam needing some some tools before going to fear on and before saying this very powerful this very powerful do I and we look at this conversation between Musa alayhi salam and this seclusion between him and Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala his request as it begins right caller rubbish Rahli Sudbury well yes sirly Emily we look at this particular do I my lord expand for me my chest and ease for me my task and this idea that is placed forth in this do I shut who's southern as this expanding of the chest what does this mean a sabuni he says that this means really to illuminate the heart with a man and there's other interpretations but we look at why did Musa alayhi salam need his chest expanded you know we go to sort of to shoot a shoe at all in which Musa alayhi salam he mentions for your deco suddenly he says I fear my chest with Titan so imagine Moosa alayhi salam and this is why people can relate so much to Moosa alayhi salam this
idea of having his test his chest Titan you know we look at people going through depression we look at people going through very moments of you know feeling dejected and sad and worried and anxious right it's when your emotional state has paralyzed you and you it's very difficult to complete the task Moosa alayhi salam he wanted to be in the best state of mind everyone has a fit on a feral that they must face and you want to face that fit on in a very healthy state of mind so this is just really trying to gain this understanding how when we go through this our biggest challenges in life you have what can lie in between the person and their success is the negative psychological states anxiety depression so on and so forth so Moosa alayhi salam he wanted to be in a healthy mindset some of the the ulama have interpreted this as Moosa alayhi salam asking for Hikmah asking for wisdom asking for self-confidence or contentment and you know put my mind at ease or give me a you know have a peace of mind or even knowledge right so we want to go we have to make sure that we go and visit what was taking place 10 years prior to this particular do I we know from the story of Moosa alayhi salam what he was going through in regards to him enjoying status in Egypt he was raised in the house of the Pharaoh he was raised in the house of Firaon and him going through the incident where as Allah mentions in the Quran that he
struck an individual and he ended up killing this individual right so you have what we relate to Moosa you know I think about the brothers who are incarcerated I think about the brothers growing up in the inner city the brothers and sisters growing up in the inner city when you look at Moosa accidentally killing someone placed in a situation where he's a fugitive on the run the most one of the most beloved servants of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is now a fugitive on the run we look at even the story of Yusuf alayhi salam finding himself in prison we look at individuals Asia being married to a tyrant right and even I'm bass he describes Moosa he's going from Egypt to Median only eating plants and leaves right Moosa alayhi salam a fugitive he has a bounty on his neck he's living in fear Moosa's he's homeless he's hungry right so we have to look at what has taken place before this this do I or rubbish Rahmi Sudbury well yes sir Lee Amri wahluluka that time Milly Sani yes kahoo cow Lee and moving on to this this other part of the do I that and untie the knot from my tongue right that they may understand my speech so Moosa we know when he was younger as a child his tongue as some of the narratives say that his tongue was burnt by hot coal right and this part of the do I is really asking Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala not to allow his deficiencies
to paralyze him not to allow his deficiencies to present prevent him from gaining success on his mission his mission to face fit alone right and Moosa as we see music Moosa having a lot of fears and insecurities you know dealing with you know his potential of his chest tightening right dealing with his speech may not being as clear as say his brother right but Moosa alayhi salam he was chosen by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to be put in his position that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best who to put in these leadership positions that you have Moosa alayhi salam so many things he had went through but now he's speaking to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala that sometimes we count each other out never count your brother and sister out you see Moosa killed an individual was a fugitive on the run homeless and hungry and now we'll come along who Moosa tech Leeman that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala saying that Allah spoke to Moosa directly now he's speaking to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala going on in this particular do I this do I is powerful what you're a Lee was even mean ah Lee and a point for me a minister from my family had one a he Aaron my brother who stood to be he as re increase through him my strength what I shriku fee amri right and let him share my task and here what we realize is that Moosa alayhi salam he's needing help this is the
do I the part of the do I that propelled his brother into prophet hood we can't do this alone we sometimes have this idea that we want to be on the mountaintop by ourselves we can't do this alone that we can't even if you're in a position of leadership you're gonna always need the help of your brother and sister this idea of I want to be on the mountaintop alone look at Moosa alayhi salam he's praying for his brother and this propelled his brother had own into prophet hood and this is important for us as a Muslim community instead of dividing let us look at Moosa the example of Moosa alayhi salam and making do I for our brother and sister because we need their assistance and beautifully the do I hear it makes a shift into this you know first person but it's plural right it makes a shift a beautiful part of this do I can use a be haka katira when that kura kakatira in NECA coon tabi not bossy raw and this do I goes on to say that we may exalt you much and remember you much indeed you are with us ever seen in this do I this last three parts of this do I it's switches now it's about the community you can't forget about the community being able to praise Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in the community setting we we're praising Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala we're glorifying Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala together you see the beautiful ending of this do I now you have this beginning commandment it had but he left it on in the
hotel go to fear own indeed he has trends transgressed Moosa he had these requests and this is this do I and which Moosa alayhis salaam had this request now he's ready to face fit on his mind and his heart are prepared now his confidence is up now his brother is at his side right and they're able to exalt Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala together they're able to remember Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala together and for us what we can take from this is that all of us have have a fit on a fail that we have to face and we have to ask Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to expand our chest our chest being the home of our heart you see human beings we love expansion we love bigger cars bigger homes but what about the home of the called of the heart and we ask that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us of those who are able to realize this particular you know do I we look at this this ayat that was revealed that comes after this do I in which Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he accepts this do I Moosa alayhis salaam but he goes on and he says and we had already conferred upon you another time he's reminding Moosa alayhis salaam we answered do I before whenever you're you're making do I'm asking Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala don't forget that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has answered many of your requests your supplications before sometimes we approach do I as if Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has never
answered our supplications but Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has always been there he's never left he reminds Moosa alayhis salaam I've always been there I've been there since you were a child I've always been right there so I'm answering your do I right now but I've always answer your supplications so we ask that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us of those who are able to even if it's in English recite this beautiful do I Moosa and I did no justice to this beautiful do I but our homework is to read over it and read some of the explanations involved in this do I Moosa alayhis salaam thank Allah on Dr. Jihad beautiful reflections subhanAllah you know I remember one of the or in a not he said that no person has ever done a favor to another as great as Moosa alayhis salaam to Haroon it was by his do he became a prophet what a favor you know and you talk about building each other up and moving people forward I was thinking about the brothers of Yusuf alayhis salaam they wanted to put Yusuf alayhis salaam you know in a well they wanted to kill him and get rid of him out of jealousy Moosa alayhis salaam wants his older brother to share in prophethood with him and that in itself is noble and the fact that by the way you know I think that I'll just end on this because I got asked this question about you know prophets and sins and we say prophets according to our creed do not commit major sins before after prophethood and many of the scholars mentioned that the man that Moosa alayhis salaam killed the reason why he got involved in that fight was on the basis of a noble faulty assumption hmm an Egyptian man fighting with a man from many islay you have the oppressors and the oppressed so Moosa alayhis salaam intervened out of a noble intention right to help the the man from many israel against the you know the
people of their own against the man that was fighting him and in the process not only took on the wrong party but in the process actually killed the man by accident so how even that was noble so it was not a lot of but of course you know for all of us you know some of the the greatest companions of the prophets why some had indeed committed major sins before they became Muslim and they rose to be the heroes of Islam so with prophets they have a different maqam but the lesson is still there they have a different station but the lesson is still there but we see with the companions of the prophets like so them all types of prior lives before they came into Islam and then prior experiences that were fashioned into just this beautiful community that we hope that we can be a part of so the beautiful reflection something like sheikh Abdullah would you have anything else you want to say no I mean there's a there's a lot in there you must show lots of radical I mean I like how he tied it into you know Moosa just just this just that like you said the vulnerability of a situation it really humanizes the prophets which is important for us as people that are you know going through things in life you know it's very important that we don't make them like their make-believe but these are things that really took place and then automatically when we read an experience or something that took place we put it on ourselves and you see how you just mentioned the dua of Moosa made Haroon a prophet and I was thinking about when you know when Moosa grabbed him by his letter will be the HITI whatever you're not see you think brother doing that I mean I'm almost sure that happened you know you know I mean I was an older brother you know so I probably wow just come to lie yeah I mean it's beautiful I really hope that you viewing now Mashallah whenever that you take the opportunity to read take the opportunity to read the story of Moosa particularly chapter of Taha and subhanAllah and you know look at ourselves and ask Allah for sabbath for steadfastness inshallah I'm doing luck look here dr. Jihad we really appreciated having you on and
shall I for the benefit of the audience but the night out of the yakin last tonight finish Ramadan strong webathon will be the Sunday in Charlotte on and the law that you have will be joining us there as well inshallah Thomas are very happy to have you inshallah you'll be a regular with us but the night I don't know I reward you for the great work that you're doing with this lovely unless I continue to grant you success my last panel Tata continue to allow you to benefit and to be elevated in this life in the next one I mean I'm doing I say privilege being before you are and alhamdulillah you know I'm a fan you know so to be on here it's definitely an honor and you know you all are doing some beautiful work some great work you know impacting the entire in the entire world you know so alhamdulillah you know I'm honored to be on you know this platform and you know I'm the law we just just getting started inshallah inshallah inshallah so we'll see you Sunday shake and shall on for everyone else we'll see you tomorrow and Charlotte for Quran 30 for 30 please do go to yakina student works last Ramadan download the ebooks support yakin and support a slot la midnight on a barakallah fika mustanawi come on whatever captain there's this emphasis throughout the Quran and the Sunnah on a sabi kona lawaloon the first the forerunners those that rush to do good and we are to study them so that we can learn the lessons from them and that we can in some ways even be them so please join me for the series inshallah which will be going on for a very long time inshallah tada where we talk about the first and we ask Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to make us from a sabi kona lawaloon to make us from those firsts on the Day of Judgment that rushed to the fountain of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam that are joined with him and Jonathan for those Allah I mean look forward to having you follow along inshallah
wasalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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