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Juz' 19 with Dr. Farah Islam | Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 2

The Qur’an was revealed to guide humanity, and yet the Messenger’s ﷺ own people refused to acknowledge its miracle. Though many verses in juz 19 were revealed as a response and warning to Quraysh, the message is universal. Dr. Omar Suleiman, Sh. Abdullah Oduro, and special guest Dr. Farah Islam reflect on the Qur’an’s guidance, avoiding heedlessness, and turning to the Lord of Mercy in times of hardship.

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As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen. We are getting close to the last 10 nights inshaAllah ta'ala. So we are now in Juz 19 and before I introduce our special guest inshaAllah ta'ala for tonight, just a reminder of the webathon on Sunday and inshaAllah ta'ala a just a note that we're actually going to be doubling up Juz 20 and 21 on the same day inshaAllah on Saturday just to give people a chance to tune in to the webathon fully on Sunday inshaAllah ta'ala. So we're gonna move a Juz up inshaAllah ta'ala on Saturday as well. Our guest tonight Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen is Dr. Farah Islam Alhamdulillah from Toronto. She is a researcher in mental health Alhamdulillah. She's edited several journals in mental health. She is a Alamia student at Mathaba in Toronto. She's taught at the IOU as well as at the Islamic Institute of Toronto and has too long of a bio for me to go through but more importantly she's joining Yaqeen Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen. She's one of our newest additions as well Alhamdulillah. Very excited to continue to have that integration of Islam and mental health. So and particularly Dr. Farah to welcome you. So welcome Alhamdulillah. And Sheikh Abdullah is sporting probably the flyest mashaAllah outfit he's sported since we started Alhamdulillah. Tell us shout out who gave that to you. Where'd you get that from? Where'd you buy it from? My mother brought it from Ghana. That's the best gift man. It's kind of like good while it's bad at the same time. So gotta make his mom will get mad. You know how it is. Yeah, so you got to send your mom the episode inshaAllah. Exactly. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen. Jazakumullah khair. InshaAllah ta'ala we'll get right into it with Ibn Taymiyya ta'ala. So we're in Juz 19 Alhamdulillah where we are continuing with Surat Al Furqan
and Surah Furqan because we didn't get to talk about it much last time due to the fact that there was so much in Al Mu'minun and Surah An-Nur. Surah Al Furqan basically comes around the same time as Surah Al Mu'minun. So this is an interesting feature in the Quran and part of the divine the divine revelation of the order of the Surahs the sequence of the Surahs as well. Why would An-Nur which is a Madani Surah clearly it is a Madani Surah which speaks to the the slander of our mother Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala Anha be situated right in between not just two Meccan Surahs but two Surahs that were revealed pretty much along the same time around the exact same time. And that is as we said that some of the ilmah mentioned the wisdoms that had the people acted upon Al Mu'minun than An-Nur much of what is addressed in An-Nur would not become a problem for people individually as well as in their their social affairs. So it kind of gives us a real-life lesson implementation of Al Mu'minun or a lack of an implementation on the part of some parties of Al Mu'minun in Surah An-Nur. And when we get to Al Furqan subhanAllah the style is so similar and of course the last ten ayat Ibadur Rahman the servants of the most merciful last year the last ten night ten nights we actually went through a characteristic of Ibadur Rahman the servants of the most merciful every night. There were incredible infographics that were done as well. So one thing is the lecture, but if you want to skip the lecture too long didn't listen you can inshallah ta'ala just look at the amazing infographics that the creative team at Yaqeen put together per each episode bin Nanahi ta'ala and of course, I'm sure we're going to have some insights about it here. But if you consider Ibadur Rahman the last ten verses that talk about the characteristics of Ibadur Rahman and then you match them up to the first ten verses of Al Mu'minun then you can see that they are basically an extension of them, right?
So in Surah Al Mu'minun, Alladheena hum fee salatihim khashioon those who have khushur in their prayers Surah Al Furqan actually gives us insight into the dua that one would be making in the midst of a a prayer in which they have khushur, in which they have humility. So the deep dua within that devotion. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions anil laghwi mu'ridhoon in Surah Al Mu'minun those that avoid idle speech. In Al Furqan the actual implementation of that, right? wa idha khatabahum al jahiduna qaloo salama When they are approached by the foolish, they simply say salam, they move on Whenever that you know, some gossip comes across them or idle speech comes across them. They don't bother with it whatsoever So it's really an extension if you compare the last ten of Al Furqan to the first ten of Al Mu'minun Every verse is a branch of what we find from Al Mu'minun, SubhanAllah So it's a beautiful composition that we see of those two. Now some of the seerah background of that Surah Al Furqan which means the criteria was actually revealed the first ten verses So we know the last ten are famous for the traits that are within them. The first ten verses of Surah Al Furqan were actually revealed in a response to Quraysh So Quraysh argued why would Allah send a human prophet and why is he not bringing some of the treasures from the heavens to prove he's a prophet? So now they were asking for some of the treasures and SubhanAllah Allah sent the treasured verses instead that we have today So the first ten verses of this surah are directly a response to the argument that Quraysh brought forth And you can read them in that light bidden Allahi ta'ala and understand it from a seerah Perspective. Now as you go on and I want to focus on the other Surah Al Shu'ara, Surah Al Naml Surah Al Shu'ara is where I want to focus on a bit because it has a deep connection and it also introduces a unique element of the seerah
That we haven't really seen much emphasis on in the Quran just yet as we've been reading through it from cover to cover Surah Al Shu'ara introduces the concept of the poets So there is a lot of emphasis on poetry and the poets in Mecca in the time of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam And so of course that's not the exclusive theme of Al Shu'ara and you do have some important verses that speak to some of the incidents within the seerah. So for example Wa anzir ashiratakal aqrabin, where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to warn your close relatives This is of course in regards to the early da'wah in Mecca where the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was taught to start with his family So before you go out to society you have to start with your family And this is the methodology that Allah gave to our Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in his own affairs And this is the methodology that the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave to us in regards to all of our affairs to start with Your family and to make sure that you enjoy righteousness within your home first and with your nearest family members first, but then when you get to the poets and the element of that and by the way I'm just gonna say from now, please remember wa anzir ashiratakal aqrabin I will ask you about it tomorrow inshallah ta'ala when we do Juz 20 So remember there is a connection between this and a particular incident in Juz 20 Bid'na ta'ala and I'll see inshallah ta'ala who remembers it But when we get to the poets ash-shu'ara who the surah is actually named after Allah touches on it from multiple angles For one there is this lengthy discourse on the magicians of Fir'aun The story of the magicians of Fir'aun who we have spoken about subhanAllah a fascinating group of people That went from being sahara to shuhada that went from being magicians to martyrs in a matter of a day, right?
But Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala talks about how once their trade was exposed to them then they repented they came back to Allah Similarly the message to the people of Mecca is that it was clear to these poets They knew poetry very well that what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had brought was not poetry that the Quran was not poetry They knew sorcery and it wasn't sorcery. They knew poetry They were masters of poetry and it was not poetry And so some of them would respond the way Fir'aun would where Fir'aun knew that his sorcerers knew sorcery better than him But still chose to oppose his prophet which was Musa alayhi salam Likewise Abu Jahl who would admit in private that we know that what the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has is not poetry He still would would float that narrative on the outside so that he could oppress the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and seek to suppress his message So the message is to those who know poetry and that was the craft of the Arabs and the Quran Outrived, you know outdid them in every way whatsoever That you should have the repentance of the magicians of Fir'aun not the stubbornness of Fir'aun himself But then there's some other elements of this subhanAllah. So one of them Allah azawajal says washu'ara yatbi'uhumul ghawoon As for the poets only the foolish only the wayward follow them and the scholars mentioned here a few things in that regard That the cronies that used to follow around the poets were actually very empty people This is a really interesting one. If you think about how we fill the void that is missing in our hearts that the you know, think about the poets as the celebrities of Mecca the people that would go around them and that bought into their clout and that wanted to be part of their posse and that wanted to be close to them that would compare poet to poet and That would put on the festivals and attend the festivals Essentially the concerts of the time there was a culture to that a culture of emptiness
when you compare that culture of emptiness and concerts and festivals and the wine drinking and You know the insecurity of the followers of the poets Right the artists of the time and you compare them to the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam There's a beautiful lesson to take here wal ladheena amanoo ashaddu hubban linnaa Those who believe are more invested They love Allah more and the way that the followers of the Quran were fulfilled You take the people of Quran and the people of poetry and look at the difference in the quality of those people subhanAllah Right, like that's actually a proof a hudja that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is implying here as well That those who are full of poetry are empty those who are full of Quran are fulfilled And then some of the scholars also mentioned that the poetry of the Arabs was vulgar. It was about Drinking it was about you know romance. It was about Tribalism it was about feud It was a lot of dis a lot of putting down people a lot of satire a lot of you know Obscenities and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam hated that and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam You know He compared people that are filled with poetry to being filled with with a rawness with pus Right in that sense because it was the nasty poetry that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam hated However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam appreciated the poetry that had hikmah in it the poetry that had wisdom in it That did not contradict Islam. So we talked about this by the way in meeting Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam's poetry Appreciation of Umayyah bin Abi Salt. SubhanAllah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said his lyrics are of faith But his heart had no faith because he was a disbeliever. But his his lyrics Were were of belief and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam could listen to his poetry and it did not bother him alayhi salatu wassalam and then finally the the context the The comparison of righteous poets to corrupt poets that comes in the end of Surat Al Shu'ara So the difference between those poets who used their skill for good and those poets who use their skill for evil
So the Quran is distant from poetry. The people of Quran are distant from the people of poetry But then those that used their poetry for good poetry is not like sorcery, which is haram altogether Some shair some verses are good and Allah subhana wa ta'ala makes that distinction and inshallah ta'ala with that. I'll invite first Dr. Farah if you'd like to share anything inshallah reflection and we'll move on to Shaykh Abdullah bin Nimah. I Love that reflection subhanAllah It reminded me particularly when you just mentioned how those of poetry were filled with emptiness and those with Quran were filled with Fulfillment it reminded me a lot of what I think a lot of us may be experienced when we just got hit with COVID You know, you've got all this silence this emptiness and I think many of us had to kind of reassess You know, what do we do in that silence? Did we just fill our lives with busyness? Right? What would how do we? Come back to this idea of fulfillment and so subhanAllah that was that was a very powerful reminder of that Jazakum Allah khair subhanAllah very relevant and I didn't even think about that. So may Allah bless you for that reflection Shaykh Abdullah take us away You're on mute Shaykh Bismillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasool Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa ala mula'min wa ala ma'baatin. That was beautiful. Mashallah very very very beautiful Insight on that as well. And you know subhanAllah as a segue I was speaking about the Quran Shaykh Omar spoke about this last year briefly in regards to The Quran as well, but it was a couple of verses before Where he was speaking about the taking the friends or the companions that could have a bad influence on you What I want to talk about is in the chapter of Al-Furqan and it is verse number 30 Where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Shaykh Omar mentioned even last year When all of these things that the Quraysh were doing to him What was the complaint? The complaint was ya Rabbi inna qawmi takhadhu hadha al-Qur'ana mahjoora
They oh, they they, you know, they totally disregarded the Quran. They avoided the Quran They left the Quran and that's what I want to talk about inshallah ta'ala in this beautiful chapter of Al-Furqan The Quran because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam gives a specific message for a specific group of people But the generality still applies Where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam as they say he was a complaint to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala But at the same time it was tahdid, it was a threat, indirect threat to the Quraysh because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam when he says As Allah says, wa qaala ar-rasoolu, yaani nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam Ya Rabbi inna qawmi, inna qawmi, my people and that is what is subhanAllah is Amazing here because some scholars in tafsir they mentioned when he says my people it wasn't expected that the people that you know Embarked poetry and they understand that this word is these these words are not poetry This is not poetry, but they would still call him a sahir They would still call him, you know, say from the asatir al awaleen that they call him a magician They would call him all of these names and in the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam my own people My people are saying that this Quran they are banning this Quran Ittakhadhu hadha al-qurana mahjura What's interesting here as well is how The Arabic is made up here. The form of Arabic is here. He doesn't just use the verb Hajarul Quran. He says that they took the Quran as an object to avoid or something to totally abandon meaning that He used the noun as opposed to the verb and as they say al-ism Hud yadula lathabatu wa dawam meaning that this abandonment of the Quran Looking at it as an object of abandonment whenever you see it or hear it leave it at all costs That's how they took it So that is a much more eloquent and and it's probably paints a much more intense picture
when we see a loss of product Allah says it tell all do that they voluntarily took this Quran as a source of you know that which we should avoid and should totally leave and Abandon and that's major because subhanAllah as you see in the Quran Allah mentions in a also in the Quran Wa qala allatheena kafaroo la tasma'ooli hadha al-quran walghaw fee la'allakum taghliboon That the disbelievers that they will say let us not only had don't listen to this Quran What'll go fee? Yani little means to cancel it out and some scholars say drowned out the recitation when you hear it by screaming Can you imagine you know and sometime I've heard this with certain people that convert to Islam They'll try to recite the Quran and then someone in their house doesn't like to hear it and they'll scream over them Literally, they don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear that message I would be love so this is what the court what they said What'll go fee la'allakum taghliboon perhaps you may be overpowered maybe taken by this Quran Maybe affected by this word of the Quran so the promise of Allah I know a Salem is complaining to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala which is is jazz is permissible to complain to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala about this You know the way that the Quraish were acting with him when he was proclaiming this message of Islam via the Quran What is important here as well as in this beautiful month of Ramadan even though we look at the specific? Group of people or reason for revelation if you will being that it was directly it was directed to the Quraish or about the Quraish We still look at the Oh soft or the characteristics that are present within them that may be present Within all of us as Muslims as a panel I am Rahim Allah mentions in one of his books and for what it meaning the book Of benefit he talks about those that abandon the Quran and he says the abandonment of Quran is in five primary ways The first of them is tilawat al-quran reciting the book of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala Reciting the book of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala when you recite it it has an effect on you
so when people voluntarily do not recite the book of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that can be a shade of abandonment of the Quran Also listening to the Quran for those of us that you know hear the Quran and may not understand it Let's not allow the forces whether it's shaitan or ourselves or shaitan affecting ourselves to say well look I don't understand this book. Why am I even listening to it? Why am I standing in 20 rakaats of prayer or eight rakaats and I don't even understand what I'm what's being was being recited So you go home and you watch television When knowing that it probably may be even better it will be better for you to listen to the Quran especially in this month of Ramadan and thirdly is acting upon the Quran Well, I'm gonna be much to that I am it's acting upon the Quran and this is the most important of them of Acting upon the Quran of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala as Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala You know mentions in the Latina aminu wa'amilu salihat the ones that believe and act Do the actions of salihat? What are the action how do we know the good actions in Islam or the righteous actions by the Quran and By the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also, we have to legislate by the book of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala tahkeen bishara Allah to where whatever we use or whatever decisions that we make whether It's even arbitrary decisions between two people as Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions Faba through Hakim Amin Ali Hakim Amin Ania when he talks about marital relations and there's Discord there's discord between both of them and you find two people one from each family That it should be judged upon the Quran or the spirit of the Quran when trying to reconcile between people That is on a specific level even on a state level Familial level community level we should look at the Quran initially primarily when making these decisions Finding the spiritual cure with the Quran As-shifa wa ja'ala min al-qur'ani ma huwa shifa
And we made from the Quran that which is a cure some scholars mentioned from the Quran meaning Particular verses of the Quran or some say no It's all of the Quran meaning the Quran is a cure a cure for primarily primarily the cures of the heart jealousy envy Hatred these diseases of the heart that if we allow it to fail and do not do anything about it, that's where it can overpower us and take us and be our primary thoughts and Ultimately our primary our behavior and we don't want that may Allah protect us from that but finding the cures with the Quran whenever you feel that sense of Anger turn to the Quran and look at the stories of the prophets turn to the Quran and ask Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala when reading it to alleviate any pain that you may be facing along with seeking help finding these two together will be an Aspect of you know being someone that takes the Quran seriously and does not abandon the Quran or Kareem And I think we mentioned pondering over the Quran as Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions that the Quran the kitabun that has been revealed For people liyadabbaru ayati to ponder over it wa liyatadhakkara ulu albaab and for those that are albaab that are people of intellect or people of of pondering that they will be of the ones that have the Quran as a Remembrance and lastly I want to give this risalah to myself and to all of you You know subhanAllah, you know when converted to Islam or those of us that may be Muslim all of our lives and there was an epiphany something that took place where we want to try to practice the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam, Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala being a alim knows this reality and he says in a beautiful beautiful hadith that's mutafiqun alayhim On the authority of Aisha radhahu anha, he says the al mahiru bil quran The one that is experienced in reading the Quran and that reads the Quran ma al safratil kiram al barara He says or kama kala sallalahu alayhi wasalam he or she is with the
Noble scribes being the angels and then he said the one that reads the Quran wa yata ta'ta'u feehi wa huwa alayhi shaaq lahu ajran So the first group of the people that are experienced reading the Quran they receive one reward and they're with the noble scribes but the ones that struggle and Work hard yet a ta'ta'u they struggle reading the Quran wa huwa alayhi shaaq Shaaq is hard upon them falahu ajran so please brothers and sisters, let's not forget that virtue of Reciting something over and over and being corrected as an adult in your Quran class with kids I remember this older gentleman. He said may I go to the Quran class with kids. It feels very awkward, but I'm on a mission It doesn't really matter. I'm on a mission I want to read I want to know what Allah is telling me and I want to learn and recite it in the most beautiful language that he is telling me the language that he chose so Don't give up those of you that are reading the Quran and those are reciting the Quran and you want to know what God is Telling you Allah knows your intention keep that intention act upon what you know to the best of your ability and Continue pondering over this beautiful book and be of those that Allah subhana wa ta'ala is pleased with inshallah ta'ala Raduqallahu fiquh Jazakum Allah khair So subhanAllah you have the Complaints of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam about people not taking the Quran seriously And then you have the people who take poetry too seriously, you know, just the connection between furqan and shuara To really fill ourselves with the Quran. That was such a beautiful reminder. Jazakum Allah khair. Dr. Farah, tafadlani Mashallah, that was a beautiful reflection Sheikh Abdullah. It actually really beautifully Segues into my my talk as well because I'm also going to be focusing on surah al-furqan and just like you mentioned Sheikh Abdullah Those overpowering emotions and that beautiful message of not giving up And so I wanted to start out with a particular verse of surah al-furqan that really hit me
Verse 60 where Allah subhana wa ta'ala is talking about the disbelievers and he says yet when they are told bow down Before the Lord of Mercy before ar-Rahman They say what is the Lord of Mercy? Should we bow down before anything you command and they turn even further away? And I know that the seerah portion of the Quran 30 for 30 is you know Sheikh Omar's thing but I did want to mention that There's a particular incident from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam That is mentioned in the books of that's here in relation to this verse and I'm sure all of you remember that during the writing of the treaty of the Hudaivia a Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the scribe to start off the document by writing, you know in the name of Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim and the disbelievers just you know, bought the fact they were like, you know, we don't recognize these names We don't know what ar-Rahman ar-Rahim is. You can't put that into the document And so those beautiful names of Allah subhana wa ta'ala ar-Rahman ar-Rahim had to be stricken out of the record And so I want us to pause and reflect and you know disbelievers aside wants to think about times when we fail to see Allah as ar-Rahman when do we fail to see Allah as the Lord of Mercy the one of all-encompassing mercy and the thing is You know, we do it all the time subhanAllah, and I'm gonna try to illustrate that with a story So my husband took off the training wheels off of our son's bike and we've been trying to teach him How to ride the two-wheeler for the first time and so a little guy, you know He falls down once twice five times six times twelve times and then suddenly, you know becomes so agitated So angry becomes like a mini Godzilla, you know shaking his little fists up and
You know destroying everything in his way kicks, you know kicks his bike to the side and you know start seeing things like His life is horrible His life sucks and nothing good has ever happened to him and the thing is we laugh at that because it's cute and humbly My kids are so wonderful. Mashallah But the thing is we do this as adults as well. SubhanAllah, right? It's um, it's like we It's it's like the the bad the bad starts to snowball in our lives and it feels like we never knew any good You know, everything can be fine and then suddenly BAM, you know, Kovac hits We're suddenly in the midst of a lockdown or pandemic, you know just situations that we've never experienced before and trying to navigate through uncertainty that We just don't know how to handle subhanAllah and then maybe it's time like you lose your job maybe you start to see your loved ones your family members your neighbors start to get sick and Then just when you think that things possibly cannot get worse The unimaginable hits you You know You're hit with a loss or a grief. That is so devastating that you don't know if you'll ever stand again And so during these past couple of months, I've been learning a lot about grief And you know Allah SWT for example tells us in Surah Al-Asr, you know Indeed, mankind was created in loss You know our lives are about loss There are all these moments of grief that we go through and you know what I'm particularly appreciating is that grief has all these different shapes and For example, you know, there is complicated grief where we get stuck in this space of grief And we're unable to sort of move on and able to really fully grieve and
There's also what I think is so interesting There are all these shades of grief that have actually nothing to do with death or put another way There are all these different kinds of death that we experience throughout life For example, there's the grief that we face when our marriage falls apart There is the kind of grief that we face when we leave behind the only home that we have And so that's a lot for example of what my research focuses on this idea of you know What is the mental health impact of migration? What does that do to a person to have to leave behind the only home they've ever known? And so all of us have at one time or another stood on this shore Between you know the life that we once knew the life where we felt safe and secure And then looking forward at the prospect of a new life Looking forward at the prospect of a very new and very scary future And not knowing how to take a step forward, right? Because once we do that, you know, we don't know We're looking back and we're thinking that you know, everything we once knew has been shattered, right? And so our grief, our sorrow, our hatred, all of these very powerful overwhelming emotions And our hardships have a way of making us forget that Allah Subhana wa ta'ala is Ar-Rahman He is the Lord of Mercy And I get it, you know, those moments are so difficult in our lives How do you see his mercy through your tears? And so but like the little boy who falls off his bike and learns to get back up again And is stronger because he learns to get back up We too uncover who we are when we learn to pick up the pieces and stand up And that's what makes all the difference And so in this field of grief, in grief counseling
A lot of the work of Pema Chodron is thrown around And there's a particular quote of hers that I really like where she says that Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over again to annihilation Can that which is indestructible in us be found And so if we take this a step further Our hardships often destroy everything we once knew And in that complete annihilation It's almost like Allah Subhana wa ta'ala is sending us this very strong message And in that he obliterates all of our attachments to this dunya And reminds us very powerfully that it is Allah Subhana wa ta'ala who is eternal He's the only one who we can actually hold on to And in Surah Al-Furqan again Allah reminds us Put your trust in the living, in Al-Hayt, who never dies Because everything in this life will perish And when we're in the midst of grief We need to remember that our pain too will pass Or at least it will change and continue to shift And for those of us who have gone through grief when we lost a loved one You know, we never really fully get over it, right? It's a process that stays with us all our lives We grieve all of our lives But that pain changes and morphs throughout our lives Throughout our lives And what we remember is that the one who never dies The one who is ever living The one who we place our tawakkul, our trust in is Allah Subhana wa ta'ala And he'll never let us go That is the part that is indestructible within us You know, our rope to Allah, our connection, our bond to our creator
That is what we find through our hardship And there are also other times when we don't recognize Allah as Ar-Rahman Where in a way we effectively wipe out the name Ar-Rahman from our record That's when we believe that our sins are so great That there is no way that Allah could ever forgive us That we could never be worthy of his forgiveness And the thing is, you know, I tell myself this first And Ramadan is such a powerful reminder of exactly this We have to remember that Allah Subhana wa ta'ala is Al-Ghafoor He is the forgiving one He is Al-Affoo, right? The pardoner That beautiful dua that we say throughout Ramadan and in Laylatul Qadr You know, Anhuma innak ya'afoon tuhibbu li'affo fa'afoo anneem Right? He pardons, he is the pardoner And so powerfully, Allah Subhana wa ta'ala is Ar-Rahman He is the Lord of mercy The one of all-encompassing mercy And he gave us this beautiful month for exactly that So that we can draw close to him So that he can envelop us in his mercy So that he can forgive us And I want to end with another beautiful verse from Surah Al-Furqan Verse number 70 Where Allah beautifully says Accept those who repent, who do tawbah, who believe and do good deeds God will change the evil deeds of such people into good ones He is most forgiving, most merciful So increase your tawbah, your repentance and your dua in this beautiful month Call upon him Call upon Ar-Rahman Plead with your merciful Lord for his forgiveness The Lord upon whose throne it is written, my mercy overcomes my wrath My mercy overcomes my wrath
Plead to the Lord who is so merciful That he would not just obliterate your sins But he would transform them into good deeds How amazing is that? SubhanAllah Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem We ask you by your infinite mercy that never obeys Please forgive us in this most blessed of months Ameen Jazakumullah khair Sheikh Abdullah I could hear you in the background Um MashaAllah Ya Raheem No, no you had us captivated truly And um inshaAllah not in um You know we talked about good poetry versus bad poetry That was good poetry Alhamdulillah It was very poetic Alhamdulillah And kept this caption Alhamdulillah Um But I hope inshaAllah the message resonated There's so much in what you just said Um I can tell you right now what we're gonna do is We're gonna clip everything you just said And inshaAllah we're gonna upload it as a separate lecture InshaAllah Yes, we're about to Rahman that we can all go back to inshaAllah ta'ala You know to really reflect on So jazakumullah khairan for those powerful powerful powerful reflections And ameen to your powerful duas as well And um very happy to have you join Yaqeen as well InshaAllah ta'ala I know that um we're gonna be getting a lot of emails and messages When is she coming back so Um I can already anticipate that So may Allah bless you and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Uh how's your son ride his bike now? Is he okay now? He's way down In one week Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah that's great May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless him InshaAllah bless your family Um Sheikh Abdullah I I know you were you were drinking that like So what what would you share? Any reflection that that struck you? What struck you in particular? I mean really when I like how she said Hopefully I don't know if it's the title of a book or something She's playing the title Like she said seeing ar-Rahman through our tears Wow that was that was See his mercy through our tears Wow
That's our quote for the episode See his mercy through our tears Yeah man that was What do they say? Yeah written in gold MashaAllah Written in gold yes written in gold MashaAllah But there's one thing that Ibn Qayyim mentioned SubhanAllah that she was talking about in In Wabil al-Sayf And it's a beautiful aspect He says um maybe that sin that you had Is a reason for your seeking forgiveness Which is better than Fa'atim kathira Which is much better than many acts of obedience That sin was a means for you to be a better person Because when you commit that sin What do you do after that? And that's the most important That's the that's the the frontiers Okay I've seen that them that I've done What am I going to do about it? So in this case what you're mentioning Are you seeing ar-Rahman at that time When you feel so bad from what you've done? You know are you going to let that hinder on you? And you know just go another route But that's that's subhanAllah She touched on it beautifully MashaAllah SubhanAllah I think Surah al-Furqan is probably After Surah ar-Rahman I don't know of a surah that emphasizes ar-Rahman so much SubhanAllah Even like before you get to Ibad ar-Rahman That page as you're going into it These verse verse after verse after verse ar-Rahman ar-Rahman ar-Rahman So Jazakum Allah khair for the wonderful reminder A reminder to everyone inshaAllah Yaqeeninstitute.org slash Ramadan You can download the two ebooks Quran 30 for 30 companion guide The Dua Day by Sheikh Tahir And please do join us for the webathon This coming Sunday biidhnillah ta'ala And not just join us But let your friends and family join I know we have a Yaqeen community of sorts now Especially that develops during Ramadan And this year we're going to be very intentional Sheikh Abdullah is going to be online Every single day after Ramadan to receive you Even the day of Eid right Sheikh I didn't even know that I guess so But you know alhamdulillah We have we have our community that's growing online Alhamdulillah And please we know how much Yaqeen has meant to you And we know and you have meant to us as well Alhamdulillah
But I mean we're a community of striving to InshaAllah to get close to Allah Azawajal In the mold of our Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam So invite others to join Sunday as well inshaAllah ta'ala We will be particularly talking about sustaining a prophetic lifestyle So building on the same theme of a prophetic mission And going into the last and strong And we will be doubling up inshaAllah ta'ala Just 20 and 21 bitna night ta'ala So please pay attention to that You'll get just 21 earlier so that you can focus with us on Sunday inshaAllah ta'ala With your family and friends And please do consider continuing to support Yaqeen And Jazakumullahu khayran Once again Dr Farah may Allah bless you We look forward to having you back inshaAllah on your work with us Sheikh Abdullah may Allah bless you May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala give you a garment from Jannah Allahumma ameen And tell your mom you know that's an awesome garment man mashaAllah So Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you And great reflections as always man Jazakumullahu khayran Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Because just like our connection to Islam does not end with Ramadan Our connection to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam does not end with Ramadan And we invite you inshaAllah ta'ala to support us on this prophetic mission inshaAllah Donate and continue to support and continue to make dua for us And may Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala bless your Ramadan And accept it from you and join you and us with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam In Jannah for those
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