reminder before we get into it inshallah ta'ala you can download the e-book which is in the comments also on our Ramadan landing page the Qur'an 30 for 30 companion guide which talks about the overview of the structure of the juz in about two pages per juz and you can use that inshallah ta'ala to guide you through this as well as the du'a a day booklet by Dr. Tahir Wyatt please do inshallah ta'ala download that and engage with that booklet as well inshallah ta'ala throughout the month of Ramadan and of course we ask you to consider supporting Yaqeen Alhamdulillah wa abdul alameen the more that you support us the more that we're able to continue to produce free resources so please do consider donating to Yaqeen inshallah ta'ala this Ramadan and inviting your friends and family to do so as well with that being said, Alhamdulillah I want to welcome Sister Najwa Alhamdulillah, to our program Sister Najwa is someone that SubhanAllah people always ask about and look forward to and I was just sharing that with her in fact with her insights inshallah and welcome to Quran 30 for 30 Sister Najwa JazakumAllah khair for having me always love to be here and converse with you guys about such wonderful things inshallah JazakumAllah khair Sheikh Abdullah for being with us as always every night Alhamdulillah wa abdul alameen May Allah protect you and bless you Allahumma ameen so I got my timer going inshallah so Surah Ali Imran is a very hard surah to hone in on one incident from the surah and to give an overview from the perspective of the life of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam because it ties in together so many historical episodes SubhanAllah just as we said Juz 1 of Surah Al Baqarah really parallels with the first year after Hijrah Juz 2 of Surah Al Baqarah parallels the second year after Hijrah the second year in Medina
Juz 3 which is primarily Surah Ali Imran includes the end of Surah Al Baqarah and then goes into Ali Imran is pretty much the third year after Hijrah so it's actually moving in a very smooth fashion here a smooth structure here and you can see SubhanAllah you know sometimes there's a question as to the the tarteeb of the Quran and the order and the structure and indeed SubhanAllah it is divinely structured and beautifully structured in a way that you're looking at 1, 2, 3 of the first 3 years of the building of the Muslim community the construction of the Muslim community in Al Medina so in this year you have a lot of things that are going to be covered you have the delegation of Najran that's going to be spoken about you have certain incidents and encounters with the hypocrites certain incidents and encounters with the Jewish tribes in Medina you have the aftermath of Badr because remember Badr was in the second year after Hijrah in Ramadan and so you have the aftermath of Badr you have to see the way that the community develops and maintains its humility and connects the unlikely victory that it attained to the help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala so you have the aftermath of Badr and sort of picking up after Badr and anticipating what is to come next and then you have the battle of Uhud now I want to focus on that insha'Allah Ta'ala for a bit and then I'll get to the other things this is of course the surah that addresses the people of the book the most out of the Quran it covers Isa Alayhi Salam, the story of Jesus peace be upon him in immense detail in more detail than Surat Maryam and that is because of the interactions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam specifically with the people of the book in Medina in this context but I want to start with Uhud because it really SubhanAllah has a practical benefit to building off of the high after Badr
Uhud occurred according to most of the scholars in Shawwal of the third year after Hijrah so SubhanAllah the first Ramadan had Badr the first Ramadan the Muslims fasted had Badr the second Ramadan the Muslims fasted was immediately followed by Uhud because remember the first Ramadan was second year after Hijrah therefore the second Ramadan was the third year after Hijrah and right after Ramadan the pagans in Mecca gather and they gather a mighty army to take out revenge to extract revenge on the Muslims for their defeat at Badr even though SubhanAllah they were the persecutors but now they come with a much larger army they're being led by Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, Amr Ibn Al-As, Ikram Ibn Abi Jahl some of the younger commanders amongst them because the elders had died in Badr they are far more equipped this time they have more horses, more camels, more weapons they have a strategic plan to surround Medina to attack the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and so this is a very interesting dynamic and they always outnumber the Muslims SubhanAllah in every battle they outnumber the Muslims in Badr and in Uhud and so I want us to go to verses 121 to 123 in Surat Ali Imran where Allah says Wa idh ghadawta min ahlika tubawwi al-mu'mineena maqa'ida lilqitar Allahu Sameer al-'Alim and remember when you O Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam left your family in the morning to post the believers at their stations for the battle of Uhud and Allah is all hearing and Allah is all knowing this speaks to literally SubhanAllah how much is packaged within these few words the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would leave for battle in the early morning hours and some of the scholars say that's because the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam never entered battle except after his Qiyam al-Li'l SubhanAllah so after the night of invoking Allah SubhanAllah and praying to Allah and invoking his help and his support and his blessings
they make their way out to the battlefield of Uhud and Allah is all hearing and Allah is all knowing what is this referring to? The hearts and this is why this builds so well off of what we have just covered in regards to Badr Allah says when two parties amongst you met Idh hamma ta'ifatani minkum an tafshala wallahu waliyuhumaa when two parties among you were about to lose courage were about to lose their thrust and then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala was their ally this is lost upon most people reading the Quran why? because the incident prior to Uhud is usually not spoken about but it is so central to this ayah before Uhud the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sets out with a thousand people 300 of those 1000 were amongst the hypocrites and so to demoralize the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam they turned away from the army of a thousand making it 700 and they did so on the basis of supposedly the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam not taking their advice and fighting inside of Medina but rather fighting outside of Medina at Uhud but of course they were planning to abandon the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam no matter what so they turn away from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam right before the battle starts 300 of them and they are the most equipped of the Muslim army and you can imagine the vulnerability then of the 700 now SubhanAllah some of those people and particularly the two tribes that are being spoken about according to narration from Jabir radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu Banu Haritha and Banu Salama they you know there was a moment there right like okay we're going to be massacred here because we were already outnumbered when facing them in Mecca now we're even more outnumbered so we're going to be massacred here but Allah SubhanAllah ta'ala says but Allah was their Wali and SubhanAllah Jabir radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu said you know we would not be pleased if it was not revealed
because Allah said Allah was their ally you know like this could be you know a way of those two tribes feeling singled out but instead they're honored because Allah says that he was their Wali and so they maintained their positioning with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam Wa'ala Allahi Fiyatawakkilil Mu'minoon and upon Allah let the believers place their trust Walaqad Nasarakumullahu Bi Badrin Wa Antum Adhilla and remember when Allah supported you when and gave you victory in Badr when you were just a few in number Fattaqullaha La'allakum Tashkuroon So fear Allah, be mindful of Allah so that perhaps you will be from the grateful SubhanAllah in Ramadan fasting is for Taqwa the end of Ramadan is for Shukr is for gratitude is to arrive at the station of Shukr and here Allah says Fattaqullaha La'allakum Tashkuroon Have Taqwa so that you may arrive at the station of Shukr which is exactly this practice that we are in right now in Ramadan Why is this so important SubhanAllah? Because you find that those 700 that fought the 3000 that came from Mecca we know the story of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam appointing 50 archers under Abdullah ibn Jubair radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu and telling them not to come down from their station Now what happens in Uhud? After the Muslims win the battle, right? After the Muslims win the battle 40 of those 50 come down because they think the battle is over So they disobeyed the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and they left 10 on the mountain over there and when that happened we know that Khalid took the radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu took the army around the other side and he was able to ambush the Muslims At that point, at that point many of the Muslims fled, okay? Now some of them fled because they thought the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam already was killed, right? Because that was one of the tricks that was played was that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam they said that Qatalna Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Some of them fled because at that point we lost the battle
You're just running for your life Some of them, a few of them gathered around the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and died fighting alongside the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam covering him Alaihi Salatu Wasallam and you know, lived on with their stories of being heroes on that day Now why do I think this is so important from a spiritual perspective? And SubhanAllah, honestly it's my first time reflecting on it this way Allah Azawajal does not censure the ones that fled Uhud the way he talks about the hypocrites You'll see when we get into some of these surahs these chapters the hypocrites are spoken to harshly but these people that fled on Uhud were not from the hypocrites The hypocrites were already distilled because the hypocrites go out with bad intention and they were already sorted out from this army but there was a group of people and of course they are on a spectrum that fled at different points and that was a moment of weakness but they were still sincere believers so when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala talks to them Allah invites them to forgiveness Allah tells the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to forgive them and we do not look at them with scorn Right? Those people lived on to fight battles alongside the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Now why do I think that's a powerful connection InshaAllah Ta'ala then I'll hand it off InshaAllah because if you think about Al-Baqarah Al-Baqarah gave us these categories of people Right? And we were to see ourselves in these categories where we fall and seek to be amongst the best of the best and it's important for us to now see how these categories are playing out because Ali Imran talks about the hypocrites it talks about those that were not hypocrites that were believers but they fell for a moment Right? They had a point of weakness and Allah invited them to Tawbah right away and they sought their repentance and they came back to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam When you're talking about the people of the book Allah talks about the people of the book that sought to conceal the signs when they saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and recognized him and then Allah talks about the people of the book
that heard the Quran and wept in recognition of the truth So SubhanAllah you're seeing it play out here and it's important for us to recognize that especially as we start to get into again some of the future categorizations of people in these surahs that are coming up So Allah forgave those people that fled Uhud and Allah reminded them when Allah supported them in Badr that it was never about your number but you have to obey the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and victory comes from obeying Allah and the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and as for the hypocrites they're their own separate category The last thing I'll say in this regard but a group of Christians came from Najran to debate the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to ask about the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and this is one of the historical moments in Islamic history that you can read about and a lot of the discussion here of Isa Alaihissalam of Jesus Peace be upon him clarifying who he was actually came in response to those Christians that were asking questions to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam about Isa Alaihissalam but inshallah ta'ala you can look up the famous incident of Najran the Arabs that came from Najran the Arab Christians that came from Najran and biddenillah ta'ala I will stop there inshallah and hand it off to Sheikh Abdullah's sister Najwa if they want to share anything inshallah and then we can get to their parts Such beautiful reflections on the mercy of Allah and how we can even take that into Ramadan that you know sometimes with Ramadan whether it's small sins or even bigger sins how subhanAllah with the believers Allah is so merciful and then the ability to come back to him no matter what whether it's like you didn't read and we're still in the beginning of Ramadan but whether you didn't read enough Quran for that day or even if it's something much bigger to know that you know there's no greater handhold than the one that you have with Allah and that you can always return to him and seek that forgiveness
is something that's just so heartwarming and it's such a good powerful reminder Yeah mashaAllah I mean and you know just you know hearing these reports and these incidents that took place it's always you know when we look at belief in regards to the dunya it's very important that we rely on that which is intangible you know relying on Allah subhana wa ta'ala and not just looking at the numbers and letting those numbers or what we see in front of us be the ultimate repository of guidance or that is where we determine truth and falsehood because you'll be tested with these things and that can ultimately divert your heart which is a good segue to what I want to talk about Alhamdulillah mashaAllah it seems like we're getting good segues into the portion of good taqti mashaAllah subhanAllah That is the heart and we spoke about the heart you know the first sit down the first session in regards to the heart being diverted or diverting to something else other than Allah subhana wa ta'ala and the message of Islam so when we look at this in the chapter of Al-Imran the verse the third verse in the Quran where Allah subhana wa ta'ala or the the eighth verse in the Quran excuse me Allah subhana wa ta'ala is mentioning a dua that we should say in times of confusion or in times of wanting guidance along with all of the other verses in the Quran but this is an important verse why? because the verse before that speaks about the book being the Quran that in this Quran are verses that are very clear and others are mutashabihat they are ambiguous فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ فِي خُلُوبِهِمْ زَيْغُنُ and for the ones that have this diversion or have this form of following other than the truth they follow what their desires may have فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُمْ so Allah subhana wa ta'ala is mentioning here
that those may follow the ambiguous verses and they attempt to make trouble by to pin down specific meanings on their own to pin down these specific meanings of the Quran that they may not really know but based on some desire that they may have outside of following the methodology of how to understand the ambiguous verses they follow مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ بِتِغَاءَ الفِتْنَةِ وَبِتِغَاءَ تَأْوِيلِ and they also want to as he mentions they want to create some specific meaning of their own because they create their own understanding of the verse and it's very important for all of us because you know there's times when a verse may come to us and it may be something that we didn't anticipate didn't expect didn't even want and that's where the final frontier comes in are we going to you know run from that verse or are we going to try to understand it or if we know and have the understanding to fight our desires to where we follow that which we know is true and which is ultimate guidance so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions that no one knows the true meaning except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and those الرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ and those that are well grounded in knowledge and that is what is so beautiful about Islam is that it is a religion of spirituality but it does not neglect the aspect of knowledge it does not neglect the importance of seeking knowledge in order to have the ضبط or the spirituality on the right course in the right way as the Prophet ﷺ would say يَا مُقَلِّبُ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَىٰ دِينِكَ O the one who flips the hearts make my heart firm on your religion so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala comes after that after mentioning the reality that there may be people that may give an understanding to ambiguous verses in the Quran based on their desires or wanting fitna wanting fitna for the community he says after that a dua that we should all say رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْنَنَا مِن لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنْتُ وَهَابٌ Our Lord رَبَّنَا meaning Ya Allah O Allah
calling on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا Do not allow our hearts to deviate and زَيْر is to deviate from the Sirat al-Mustaqeem it's to go off of that straight path لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا after you have guided us. You know I was in the masjid last night and subhanAllah you know there many of the communities community was waiting for maybe something in the chapter of Baqarah you know when we give the khatira between the four rak'aat and subhanAllah I just said say alhamdulillah just say alhamdulillah which is in al-Fatiha because we are here in the masjid we were here last year and now we're here as though it never took place so when looking at this beautiful beautiful blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala you say alhamdulillah rabbil alameen and you ask him to keep you on the straight path because when you do that it increases your humility it breeds humility and it breeds reliance on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knowing that you never have it all figured out it's always Allah that gives you the ability to figure something out but once you figure it out what is your response to that what is your action how do you act do you feel that you have some sort of control so here let's use a cool open up by the in her data and huda which is so interesting some of the scholars said hey it was so let me name it is sabica he said he asked for a loss of panu itaada be with a blessing that was given in the past for a blessing in the future so you're asking Allah and you're admitting about a blessing that was given in the past by you guiding us do not divert our hearts after you have guided us so you're mentioning a fable of virtue that he's given you and you're asking him to increase you and guide us what happened lana milla dunka rahma and grant us bestow upon us the rahma the mercy that's what you're asking him for now so seeing this technique of asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala based on something he's done for you while in order to ask him for something that you want and we see this even in al-fatihah
which is similar to this technique you're mentioning his gracious what he's done for you and then you're asking him in dinos it all on mustaqeem so this technique is very very important when calling on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then after that and ending the verse in the ka until we'll have and we see the scholars particularly imam as-sa'adi abdur-rahman saadi rahim allah ta'ala he mentions consistently in his teachings of seer that it is important that when we see a name at the end of a verse that we look at the context of the verse and understand the manifestation of that name so here in the Kanta will have a loss for a dollar is abundant he is the one that bestows the blessings upon you he is the ultimate source and where does that take place in this situation in this context because he bestows the rahma upon you to be guided and not to fall off by having the Zayas in your heart and not following those desires that you want that we all may want but knowing what is right and following that so may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us of those in this blessed month of Ramadan and the months to follow to ask him to keep our hearts firm on this faith because there will be tests there will be signs for us to stay on this right path or signs for us that we need to make a choice I mean last one dollar bless us with Taufiq and the bat I mean the lock a shirt panel on the end of a bucket is asking Allah not to burden us the beginning of a diamond is asking Allah to increase us and it's it's beautiful so that you see the you know it's like a bucket ends with the door I am Ron begins with the door I am Ron ends with the door so it's it's you're seeing actually the progression of do I and of course al-fatiha is a do I so you know as we're trying to figure out how to make do I you know I'm like especially trying to get into our do I mode in these first few days of Ramadan like read the do I that are coming in the first few chapters of the Quran they're so plentiful and they're so comprehensive subhanallah mr. Najwa the floor is yours
inshallah I'm talking about a 35 and you know speaking of the heart and just making do and and how we have a choice in terms of reacting to things that are that are unexpected in a 35 the wife of Iran she she says remember when the wife of Iran said my lord I dedicate what is in my room entirely to your service so accept it from me you alone are truly the all-seeing all-knowing spinal it's the same I had just mentioned the same warning and it goes on to say when she delivered she said my lord I have given birth to a girl and Allah fully knew what she had delivered not like the female I have named her medium and I seek your protection for her and her offspring from Shaitan accursed and so here we see an example of the wife of Emron where she has this intention she has this this vision that she's pregnant with this child and she wants to dedicate it to to the service of Allah she wants it to to to raise it to be a worshipper of Allah and she ends up having a girl medium instead and it's not exactly what she expected but going back to a ship Abdullah said where we have this choice and in the in the psychology of acceptance they say acceptance is really you see two major things one you see mindfulness where you see the person who is experiencing acceptance is really in the moment they're not thinking oh I wish this could have been like this or if I had done this you know such and such would have happened and you don't see them in the future either I don't know what I'm gonna do this is not what I expected
they're in the present and then the second part is they're in the present without judgment meaning that they take what has happened to them and they don't necessarily attribute good or bad they just observe it and you see that with the wife of Emron in which she she accepts it she doesn't lament over anything she she asked Allah to protect Miriam from from Shaitan and her offspring which is really interesting because that's Isa and it's just such a powerful reminder how sometimes you know we make dua for things we have an intention for certain things and it doesn't work out as expected and like Shifa Abdullah was saying that we have we have a choice in that moment to completely rely on Allah and and say you know this is part of the the Hikmah part of the wisdom of Allah or we can you know go and start to think about things that are not not very healthy for us and even in the ayat afterwards it's really interesting when we're talking about like that you have a prophet Zakaria who goes on and who is inspired by Miriam and he makes dua because he wants righteous offspring and subhanAllah the angels give glad tidings and he his dua is answered on the spot and even though he's a prophet he's he's astonished how can my wife how can she have a child when she's barren when she's of old age subhanAllah sometimes we make dua for things and you know and they're accepted and it's he I'm sure he had full faith in Allah but it's it's amazing how sometimes even our own response to things is something we don't don't expect and you know going back to the wife of Amran when she was making that dua when she was when she had that intention for something really good in
that moment could you imagine like that she would have I'm you know Allah Al-A'lam but she she didn't know she was going to have Miriam she didn't know that after Miriam was going to come Isa, Prophet Isa alayhi salam the global impact that that one dua made is tremendous and in that moment she had no idea and so it really goes to show you that subhanAllah Allah answers our dua in ways that we completely don't expect sometimes it's it's answered right away like we see with Prophet Zakariya sometimes it's not exactly what we expect but it surpasses our expectations and so you know going on the theme of dua you know in Ramadan sometimes we get discouraged we make dua and it doesn't exactly come to fruition how we expect or we wonder did is my dua accepted did I did I do the right thing did Allah hear me and then we go back to you know truly Allah is the all-hearing the all-knowing he does hear you he does know he knows what's best for you and if he decides to withhold your dua inshallah it's going to be gifted to you on the day of judgment or in a way much better than you expected like we see with with the dua of the wife of Imran. Jazakum Allah khair. I have a question for you we struggle sometimes as imams when we are hearing these questions because what if I can't see myself in any one of these stories right I don't see myself in Zakariya or Maryam or the mother of Maryam like I just don't see like my dua is it seems like complete silence how do I deal with that right like if it feels like my dua is not being answered at
all and it is tough because it's not like we see Allah it's not like we see our dua going up and and and we see how it's going to materialize I would say in that moment know that even if you can't see yourself as as any of these amazing people that Allah answers your dua you you know the person who's not a prophet just the way he answers the dua of the prophets and so knowing that Allah has that power to hear to hear you no matter who you are where you are and to have that that faith that it maybe it's not coming now but it will come or even if it's not coming now Allah is going to protect you from something something much better that the dua is not only answered for for the prophets and these amazing people but it's for all of us the sinners the nobodies everybody SubhanAllah I think um it for me like I just tie it back to the beginning of Al-Baqarah how did we start this Quran right those that believe in the unseen so we know that when we make dua to Allah that Allah will always answer it better and sometimes we don't know what better is at the moment Allah will answer it better than what we are asking right so we don't know what better is at the moment however sometimes there is delay and sometimes that delay is to the hereafter right when we're categorizing sometimes the delay will say there's delay in this dunya or there's delay you know or there's the hereafter Allah answers it for you in the hereafter since we are continuing onwards to the hereafter it really is just a matter of when that delay is until however the dua will surely be answered right warding off an evil that you're unaware of answering it the way you're asking for it answering it better than the way that you're asking for it you know in ways that you could not even take into
consideration or delaying it and delaying it sometimes all the way to the hereafter where if Allah gives you the reward of that dua in the hereafter then it doesn't expire the way that things expire in this world so I think it's it's a powerful you know that becomes an extremely personal dua right so just like we're seeing the categories of people and Al-Baqarah play out in real time right in the seerah in different groups of people here you're seeing the categories of duas and here are the very personal ways that that dua is coming to be through the stories of the family of Isa alayhis salam and Maryam alayhis salam and Zakariya alayhis salam and Yahya and Imran and the wife of Imran and so on so forth so it's powerful that you then see it play out within that family how their duas were answered. No, that's beautiful. That was the point that I was going to mention is subhanAllah you know the methodology of dua in regards to expectations you know when we make the dua it's very important for us to check ourselves and what we what do we expect and this goes back to you know even Hussain al-Ghan having good thoughts about Allah subhanAllah his names and his attributes which I highly implore Muslims and even those that may not be Muslim and want to know about Islam is to look at the names and attributes of God and to study that if you have the opportunity just to go online and look at his different names and the manifestation of those names so particularly the names that I love are Alim and Hakeem because when I make that dua as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even mentioned is an interesting word in Arabic that he used in regards to Allah answering the dua it may be something that will be delayed all the way to the Akhirah like Shaykh Omar said and he said Yaddaqir and Yaddaqir is literally like to store something in the freezer or you know dry fruit food so when you think of that because of his extensive perfect knowledge the reason why he stored it Allah knows best but we should ultimately know one thing that he did it out of ultimate love for you out of ultimate desire for your guidance for
your benefit and only for your benefit and see these these this understanding of God is very important that we as Muslims try to learn about and inshallah inculcate within our lives on a daily basis because we're going to encounter these all of us you know I made this dua and you know it wasn't answered in a lot I felt sincere I was up at the last third of the night I was fasting I felt sincere but it just wasn't answered that's where as sister Najwa mentioned those choices it's gonna be very important on the choices that you make and having those feelings in the beginning and then it's normal it's human but what is the response once you take a step back and look at the reality of you as a human being and the reality of Allah as your Lord so that's very important I like how this was you know all around dua and particularly with with Maryam subhanAllah you know that she was in the or either with the reality or the reality I mean a shaytan regime as last month Allah mentions in those verses that we will protect her and her offspring and who was her son he's on a son so I'm just looking at the pattern of how Allah gives a story to the parents and telling them about something that they that they will not didn't anticipate in the future it's amazing it's amazing how a lot it's like your eyes a journey and there are so many points like I'm just connecting it to personally and a lot of people like you first make the dua then sometimes it's like wow it happened so think about the wife of Imran when she made the dua and then she got pregnant Alhamdulillah we you know Allah answered Allah is merciful and then Imran died alayhis salaam and then she's like wait but she kept her faith in Allah and then the baby's born and it's a girl and it's not a boy so she can't dedicate the girl to the temple or so she thinks right she can't you know I wanted a prophet that would continue the the way of many you know many Israeli the Prophet's many Israeli and be dedicated to the masjid oh well but I'm gonna keep my connection to Allah subhana wa ta'ala can you imagine subhanAllah that Allah not only honored her with my mariam alayhis salaam is not just like this she's not a
comma you know between the wife of Imran and Isra Islam this is the best woman that ever walked the face of the earth right I mean named in the Quran you know 30 times she's not a comma and then Isa alayhis salaam is Jesus peace be upon him minul azmi minal rusul right the virtues one of the greatest messengers of Allah there's no messenger between him and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he is a Masih he is the one who Allah chose to return back to the earth and to rectify the affairs after things have after the havoc of a Masih had the job I mean all of that is in her scale and it's because she didn't disconnect at any point in the journey of her do you act because when you make do you could at some point hop off like all right this was going well but then what happened you know like no she stuck with the detours too and she kept her faith in Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala even as the do you seem to be detouring and taking directions that she wasn't prepared for subhanAllah I mean last mention that because you know sometimes a lot of our doors actually come true and we don't even make the connection that they have come true in that moment like I think it's a good practice and this is something that I have been working on myself is I try to go back to the previous Ramadan like what thoughts have I made that maybe the moment I didn't see happen but like over the course of the year I did see materialize we are so as human beings were so forgetful we didn't even realize like wow I was really struggling with this last year and it didn't happen right away but within the year it happened this played out or maybe I was guided in a different direction so even in this Ramadan like having that reflection and if your dad didn't happen last time like continue to make that dot like you said it's a journey it's this is not like the endpoint you know there's an expiration date with each Ramadan continuing to
make those those dots it might be in store for you sometime soon and or you know in the years coming but you know I love that comment about it being a journey it's not just like you just say and it's done it's just a ongoing process we went a little longer but it's okay once you start talking about your I think it's interesting how you mentioned how the detour like she wanted a child a lot less with a child but then it was in the well thought to her on that well a lot of women in my wall eyes that she wanted a child a lot less with a child but the the gender of the child was not what she anticipated right so you think when you make a do I when you have a picture in your mind of what you want you're making a do I and sometimes you're painting a picture in your mind and Allah knows that you want I don't the first thing you know you want to go to this college with these courses with this degree or you want to get married to this sister with this character Allah blesses you with that that college but it wasn't the specifics of it work how you anticipated it right the specifics of that object that you may do our for wasn't exactly how you wanted it and that's why so panel that's important for us again that you know this detour that we go through Allah will give you what you wanted but the descriptions of that thing that you asked for may not be totally how you wanted it and that's where again the choice I'm glad you made that point because you may ask for a thing but the thing in particular is not exactly how you anticipated it and Allah knows best about the my new shade of everything that you asked for so we worship Allah on his terms and not on or not on ours so that's a very important point in regards to the response of Allah to our do I come along here extremely beneficial may Allah bless you both may Allah bless you and increase you and accept your do as all of our drives this Ramadan and make us amongst those that are forgiven Allah mean just again
please do in Charlotte are for the viewers download the ebooks inshallah donate a pn tune in every night in Charlotte or and 30 for 30 to meeting Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam every day at 11 a.m. Eastern and also check out the trauma series that was written by sister Najwa and sister Sarasultan Hamdallah one most beneficial series we have on your teens website I forgot one more thing the parables of the Quran we covered a lot of parables in these first three chapters of the Quran and some of you may remember we had a parable series with dr. Osman emoji and soon to be dr. Tasneem and beat the parables were animated by our creative team very beautifully so please do check them out in Charlotte on as well Salam alaikum rahmatullahi wa barakatuh the benefit of that sohbah that coming together to learn is not merely the imparting of information and the receiving of information or the discussion that takes place it's people coming together to feel that tranquility from Allah and to also feel like they can talk about Allah in a safe and a thoughtful space and we've structured these conviction circles over the period of a semester so that these modules actually take into consideration that students schedule so that you feel like there's something that you're working towards every time you start a module and by the end of it you feel like you've gained some literacy in that topic and at the same time you've identified the the proper parameters that are given to us through the tradition as to how we should look at these issues and you also have some mature discussion and the bonding that takes place through that mature discussion with other classmates and other students that probably have the exact same concerns and the exact same questions about our tradition our goal is not just to have a place for critical thinking we also want to encourage
self-reflection this is not just some sort of intellectual playground this is meant to be a camp for self-development because we believe at Yakeen that conviction directly leads to contribution