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Why Allah prescribes you Bitter Medicine | The Other Side: Barzakh and Beyond Ep. 22
Patience and gratitude are the keys to contentment, in this life and the next. For every hardship, patience brings peace and grows gardens of reward. And every moment gift Allah has given you, from the ability to hear Qur'an to the chance to enjoy a bite of food, is an opportunity to say 'Alhamdulillah' with deep sincerity, and allow your thankfulness to flourish.
Can we learn how to have both from the example of a limbless father of a dead son?
NOTE: All depictions of Barzakh are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.
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- Humayd at-Tawil narrated that Mutarrif ibn Abdullah al-Harshi said: I attended a janazah, and then went off to myself and prayed two rakahs, but I felt as if I had performed them hastily, without proper focus. Then I dozed off and saw in my dream the person we just buried. He said: "You prayed two rakahs, but you were not satisfied with your focus."