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Key #2: Compassion | Keys to Prophetic Parenting

March 1, 2021Sh. Ibrahim Hindy

It is not enough for our love towards our children to be apparent to us; it is also important for them to know how much we care for them. Sh. Ibrahim Hindy reminds us that we must create an environment for our children where they never doubt our affection.

Learn more about the Prophet’s approach to compassionate parenting and the context of his famous hadith “whoever does not show compassion, will not be shown compassion.” Explore the second key to Prophetic Parenting with practical advice on how to express mercy, even when disciplining your child.


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What is the most important foundation for our relationship with our children? As someone who has worked as an imam for many years, I've had many situations where people approach me and ask me to intervene with their child. They say, my child is doing this or that, can you please speak with them? Maybe they will listen to you. After doing this a few times, when I would speak to these kids or these teens, I would begin by asking them a certain question. Do your parents love you? Does your mother love you? Does your father love you? Now it seems like an obvious question. These parents obviously love their children. I can see it in their faces. It's the reason they're desperate to get help with their children. It's the reason they're reaching out to me to begin with. But while it might be obvious to you and I, it's not always obvious to the child. Often the response I would hear back from these kids would be, I don't know. When children don't know that you love them, when they don't know that you care deeply about them, it creates a fractured, broken relationship between the child and the parent. That's why it is essential for us to build a compassionate relationship with our children. Compassion, affection, love has to be the foundation of the parent-child relationship. I know it might sound cliche to say parents must love their children, but really it's more than that. It's about creating an environment where it is undeniable that the parent deeply cares for their child. That love doesn't just exist like some abstract concept, but it is repeatedly demonstrated in action. Something that the Prophet ﷺ demonstrated time and time again with his children. Whenever our Prophet ﷺ would enter his house or when he would leave his house, he would often kiss the forehead of his daughter Fatima radiyaAllahu anha. This act of kissing his daughter on the forehead every day, it acts as a constant reminder. If she's ever upset with her father for whatever
reason, if he disciplined her as a parent sometimes needs to discipline his children, or if he refused to allow her to do something that she wanted to do, do you ever think that that would lead to strife between them? That that would lead to problems between them? Do you think Fatima would ever wonder like those children were wondering if her father really loves her when he kisses her on the forehead every single day? Of course not. That love is repeatedly demonstrated. The evidence of her father's love is undeniable in her eyes. Anas ibn Malik radiyaAllahu anhu said, ma ra'aytu ahadan kana arhamu bil-ayali min rasoolillahi ﷺ. He said, I never saw anyone more merciful, more compassionate with children than the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. That was his character. He demonstrated compassion and mercy to children. The Prophet was once kissing his grandsons, al-Hasan and al-Husayn radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhum, when a Bedouin man scoffed. He saw this, he scoffed. He said, you kiss your sons? I have 10 children, I never kissed a single one of them. He said this is a matter of pride. He meant I'm raising my kids to be tough and strong. But the Prophet ﷺ looked at him and he said to him, awa amliku laka innazaAAallahu min qalbika ar-rahmah. He said, what can I do for you if God has removed mercy from your heart? Meaning what benefit can I provide you? Even as the Messenger of Allah, what benefit can I provide you if you don't have mercy in your heart? Then the Prophet ﷺ said his famous saying, man la yurham la yurham. Whoever does not show compassion will not be shown compassion. This phrase is a famous hadith of our Prophet ﷺ that we say often in many contexts. Yet the Prophet ﷺ said it in the context of our relationship with our children and in being merciful to our children. Those who do not show compassion will not be shown compassion. When we don't demonstrate love for our children, it leaves room for shaitan to operate. To convince our children that their parents don't actually love them or care for them. And at Yaqeen Institute, we have research that shows that kids that have a fractured relationship
with their parents are more likely to leave Islam. And that's why it's so important for us to build a relationship with our kids based on compassion and love. Now some parents might be thinking, look, I'm balanced when I demonstrate strictness and toughness with my kids in equal measure to love and compassion. I'm strict and I'm loving. But psychologists have shown that with adults, this is a study with married couples, with fully grown adults, that we interpret negative interactions as five times more impactful than positive interactions. Meaning, if you yell at someone, one negative interaction, you need to demonstrate love at least five times for it to be seen as equal in their eyes. And that's for adults. Imagine how impactful negative interactions are with children who are far more sensitive than adults. And that's why we have to show an overabundance of care and concern and compassion to children, especially when they are young, especially as we're trying to build a foundation of our relationship with them. And what better example do we have in this than the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, who would do this all the time. Usam ibn Zayd radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu was born and raised in the house of our Prophet. He narrated that when he was young, the Prophet had him and his grandson Al-Hasan sitting on his two thighs, and he hugged them close and he held them to himself. And he said, Allahumma arhamhuma fa inni arhamhuma. He said, Oh Allah, show them mercy for indeed I show them mercy. What are some keys that we can use to help build a loving home, to create a loving relationship with our children? Number one, we need to demonstrate our love for our children. Say the words, say to them, I love you, hug them and kiss them often. Research has shown that kids need hugs from their parents. Not only does it help them with their emotional development, but even their physical and their brain development is enhanced through a parent's hug for their child. And many parents will do this when their kids are young, but they tend to stop as their kids get older. We should demonstrate our love for our kids throughout their lives
to ensure a strong relationship. Number two, even when we are disciplining our children, we need to still communicate affection to them. As you talk to them about something that they've done wrong, you can put your hand on their shoulder, thus maintaining a level of affection with your child. Or you can share a hug with them after you've had a stern conversation with them. Number three, we need to also compliment and encourage our kids. Encouragement and praise builds a child's self-confidence and also builds a warm relationship between you and the child. We need to look for reasons to encourage and praise our children. Look at how the Prophet ﷺ would speak about his companions, how he was constantly complimenting and encouraging them. Our books of hadith are full of compliments and praise that the Prophet ﷺ would shower upon his companions. He would look with a positive eye for things that they excelled in and praise them for it. He would say Abu Bakr is the most compassionate of the ummah for the ummah. Umar is the strongest in religion. Uthman is the most sincere in modesty. Ali is the wisest judge. Ubayy is the best in reciting the Book of Allah. And in another hadith the Prophet ﷺ says to Hasan ibn Thabit, unleash your poetry, Jibril will be with you. This spirit of positive praise and encouragement built a strong love between the companions and the Prophet ﷺ and it shows us that encouraging our children is deeply important and helps us build a loving relationship with our children. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala make our homes loving, compassionate homes. Ameen.
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