Qur'an 30 for 30
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Juz' 6 with Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed
Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed, explore gems from the sixth Juz' of the Holy Quran.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Alright everyone, Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. A'uzu billahi minash shaitanir rajim Bismillahir rahmanir raheem. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen. Wa ala alwani ila anzalameen. Wa ala akibatu lilmuttaqeem. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baraka al abdika wa rasulika Muhammadin salallahu alayhi wa sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathiran. I apologize for being a little bit late. We can blame Mufti Abdurrahman, clearly the culprit here. No, we're very happy to have Alhamdulillah Mufti Abdurrahman Waheed with us tonight. Had some technical difficulties getting started, but since I, today, tonight when I spoke to Mufti Saab about what he was going to cover, he basically recited the whole Juz and did the whole tafsir over the phone. So I said, Allahu Akbar. I was like, we have no need to do anything else tonight. So we'll go ahead and get started. Inshallah ta'ala right with it. So welcome back to the next Qur'an 30 for 30. We're now Alhamdulillah we're on Juz 6. And we are now in Surah, the end of Surah Nisa and Surah Al-Ma'idah. So Juz 6 stretches from verse 148 of Surah Nisa going all the way to Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 81. And you notice a very stark shift in terms of the tone in Surah Al-Ma'idah. And I think it's always important to sit with these things in historical context. Now, we talked about last week how the Muslims had learned their lessons from the Battle of Uhud. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la reminding them that if Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is with them, then they will succeed. They will be victorious. And if they find themselves on the other side, then who will support them after Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has abandoned them or forsaken them because of them breaking the covenant. Now, Surah Al-Ma'idah is after they've returned to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, Allah forgave them, the covenant has been upheld,
and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has shielded them against their enemies. They're in a position of power. And this Surah is actually post-Hudaybiyyah, post-Surah Hudaybiyyah, so post the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. And so you think of the order, Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, of the way that the Surahs are situated, the way that the Muslims are addressed in terms of the timeline, the historical timeline. First, you have before Badr, Surah Al-Baqarah and into Ali'Imran. And then you have post-Badr, so before Badr, which is that Allah is going to take care of you so long as you uphold the covenant, no matter how outnumbered you are, and they succeed. And then you have post-Badr, Allah reminding them to be grateful. And then you have post-Buhud, when we get into Ali'Imran and An-Nisa, where Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la reminds them that if they make those mistakes, if they don't obey the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, then it doesn't matter how capable they are or how capable they think they are. Strength comes from that belief in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, and Allah reminding them to come back. And now post-Hudaybiyyah, where they are in a position of power. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam is notably doing something post-Hudaybiyyah, that he was only able to do post-Hudaybiyyah, which is the ability to send letters to rulers around the world calling them to Islam. And so there's an emphasis in Surah Al-Ma'idah on how to engage specifically the people of the book. So the etiquettes of calling to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la are covered in Surah Al-Ma'idah, and also some specific calls to the people of the book, and the etiquette of calling the people of the book that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is giving to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, and by extension the Ummah of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. Also the maturity of the law now shows. Why? Because Surah An-Nisa, if you remember, was dealing with the inheritance laws, some of the realities that came as a result of being in a post-Hud reality, where they had widows, where they had inheritance, and they had to think about these things.
Marriage law, primarily out of a place of emergency. Now these things are defined, they've moved on from that. Now you have Surah Al-Ma'idah where you have a discussion on dietary laws, on what's halal in terms of food intake and consumption. You have the laws of pilgrimage, the laws of hajj, the laws of marriage further defined, the penal law defined, the spiritual framework of those laws. And so the Surah starts off with what? Awful bil'uqoot, to uphold your covenant. So just as you can't uphold your covenant with Allah, and then be a hypocrite with your contracts. So you're in a position of power, you now have people that reside under you as a religious minority, uphold your contracts with one another, don't deceive people. You cannot say that you're upright in your contract with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and then deceive the people. And so when you look at Surah Al-Ma'idah, you start to see a few verses from the very beginning. Number one, verse five of Surah Al-Ma'idah. yawma uhilla lakum al-tayyibat, wa taAAamu alladhina qootu al-kitabah hillun lakum, wa taAAamukum hillun lahum That today, all good foods, pure foods have been made lawful for you, and the food of those who were given the scripture, the people of the book is lawful for you. And it is lawful for you to marry their women. And so this law comes down now as a result of a post-Hudaibiyyah society, a madani society, where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is defining the laws of how you deal with the people around you. And this is an important point, because Allah Azawajal is also giving this reminder that you upheld the covenant, and Allah is praising the believers for upheld the covenant. So verse seven, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions the ni'mah of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, wa mithaqahul ladhee wa athaqakum bihi ithqultum sami'na wa ata'na Remember Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala condemned a previous nation for saying we hear and we disobey,
and here Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is saying, and remember the favor of Allah upon you and His covenants which He bound you by, when you said we hear and we obey. And so what does that look like? The next verse, ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu koonoo qawwameena lillahi shuhadaa bilqist How is this going to manifest now? O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, wala yajrimannakum shana'anu qawmin ala alla ta'dilu And do not let your hatred of a people prevent you from being just. i'thidhoo huwa aqrabu littaqwa Be just in that is nearer to righteousness. wat taqwullaha innallaha khabirun bima ta'maloon And fear Allah, be mindful of Allah. Indeed Allah is acquainted with all that you do. And so again, now the mandate of being a benevolent society, of being a just society, of living those ethics, living that covenant that you uphold with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and not betraying it. And Allah Azawajal reminds them of His favor upon them when they were vulnerable. So verse 11 Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions to remember the favor of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala when a people extended their hands in aggression against you. And Allah withheld their hands from you. SubhanAllah. fakaffa aydi'ahum aankum It's so beautiful. Allah withheld their hands from you. They were not able to strike you because Allah withheld their hands from you. So now you're in a position where you extend your hands in da'wah to the people, upholding the etiquette that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gives you. Extend your hand to one another in justice. Extend your hand to those that live with you and those that live beneath you now in Medina, with a sense of justice. And it all comes from this idea of awfu bil'uqood. Be upright in upholding your contracts and your covenant with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And the later part, even though it's named Surat Al-Ma'idah,
which is about the table spread of Isa Islam, Jesus peace be upon him. That part really comes into the next level or the next layer of Surat Al-Ma'idah, which we'll talk about tomorrow inshaAllah Ta'ala. But what's really interesting here is in Surat Al-Ma'idah, Allah mentions some of the good qualities of some of the people of the book that came before and how you uphold them and then some of the negative qualities and how you avoid them. And then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala entrusts this ummah, talks to this ummah in a way that you've been in a lot now, you've been through much. Do not become what you hate. Do not become what oppressed you and do not respond to evil with evil. And SubhanAllah, this is just a complete, it flows directly into what Sheikh Abdullah is going to talk about tonight inshaAllah Ta'ala, which is the original story of man. The original story of man. wa la yajrimannakum shana'anu qawmin ala alla ta'dilu Do not allow for your hatred of a people to cause you to be unjust towards them. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is teaching us about Qabeel and Habeel, the story of Cain and Abel from the very beginning, and how to deal with injustice towards you. So inshaAllah Ta'ala I'll hand it off to Sheikh Abdullah to talk about the story of Qabeel and Habeel as it appears in Surat Al-Ma'idah. JazakAllah khair. Bismillah wa salatu wa salam wa ala rasool Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala amma ba'd. You know, I remember when I was a Muslim a couple of years ago, and SubhanAllah you hear the story of Cain and Abel, and you always think of jealousy. You think of how, you know, a brother against a brother or a brother against, you know, a sister against a sister. And then it makes a lot of sense because when you think of anyone that has a brother or sister, anyone that can push your buttons is definitely your brother or your sister. Anyone that is most likely going to take advantage of someone is probably going to be the older brother or the older sister.
I can say that because I'm the oldest, so I've taken, had my fair share of taking advantage of my younger brother and sister. But Alhamdulillah. So when you look at the story of Cain and Abel, SubhanAllah, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, just to get right into it, in the chapter of Ma'idah, verse number 27 to verse number 31, this is actually the story of murder. This is the first murder that takes place in the history of mankind. So when we look at the sunnah, or we look at the chain of narration of any action, particularly this action of murder took place between the two sons of Adam. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, abta'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim, watlu AAalayhim naba abanay Adama bilhaqqi ith qarraba qurbanan fatuqubbila min ahadihima wa lam yutuqabbal minal aakhir taala laa qutulannak So here Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala tells the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, watlu AAalayhim, and recited them the story of the two sons of Adam. And he says naba, as we know the word nabi comes from the messenger, or we say the Rasul or the Prophet. And naba means news, as we see Surat an-Naba. And there's a slight difference that the scholars, some of the scholars mentioned, when it comes to naba and khabar. Khabar is news, like we say kif akhbaruk, right? It means how is your news? Khabar is news, but it can entail or encompass news that is not that important, and maybe news that is important, but naba is news that is very, very important. So automatically, he tells them, he gives an imperative verb to recite to the people this news about the two sons of Adam. Ith qarraba qurbanan And there are some stories that particularly from the Israiliyat, the stories of the earlier nations that speak about how these two individuals, Cain and Abel, Qabil, Wahabil, that they gave something for Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to show a taqarrab, to show a worship to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And then whoever was sincere, fire would come down from the sky. Now it was mentioned that Qabil, he brought forth his agriculture, the best of his agriculture,
and Qabil brought forth some grains, but they were low-grade grains. So in any case, Qabil was not as sincere as Habib. So Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions that, fatuqubbila min ahadihi maa So it was accepted from one of them, walam yutuqabbal minal aakhir and it was not accepted from the other. So the one that did not get his actions accepted, who was Qabil, wahuwa alqatil, he said, qala laa aqtulannak Allah relates, it says, qala, he said, laa aqtulannak And what's so beautiful here, SubhanAllah, in the Arabic language, when you say laam in front of a verb, it stresses important, or it's more emphasis, right? innal insaana laa fee khusr That verily, mankind is definitely at khusr, at loss. laa aqtulannak And also the noon at the end, lannak, shows that, oh man, I'm gonna really do something harmful to you. And you can think about it, between brothers, if there is enmity, you know there's going to be some language, it's going to be very harsh. Maybe some of us as children, as nephews and nieces, have unfortunately seen that between our uncles and our fathers and vice versa. Families, when they get together, it can go down sometimes, a lot of times. So here Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, as we lay, he said, laa aqtulannak Then Habib, the good brother, he says, qala innama yutuqabbalallahu minal muttaqeen He says, verily, Allah accepts from the muttaqeen, the mindful ones. And it wasn't him bragging, rather, it was him reminding him, look, Allah accepts from the muttaqeen. Try again, try again, try your level best. Then his brother said, Habib, he goes on to say, laa in basalta ilayya yadaka li taqtulani maa anabibasitin yadiyya ilayka li aqtulak If you are to extend your hand to try to kill me, maa anabibasitin yadiyya ilayka I will not extend my hand to try to kill you. inni akhaafu Allaha rabbalAAalameen He says, verily, I fear Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, the Lord of the a'alameen.
So he's telling him, look, if you do this, I'm not going to fight back. I'm not going to fight back. I'm not going to try to kill you. So he says here, verily, the reason why I won't do that is because of my connection with Allah. It's because I fear someone more than you. I fear Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And that is indirectly reminding him too, look, you should fear Allah because you're about to do some injustice. I'm literally not going to fight back and you're going to take advantage of the situation. I'm letting you know right now, if you were to try, you most likely may be successful because I'm not going to fight back. So if you continue upon knowledge of that, man, that's really bad. That's terrible. That is the oppression at its finest. And then he says, akhaafu Allaha rabbalAAalameen And what you see about Rabb, Rabb is dahuwa lathiyyi rabbik He is the one that brings you from one stage to another. That's where we get the word tarbiyya from. Allah brings you from one stage to another. And also aalameen, aalam is a sign. It's a sign of something, a sign of the creator of the heavens and the earth. Alhamdulillahi rabbilAAalameen And aalam is a sign to show you that there is something that made it. And it knows who its maker is. So when he says rabbilAAalameen, I fear him. I fear Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And that is the motive behind me not even trying to fight back. And then he says, inni ureedu antabuu abiithmi wa ithmika fatakuna min ashaabinna wadharika jaza'u al-dhalimeen Then he says, then he goes on to say, inni ureedu antabuu abiithmi wa ithmi He says, and if you, I want for you to be of those that ureedu antabuu abiithmi That I want my sin for you to take on my sin. How is that? Because the fact of the matter is, is that the sin of qabil, killing habil He's going to take that sin. So the fact that Adam or the fact that habil did not fight back That's what he means by ithmi, meaning the ithm biqatli
The fact that you killed me is a sin. Wa ithmika, the other sin is some scholars say from the sins that you've made before Or the fact that you were not sincere in the taqarrab The fact that we tried to both come close to Allah and it wasn't accepted. So both of the sins are going to happen to you. fatakuna min ashabin naar And you will be from the people of the fire wadharika jaza'u al-dhalimeen And that is a reward for the wrongdoers. So you notice here, he tells him about Allah. He's like, look, I feel lost upon that. That's why I'm not doing it. That's why I'm not going to fight back. So it's not going to be an even fight. Right? And then he says, just think about it. You're going to kill me and get the sin. I didn't even fight back. And also what I'm trying to tell you to do good in Allah except from the muntaqeen You're not even thinking about that because you have previous sins too. You know, subhanAllah, we think about the sins that we've, if we just take a second and think about the sins that we've committed. What about the sins that we don't even remember we committed? SubhanAllah. You know, the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam makes a beautiful dua in hadith shaddad ibn aws It's a long dua, but he says Wa as'aluka khayra ma ta'alam wa a'udhu bika min sharri ma ta'alam wa astaghfiruka lima ta'alam innaka anta alamul ghuyub He said, I ask you for the good of that which you know, and I seek refuge from the bad of what you know, and I ask you for forgiveness from that which you know. I ask for forgiveness from that which you know. How many sins that we have committed that we totally forgot about? SubhanAllah. So when seeing here, he tells him takoon min ashaabin naar because the dhamm, as Ibn Mas'ud said, subhanAllah, he said the person, the mu'min, yandhul ila dhunubihi ka annuhu fee asfal aljabal he looks at his sins as though he is at the bottom of a mountain yakhafan yaqa'a alayhi that he fears that it will land upon him but the fajr, the wrongdoer, yandhul ila dhunubihi ka thdubab yaf'alu bihi ha katha he said he looks at his sins as though it's like a fly on his nose
he just does this, no, don't worry about it, don't worry about it. And then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala goes on to say after this, when he said takoon min ashaabin naar wathalika jaza'u thalimeen this is a reward for the wrongdoers fatawwa'at lahu nafsuhu qatla akhihi faqatalah faasbah minal khasireen so his nafs, tawwa'at, it called him, pushed him to do the action faqatalahu faasbah minal khasireen and he became from the losers so he proceeded on to kill him we all have choices in our lives we have a choice when we want to do something evil or wrong to our brother or sister we have a choice when we want to commit a sin and that's why we are different than animals so Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says qatalahu faqatala faasbah minal khasireen then after he killed his brother faba'athallahu ghuraabaan yab'athu fil ardi liyuriyahu kayfa yuwaari sawata akhi faba'athallahu ghuraabaan then Allah sent a crow listen closely Allah sent a crow, Subhana liyuriyahu to show him kayfa yuwaari sawata akhi how will he cover or cover the private parts of his brother some say sawa is his private parts as is mentioned with Adam and Eve now the sawa, the private part because sawa comes from su ma yasoo'un nathur ilayhi meaning that what is not good to look at what you don't want to look at what is not for you to look at what is for you to look at so when he saw the crow he said qala ya wayla ta'ajastu an akuna mitla hadhal ghuraabi fauwaari sawata akhi was I not able to be like this crow to where I could do by myself and cover the private parts of my brother meaning, because when he saw the crow yab'ath, as some say he was digging in the ground looking for food that gave him the idea oh, I can dig in the ground
and bury my dead brother and this, because there was no previous killing before this so he didn't know what to do as some scholars say, he panicked he didn't know what to do so when he saw the crow dig in the ground he decided, this is what I'll do I will dig in the ground and I will bury him this is the first burial from a murder of his own sibling then Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala says when he says, how can I be like the crow qala ya wayla ta'ajastu an akuna mitla hadhal ghuraabi fauwaari sawata akhi fa'asbah amina an nadimeen then he came, he came from the people of regret and as the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, an nadumu at-taubah he said, regret is seeking forgiveness from Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala then Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala mentions here the verse that we all know from this the ruling was established anahu man qatala nafsan bi ghayri nafsin au fasadin fil ardi fa ka'annama qatalan nasa jami'a anyone from ajli dhalika from this we have made obliged we have predestined we have set as law that anyone that kills a person unjustly it is like he has killed all of mankind and whoever saves the life of one person is like he has saved all of mankind and the rest of the verse continues but in conclusion we're looking at these verses 27 to 31 if anyone wants to know the story of the first murder that took place it was between two brothers it's important for us to remember that we should show righteousness to our relatives because they are the closest ones amongst us and it can easily turn badly if it turns the other way we ask Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala to protect us and our families and there's so much that's intertwined with what you talked about today and the fact that you talked about the hypocrites and the jealousy of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the jealousy of the Ummah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and how Allah bestowed his favor upon them and upon the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his Ummah and the jealousy that came from that and Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala says focus on the covenant with him and it's
interesting because right before your section which you just covered there's a section of Musa Islam, Moses peace be upon him and his people being told to go into Jerusalem and Allah saved that for the generation that came after them and it wasn't because of anything but their own not upholding what Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala had commanded them to do at the moment and that's an important point that's an important connection that we see made throughout this surah and subhanAllah the fact that that came by the way to the believers when they were held back in Hudaybiyyah so it's like it wasn't their weakness of faith that they turned back from Hudaybiyyah it's following what Allah tells you to do you know so it wouldn't just just like the people of Musa Islam were told to go into Jerusalem and the people of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam were told to go back to Medina it's about upholding the covenant of Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala and the favor that comes with that we have our dear brother Alhamdulillah Mufti Abdur Rahman Waheed talk to us inshAllah ta'ala and let's hear the gems that you have for us may Allah reward you. I put my camera on for seven minutes because you said I have seven minutes so. No you have ten, take us away. So Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim we started the sixth juz today and I find that I want to start with the first verse of the sixth juz the sixth chapter right the first verse where Allah says la yuhibbu allahu aljahraa bissoo'i minal qawli illa man dhulim wa kaanallahu samina alima find this verse to be very powerful and something which Sheikh Abdullah Udoor just mentioned as well this is verse number 148 Sheikh Omar Suleiman told me to pull a zakir and I can talk I'll tell all the verses ayah numbers which I never do so I'm gonna do that today this is verse number 148 Allah says Allah does not like that evil should be expressed spoken about you should not Allah does not like sins to be expressed except by him who is oppressed so if you're oppressed as an oppressed person you can speak about the oppressor so that you can warn others and Allah is all hearing and all knowing now
this word over here is called jahar la yuhibbu allahu jahraa and Allah does not say la yuhibbu allahu aljahraa Allah does not like sins because as human beings we're all gonna commit sins that's by nature we human beings we will commit sins but unapologetically committing sins and then doing the act of jihar of jahar that's where the Prophet's words come and they should ring in our ears where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said kullu ummati mu'af illa al-mujahireen every single one of my followers will be forgiven like every sin they do every one of them will be forgiven kullu ummati every one of them and then there's an istithna except and that's what we have to hear what who except who oh Prophet of Allah he says al-mujahireen except for the mujahireen again the root letters are same as jaharaa sahaba said ya Rasulullah what does jihar mean and then he give an example one example of jihar which ibn Hajar Asqalani says jihar is three types but one example he says jihar means jahar means to express something to do something openly that's what jahara means wa inna minal mujaharaati an ya'mala rajulu bil layli ya'mal thumma yusbih wa qad satarahu allahu fayakool ya fulan amiltu albari hata kadaa wakadaa wa qad baat yasturuhu rabbuhu wa yusbihu yukshifu sitra allahi anhum subhanallah he says that an example of jihar of publicizing your sin is that you commit a sin in secret right of course when you commit a sin privately Allah is still watching you but Allah now has covered your sins Allah has hidden your sins from the public when the ulama had a debate over what is the greatest ni'ma of Allah Imam Shafi'i being the poet he is he says wallahi law alimu qabeeha sareerati la bas salama ala mayyal qani nasharta li fil aalameena mahamidan hatta jaalta jamee'ahum wa khwani he says wallahi for me I find I conclude that one of the greatest ni'mas of
Allah is the fact that he hides our sins because if he did not hide our sins there would be no one to even meet and greet each other law alimu qabeeha sareerati la bas salama no one would even want to see each other our salafus salihin had a great habit when someone would give them respect say salam to them give them hadiyah they would say alhamdulillah alladhi adhara anil jameel wa astara anil qabeeh all praises to Allah the one who has expressed and made public the good that I do yes mashaAllah yaqeen is doing amazing stuff shukr Allah bless you and your team for everything and I'm fortunate I'm part of it but this is what people are seeing but Allah I praise you I thank you for showing the white turban on my head and covering the sins that I have done in my life oh Allah and they would say that every time someone will meet them right so a jihad the Prophet he's saying that an act of jihad is someone who does something wrong at night in private and then he wakes up in the morning and he says you know what I did last night I did this and I did that and I did this and the modern day way of doing jihad just to make it easy is a few clicks on social media just a few clicks the three types of jihad Ibn Hajar mentions one is doing a sin publicly because sin should be done privately if you did a sin you should not do in public but the first type is doing it publicly the second type of jihad is after doing it privately telling others about your sin and the third type of jihad is al-mufakhara bi-dham is not just telling people but boasting and taking pride over the sin you've committed all three are easily done in a social media platform so that is why we should be very careful the Prophet ﷺ is saying don't do jihad if we did a sin we committed a sin and this is why it's called istighfaf bi-haqqillah we're taking lightly the satir of Allah Allah hid our sins we should keep it covered we know if Allah starts exposing us that is why
Ibn Hajar he says man qasada idhhaar al maasiyati wal mujaharati aghdaba rabbuhu falam mistuhu he says a person who begins the habit of showing their sins and boasting about their sins Allah gets angry God gets angry at that person and that ni'ma that you had that Allah was hiding your sins Allah uplifts that veil and now your sins become public wa man qasada tasattura biha haya'an min rabbihi wa min al-naas in a person who is shy about something he did shy like how Sheikh Abdullah just mentioned about that that statement about how a believer sees that it's sin right a person who is shy does something but feels so bad haya'an min rabbihi shy from Allah wa min al-naas and shy from people manna Allahu alayhi bi-sitrihi iya Allah's first favor upon that person is Allah starts hiding their sins so my message to the audience today is yes we're human beings yes we will commit sins so let's not let's not do the act of jihad let's not start let's use or show social media platforms and different platforms that we have for different things other than this and unfortunately many of much of the ummah is indulged with this and I told Sheikh Umar I will talk about another thing that's mentioned in this in Surah Al-Ma'idah I have two minutes and again these two ayahs are tied to the word istihza ya hasratan alal ibad ma yateehim mirasool illa kano bi yastahzeeun so they are saying I can't pull zakir like there it's there somewhere I think ayah number 18 or something there woe be to the people every time a sign from a messenger comes to them they mock it istihza and another verse in Surah Ma'idah Allah says wa idha nadeytum illa salat itta khaduha huzuan wa na'iba he says and when you're called towards salah you mock it you take it lightly you don't you know you're not serious about the salah and I just want to mention one thing about
Ibn Taymiyyah rahimallah he mentions about this he says what does that mean when Allah is saying you take it lightly he says shukr Islam says the first after before khushu and khudu before standing in front of Allah before all of that he says amara Allahu biqadrin zaidin ala satr al awrati fissalah he says in salah Allah did not just tell us to cover our bodies and cover a satr he didn't say that he said Allah said khudu zinatakum illa kulli masjid he said beautify yourself adorn yourself every single time you're about to pray in front of Allah so knowing that it's fajr time dhuhr time asr time maghrib time isha time we know we have an appointment with Allah how are we going to be dressed on our interview for a med school how am I going to be dressed for my interview for my first job I'm not going to just jump out of bed and go and our salafus-salihin the pious predecessors knew that this is an appointment with Allah and that's why they would never be late to that appointment years would go by they would not miss the first takbir ulah and how they would dress they would dress in the best clothes they mean daddy Allah on who had one garment that was worth 1000 dinar and he would say to people rabbi ahakum man tajam to level fee salati my lord is the most worthy of me beautifying and adorning myself for and that's why they would adorn themselves standing in front of Allah let's not take salah who's who what I make it a joke lightly just get out of our bed get to the musallah throw it down you know we I'm not saying everyone should start wearing this clean crisp white imama but I try our best to do what we can that this is an appointment with Allah how sometimes I'm not going to put him on the spot but when we go to weddings we spend two three hours before to make sure we look good for others we should try to look good for a rub and the ones who don't do that Allah saying don't do that because that is who's in life Allah make us among those who don't make the acts of our deen lightly and don't publicize their
sins because that is taking the setter the aura of Allah lightly jazakallah khair I hope I didn't take more than seven minutes I mean that I think that you were probably on track shaykh but then once you started talking about your imama that just extended it boasting about your turban next time next time I'm on next time this whole time you didn't even talk about the me I don't want you have you have such a large audience but then we had they're all gonna run away so that's why I left it alone we appreciate you coming on and the staff is doing so most of the man of course is a part of the a team have benefited from his daily reminders part of the from deed to habit series and also what he was doing during the COVID outbreak with many of our other scholars and fellows but he's one of the founders of the staff what is your daily program shaykh and how can people tune into it well we have a Ramadan immersion program from six to seven you know they can go on institute org and they can check it out at six to seven there's a class every single day for free from six o'clock to seven o'clock so now you from your king had a program today and then we have right before our reflections with you from nine thirty to ten we had one but you know people who are watching your king are doing a great job they're good enough they don't need to do more than that that's an overkill they need to do more than that but inshallah and I appreciate all of you tuning in tonight as well sorry we started a few minutes late and inshallah we will continue this wonderful series inshallah with our wonderful scholars tomorrow night at the same time inshallah so thank you again for tuning in please do keep us in your du'a and if you feel inclined inshallah please continue consider making a Ramadan donation to this Ramadan to help us continue to produce content inshallah for the benefit of everyone and JazakumAllahu
Khayran wa-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh
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