Qur'an 30 for 30
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Juz' 20 with Dr. Osman Umarji
Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Dr. Osman Umarji, explore gems from the 20th Juz' of the Holy Quran.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim. Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen. Wa la idhwani lillahi rabbil alameen. Wa la aqeebatuhu dhulm al-taqeem. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baraka ala abdika wa rasulika Muhammadin salallahu alayhi wa sallam ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim wa sallimu taslimin kathira. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. And Alhamdulillah we have with us tonight Dr. Uthman Almarji, who has not broken his fast yet, right? He's still hungry, right? Alhamdulillah. Angry for the adab. We're glad to have you back, Sheikh. And of course, Sheikh Abdullah, as always, Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen, who has broken his fast, Alhamdulillah. You're 10 minutes away from me, Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen. And inshallah ta'ala, I just want to remind everyone, before we get started, I know that there's been a lot going out. But tomorrow night will, tomorrow actually will be a special day, inshallah ta'ala. Tomorrow night, inshallah ta'ala, will of course, bismillah ta'ala, be the first of the last 10 nights. One of the few years where moonsighting and calculations and everything goes together. So inshallah, tomorrow is the first of the last 10 nights. And bismillah ta'ala, offers us a special opportunity. And we wanted to have everyone prepared, inshallah. So tomorrow from 3 p.m. Eastern to 8 p.m. Eastern, inshallah ta'ala, there's going to be an all-day telethon where different members of the Yaqeen team will come on. We'll talk about what Yaqeen is doing, as well as, inshallah ta'ala, prepping everyone for the last 10 nights, inshallah ta'ala. So please do join us tomorrow. And then the last 20 minutes will be a collective du'a, just as we go into the night, inshallah ta'ala. So please do make sure you join for as much of tomorrow as you can, inshallah ta'ala. And spread the word. I'll make sure that it's posted in the comments. And no, I don't moderate the comments. Someone shows me the comments. Just so you guys know, I'm not talking and moderating comments at the same time. Okay. That's the wonderful team that we have at Yaqeen, alhamdulillah,
which means Sheikh Abdullah Duru is the one that's moderating comments. Oh, okay. I'm blessed. All right. Let's get started, inshallah. So Juz 20. The first page of Juz 20, which is still the back of Surah An-Naml, probably one of the most beautiful sections that you find in the Quran. A long message of, Is there any God besides Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la? Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, one of the most beautiful recitations to listen to and to really ponder upon where Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la speaks about His Majesty, speaks about the things that only He can do, speaks about our moments of vulnerability, either as individuals or as collectives. And how we turn back to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, and Allah is our only refuge and Allah is our only rescue. So that is a beautiful, you know, last night we talked a lot about tadabur, reflecting on the Quran as an individual. There is nothing that I could give you of tafsir that would make that just the most beautiful experience ever, if you just sit with it alone, inshallah ta'ala. That section of about seven ayats where Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, A'ilahum ma'Allah. Is there any God besides Allah? InshaAllah we'll talk about one of those instances in this Juz tonight, inshallah ta'ala. In verse 89 of Surah An-Naml, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, Man ja'a bil-hasanati falahu khayru minha wa hum min faz'ain yawma idhin aminoon That whoever brings forth good, then they will have good that will return to them. They will have a greater good that awaits them. And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions particularly safety from shock, and the faz' the shock of yawm al-qiyamah, the shock of the day of judgment. And there's a great connection here to the story of Musa Alayhi Salam, as well as to the previous surahs. If you realize all of the previous surahs that we've gone through over the last couple of nights in particular, begin and end with the disoriented people on the day of judgment.
People that are regretful because they challenged Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to hasten the day of judgment, and when it came, we then see the scenes of them disoriented and regretful for challenging Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la with that, and Allah assuring the believers of safety and security on that day. And here Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la once again does that with another warning of punishment, by the way, right after this in verse 90. But I want to connect this to Musa Alayhi Salam because Musa has a particular protection on the day of judgment. These surahs are all the layers of Musa Alayhi Salam. And I know both Sheikh Abdullah and Sheikh Uthman are going to talk about Musa Alayhi Salam in detail tonight, inshaAllah ta'ala, so I'm not going to spend too much time on that. But every single surah is giving us a new dimension of Musa Alayhi Salam. And one of them is that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned that on the day of judgment, and it was a Muslim and a Jew that got into an argument in Medina. And the Muslim and the Jew basically got into an argument over whose prophet is better, Musa or Muhammad. Now, of course, to us, they're both our prophets Alayhi Salatu Wasalam, and that we uphold the prophethood of both of them. So we should never in any way in the course of demonstrating our love and loyalty to Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam disrespect another prophet of Allah. So in the midst of that argument, it got very heated. And the Muslim transgressed against the Jew and the Jew complained to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam about that. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, on the day of judgment, when I will be the first to be resurrected, and I would go to the throne of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, and I'm paraphrasing the hadith, and I would see that Musa Alayhi Salam is already, Moses Peace Be Upon Him, is already hanging on to one of its legs. And so to suggest that Musa Alayhi Salam was saved, as the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, it could be that he was saved from the faza, from the shock, because Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la would not allow him to go through that twice.
So the beautiful hadith about Musa Alayhi Salam, particularly being spared and given safety in a way that no other person would be given safety. Now we get into Surah Al-Qasas. And my job for the next 10 nights, inshallah, is just to show the beautiful connection of these surahs to each other, because they're all so beautifully interconnected. Surah An-Naml, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, wa yaksifusu, who is the one who responds to the desperate caller when they call upon him and removes the hardship that they feel? And SubhanAllah, we fade into this surah and we have the trembling heart of the mother of Musa Alayhi Salam. And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la comforting the mother of Musa Alayhi Salam, taking her baby and putting her baby into the tablet. And obviously what takes place of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la rescuing Musa Alayhi Salam or saving Musa Alayhi Salam in a very vulnerable situation. A baby that is in the midst of the water that could easily drown, that could easily be kidnapped. So many things could happen to Musa Alayhi Salam. And Allah Azawajal not just removing the harm of Musa Alayhi Salam or any hardship that would come to Musa Alayhi Salam, but also Allah Azawajal comforting the heart of the mother of Musa Alayhi Salam by allowing her to see her baby once again. Right? So who is the one that responds to the caller? Who is the one that hears our deepest secrets? Who is the one that sees our deepest vulnerabilities in our darkest moments? And Allah Azawajal answers those du'as in those moments. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la does miracles for us in those moments. And SubhanAllah, you see the connection right away between the surah prior and this surah. And Allah Azawajal showing his complete power. Musa Alayhi Salam in this surah, the imagery is very powerful. Musa is a baby put in this small piece of the earth, right?
Or in the small fragment and then put into the water where he has no way to protect himself. And he's just a baby. And Allah Azawajal saves him and rescues him. And Firaun is a powerful man with an army. And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la drowns him. Parts of the sea for that same baby when he grows up, Musa Alayhi Salam, and then drowns Firaun and his army. His arrogant presence himself and of course the arrogant army that Firaun had. So SubhanAllah, think of the imagery of a baby floating in the water, in the river. And then Firaun, this tyrant, right? Drowning in the seas. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is showing that he really is the one that's in charge at all times. A connection as well in verse 56, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, innaka la tahdima ahbabt, walakinna Allah yahdi mayyasha You do not guide whom you love, but Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la guides whom he wills. And the previous surah, what did Allah say about our Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, na'allaka baakhir That you're hurting yourself. You're hurting yourself. Because alla yakoonu mu'mineen Because you want them so badly to be believers. Your empathy is so deep. It pains you so much to see these people and what is taking place with them. And Allah Azawajal connects it in this juz to the previous juz here as well. In Surat Al-Qasas, in the fifth verse, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions that the reason why we go through tests, and the reason why these hardships would happen to a person, because there's the perspective of the tyrant that's going to be punished and the righteous that will be tested. And we know the end of the story is good for them. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, wa nuridu annamunna AAala allatheena astuAAifuhu fil-arw That we wish to bestow our favor on those who are oppressed in the lands and make them into a imma, make them into leaders, and make them from al-warithin, make them from the inheritors.
Meaning this is character building, this is faith building. That we go through these trials and these tests to be purified and elevated. And so Musa AS was not put through all of these different types of tests. The test of Fir'aun, the test of Bani Israel, the test of being in Madian, the test of a loss of direction, all of these different things. The test of trying to understand and comprehend when talking to Al-Khadir. Musa was not put through these things except to further elevate him, alayhis salam. And that is the case for the believers. What is Surat Al-Ankabut, the next surah start off with? Ahasiba an-nasu an yutraku an yakulu amanna wa hum la yuftanoon wa laqad fatanna allatheena min qablihim falayAAlamanna allah allatheena sadaqu wa layAAlamanna al-kadhibeen Allah azawajal says, do people think they just say we believe and they're not tested? And we have tested those who came before you. And through that, the truthful shine and the liars or those that do not have integrity, those that are not truthful to the message that has come to them are humiliated as a result of that. So we are shown in our true colors as a result of the fitan, as a result of the test. And Allah azawajal gives test to the believers to grow them, to grow them in their faith and to grow them in their character. So Surat Al-Qasas you have that, and then you have Surat Al-Ankabut, a connection between verse five and verse two. And then I'll end with this inshaAllah ta'ala, the other side of this. Haman and Fir'aun, Haman of course is the right hand of Fir'aun. And this is the example of what we saw in Surat Al-Furqan in the previous juz. Ya waylata laytani lam atakad fulalan khalilat Two evil people fighting on the day of judgment, particularly the regret of the one who followed along. Imagine how many people would be looking at Fir'aun with Haman at the top of them and saying, why did I listen to him? Why did I follow him? Why did I believe him? Why was I intimidated by him? Why was I not afraid of his Lord and my Lord?
And the regrets and the remorse that we talked about last night, imagine Haman and Fir'aun. And you have here examples of three men who think they have power, but they actually have nothing. So this is the other side of this, Surat Al-Qasas. And I want you to pay very close attention because it ties beautifully into Surat Al-Ankabut, just like the previous example that I gave. Three men that are mentioned in the surah. And then Shaykh Abdullah and Shaykh Uthman can talk about Musa Alayhi Salaam in greater detail. Fir'aun is the dictator who has a false sense of security in his own power. He's a dictator who has a false sense of security in his own power. Haman is the enforcer of the dictator who has a false sense of security in the power of his master. Right. So Haman is taking security in Fir'aun's power. Like, I'm good. I can be as brutal. And you often find that the general of a dictator is worse than the head himself. Just completely takes everything into their hands to be a butcher because they know that they have immunity from the one that commands them. So they take shelter and security in the power of the one that's above them. And with Haman, it's only Fir'aun. And then Qarun, whose false sense of security and power comes in what? His wealth. One of the wealthiest people to ever walk the face of the earth. And all three of them find absolutely nothing. And that's verse 41 of Surat Al-Ankabut. Verse 41 of Surat Al-Ankabut. Mathalul ladheena attakhadhu min doonillahi awliyaa kamathalil ankaboot ittakhadhat bayta wa in awhana albuyoot la baytul ankaboot law kanu ya'lamoon That the case of those who took other than Allah as their protectors is like a spider who constructs its home. But the frailest of all homes is the spiderweb, is the spider's house if only they knew. Our Ilam mentioned the spider's web, if you get caught in it, if you're a bug or mosquito, you get caught in it. You can't get out of it. You would think it's the strongest thing ever. It is stronger than steel. You know, the science behind the spider's web is so fascinating. It is impossible for that which is caught in a spiderweb to get out.
But then a little bit of water comes, you just do this and you ruin the spider's web altogether. So it gives a false sense of power and security, but it's really nothing. Whereas Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is everything. Allah is always in charge when we seek that power, when we seek that security in Allah Azawajal, who overwhelms us at all times with his power. So inshallah ta'ala with that, I'll hand it off to Sheikh Abdullah to talk about the story of Musa al-Islam in some greater detail. JazakAllah khayran. Bismillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasool Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala amma ba'a. The story of Musa SubhanAllah and the chapter of Qasas. As we know Qasas means narrations or stories. And this is a beautiful, as we know, the chapter or the stories of Musa or snippets of the life of Musa is found throughout the Quran. But in this chapter, it's very extraordinary because Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la kind of gives you a history of Musa, like the childhood, you know, you watch those movies, it shows them, they grew up as a child and what they went through and then where they reached. Well, here I want you to focus on, I'm going to talk about verse number 10, but in the beginning of Qasas, really starting from verse number 7, all the way to 13 is something extraordinary. And I want to share this with you. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la tells Moses' mother when Moses was a baby, because at this time, you know, there was a year that Fir'aun had a dream that there would be a young man or a youth that would take over his throne and his power. So what he decided to do that year was to eliminate all of the young boys and to leave the women as servants for them. So any young boy at that time that was alive, he would do away with them. He would exterminate them. But Musa Alayhi Salam's mother, being aware of this, was scared. So Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la starts off in verse number 7, when he says after I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, Wa awhayna ila ummi Musa an ardi'i.
In this verse, Allah orders Moses' mother with two things and then promises her two things. He says here, Wa awhayna ila ummi Musa an ardi'i. And we inspired the mother of Moses to suckle him or to breastfeed him. Fa idha khifti alayhi fa alqihi fil yammi. Fa idha khifti alayhi. And if you were to have fear for him or be scared for him because of Fir'aun, Fa alqihi fil yamm. Then to throw him in the river. And this is the Nile River, as some of the mufasirin mentioned. Yamm is actually an abundant sea. But here, the scholars have mentioned that she was instructed to put him in a tabut, as we see in the chapter of Taha. Fa qadhi fihi fit tabut. To put him in a wooden box. To put him in this tabut and to put him in the Nile River. So those are the two things. To breastfeed him, to suckle him, and to put him in the Nile River. I want you to remember the suckling because that's very relevant here. So he says, put him in the Nile River. And then he said, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la said, wa laa takhaafi wa laa tahzani. And do not have fear, nor shall you grieve. inna raaduhu ilayki waja'iluhu minal mursaleen. So here, he says, do not have fear, nor shall you grieve. Fear in the beginning of the action, before the action, and grief after the action. He says, don't have fear, nor shall you grieve. Why? inna raaduhu ilayki. That verily, we will return him to you. That's the promise. Waja'iluhu minal mursaleen. And that's the second promise. We will return him to you. But not only that, he will be a messenger. Someone that the message has been given to him. Mursaleen. The message has been given to them. So now this is the promise that Allah gives Moses his mother. Moses' mother is a human being. And a human being, we have certain characteristics. And SubhanAllah, Allah addresses this characteristic in verse number 10.
When he says, fa-asbaha fu-aadu umi-Musa fa-arigha. So the heart of the mother of Moses became empty. What does it mean, became empty? And it's interesting how Allah says became empty, and he doesn't mention it was empty of what. Because when we understand the context, Allah told her to do an action that increases the connection between the mother and the child. Nothing like that. As soon as they're born, Allah has provided the mother with something to feed the child, which is the best form of food, which is the milk of the mother. So that connection is there. Then Allah says, al-qeehi fil-yam. So now her heart is empty. Empty of what? Empty of the love of Moses, looking at Moses, all of this connection with Moses. So Allah doesn't even mention it. And that's for you to understand. fa-asbaha fu-aadu umi-Musa fa-arigha. Then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, in kadath latubu deebihi lawla arrabatuna ala qalbiha litakuna minal mu'mineen. In kadath latubu deebihi, she was this close. Kadath is like almost. And tubu deebihi, to make it apparent of who she was, or to say, look, I want my son back. Because what happened was when she put him in the sea, in between these verses, you'll see that the wife of Fir'aun, Fir'aun's people captured Moses and the wife of Fir'aun pleaded for Fir'aun, to keep Moses. So they kept him in their space with them. So Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions that her heart became empty. And then Allah says something beautiful. lawla arrabatuna ala qalbiha. She was about to say something, but if it wasn't for the fact that we rabatuna, that we tied her heart or made her heart, rabat means to tie something. So rabatuna, if we tied her heart, her qalb, litakuna minal mu'mineen, to be from the believers. Why? Because, you know, some scholars, it's a difference of opinion in here, but the relevance of, you know,
because the first heart that he said that her heart became empty, the first heart was fu'ad. The second heart that he said was qalb. And fu'ad is that scholars say, yafta'ad, ya'ani yasht'al, it gets hot. And it's, it's, it's, it's very, it's heated. You know, it has strong emotions. But when we say qalb, you see some scholars mention qalb li anhu yatakallab. Or qalib lishay, because it flips. You're happy, you're sad, you're emotional. You're, you know, you're, you're full of joy. So Allah says, rabatanaa ala qalbihaa litakuna minal mu'mineen, to keep her patient. But you notice he didn't say qalb. He didn't punish her for almost, you know, telling and revealing what the situation was. It's natural for a mother to have that worry for her child. And that's what's so beautiful about this verse. And Allah uses the two types of understanding of the heart, because the first one, her heart became heavy because she missed her son. And then after that, Allah said, and that's why the Prophet says, Allahumma thabbit qalbi ala deenik. Thabbit qalbi ala deenik. Do not let it go to the left or to the right. Keep it firm upon your religion. So she had to stay firm in this situation, even though it was difficult. What's beautiful, because right after that verse, she tells her daughter, Moses's mother, which was a sign of rabt al qalb, which was a sign that she was sound and her heart was firm. Instead of just grieving, she came with a plan. She said, ith habeefa qosee. She said, go and spy and find out where he is. Look at where he is. In any case, the last one we see in verse number 10, she pleaded and she found out, subhanAllah, when she saw Moses, she saw that they were trying to feed Moses's young baby. So they brought different maid servants to try to breastfeed Moses and Moses refused. He would not want any breast milk. So her sister came and she said, I know someone. And it happened to be none other than Moses's
mother. So subhanAllah, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse number 10, faradadanaahu ila ummihi kay takarra aynuha wala tahzan. So we restored him with his mother, that her eye may be comforted, that the comfort of her eye has returned and that she might not grieve. wala tahzan. wa li ta'alama anna wa'da Allahi haq. And to know that the promise of Allah is true. wala kinna akthara an nasi la ya'lamoon. But most people do not even know. So subhanAllah, Allah, the first command he gave her was the key to bring Moses back, but she didn't know at the time. She didn't know, subhanAllah. So Allah brought her back because of what he ordered in the beginning. In conclusion, brothers and sisters, when we look at what Allah orders us to do, know that it is only for our own benefit because he loves you more than anyone else. He loves you more than anyone else. And he will provide for you in ways that you will not imagine. And this story in the beginning of this chapter is so beautiful because it's the epitome of love and affection. The epitome of love. When you look at any example of the prophets, Allah gives you the epitome of success, the epitome of sadness, the epitome of oppression. So looking at this, subhanAllah, if you have the opportunity with your families tonight, if you haven't read with your families, salatul isha tarawih, to read these verses, verses number seven to verses number 10, roughly, about the story of Moses and how Allah constructed just by breastfeeding as the key to bring Moses back with his mother. Alayhimusalaam. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward us and reward them for their struggle. And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that trust in Allah as Moses' mother did. JazakumAllah khayrun. JazakumAllah khayrun. A'ilahum ma'Allah, right? That's the constant theme. Is there really anyone but Allah, right? So keeping that tawakkul. So it's a beautiful story. And Dr. Uthman,
bismillah, fadla. Bismillah wa salatu wa salam wa rasool Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa muhammadin wa ala. InshaAllah I'd love to pick up where Shihabdalli left off. Before I do, I just want to put surat Qasas again, just kind of in its place, because I feel like there's so many chapters about Musa alayhi salam that sometimes we forget about kind of the centrality maybe of surat Qasas within this. One of the things that I find beautiful about this surah is that it was very similar to surat Yusuf in many ways, in that they were both revealed in Mecca before the hijrah. And they were both examples for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and foreshadowing to him and the companions of what the future was going to hold. It reinforced the idea of how oppressed people, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala comes to the aid of those who are oppressed. And it also reinforces how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has his way of dealing with the oppressors. And I think about again, going back to Musa alayhi salam, Yusuf stories, how many parallels Allah draws in this surah from Qasas to Yusuf's story, and then of course to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam's life. So Yusuf was taken away from his family in Palestine, and then he had to resettle in Egypt. And that's because his brothers had plotted to kill him, eventually throwing him in the well. Musa alayhi salam, we find in this story, he's forced to flee from his family and homeland, as we'll talk about, to Median for 10 years before returning to Egypt. That's because Firaun plotted to kill him. And then this is again foreshadowing to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam that he will have to flee from his beloved land of Mecca, his family, to go to Medina before he comes back one day victorious in Mecca. And that's because Quraysh had plotted to kill him. And SubhanAllah, one of the verses that's so beautiful that I want to touch upon is verse number 85 in this surah. And this again shows the love that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has for the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. In the same way that Allah told Musa's mom that inna raduhu ilayki, that in the same way we will return Musa to you, Allah tells Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam at the end of the story that pay attention to what happened to Musa. Because just like he went
back to his family, Allah says inna allathee farda alayka alqur'ana la raduka ila ma'al. That indeed the one who has imposed this Qur'an upon you, revealed this Qur'an to you, O Prophet, indeed that same, your creator, he will return you to the place of return, which many Mufassirin say is Mecca. So this is a glad tiding to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, surah Qasas, that be patient because all these trials and tribulations, there is success at the end of it. What I want to speak about was jumping from what Sheikh Abdullah spoke about in terms of the childhood of Musa. Because Musa's child, the story is amazing because it's got scenes. Allah does not give us the whole story in Qasas, but he breaks it up in different chapters. And here we learn only about Musa's childhood. And then we don't know anything about actually his infancy. We don't hear anything about his childhood or adolescence all the way until he's adult. And I'll pick it up when he actually has to flee his homeland, because he was in the middle of breaking up a fight. And in doing that, he accidentally killed a man. And then he's rushing off to the land of Median. And that's what I wanted to focus on right now. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Quran, I want us to think about the situation that Musa was in. Musa was told by somebody that people are plotting, Musa, that people are plotting to kill you, the politicians, you better get out of here. Musa, despite being so beloved to Allah, he's not yet a prophet, but he's a righteous man, has to leave without any food, without any water, without saying goodbye to his family, without packing his bags. And he heads off, inspired by Allah to head to Median. Why Median? He really has no idea. It's an inspiration from Allah. He doesn't even know how to get to Median. All he says is that, perhaps Allah will guide me to the path. And as Mufasirin mentioned, some of them said this took weeks
and weeks to get to Median. It's hundreds of miles away. It's on the eastern shore of the Red Sea where Allah says, that we are now brought to Musa's arrival in Median. And Allah says, and when he arrived at Median, he was there at the well of Median. He saw a group of people who were feeding, trying to give water to their animals. So imagine Musa hungry, thirsty, exhausted. He's been eating leaves only on his entire journey. There's no food he had. He comes across this well, sees people feeding their animals. And then he looks to his side and he sees, he sees two women who are holding back their flock of sheep. So what Musa does here is amazing. Usually people in the most difficult times of their life, all they think about is themselves. How am I going to put food on my table? What am I going to do to get some of this? How am I going to get a place to sleep tonight? I need just to take care of myself. He says, he goes to these two women who are obviously not doing something normal. They should have been feeding their animals. And he says, what is happening to the two of you? What's your story? And the two of them respond, they say, qalata la nasqee hatta yusteera riAAa wa aboona shaykhun kabeer. They tell him why. They say, look, we are not going to get in the middle of all these men. They said, we are not going to feed our animals until these men finish their feeding. And this is because our man, our father is an old man. He can't do it. We have to do it. So you see here, SubhanAllah, Musa, what he does, tired, exhausted, hungry, doesn't make a difference. Fasaqala huma thumma tawalla ila dhulli faqala rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeel. This is beautiful, SubhanAllah. Musa alayhi salam, you see, SubhanAllah, the sense of justice within him. You see the honor in him and the sign of an honorable person is their willingness to do what is right, even when it's not convenient. They rush to being in the service of others despite their own needs. There is a deep sense of
justice in Musa here that erupts at the smallest injustice that he sees. And despite his own psychological urge for food and water and security, his urge for justice to help these two young women was that much stronger. And so he goes, he gives them the water, they take off. He didn't ask them for anything. And he's exhausted and he goes underneath a tree. He finds a shade. He puts up his hands to Allah. And he says, Oh Allah, I am in desperate need of whatever good you have. Ya Allah, inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeel. Whatever good you can give me, I'm in desperate need of that. And you see Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala when he loves somebody, how he responds to their dua. And he responded immediately the next verse as Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, fa ja'at ihdaahumat tamshiyahah istahyaah. So Allah says that and one of them came, one of those two women came back upon modesty. And as Ulama mentioned, she walked with modesty. She spoke with modesty, which tells us against from the little lessons for a chivalrous man and a good woman can communicate. It's not haram to speak to some of the opposite gender, but you do it with modesty that you don't speak in an inappropriate way. You dress in an appropriate way. And she comes and she tells him what's going on. This is the answer of the dua. That inna abiyyadauka liyajzika ajra ma saqaytalana. That my father is calling to recompense you for that which you have done for us. And when he goes back and he tells the story, as Allah mentions, fa lamma ja'ahum qasaa alayhi alqasasa qala la takhaf la jawta min alqawmi albaani meen. So Musa goes now to the father of these two girls, tells him what has happened. And he tells Musa alayhi salam, don't worry. You are far away from the jurisdiction of Firaun. You're at peace with me. You're not going to be in trouble. And then I'll quickly close with saying what happened next. SubhanAllah, the wisdom of this young girl. Qalat ihdaahuma
ya abati istajir. And this shows, subhanAllah, again, as one of the sahaba mentioned, that three people had tremendous foresight. One of them was Abu Bakr, right, and how he dealt with Umar and becoming in that. One is the companion of Yusuf, and one was the daughter of this man who recommended her father to hire Musa. As Musa narrated the story, the daughter interjects and tells the dad, hire this man, right, that you will not find anyone better to hire than the one who's strong and the one who is honest and trustworthy. And again, now Allah's dua comes true. When Musa asked that Allah, I'm in need of your goodness. I'm in need of something good. Allah sent the girl to bring him back to her father. The father hears the story, right? Now the daughter wants to hire Musa to do the job that she's been doing, but there's more. Now Allah subhanAllah sends the family for Musa, where now the dad, who some, most of the scholars say is Shu'ayb, qala inni ureedu an unkiha ihda banatayya hatayni ala an taajurni thamaniya hijaj. fa in atmamta ashran fa min aindak wa ma ureedu an ashufa alayka. Now comes the, this is the kicker. SubhanAllah, you think you're a foreigner in a land. No water, no food, no job, no shelter. And you do one good deed by seeing two women who were being wronged by these men. He intervenes and now he's offered what a job. He's got a household and he's now being offered somebody in marriage. And the verse says, and these are versus numbers I've spoken with today about 22 all the way to 27. And this is ayah number 27 where Shu'ayb says, indeed, I want to marry you to one of my daughters on the condition that you work for me for eight years. And if you want to work for me for 10, then that's great. And I don't want to be too difficult on you. And Musa accepts this. So I want to close in, you know, with what I'm speaking about today is by saying, SubhanAllah, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, the way he answers dua, we will
never really fully understand it. Our job is simply to do what's right in any circumstance. So in this circumstance, it's like, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm going to do what's right. And Allah, the results are upon Allah. He's going to bring me the food. He's going to bring me the family. He's going to bring me the shelter. And I want to close with saying, remember whenever, and this, none of this is take away from Musa's greatness, that Allah loved Musa, but he dragged him through difficulty after difficulty after difficulty, being acute, being, you know, threatened to be killed by Fir'aun's people, traveling hundreds of miles to a foreign land, having no food and water to drink. But ultimately, the victory of Allah is near and the love of Allah is near to his messengers and those who are righteous. So that next time, inshallah, we are in a circumstance where life gets tough, and we're taking through all kinds of adventures that, you know, we might not like at the time, to perhaps remember that Allah might be trying to elevate us in these moments, and that we might need to go through these things to gain the empathy and the foresight needed to succeed in life. I ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to allow us to see the Quran with the insights that it has that we inshallah learn from the message of these prophets, Musa, Yusuf, and of course Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. SubhanAllah Rabbil Izzati Amma Yusufoon, Wa Salamun Ala Mursaleen, Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen. JazakAllah Khair. SubhanAllah, one of the sayings you mentioned, one of my favorite sayings, Ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu Anhu, Aflas Al-Nasi Talafa. The three people with the greatest insight were three. Abu Bakr radiAllahu Anhu, Namastakhlafa Umar, when he chose Umar radiAllahu Anhu, he saw Umar as the befitting khalifa. And then Al-Aziz when he said Akrimi Mafwa, the companion of Yusuf alayhi salam and Musa alayhi salam. It's a beautiful saying and subhanAllah you can't help but wonder in the journey of Musa alayhi salam, the scene of Moses about to split the sea and his people say, Inna la mudrakoon, we're in trouble, we're done, there's no way we're going to get out of this. What does he say? Inna rabbi ma'i yassayah deen, my Lord is with me, he will guide me. And here, the first chapter of Musa alayhi salam, when he has to go to Madian, Allah is going to guide me.
And the last, this, probably the most consequential part, right, where the one that he was warned about in the first chapter is behind him right now, literally with an army ready to kill him and he says, Sayyah deen, Allah will guide me. And that's so beautiful, subhanAllah, that you bring that up. JazakumAllah khayran, may Allah reward you. Shaykh Abdullah, any final comment? Yeah, I mean, subhanAllah, when reading this chapter, just in this chapter of Qasas, it's four righteous women. SubhanAllah, you think about it, Moses' mother, his sister, Asiyah Fir'aun's wife, and one or maybe two, the two sisters that he encountered, maybe Shuaib's daughters. SubhanAllah, so it's all of these women had a role to play within Moses' success in his life. And even you look at with the righteous mother, and being obedient to Allah, how Allah will reward your children and your progeny, inshallah, it's amazing. Ameen, you know, you're gonna get quoted on that, and it's gonna go viral on the internet, right? Beautiful reflection, JazakumAllah khayran. InshaAllah, tomorrow, tomorrow night, tomorrow, as we said, three to five, three to eight, sorry, three to eight inshallah, Eastern tomorrow, we'll be doing the finish strong, please spread the word inshallah ta'ala, and invite other people. And then we'll have Quran 30 for 30. And to add another layer of content inshallah ta'ala, 2am Eastern, starting tomorrow night, every one of the last two nights, we'll have a short, inshallah, I say short, hopefully short, I intend to make them about 20 minutes, the qualities of Ibadur Rahman, the qualities of the servants, the most merciful, so you can take breaks in your qiyam every night, inshallah, the last two nights, and just have a short reflection on the next quality of the servants, the most merciful. So again, tomorrow, join us from three to eight inshallah. And then also for Quran 30 for 30, at 10. And then at two inshallah ta'ala a.m. We will be starting with the Ibadur Rahman series. And please do spread the word about the telethon. JazakumAllah khayran. We'll see you all tomorrow inshallah. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Waalaikumussalam wa rahmatullah.
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