Qur'an 30 for 30
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Juz' 10 with Tesneem Alkiek
Sh. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Tesneem Alkiek, explore gems from the 10th Juz' of the Holy Quran.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Alright everyone, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim. Bismillahir rahmanir raheem. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen. Wa ala irdwani lillahi ala al-zalimeen. wa ala akhirati wa al-mutaqim. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baraka ara abdika wa rasulika Muhammadin salallahu alayhi wa sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasneemin kathira. Alhamdulillah, we are back for Qur'an 30 for 30 and we have our first repeat guest. We have Ustaz Tasneem Al-Qeek, soon to be Doctor of Tasneem Al-Qeek inshaAllah, joining us tonight for this juz. And I want to start off with another bushra, another glad tidings of this era. Great news that we had a sister that attended Qur'an 30 for 30. She's been attending, Sister Andrea from Ohio. And she was actually in the comments yesterday inshaAllah, about four hours ago took shahadah as well over Zoom, alhamdulillah. So Sister Andrea, may Allah bless you. I know she's watching tonight actually. May Allah bless you, keep you sincere, steadfast and firm. So please pray for her to be from the people of Qur'an and to have beauty and ease in this journey of hers. Allahumma ameen. So tonight is one of my, it is actually probably my favorite juz because there are two very particular sahaba stories that are very touching in this story. And if you realize the first third of the Qur'an is actually the story of Islam unfolding. Alhamdulillah, that's something that one of my teachers pointed out to me early on. He said the first third of the Qur'an is the story of Islam. And then you kind of have all of the things that come after that, that speak to the admonitions and the laws and the development and things that we can take, which shows you the centrality of the seerah of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, the biography of the Prophet alayhi salatu wa salam, and understanding the hadith and understanding the Qur'an itself, knowing the seerah background. So the 10th juz of the Qur'an starts from the last part of Surah Al-Anfal, which is verse 41, and it goes into verse 92 of Surah At-Tawbah.
As we said, it comes off of the lengthiest discourse on the Battle of Badr and how the Muslims are after the Battle of Badr, hence the name of the surah, the spoils, Al-Anfal. And as the Muslims are called to honor the treaties, to not break them as long as the other party honors them as well, to treat the prisoners of war well. Finally, the Muslims are called to stand together and to join together as one community against those who wish them harm from the outside. And so there are a few themes that I'm going to hit on inshaAllah ta'ala and then some stories that really come in this juz. Number one, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions in verse 56, Alladheena AAahadta minhum thumma yanqadoon AAahadahum fee kulli marratin wahum la yataqoon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions a group of disbelievers who are despised and particularly, he says, they're the ones that you make treaties with but then they break their pledge fee kulli marratin. They break the treaty every single time. Wahum la yataqoon and they don't have any fear of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So they're going to keep on breaking the treaty. The interesting thing is that still, the believers are called to reciprocate good with good and to always lead the way when it comes to issues of peace. So in verse 60, these two verses 60 and 61 are so important to be read together. In verse 60 of Surah Al-Anfal, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Wa a'iddu lahum mastata'atu min quwwata To show and prepare your strength. Demonstrate strength and courage and a lack of fear and vulnerability when you meet your enemies. Be prepared. Be prepared from a military sense. Be prepared from a spiritual sense. Be prepared for a worst case scenario and don't show your enemies any type of weakness. Instead, show your enemies that you're ready, that you're strong and that you can defend yourself and that should a war take place, that you will be able to stand up for yourself as a community.
And the very next verse, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Wa in janahu lisalmi fajnah laha wa tawakkal ala Allah innahu wassamee'u al-'alim And if they incline to peace, then you incline to it also. And rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is hearing and known. SubhanAllah, the very famous verse that gets thrown in the face of the Muslims, to slay them wherever you find them, is in the same juz. It's in the beginning of Surah Tawbah, verse 5, to kill them wherever you find them. It's literally talking about not just enemy troops, the enemy troops who broke their treaty and attack the Muslims and actually non-Muslims as well, right? Attacked people after breaking the treaty. So it's not just people that are opponents of war. It's people that were opponents of war, took a treaty with you, broke the treaty and continue to kill. And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives them the permission, gives the Muslims the permission to fight back. So you can't read, kill them wherever you find them and then ignore the verses that comes in the same section before that say if they incline towards peace, you should always incline towards peace as well. In verse 70, one of my favorite stories in this Surah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Ya ayyuha nabiyyu kulli man fee aydikum minal asraa in ya'lamin laahu fee qulubikum khayran yu'tikum khayran mimma ukhida minkum wayakhfir lakum Allahu ghafoorun raheem O Prophet, say to whoever is in your hands of the captives, if Allah knows of any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than that which was taken away and He will forgive you and Allah is forgiving and merciful. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told to be gentle with the captives, but to particularly say to the captives that if Allah knows of something good in your hearts, not only are you going to come out of this and be forgiven, but Allah is going to give you better than that which was taken away. This verse was revealed, verse 70, about the uncle of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam.
Al-Abbas was on the other side on the Battle of Badr, but the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, some people uhriju karhan la hajata lahum fi qitalina There's some people that were forced to come out to fight the Muslims. They had no interest whatsoever in killing the Muslims. And when he showed up at the Battle of Badr, he literally just stood there. He didn't attack anybody. He was like an idol. That's how he was described, salaman. And so there was a companion who was actually very small in stature, and al-Abbas was a huge man. And this companion was Abu Yusr al-Sulami radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. He went up to al-Abbas and he jumped on him. Like imagine a smaller stature man jumping on his back and tying him up and trying to wrap them all up to take him as a captive. And the sahaba saw Abu Yusr pulling him, pulling al-Abbas to the other side. And they were like, wait, how did that even happen? How did you capture him? And Abu Yusr, he said, laqad a'anani alayhi rajrun ma ra'aytuhu min qabla wa la min ba'd. He said, there was a man that helped me capture him. Because even if al-Abbas wasn't fighting, there's no way Abu Yusr could tie him up and capture him that way. So he said, someone help me. And I'd never seen him before. The Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said, laqad a'anaka alayhi malakun kareem. That it was a noble angel that assisted you in capturing al-Abbas. And the scholars say that Allah wanted al-Abbas captured early so that no one would kill him. So the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam has his uncle now as a captive. And this was painful for all of the people, all of the Muslims that their loved ones who came out to fight them were now their captives. This was the first time they were going to experience that. And the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam felt great pain hearing aneen al-Abbas biwathaqihi, the groaning of al-Abbas radiAllahu anhu, as he was tied up. And the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, any concession that he gave to al-Abbas, he gave to all of the prisoners of Badr. And the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam tried whatever he could.
If you can teach 10 people how to read, then you can go free. There were various ways of ransom that were unknown to the Arabs that the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam was giving to try to ease the situation. And when he came to al-Abbas, he told his uncle, ransom yourself. And al-Abbas radiAllahu anhu said, I don't have that kind of money. The Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said, where is that money that you hid, you and Um al-Fadl, your wife, and you told her if I'm killed, then save this for my son al-Fadl. Al-Abbas radiAllahu anhu said, Ya Rasulullah, no one knew about that money except for me and my wife. How did you know? And the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said, ransom yourself with that. Al-Abbas was said to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, you know that I didn't actually come here to fight you, right? That this was something that I was pushed into. Allah revealed, if Allah knows of that good in your heart, Allah will give you back what you lost and better than it. And Allah subh'anaHu wa ta'ala will forgive you. Al-Abbas radiAllahu anhu said, Wallahi, I never got richer than I did after the battle of Badr. Allah replaced everything he took away from the ransom with so much more. And al-Abbas was so rich that in the last sermon of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam relinquished all of the loans that were due to al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, the riba in particular, the interest that was due to al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. So that's Surah al-Anfal. Then we get into Surah at-Tawbah. In brief, why is there no basmana, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim in Surah at-Tawbah? There's an authentic narration in the Tirmidhi that ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhu, he said, I asked Uthman ibn Affan radiAllahu anhu why there was no basmana. And Uthman radiAllahu ta'ala anhu basically said that, unlike the sab'a tiwal, which are the long surahs, the seven long surahs, al-Anfal and at-Tawbah were like one surah. So it's almost as if they're one surah because they're referring to the same context. And so they didn't put the basmana because of the continuation of it, as if it's one surah between the two.
At-Tawbah was revealed after Tabuk. So it's way after al-Anfal. And Tabuk was a battle where the Muslims had planned to squander an attack that was expected from the Romans, from the Byzantines. And so the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam marched in the heat with 30,000 soldiers to occupy it. But it ended in no battle and no bloodshed, but still there was a great lesson to the believers. In verse 25 of Surah at-Tawbah, Allah mentions the only other battle by name in the Quran. So there's Badr and then there's Hunayn, the battle of Hunayn. Allah says, wa yawma hunayn an id a'jabatkum kathratukum falam tughni AAankum shayha And on the day of Hunayn, when your great number pleased you, but it did not avail you at all. So the lessons of Badr were you were outnumbered, but Allah gave you victory. The lessons of Hunayn is that you had great numbers, but the Muslims struggled mightily in Hunayn. And Allah says, a'jabatkum kathratukum. You were impressed. You looked around and said, we outnumber them, right? So we must, this is in the bag. It's an easy battle, right? And Allah was teaching them a lesson. It never was about your number. It was always about Allah's blessing with you. And do not let your impression lead to a sense of arrogance, right? That you depend upon your strengths. So Allah reminding the believers not to get, not to become proud or not to develop a sense of conceit due to the, the numbers that they have. And then SubhanAllah in verse 40, the story of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq radiAllahu ta'ala in the cave with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. And I know I'm going over time, so I'm just going to rush this really quick. There's a lot in this surah about the hypocrites. Allah makes it clear that surah Tawbah is about the munafiqeen. Where does the story of Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala come from, right? In the hijrah out of all places. Because Allah is reminding the people that, you know, when no one would go with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam,
Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala was there with him in the cave. Ith yaqulu li sahibihi la tahzan inna Allah ma'ana. When he said to his companion, do not grieve. Verily, Allah is with us. Okay? So that's the story of Abu Bakr suddenly from the hijrah, which has nothing to do with the rest of the context. That's plugged here. What's the wisdom of that? Verse 42, just two, the verse literally that comes after this, Allah talks about the hypocrites that are the opposite of Abu Bakr. They swear, wasayahlifoona billah. They swear that law istata'na lakharajna ma'akum. If we could, we would go out with you, O Messenger of Allah. Right? So they're the opposite of Abu Bakr who went out with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, despite all obstacles. The hypocrites keep making excuses to not accompany the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. In verse 55, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, fala tu'jibka amwaluhum wala awladuhum innama yureedullahu liyuAAdhibahum biha filhayatiljunya That do not let their wealth or their children impress you. Allah only intends to punish them through that in this worldly life. So remember we talked about barakah yesterday, blessing and wealth. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, don't be impressed by their wealth and their power. Allah is merely punishing them with their wealth and their power. And then I'll end with this inshaAllah, verse 79. Verse 79 is the hypocrites mocking the believers. And they mock the believers, particularly they do lamz, which is to belittle them. And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, they're not belittling any believers. They're belittling the ones that actually went forth and contributed and worked with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. They belittle them concerning their charities, and they criticize the ones who find nothing to spend except for their effort, meaning they say, what good is that that they went out with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam anyway? So they belittle them, they mock their efforts. So Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, fayaskharuna minhum sakhirAllahu minhum They ridicule the believers that are doing something,
and so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la ridicules them. And there are two things you'll always find in the hypocrites. And I know that sister Tasneem is going to talk about this inshaAllah. Two things that are inherent in this surah. Number one, they mock the efforts of the doers as being flawed and insignificant, while having no effort of their own to be mocked. That's the first thing. So they keep mocking. They say, oh, what's the good of that anyway? They're not doing anything anyway. There's no point in that anyway. They mock the doers amongst the believers, while they have nothing to be mocked in the first place. The second thing, they blame the circumstances around them for their own inaction. And then they make these lofty claims that if the circumstances were different, we would surpass everyone with our deeds. So if things were different, we would do this and we would do that. Sounds a lot like a lot of people, right? Like just poke, poke, poke, poke, poke. Now that's not to say everyone who does these two things is a munafiq. That's just to say that these are signs of hypocrisy that a person could become immersed in this. And verse 92, subhanAllah, refers to the two men who wanted to accompany the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam sincerely, but they had legitimate excuses. And Allah writes down the full reward for them. So I know I took extra time and inshaAllah ta'ala, I know that it will be beautified inshaAllah ta'ala with what Sheikh Abdullah and sister Tasneem will share. So let's follow Sheikh Abdullah. As-salamu alaykum wa salatu wasalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I mean, what can I say? That's what the Quran does to you, man. You start, you don't want to stop. You really, really don't want to stop. You just want to keep going. So I'm just going to cover, mashAllah, a verse. It's a beautiful verse. It's talking about the masajid. And I chose this verse because firstly, this chapter, subhanAllah, you know, there's nine names that some of the scholars mentioned that this chapter has. And Tawbah was chosen because you find the word Tawbah mentioned multiple times in the Quran in different grammatical or different morphologic makeup.
You know, at-ta'iboon, fa-illam yatubu. So forgiveness or seek or repentance, excuse me, is mentioned 17 different times in this chapter. Hence, the chapter was given that name. They even call it the fadihah, you know, fadihah. The chapter of embarrassment or embarrassing because Allah mentions over 20 characteristics of the munafiqun, of the hypocrites. And remember, when we say hypocrites, it's not just someone that does what they don't, that says what they don't do. It's someone that hides disbelief in their heart and they do the opposite. And that's very important. As we talked about earlier, a couple of days ago, that, you know, in Mecca, it was people that were very apparent with their disbelief and they would verbally and physically, even emotionally harm the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. But in this case, now in Medina, now they have strength. There are people that are joining Islam, but they are hiding in their hearts disbelief and planning and plotting against the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Many of us heard the story of Hudhayfa, a disciple named Hudhayfa, that he was the only one that the 14 hypocrites were disclosed to them. Because when they were going out in the Battle of Tabuk, as he mentioned, when they were going north to Tabuk, which borders Saudi Arabia, there were people that were still of the hypocrites. So when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam went to a certain area to see, SubhanAllah, some of the hypocrites thought that they could try to kill him and Hudhayfa was with him. So when they plot and planned, they had their faces covered and they tried to kill him. They were not successful in doing so. In any case, that's when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked Hudhayfa, do you know who they were? They were the hypocrites that were trying to kill me. In any case, when we see this chapter of Al-Munafiqoon, we see this chapter that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking about the hypocrites. What's important here is that the Muslim distinguishes themselves from the people that may disguise or act as the hypocrites.
And that's why SubhanAllah is so beautiful that you'll see throughout the traditions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, which coincides with the Quran amongst over 20 characteristics that he mentions in this chapter alone, that you'll find even in the Hadith, where the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says these are signs of a hypocrite. Not meaning that if you were to practice one of those things, you are automatically a hypocrite from a spiritual perspective. No, it's be on the lookout and see how you are acting with others to make sure it is not the action of someone that plots and plans within their hearts against Islam. And that's very important. One of the strongest signs that a community can establish is maintenance of the masjid. And Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says here in the Quran after I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, in verse number 18, Innama ya'mulu masajid Allahi man aamana billahi wal yaumil aakhiri wa aqaamal salata wa aata al zakata wa lam yakhsha ilallah fa asaa olaika an yakoonu minal muhtadeen Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions this verse right after mentioning that the people that have a polytheistic practice, they should not be the ones to maintain the houses of Allah because the houses of Allah are just that. They're places where a Muslim exemplifies their belief in Islam, their creed, by praying five times a day, by making dhikr, by remembering Allah verbally, physically, emotionally, all at one time, primarily in the second pillar of Islam, which is the prayer. And that's one of the best forms of exemplification of the first pillar because you're moving all of your limbs and your heart is awake and attentive. So Allah says innama ya'mulu, and ya'mulu, you know the name, Umar means someone that has a long lifespan, inshallah and khair. So someone that not only establishes but maintains the houses of Allah. So when we see the word Umar or Imara means building. It is something that when the Muslim
is there, they maintain it, not just building the structures, but being someone that is consistently there going back and forth and praying there and having events there, so on and so forth. Now that we are here currently at home and we're not able to do that, it's very important that the other characteristics that are out there are also there. And after that, are still maintained amongst ourselves, inshallah ta'ala. He said the ones that maintain the houses of Allah are the ones that believe in Allah and the last day and they establish their prayer and they pay their zakat and they fear none except Allah. So those people are the ones that believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and they believe in the last day, being that there is a day that everything will perish and everything will have to answer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. They believe that there is a day of accountability. But in this life, they do actions to make sure that when that day comes, that they're in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and He is pleased with them. In any case, that the characteristics of the people of the ones that will maintain the houses of Allah are the ones that believe in Allah, have this conviction, and they believe in the last day, and they pray, which is an action of showing that, and they establish, they give the zakat, and they fear none but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, because perhaps they will be of those who are the muhtadeen. And as we mentioned earlier, guidance. These will be the actions of the people of guidance. So with that, I want to conclude inshallah, being that we at our homes now, we long to go to the masjid, we long to go to the mosque. But recognize and realize for those that are not at the mosque because boards have closed them down for an Islamic reason, a maqsud shar'i, an Islamic objective, which is preservation of life and taking the means in doing that. But the heart that is tied to the masjid inshallah, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those seven that are under the shade of Allah, of his throne, on the day that there is no shade except that shade, Rajulun qalbuhu ma'allakum bil masajid. A man or a woman that his heart or her heart clings to the masjid. So just remember that your intention,
you will be rewarded for it. And the shari'ah, if you have an intention of doing something and you were prohibited from doing that, it is as though you have done it. So may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that preserve the masjids, even if we are far away, but we can still donate to those beautiful causes of maintaining these beautiful places, known as the places of sujood, which are the places of prostration, the masjid. BarakAllahu feekum, wa salamu alaikum wa barakallahu wa ala ibn Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa jamalihi. JazakAllah khair, Sh. InshaAllah, like you said, it's not about the actual action being performed, because right after Allah talks about those hypocrites that made excuses not to do anything and that they would be punished for that, Allah talks about those two men that wanted to go with the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and couldn't do it and getting the full reward without any deficiency whatsoever. So it's about the intention and the soundness of the intention that manifests itself in certain behaviors. So inshaAllah, Sister Jasneem, take us away inshaAllah. Salam alaikum everyone. As always, you guys warmed that up really well for me. I wanted to highlight the aspect of intention to some degree. So in Surah At-Tawbah, where you have the story of the Battle of Tabuk, that Sh. Omar had mentioned, that's happening. And essentially what's going on is that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is going to meet with the believers, the Romans, or what was supposed to be with the Romans. And of course, in that, all of the people who are outwardly Muslim are invited to come and join in that. Now, of course, what happens is that you have the munafiqoon, the hypocrites, what they do is they put up every excuse possible. So the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is preparing everyone, all of the believers to come through. And suddenly a lot of the hypocrites come up and they tell the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam all these different excuses. Sorry, can't really make it. The Seder canceled, whatever it was. All of these different excuse to basically say, we're not showing up, we're not coming to fight. We don't really believe in you.
And this is not something we're willing to risk our lives for. Of course, they don't say that. And the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam being who he was, he essentially forgives them or doesn't push them to come. And so what you see in a passage in Surah At-Tawbah is that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la first says, A'fudallahu anka li ma'adhinta lahum that tells the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam that you shouldn't have forgiven them. And he follows that up by saying, you know what, even if they did come, even if they did show up, even if they didn't make up these excuses, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, walaw aradhu alkhuruja la'a'addu lahum udda that had they actually wanted to come, they would have made those preparations. walakin karika Allahum biAAathahum fatabbatahum waqila lahum urdhu ma'al qa'idil Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la hated for them to come and didn't basically want them to interfere and ruin things because he knew their true intentions. But I wanna focus here on the very beginning of this ayah, which is very powerful, where Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says walaw aradhu alkhuruja if they really wanted to go out, if they really wanted to go out here in the context of the battle, la'a'addu lahum udda they would have prepared for it, a preparation, right? Not just la'a'addu, they would have prepared for it, but Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la emphasizes it. They would have really done something if they actually wanted to go. la'a'addu lahum udda I want that to settle in. Because basically what Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is saying that they had no intention of going. They prepared nothing to make it clear that they had any intention, any desire to join the Prophet's assembly. Now, I wanna sort of remove that from the context of this battle of the hypocrites for a second and think about how this ayah, which is seemingly so tied to a specific context is so relatable for us today. Because basically what's happening is that there is an event happening. There's a goal in place. There's something, there's a plan in place.
And that the hypocrites made up excuses, didn't wanna do anything and never really worked towards that plan. So when we think of it in the context of our lives today, is that when we set goals, when we set plans, that there's an expectation that you're doing something to prepare for that, right? And so again, this is just to really relate to something that is very much contextual. So the fact that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is bringing this up, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is recognizing that you can have, you can say whatever you want, but if you don't have an intention, and on top of that, if you don't have a plan in place, what does that mean? And that's something that I really think that is relevant to us, especially in Ramadan. Now, this can be taken across for anything, right? This can be taken whether if our school life, our work life, but I wanna focus specifically on our spiritual life, right? We're in Ramadan, SubhanAllah, we're already almost 10 days in. We've had a lot of goals set for this Ramadan. We've, the last 10 nights, Alhamdulillah, we probably have plenty more goals, and that's great. But if we don't actually, we can have intention, all the intention that we want, but if we don't do something to prepare for those goals, we have to ask ourselves, what does that mean? Because at the end of the day, if we don't have something to show for it, then there's only so much effort we actually put in. We just made those excuses to ourselves when that time came because we weren't prepared and we didn't end up meeting those goals, right? And so that's exactly what happened in the Murafi'un. They had no preparation, they had no intention of doing anything. So it's no surprise that they weren't able to achieve those goals. And so it's super important, and I could talk a lot about this, but I will switch over just for the sake of time. But having, when we think about those goals, think about all of those different excuses that are probably gonna come up for the last 10 nights of Ramadan. If you're planning on doing tarawih, if you're planning on doing qiyam, if it's just Ramadan and you're trying to memorize a few ayats, a few verses of the Quran every single day, if you have those goals in mind,
think about all those excuses that can come to mind and what you're going to do when those excuses come up, but also seriously consider that you need to have a plan in place. And now going back to the context of the Murafi'un, of the hypocrites, what happens next, right? So the Prophet, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la responds and says, well, they didn't even prepare for it. And besides, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la knew their intentions, knew their malicious intent, and they weren't decreed to go anywhere. Now, what comes next is the hypocrites say, for the sake of time, I'll stick with the English, that basically whenever anything good happens to the believers, it hurts them, it harms them. But when something bad happens to them, talking to the believers, if there's a muslim that happens, that befalls them, this trial or anything bad happens to them they say, what do they say in response, specifically in this context? They say, well, we took our precautions, we did what we needed to do. You guys went out to battle Tabuk, you guys, if they came back victorious, that would have hurt them. But if they came back as losers, as what the hypocrites perceive to be a loss, they sit back all smug and say, well, good thing we didn't go, we took our precautions, we knew exactly what we're doing, right? And what happens after that? Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, in response to this, he tells the believers, when the hypocrites do this, what do you say? Qul la yusibana illa ma kataaballahu lana That you say that nothing is going to happen to us except that which has been decreed for us, wa'ala Allahi faliyatawakilil mu'minoon And upon Allah we put our trust, right? And so, again, going back to sort of the example that I wanted to highlight here for the sake of really taking advantage of Ramadan is that, you know what, you're going to prepare, you're gonna have all of these goals in mind, and you're gonna have sincere intention preparation,
but things might not go your way sometimes, right? But that doesn't matter, because you've made that preparation, you've made that intention. Qul la yusibana illa ma kataaballahu lana Everything that does afflict you, that does get in your way, is something that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la decrees, and what do you do in response? Wa'ala Allahi faliyatawakilil mu'minoon That you place your trust in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la And the cherry on top is the ayah that comes after us, right after this, where Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la continues, he tells the believers, what do you say? Qul hal tarabbasuna bina illa ihda alhusnayain You tell the munafiqeen, the hypocrites are saying, you know, either they're gonna come back and they're gonna win, they're expecting one of two things. They're gonna come back victorious, that's gonna really affect us, we're not gonna be happy about that, or they're gonna come back as losers and we're gonna be smug and happy. What Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la say? No, no, no, you tell them what's really happening. Hal tarabbasuna bina illa ihda alhusnayain That you're just sitting around waiting for only one of two things, one of two good things, right? You're either gonna win or you're gonna win. As believers, you are never losing. When you put in that intention, you put in that preparation, you're always a winner. That either the Muslims were gonna go out to the Battle of Tabuk and they were going to come back victorious, and you know what? Even if they came back having lost the battle, they are still victorious in the sight of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la That there's only good that happens. And you know what, if they come back, they don't come back because of death. Again, that's only a victory. If they go and they come, in any situation, it's always just a win. And so to summarize and to tie it all together is that make those goals, prepare as much as you can, have the intention and really have something to show for that preparation. Not just preparation, but you're preparing for a preparation. Emphasize it just as Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la emphasizes in the Quran. And when things are gonna happen, life happens, right? You know, kids are sick, you're exhausted, someone in your family's sick, something's happening with your job, whatever it is, know that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has decreed that
and put your trust in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and continue that. And know that no matter what happens, as long as you have that preparation, you have that intention, you meet those goals, you memorize the Quran, you pray the Qiyam in the last 10 nights, guess what? هل تربصون بنا إلا إحدى الحسنين You're a winner. If that good thing happened to you, and you know what, if you did what you had to do and you tried your best, إلا إحدى الحسنين It's only one of two good things, you're still victorious in the sight of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la So keep that hopefully in mind as motivation to continue to push hard and no matter what, as long as you have done your part, you will be victorious InshaAllah in the sight of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. أحسنت أحسنت رزاك الله خير That was excellent. SubhanAllah, and just to remind everyone sort of the take home, this was my favorite session thus far, SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah Allah did not give us the stories of Bani Israel so that we could mock a previous ummah, but to interrogate our own ummah, meaning ourselves, if we consider ourselves a part of it to say, how do we do better? And Allah did not give us these examples of the munafiqeen for us to mock the hypocrites, but to interrogate ourselves with the qualities of hypocrisy. ما أمين النفاق إلا منافق as Ibn Masroor radiAllahu anhu said, no one is safe from hypocrisy, or no one feels safe from hypocrisy except a hypocrite. And so I think it's befitting that we leave this session tonight with a reflection of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam about the signs of the munafiq. When he speaks, he lies. And you see here that they were lying with very consequential things. إذا وعد أخلف When they make promises, they break their promises. And you see here broken promises in this first few chapters. وَإِذَا تُؤْمِنَ خَان And when they're trusted with something, they break those trusts, so they violate the covenants. All three things that are prominent in the stories of the munafiqeen with big things here. And also some other qualities of hypocrisy, right? Like not wanting to see the believers do well.
When you see someone making an effort and you want them to fail so that you can say, aha, I told you so. That's a sign of hypocrisy. We should want well, we should want everyone who's making an effort to do well. We should make du'a for them. And when we see naqs, when we see shortcoming, we ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to bless them and to make it easy for them. And we should interrogate ourselves with hypocrisy, each and every single one of us. This isn't like a sword to come out with and say, munafiq, munafiq, munafiq. Just like with takfir, just like with kufr, the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said that, he was asked, من أولى بالشرك Who's closer to shirk when they throw out the claims of takfir, that you're a disbeliever. Not the one who it's being thrown at, the one who's throwing it. Same thing with hypocrisy. That throwing those things at people usually is a sign of having that quality yourself. And as-salallahu alaikhi wa sallam, may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la protect us. It is the worst state to be in. And I found this very beneficial. So jazakumAllahu khayran, Sister Tasneem and Sheikh Abdullah for this session. And may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la protect us all from hypocrisy and protect us all from falling short in his sight. May Allah make us victorious in his sight. May Allah make us sincere in his sight. May Allah accept our efforts, even if they come short in the actual achievement in the worldly sense. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la not allow us to be impressed by our own capabilities, but instead to be guided by that which is pleasing to him. And may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la allow us to achieve that. Allahumma ameen. So jazakumAllahu khayran. And inshAllah Ta'ala we'll see you all tomorrow night. Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Mubarak ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam tasliman katheera wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Al Fatiha.
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