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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz' 24 with Sh. Suleiman Hani

Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Sh. Suleiman Hani, explore gems from the 24th Juz' of the Holy Quran.


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Everyone, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Arabic So when I said you're in for a special treat tonight, we have Alhamdulillah Sheikh Suleiman Hani, who is with us, Alhamdulillah, who actually has recently written a paper for Yaqeen on the question of evil. Very blessed to have him with us, Alhamdulillah. Sheikh Suleiman, welcome to the, welcome to Qur'an 30 for 30. BarakAllahu khairukum Sheikh, JazakAllah khair. Allah ibarak for you. And so when I typed, when I actually put online that we have a special guest, I've got to say, man, a brother named Rami on Instagram wrote, you know, Sheikh, do you have an angel appearing? So, because I talked, so he actually got me laughing. So we don't have a special guest appearance by an angel tonight, but we do have Sheikh Abdullah Aduro. Alhamdulillah, Rabbana ameen. Allahu Akbar. Now, why did I say, though, tonight is a special treat if you've been watching the Angel Series? Because SubhanAllah, if there's any juz in the Qur'an where you have a heavy presence of angels, particularly in regards to their interaction to us, it is this juz in particular. And so Juz 24 is the juz of the angels, is the juz of the malaika. So, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam wa rasool Allah wa al-Ali wa sahbih wa man wala. We'll just go ahead and get into it, inshAllah ta'ala. And hopefully I'll be able to do justice by tying these all in together, inshAllah ta'ala. So in Surah Az-Zumar, we covered the first half of it, which ties into the previous juz, which speaks about the groups of people that are showing up on the Day of Judgment, the arguments that people are having with each other because of people that led others to misguidance,
the consequences being faced, the leaders in disobedience and disbelief being challenged and then supplicated against by their followers, the believers resting comfortably, seeing that the promise of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala has come true. And now we get into the second part of Surah Az-Zumar, where Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala has, as we said, arja aya fi kitab Allah, the most hopeful verse in the book of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Qul ya ibadiyalladheena asrafoo ala anfusihim la taqnatoo min rahmatillah innallaha yakhfiroo dhunooba jameeAAa innahu huwa alghafoorur raheem Say, O my servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair from the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins and Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is forgiving and merciful. And then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala gives a call to action. Wa aneebu ila rabbikum wa aslimoo lah To turn back to your Lord and to submit to Him. min qabli an yateeakum alAAadhaab Don't wait for that punishment of Allah to come to you. You're being invited and it will come to you suddenly when you're not paying attention and it will be too late to rid yourself of the consequences. Now, I mentioned the three excuses that are made here. And so Allah Azawajal tells us about these people that refused the invitation to His mercy and they call out to Allah with the following. First, they say, ya hasrataAAala ma farraqtoo fee jambil laa wa in kuntoo lamina assakhireen So first, they express regret for the mockery that they put forward for that which they associated with their Lord. And they say that I found myself, I was amongst assakhireen. I was amongst, I was just doing what everybody else was doing. I was amongst those that were mocking the messengers as they were sent to me. aw taqoola, or it would say, law anna allaha hadani la kuntoo minan wataqeen Or a person would then make the excuse and say, well, if Allah would have guided me, then I would have been from the righteous and the pious.
And so you see, this is a person that's failing to take accountability measures for themselves. That's failing to hold themselves accountable and is always waiting for someone else to save them. And subhanAllah, it ties into the previous juz because you have in the previous juz very strong expressions of people that are upset at those who led them astray and those who led them to misguidance. And so here you have them calling out and they, you know, they've got nothing but more escapism, more excuses and saying, if Allah would have guided me, then I would have been from the mutaqeen, I would have been from the pious. aw taqoola law anna li karra aw taqoola heena tara alAAadhaab law anna li karra And then once those excuses have failed, I can't blame those people. I can't blame Allah subhanAllah for not guiding me. Now that all of those excuses have failed, what happens next? That person sees the punishment in front of them and they say, law anna li karra if I had another chance, fa'akoona minal muhsineen then I would be amongst those who excel. I would be amongst those who excel. And so in that you have a sign, you have a message that people that usually blame their environment, they don't take accountability for their own deeds and their own wrongdoings, and they try to put it off on someone else where they say, well it's God's fault, if God wanted me to be righteous, God would guide me, or I just did what everybody else was doing and it's that person's fault, if that person would have been this way then I would have been that way too. They also are bound to have the paralyzing disease of procrastination. So this person now sees the punishment and they say, law anna li karra you know what, all my excuses have failed, if you send me back, not only will I not be from asakhireen, from those that mocked, not only will I be from the pious, from the muttaqeen, those that do what they need to do to avoid sin and to avoid the consequence of sin,
but I would be from those who excel. Akoona minal muhsineen, I would go above and beyond in pleasing Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the problem is, of course, at this point, that's no longer there. But it still stands that Surah Az-Zumar, Allah Azawajal is inviting people to turn back to Him, to repent, to make those changes that are necessary in their lives. Now why did I say this is such a beautiful connection with the angels? Because if you go to the end of Surah Az-Zumar, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says wasiqa allatheena taqaw rabbahum ilal jannati zumara this is where the name comes from hatta idha ja'uha wa futihat aghwabuha wa qala lahum khazanatuha salamun alaykum thibutum fadikhuluha khalideen Allah mentions those believers being brought to the gates of paradise in throngs and as they're being brought to the gates of paradise wa futihat aghwabuha the gates are opening slowly and they're looking out and they're seeing the beautiful gardens of al-jannah opening up before their eyes things that they could have never imagined right in front of them and as they see that, they're completely shocked by the beautiful promise of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala coming into being, coming into existence right in front of them with those gardens of jannah that they were promised because no matter how much you're told about jannah it's different when you see it unfolding in front of your eyes and so you get to the gates of jannah and as you're in front of the gates of jannah the gates of jannah open slowly they don't open rapidly, they open slowly and you're seeing your place in jannah and who is there? The mala'ika the angels are saying to you salamun alaykum they're saying peace be unto you what we seek from them on laylatul qadr, salam to say peace unto the believers salamun alaykum tibutum peace be unto you, you've done well fadkhuluha khalideen so enter now therein forever
go ahead and enter jannah forever and then Allah gives us this sight alhamdulillahi allathee sadaqana wa'ada wa awrathana alardhana tabawa'u minal jannahi haythu nasha' fani'ma ajrool a'mineen and I purposely skipped for now the punishment part the other part because I want to speak about those who are from ahlul jannah and we ask Allah to make us amongst them Allahumma ameen so here they are now and they're in jannah the angels are congratulating them and they are calling out and saying alhamdulillahi allathee sadaqana wa'ada all praises be to Allah who made his promise come true wa awrathana alardhana tabawa'u minal jannahi haythu nasha' and gave us the earth to inherit and now we may dwell in paradise wherever we please fani'ma ajrool a'mineen how excellent is the reward of those who labored for the sake of God and then what's the scene? watara almalaika tahafina min hawli alarshi yusabbihuna bihamdi rabbihim and then you see the angels surrounding the throne of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala glorifying their Lord with his praise wa qudiyabainahum bilhaq and judgment will have been made among them with fairness wa qeela alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen and they're all saying all praises and thanks be to Allah the Lord of all the worlds and so the angels are praising Allah as they're seeing the reward of those that have entered into paradise everyone is celebrating you are saying hamd they are saying hamd everyone is glorifying and praising their Lord at that beautiful blessing upon entering into jannah and Sheikh Suleiman and Sheikh Abdullah I'm sorry I'm going to go a little bit over time today but inshallah ta'ala I'll try to wrap up just to show this beautiful tie in in this juz the next surah is surah ghafir ghafir al-dham wa qabil al-tawb shadeed al-iqab li tawli la ilaha illa huwa ilayhi almaseer Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse 3 the forgiver of sins, the acceptor of repentance the stern in retribution, the bountiful there is no God but he, to him all are destined to return
and so surah zumar summed up in one ayah is verse 3 of surah ghafir because it's Allah inviting you once again but saying if you continue down this path then he's severe in retribution as well and everyone returns to him verses 7 to 9 of surah ghafir are those angels that we would hope to see at the end in paradise so that's the very end when everyone's in jannah now celebrating, may Allah make us amongst them with the mala'ika celebrating in the presence of the angels and that's the end result that's the ending that we seek, right? now in this juz you're going to move backwards peel backwards what are the angels doing right now around that throne of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so verse 7 through 9 Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says allatheena yahmiluna la arsha wa man hawla yusabbihuna bihamdi rabbihim wayu'minuna bihi wayastaghfiruna lillatheena amanu rabbana wasi'ata kulla shay'in rahmatan wa ilma faghfir lillatheena taboo wattaba'oo sabeelaka waqihim a'adhabal jaheem so beautiful the angels are right now that bear the throne of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are going around that throne extolling the Lord's glory with his praise wayu'minuna bihi and they believe in him and what are they doing they're seeking forgiveness for the believers saying our Lord you encompass everything with your mercy and knowledge so forgive those that repent and follow your path and guard them against the punishment and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala continues rabbana wa adkhilhum jannat-e-adnin allathee wa'attuhum waman salaha min aba'ihim wa azwajihim wa dhurriyatihim innaka anta al-azizu al-hakim and our Lord admit them into the everlasting gardens basically the scene in surah az-Zumar they're asking for that scene to happen with us with the believers oh Allah admit them into the everlasting gardens that you have promised them remember the end of surah az-Zumar the believers are saying this is the promise of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
alhamdulillahi allathee sadaqana wa'ada this was the promise we were made from our Lord and now the angels right now are saying oh Allah grant them the jannah that you have promised them and those of their parents and their spouses and their progeny that were righteous indeed you alone are most mighty and most wise waqihimus sayyiat waman taqis sayyiati yawma idhim faqad rahimta wathalika huwa alfawzul azeem and guard them against all ills for verily he whom you guard against all sins on that day will be successful to him you would have surely been most merciful and that is the great success that is the great triumph so right now the angels are seeking forgiveness for the believers to basically take us to that scene at the end of surah az-Zumar now subhanAllah the wa'ad of Allah comes in once again verse 55 fasbir inna wa'adallahi haq be patient indeed Allah's promise is true and these two themes sabr and the promise of Allah patience and the promise of Allah are tied together inherently so here fasbir be patient the promise of Allah is true wastaghfir li dhanbik and seek forgiveness for your shortcomings wasabbih bihamdi rabbika bil-ashiyyi wal-ibkaar and celebrate the praise of your Lord evening and morning and lastly move on to the next surah what stands between us and that scene entering into Jannah and realizing what the angels are asking for us right now and what we are asking for ourselves for that moment when we are gathered around the throne of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala being told peace be on to you for the patience that you had you've been purified this was the promise of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala it's come true what stands between us and that is death right and here verse 30 surah Fussilat subhanAllah inna allatheena qalu rabbuna Allahu thumma istaqamu tatanazzalu alayhimu almalaikatu allatakhafu wala tahzanu waabashiru biljannati allatikuntum tuAAadun subhanAllah
I'm just going to summarize this because it's important to tie it in that those who say Allah is our Lord and remain steadfast upon them descend the angels at the time of death and they say allatakhafu wala tahzanu do not fear what is to come do not grieve over that which you are leaving behind waabashiru biljannati allatikuntum tuAAadun and receive the glad tidings of the paradise that you were promised that you were promised nahnu awliyaukum filhayati ald-dunya wa fil-akhira we are your companions in this world we will be your companions in the hereafter and they start to tell you about Jannah as your soul is still leaving your body in this world walakum feeha ma tashtahi anfusukum walakum feeha ma tada'un wait till you see the promise of Allah everything that you could desire all that you would ask for nuzulam min ghafoorun raheem this is only made possible by ghafir, ghafoorun raheem Allah, the most forgiving and the most merciful and I'll stop there inshaAllah ta'ala but you see subhanAllah all the scenes of the angels tie in this juz of 24 and I apologize Sheikh Abdullah and Sheikh Suleiman I took way too much time so inshaAllah ta'ala with that I'll pass it on and just make du'a that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow that to be our reality right now and our reality in the hereafter Allahuma Ameen Jazakum Allah khair wa salatu wa salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wa amma barakatuh inshaAllah it's great that you alluded to this beautiful verse it's important with these verses because the verses that I chose are right after that verse number 33 to 36 so it's going to be 33 to 36 that we see in this beautiful, beautiful chapter of Fusilat because as Sheikh Omar mentioned that the ones that qaloo rabbunAllah thumma istiqamahu they had the statement of their tongue and then they did istiqama they were upright and then they had a firmness in what they preached or what they said
and you know there's a hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where a companion came to him and he said quli fil islami qawlan la as'alu anhu ahadin ghayrak the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked he was requested by a companion he said tell me a statement that which if I was to say it I would not need to ask anyone basically whatever I say is sufficient for me in practicing my faith and exemplifying my belief in Allah and in you O Messenger of Allah he said qul aamantu billah thumma istiqam say I believe in Allah and then stand firm upon that and that istiqama is the same thing that we ask you know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ihdeena al siratal mustaqeem guide us to the straight path the path that doesn't have any alterations in it or something that is straight, upright honest, truthful full of sithq and full of honor and that is what Shaykh Omar mentioned in verse number 30 and then after that the blessings from the angels were mentioned in their characteristics and that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is going to promise them that promise of Jannah but then here we see in verse number 33 I want to talk about briefly something that is very, very pertinent I mean everything in the Quran is pertinent to our reality with Allah shakuhu wa la rayh there is no doubt in whatsoever but I want to capitalize on something that is pertinent to our situation now within the last 10 days and particularly later to Al-Qadr Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse number 33 yafta'uudhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim waman ahsanu awla mimman daAAeen Allah wa amila saliha wa qala innani minal muslimeen so here he says what is a better statement than the one that calls to Allah and does good deeds and said that verily I am from the muslimeen daAAeen Allah that they call to Allah whether they are telling people about Allah directly from their statements or whether it is from their actions but particularly you find the number of the mufassireen mentioned it is them calling to Allah and some even say it is the athan
you know when you call the athan an amila salihan is the performing the prayer after the athan but in any case it is where one if they are asked they say that they are a muslim and they have full integrity in representing that they are comfortable in their they are comfortable with their belief this is what is rewarded but to remain own son so we see that the reality of the one that has the qaulan that calls to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala it requires effort and every single one of us have that opportunity let's not say it is a challenge let's say it is an opportunity to show that gratification to show the gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then he says wa qala inani minal muslimeen saying that verily I am from the muslims you have no shame in saying that because you know who you are doing it for and why you are doing it then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala goes on and says wa la tastawil hasanatu wa la sayyi'ah and evil and good does not equal one another equal or not good the good deed and the bad deed idhafa' bil latihi ahsan to repel the evil by that which is better fa idha allathee baynaka wabaynahu a'dawatun ka annahu waleeyun hameem subhanAllah he says here and thereupon the one whom between you and him or her was enmity will become as though he was a devoted friend to where if someone was to say something bad to you many of us are in our homes now in any situation as the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that anyone was to curse you or to say something bad to you you should respond by saying inni sa'atin verily I am fasting if it's outside of Ramadan take the bigger route take the better route to where if someone was to say something bad to you or bad about you or your faith or you as a Muslim or you as a Muslim woman or you as whatever nationality take the better route and say salama I think Sheikh Omar covered that last night at 1am talking about
idha khatibun majahilun qaloo salam if the ignorant ones come to you and say something to you say salama turn away or silence if it's online and people are cursing you and using your name wallahi the best treatment is silence don't say anything because they're wondering what you're going to say when they know that you know that they said something about you and you're quiet that is the best treatment because it makes them think and ponder while they aren't saying anything and they see that it doesn't affect you to a certain degree to where you don't respond with the same it's better to take the higher route and not say anything and even better than that to ask Allah to forgive them for verily they are acting upon ignorance as the Prophet ﷺ even said about the Quraish that were physically harming him and then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions after that wa ma yulqaha illa allatheena sabiru wa ma yulqaha illa thu hafdhin azeem and then he says but none is granted that except those who are patient and none is granted it except the one having great portion of good so Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions here that those will never reach that maqam or that position of being the one that repels an evil with something better with something good ahsan and as we know hassanah comes from beautifying something so when you do an action of someone that does something wrong to you you know they've done wrong they know they've done wrong and you repel it with something better the only ones that reach that level are the ones that are patient and what's interesting here is Ta'ba and Rashid mentioned he said that illa allatheena sabiru that he says except for those that are patient meaning that marranu anfusuhum ala sabr that they were individuals that consistently practiced patience you're not born with this it's something that you hold yourself you've suppressed that anger that you may have for a better situation you know someone that is patient with their son with their mother with their family member
they're patient and that is what Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says no one will reach that level except the one that is patient and the one that has good fortune and the good fortune some scholars say is more general patience is the raqsul amr is the best attribute of having this good characteristic of those that is the hafdh al-azim and then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala continues on to talk about if the shaitan was to poke you fasta'id billah shaitan was to try to affect you and whisper to you then say audhubillah min shaitan arjeem fasta'id billah innuhu huwa sami'un aleem that really he is the all hearing the all knowing why am I saying this in the relationship to surah the night of qadr and I'll end here there's a beautiful hadith that many of us may know that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam was coming out to tell the people about laylatul qadr fatalaha rajulan as in a hadith in Bukhari two men were arguing then the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said that I was going to tell you all about the laylatul qadr when it would be farufi'ah but it was raised and some scholars say that he forgot but in any case that when he was about to tell them about laylatul qadr because two men were arguing about laylatul qadr the night of laylatul qadr what night it was was taken away but then the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said inshallah khayran il tamisuha fit tasi' wa sabi' wa khamsa he said then try your level best to arrive at it in the seventh the ninth the seventh or the fifth being the twenty ninth twenty seventh or twenty fifth and in the case many hadith around this issue but we know that at least in the odd nights there are some people that wants to try their best to approach laylatul qadr but just to remember try your level best to be the bigger person in the argument if there is an argument or not if when because we are human beings and just remember
to take the better out and do that which is beautiful for yourself beautiful for the situation by doing dafir by repelling the evil in that which is good may Allah make us of those that arrive at this beautiful night of qadr alhamdulillah khair shahna appreciate it and Sheikh Suleiman it's a it's really a privilege to have you on tonight alhamdulillah I've been looking forward to it you know from the very beginning so please do fadlal and take your time inshallah ta'ala barakallahu feekum bismillah alhamdulillah wasalamu ala rasoolillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala you mentioned yesterday sheikh Omar the summary of three themes or just 23 which was preparing the heart cultivating the dhikr in the heart and seeing through the fog and I really want to emphasize that with fuslilat in particular the theme continues with clarity seeing through the fog with clarity surah fuslilat is one I have a strong love for I did a deep dive tafseer of the surah few ramadans ago and it has very powerful proofs of prophethood as well as proofs for the divinity or divine nature of the Quran the tie in that I see with what you mentioned about the angels with regards to surah fuslilat is actually tied in directly to the passage that I wanted to focus on surah fuslilat for a quick summary for those who may not know fuslilat meaning it clarifies everything it's the clear truth between truth and falsehood what is right and wrong good from evil morality and vice light and darkness kitabun fusilat ayat a book that is clarified elucidated very clear you cannot deny and you cannot come up with excuses after considering the statements of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the surah
and within the surah I feel that one of the strongest themes amongst many others is that humility is clarity humility is truth humility is part of the epistemology in seeking God finding God submitting to God and you mentioned sheikh omar the example of the angels and their humility and the passage I want to focus on 37 38 and 39 surah fuslilat Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about some of his signs and the surah has many signs within it surah fuslilat so we begin here with the theme of humility in the next ayah but if they are too arrogant if they are too proud meaning for sujood to prostrate to God surah fuslilat so there is a prostration here the theme of humility becomes more important if they are arrogant meaning if they think that it is below their dignity for them to listen to you oh messenger of Allah for them to persist in their ignorance in which they are involved surah fuslilat
and this is a sign of humility and it is taking place or it is occurring at a moment in which the entirety of the universe is being referenced as a sign of Allah and it is submitting and responding to Allah and here too we are submitting and we are humbling ourselves before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and this brings us to the crux surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat
surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat
surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat surah fuslilat
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