This is, of course, Makki Qur'an. The default is that these younger people were becoming Muslim and their parents were persecuting them for becoming Muslim. So when you do good, or you try to do good, Allah is well aware of that effort and he will multiply it. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's plan will override your plan. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's plan will be better than your plan for yourself. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will do things His way, not your way. As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Everyone, welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah, as we are now on the 20th night, we want to remind you all inshaAllah ta'ala that we are going into the most blessed nights of the year. Please keep us in your du'a and I can't emphasize enough that inshaAllah, if you have benefited from the work of Yaqeen, this is the season in which more people donate to Yaqeen than the entire year and we count on people, especially in the last 10 nights. So whatever amount it's going to be, especially those of you who have donated in the past inshaAllah ta'ala, go ahead and automate over the last 10 nights or give over these last 10 nights inshaAllah, at least the amount that you gave last year. And if it's your first time joining us inshaAllah ta'ala, more. And spread the word bi'idhnillahi ta'ala so that other people can participate as well. We have a very special episode today and I usually don't say that, but it's one of the most beloved people in the world to me, subhanAllah. He's one of those souls that immediately, before I even met him, I loved him and our souls connected alhamdulillah, I mean that truly. Shaykh Ammar Shaheen, hayakallah, it's wonderful to have you with us. May Allah bless you and protect you and preserve you. You can look up Shaykh Ammar's stuff online inshaAllah ta'ala,
but we want to shout out the wonderful work that Zidni Institute does as well. Alhamdulillah, our institutions are partners in khair bi'idhnillahi ta'ala and we're brothers as individuals and we're brothers as institutions as well. So I mentioned with Shaykh Joe Bradford, you know, inshaAllah ta'ala, this is a wonderful institution to support. They teach in-depth classes walhamdulillah. We've had our beloved Shaykh Ahmed Khater a few times on Quran 30 for 30. We now have Shaykh Ammar for the first time and inshaAllah ta'ala not the last time, but do support their work bi'idhnillahi ta'ala. Shaykh Ammar, you're probably the only person who I think I know better than Shaykh Abdullah Aduro. Usually, y'all don't go back 23 years, do you? No. Alhamdulillah. How are you Shaykh? Alhamdulillah. May Allah protect you and protect you for the invitation. It's an honor to be with you and to finally meet Shaykh Abdullah Aduro. Alhamdulillah. Finally, someone that I know before you. Alhamdulillah. Shaykh, every time we have a guest, I tell them, you know, yeah, we go back 12, 15 years and then they go back like, yeah, I was there when Shaykh Abdullah took shahada. Usually, that connection is preceding me. But Shaykh Ammar, you've been very vocal on Gaza walhamdulillah. May Allah reward you. You've been going to the encampments. I think your videos have moved a lot of people. Just quickly before we get started, what has the Qur'an meant to people over the last year and a half now? Like, what is it that you think is showing itself about the Qur'an that maybe people didn't appreciate it before? I think it's very important to remember that the connection with the Qur'an, if you reflect upon the Qur'an in the right way, when an incident takes place, it has more effect upon the heart. We recite ayat and sometimes we pass by it, we really don't understand it or we just read it for the purpose of reading, for the barakah of the Qur'an. I just remember right now the ayah,
when Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu anhu wa ta'ala, Rasulullah, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, died, and Umar, radiyallahu anhu wa ta'ala, he said when he heard Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, radiyallahu anhu wa ta'ala, reciting the ayah in surah Ali Imran, وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَطْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُولِ أَفَإِمْ مَاتَ أَوْ قُتِلْ when if he dies or if he's killed, he said, it's as if I'm hearing this ayah for the first time. Why? Because the reflection now, there's a connection. So I think people are connecting more to the Qur'an. وَلَا تَهِنُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا Don't grieve, don't despair, don't lose hope. When we read these ayat, we just pass through it, but when there's something going on, if someone passes away and you read, إِنَّا لِلَّهُ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ the effect upon the heart is different from just reading the ayah, وَبَشِّرُ الصَّبِرِينَ Give glad telling to the patients. I'm not one of them right now, but now I'm in the situation. So I think people are reflecting more upon the Qur'an and the connection, the understanding. When they hear an ayah, they drop tears. When they hear an ayah about the martyrs and how patient they are and what Allah SWT is rewarding them. The first picture that comes to their mind is Gaza. The first picture that comes to their mind, these children who are being killed day and night. Don't think it's evil, it's bad. There's always goodness in every qadar of Allah SWT, whether it's good or otherwise. So now people are reconnecting back to the Qur'an, and this in itself is a blessing. Shaykh, the lesson that I chose for today is one that bonds you and me, and I didn't tell you what it was going to be about. Tell us about your mom. Your mother passed away how long ago? Tell us a little bit about her, because I think that one of the things that brought us closer together, I always tell you this is the way you speak about your mother is the way that I speak about my
mother. The month of September. So we both lost our mothers the same month, a few days difference, but my mother, she was, and inshallah, I don't want to over praise, but this is what I think, inshallah, for Allah SWT, and Allah SWT said, it's as how my servant thinks of me. I think she was one of the most patient upon Allah SWT's tests. She was sick for over 30 years, and I have not heard of anyone who's sick that long and not complain about their sickness. And subhanAllah, when we lost our brother in 2007, and we were in Egypt, and he was here, and subhanAllah, when we heard the news, we were so worried about her because of the sickness that she was going through, and she was very sick in Egypt at that time, when my dad called her, the first thing she said, she said, Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. Alhamdulillah, this is the qadar of Allah. Unexpected. And I was like, then her health went down afterward, after the death of my brother in 2007, and then subhanAllah, just more tests in her life, and alhamdulillah, inshallah, we hope that she's among the righteous, and inshallah, in the highest level of Jannah, and your mother, and every Muslim who has passed away, inshallah. The reason why I bring it up, subhanAllah, is that our parents have such a, like I always tell people this, that I'm like a little tiny good deed of her good deeds, hopefully a good deed of her good deeds, but I hope not, a stain, you know, subhanAllah, that the mother plays such a fundamental role in raising a child to love the Quran, and we give their lessons sometimes, just like real life examples, like my mother, may Allah have mercy on her, also 30 years of sickness, and her last Ramadan, she finished the Quran 14 times, I was trying to compete with her, and I could not
compete with her at all, she was finishing half a day, and I was like, you win, halas, I'm not even close to what you are doing, so we give these, to tell people, just like we're seeing in the people of Gaza, normal people that are really superheroes, that sometimes those superheroes are actually in our own homes, may Allah have mercy on our parents, may Allah guide our parents that are not Muslim, may Allah have mercy on the parents that have passed away, may Allah better the relationships of the people with their parents, Allahumma ameen. She used to make this du'a, and I just want to mention, she said in a way, may Allah place love into people's heart for you, and save you from the oppressors. I was like, subhanAllah. So subhanAllah, and there is a lot to reflect on that in my life, how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saved me a lot, it's not getting into politics, but it did, it did, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah she was alive during the 2017, and she used to make a lot of du'a for me while I was going through a lot of struggle, and I felt it, you could just feel that her du'a is there, the need of her du'a when you are struggling in life, and you're turning back and looking at where she used to sit and talk, and you can't just find that du'a no more, you lost it. So my lesson for today Shaykh, is actually the verse in Surat Al-Ankabut, it comes from that, so the lesson is, love your parents even when they're wrong, love your parents even when they're wrong. It's verse 8,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, we have commanded people to honor their parents, but if they urge you to associate with me what you have no knowledge of, then do not obey them. To me, you will all return, and then I will inform you of what you used to do. SubhanAllah Shaykh, Surat Al-Ankabut, you know people ask me like, what's your favorite surah in the Quran? I tell them it changes, like by circumstance. Sometimes there's a surah that I'm just like, this is it, you know, and we know Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiallahu anhu used to talk about Al-Hawamim, right, like that it was a garden that he would walk through, you know, these seven surahs, and it changes for me, but if I could say that there was a consistent, it's Surat Al-Ankabut, and in the, and Allah azawajal talks about test and trial here, and makes test and trial the default, right, we're talking about life lessons, of the lessons that Islam seeks to give us is that test is not the exception, test is the expectation, test is the default. Once you say you believe, Allah is going to put you to test. He's going to try you in your belief, and as you kind of go through Surat Al-Ankabut, and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la telling you that he's going to test you, and through that he will make known who the people of Sidq are, may Allah make us amongst them the people of truthfulness, who the people of Iman are, may Allah make us the people of Iman, and vice versa, Al-Kathibin, right, Allah will make known who the liars are, Allah will make known who the hypocrites are, may Allah protect us from those traits, Allahumma Ameen. This ayah is actually, SubhanAllah, if you're not paying attention, it actually feels like an outlier, like if you're reading the first page and a half, and I often do in Salat, in fact one of my congregants in New Orleans, when I used to be the Imam there, he called me out, he said you read Surat Al-Ankabut too much in Salat,
you just always read the first page and a half, and I said SubhanAllah, there's something so beautiful, the whole Qur'an is beautiful and rich, but this ayah, if there was one ayah that kind of just, I was like hmm, that's curious, like where did that come from? It's the part about parents because it's about fitna and the hypocrites and the believers and Allah is going to test you and Allah is going to reward you with the best of what you used to do and whoever wants to sin, then know that your sin is not going to escape Allah, you're going to strive for Allah, then suddenly the parents come in. So where is that? Where does it come from? And there are so many blessings from this ayah. Number one, some of the scholars mentioned that this is of course Makki Qur'an. The default is that these younger people were becoming Muslim and their parents were persecuting them for becoming Muslim. And Sa'd ibn Abi Waqas radiAllahu anhu, his story always shows up that his mother, his mother, and Sa'd loved his mother, his mother is telling him, I will go on a hunger strike until you leave Islam. I will not leave the sun until you leave Islam. I will sit outside in the sun and die because you did this to me. I mean, imagine SubhanAllah saying you killed me with your Islam. I know Sheikh Abdullah, you can relate to this because you had these struggles when you became Muslim, right? And you know with members of your family, right? But this is what you've done to me. You've killed me by becoming Muslim, right? And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying, be nice to her, be kind to her, love her, obey her, honor her, right? But just don't do shirk, you know? Win over her heart in the long run, but just don't do shirk. And so one of the things that I think is very profound about this ayah here is number one, it shows up in the capacity of that fitna. And what greater fitna than when your family is telling you to leave Islam? Your mother is telling you to leave Islam. And you know, how do you balance these two emotions? Look, like I'm supposed to love my
mother because of Islam, but at the same time I'm supposed to not listen to her because of Islam. How am I supposed to make this happen? How do I balance these two emotions? So the fitna is deep, strong. How do you deal with this type of a fitna? And so Allah azawajal will show your sitq through that fitna, right? Will show your truthfulness through that fitna or vice versa. Some of the scholars mentioned, because it's also very peculiar, I always wondered, and of course I'd love to hear from both of you, but the tafsir of this, usually you see, وَوَصَلَيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَارِدَهِ إِحْسَانًا So why? وَوَصَلَيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَارِدَهِ حُسْنًا And I always tell people that it's important that you don't say Allah said this because of this. Instead, you reflect on it, that there's some wisdoms and benefits because you're not been assigning a definitive like sabab, right? A definitive reason, right? So you find like rich discourse. So some of the scholars, they said perhaps that, you know, when Allah azawajal is talking about two believing parents, then you show them ihsan, but when you have a disbelieving parent, then you show them husna, right? Which is a little bit less. And then some of the scholars said no, because even the other ayat were revealed in the context of Mecca. So you show ihsan, the most exaggerated form of excellence to your parents. Some of the scholars mentioned that, of course, sometimes Allah swt uses more exaggerated forms of a word, and there's no, there's nothing except to say that that's the emphasis. Some of them said that Allah is emphasizing in Surah al-Ankabut the idea of seeing Allah through the fitna of it all, right? And so because the presence of Allah swt, the pleasure of Allah is so emphasized in these first two pages, like you're going to be put through everything and you have to have that ihsan with Allah azawajal and see Allah swt through all of that fitna. Of course, see him in the sense that you know that he sees you, right? Worship him as if you can see him and know that he sees you. But here, love your parents even when they're wrong. That's also part of Islam. That's also
part of the test. If it's for Allah, then you will abide for the sake of Allah swt. You will hold on for the sake of Allah swt. Don't get involved into the wrong actions, right? So you're not going to get involved with them. You're not going to do what they're doing from the shirk, but you still love them. So yes, love them even if they're wrong, but you're not doing what they're doing is wrong. That's why the hadith of Abu Huraira radiallahu anhu al-dha, he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, make dua for my mother to become Muslim. I can't handle that struggle. May Allah guide the heart of the mother of Abu Huraira. And she did become Muslim because he wanted that guidance. It's a lot easier to escape problems and tests and trials than falling into it and trying to survive. So many of us have parents who are Muslims. We should be thankful to Allah swt when they tell us to do salah or do this or that. We should consider this as something good. Look at the other side. When you have people who have parents, they're struggling, not because of salah, they don't want them to do salah. So you should be thankful to Allah swt for that. Sheikh Abdullah, you've been quiet obviously, but I think obviously please do reflect and take us away with your lesson because obviously I know you've talked about this. Your mom's a pastor. She woke up sometimes at night with your mom reading on you and stuff like that. The opposite of ruqya. But you also have a beautiful relationship with her. I think that was ruqya she was doing. Her own ruqya. Without a doubt, making the effort to come to Allah swt is a good deed. Whether it's leaving something off, leaving a lifestyle, things you used to do. And I'm glad that you mentioned even those that are Muslim, there's family members. How many times do we have youth come to us and say,
well, I'm trying to pray, but my parents don't want me to. My father doesn't want me to grow my beard. She doesn't want me to wear my hijab or something like that. Doesn't want me to get involved in this good transaction. We may lose money even though I'm doing the right thing, but they're forcing me or pushing me to do so. So leaving the bad things and leaving off bad influences, even from the family, which has the strongest influence, it's hard, but it's beloved to Allah swt. And that's the most important thing. When Allah is at your center, as you mentioned, that that is what is paramount and that should be the foundation of every action. It should be the seed to where we nurture that seed, inshallah, the nurturing of that seed being Allah swt, the ultimate nurturer. He will guide those individuals as he guided the mother of Abu Bakr or Abu Huraira radiallahu anhu. So when seeing this and understanding the concept of a good deed and the best good deed is worshiping Allah by himself and everything trickles down from there, bi-idhnillahi swt, al-hadi yahdi man yasha. That the one that is the ultimate guides, guides whom he wills. At the same time, he doesn't, if he chooses to, such as we see as the uncle of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it's very important when going through the trials that for instance, many of us converts and those that are renewed and came back to the religion of Islam and they were born Muslim, you'll face those trials as Sheikh Omar was mentioning, when I became a Muslim, there were a number of threats of being kicked out of the house and Alhamdulillah, may Allah grant my mother and all of our mothers inshallah, when trying to pray in the beginning, it was very challenging. You know, wake up in the middle of the night, I heard about, you know, Tahajjud trying to wake up, then I hear whispers coming from the room and then, you know, standing in front of me, putting their hand on my head and I'm wiping the hand away, whacking the hand away and I'm trying to pray. So it's kind of this motion during the whole prayer and then while I'm sleeping, you know, she couldn't get me there, she thinks she'd get me when I'm sleeping and then it's like holding, it's literally, you know,
and like you said, I'm ordered not to listen to her when they call you to do the evil and really, it's very important for the Muslim to understand what is good and what is evil and to know that what is good and what is evil is what Allah has instructed us ultimately and that's why, as Allah mentions in the Quran and the verse I plan to cover in the chapter of Qasas, verse 84, is goodness, when you try, we multiply. So when you do good, or you try to do good, Allah is well aware of that effort and he will multiply it. And that's what's so beautiful about, you know, whenever I, you know, read a verse in the Qur'an, I tell my community, what's one name of Allah or more that we can think of in this context, right? So when looking at the verse, Allah multiplies the good deeds, he's al-wasir, right? He's ar-rahman at the same time, al-wasir, he is abundant and he gives in abundance, right? So when looking at this verse, when Allah says, Allah says in verse number 84 of Qasas, he who shall bring a good deed shall be rewarded with what is better, but those who bring evil deeds shall not be requited more than their deeds. Firstly, in this verse, I mean, all of us have kids. Shikrum, you have kids. But I'm not a sahabi like you now. I just feel like you're lived, this is very important because you did live a portion of your life, the life of the sahaba, that we didn't get to witness that. That's very important. They struggle. That's why he's the man he is. I mean, with our children, subhanAllah, it's a challenge. I think, you know, I forget who it was, but they were mentioning how when just looking at my children, I realized this may be the biggest fitna for me, right? You know, subhanAllah,
even the process of someone looking at Hassan Hussain, you know, realizing that it can be a trial. But when you tell your child to do something and they didn't do as you expected them to do, and they know they didn't fulfill your expectation, well, that's a huge opportunity as a parent to just show, look, I appreciate the effort. Allah says, the effort is well appreciated. And you know that if you just tell them, I appreciate what you did, how it will fill their heart with joy. You know, subhanAllah, if you think about this concept of children before they reach the age of tamiz even, and in a certain way, you are like the rabb. If you look at, they're very young, they only know you as their parent and they want to please you, they don't want to displease you. That's why, you know, from the wisdom, Allah knows best that when you reach the age of tamiz, of distinguishing right and wrong, or what's good and bad, and then you have, you reach balugh, to where it's age of puberty, you're held accountable for your deeds because you have been conditioned internal and externally to know what is right and what is wrong with the fitna that has been nurtured as well. But when your child realizes that you appreciate their effort and they didn't reach the goal that you set for them, it brings a level of joy. And Allah is doing this here by multiplying the good deed that you have done tenfold, or 700 fold even, as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam mentioned. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioning this verse is so comforting for the sinner. And all of us are bani adam, and we are khatta, as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said. So you making the effort to do that good deed, Allah will multiply it. That is very encouraging for the one that makes a mistake. And every single one of us are those individuals that make mistakes. When seeing the name al-ghaffar, al-ghaffur, al-ghaffar, even the way they're changed in its morphologic setup, that they have different
expressions of forgiveness. So when one leaves off that bad deed, it's a good deed. And that good deed can be rewarded, multiplied. Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala being al-adl, being the just, he is the just one. He gives everything its due right at his particular time when needed. He mentions and he says here, but those who bring evil deeds shall not be acquitted for more than their deeds. That evil deed, you will be rewarded for that based on that deed particularly. It's not going to be multiplied in that punishment, if you will. And that is ar-rahman, ar-rahim, al-ghaffur, al-ghaffar, even to a certain degree. Understanding that nature of the relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Wallahi, that's so beautiful. You know, when one seeks forgiveness, we should always make that effort to remember this verse, right? I made a mistake, Allah. I feel horrible. I feel terrible. Oh Allah, forgive me for my sins. That action of self-seeking forgiveness is a good deed. And then how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will reward you? The way and when and where is endless. So that's what's so beautiful about this verse, you know, it's just understanding the nature of the relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that he will give us much more than we expect, how he expects to give us. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgives us. Allah's forgiveness overlooks the sins and Allah azawajal in his mercy multiplies our deficient good deeds. That's also a part of this juz' throughout, right? Jameel. That's incredible. BarakAllahu feekum. Bismillah, alhamdulillah, as-salamu alaykum, Rasulullah. The first reflection is what the Mashayikh mentioned, the connection with the parents and the ayat. You notice in the Qur'an, subhanAllah, very rare that you have a verse that advise parents to take good care of their children. It's always the other way around. The natural love from the parents, even if they're non-Muslims, even if they want to kick you out of the house, they still care. Qayyim, he mentioned a story of a mother who
kicked her child out. Then he said, I was surprised by the toughness that she had and the way she was screaming at him. I waited outside to see what's going on. He said, when the child left, she was looking at him from the window, just making sure that he's all right. Then he came back to the house and she opened the door right away and she hugged him and she said, I told you, don't get me upset. And Ibn Qayyim said, Allah is more merciful to his servant than this mother to her child like that. I'll take from that, inshAllah, to jump into my ayah, which is a reflection of, and the reason that I want to reflect on the beginning of Surat al-Qasas and the story of Musa to do the comparison is to relate it to the situation that is going on right now with not just Gaza, our brothers in Sudan and everywhere where there is a trial or an affliction. If you look at the story of the birth of Musa, it also involves the mother and how she cared so much for her child. But we want to take this lesson today that Allah's plan will override your plan. Allah's plan will be better than your plan for yourself. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will do things his way, not your way, regardless of how much we see it not being the way we want it. And this is what's going on right now. If you start the story of al-Qasas, and I want to run through the ayat very quickly, inshAllah, with the time that we have. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la started by giving us, then he gave, Fir'aun and Haman and his soldiers, and he gave how much power they had that they're killing the children of Bani Israel, and then they're taking in their girls as slaves. So they have complete power. And then Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentioned that, not just
that, that Fir'aun is killing the children because he's afraid of a child who will ruin his kingdom. The story is known among people of Bani Israel. SubhanAllah, the Qadar of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la here is ajeeb. Harun is older than Musa, alayhi salam, according to most of the narration. He was born in the year that Fir'aun set kids to be free. We're not going to kill any children this year. Musa's born in the year that Fir'aun want to kill that child that he's looking for, and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, ya Fir'aun, you want something, and I want something. Let's see which plan works, which plan is better. What is it going to be? Is it what you want, having all the power that you have? I'm going to send the weakest, an infant, a child at a time when he has no power, to show you that it's never how we look at it. Today we're looking at the situation the way we're looking at Fir'aun and Musa. How is it possible that things are going to change? How is it possible that we have children who are being killed day and night? We have Gaza under attack now. We have even more, and then how do we balance the power? So Allah said, We revealed to the mother of Musa to breastfeed him. This is one of the most ajeeb, the most amazing part of the ayah. If you fear for him, it would make sense to embrace him, to hug him, to care for him, to hide him. He said, place him. Alqi, to put him into the basket. In Surah Ta, he said, And Sheikh Omar was reflecting on the use of the wording of the Qur'an. We had one of our mashayikh. He says even if an extra letter that is mentioned, it does add emphasis. It does add
new information to the ayah. Somehow you just have to look deep into it. So now he said, She did that. Why wasn't Musa, why wasn't Musa's birth in the year that Fir'aun said to be free? The story is over. Musa will be saved like Harun was saved. And no, that's not how Allah planned things. He doesn't plan things the way you want. Allah wants to establish something. He said to Bani Israel, This is, this ayah, with all the respect and I hope people understand it. If we look at it as human being, we will say it should not be placed here. Because we're just talking about Fir'aun and his power and he's killing the children and he's oppressing Bani Israel. And then, Ya Allah, you're saying, What kind of blessing are you giving them? And you're going to make them, and you're going to make them leaders? You're going to give them establishment on earth? How? They're being killed. Even Bani Israel told Fir'aun, they said, you need to stop. If you keep killing the children, Bani Israel is not going to exist and you won't be worshipped. They're also using the media. The power of the media is always playing a role. So Allah said that. It took four years for it to happen. And he said to the mother of Musa, We do not want to ever hasten to get what we want. We leave it to the Qadar of Allah. Yes, we're struggling. We're suffering right now. We're seeing the situation and we're crying and our hearts are tearing for our brothers and sisters before the eyes. But just remember that, We will return him to you. Sheikh Abdullah and Sheikh Omar, if you look at the Quran,
if you open up a Mus'haf, at the beginning of the page, and it's always, subhanAllah, in every Mus'haf, I had to look through the Kufi Mus'haf, the Madinah. The top of the page says, We will return him. The bottom says, We returned him. We returned him to his mother. Same page, same day. It took one day for Mus'ha to return to his mother. It doesn't make sense more than a day because he won't survive. One day. But it took how long for him to become a prophet? 40 years. But she trusted the promise of Allah, subhanAllah. So she sent him, she put him in the basket, she threw him into the ocean or into the sea, into the river. He's in his weakest form, Fir'aun, in complete power. And now compare both powers. But Mus'ha has a power that is beyond Fir'aun's power. Allah, subhanAllah, has bestowed his love upon him. Allah is the one who's taking care of him. Allah is the one who's protecting him. Allah, subhanAllah, placed his love into the heart of the wife of Fir'aun, that she said, And Fir'aun said, No, not for me. And he wasn't for him because she was saved and Allah made her as an example for all the believers. Then his sister went after him. I want to reflect on this part and I have to stop with this ayah, even though it's not part of my lesson. Allah, subhanAllah, said to the mother of Mus'ha, or the mother of Mus'ha said to his sister, I saw a picture of, and we have all seen, young girls in Gaza. They lost their parents and they're taking care of their little siblings. One of our Mashayikh said,
and when I read this ayah, he said, The sister of Mus'ha ran after him to watch over him. If Yusuf had a sister, Allah, she would actually be watching and she would be the one looking for him after his brothers did what they did. When I saw a picture of Gaza of the younger, I can't remember her name, but she had her siblings very young and she was hugging them and she was crying and I just said, Why she told his sister to look after him because she would care for him, that part. Then, At the end, Allah, subhanAllah, said, Two things. Her eyes could be cooled would be the literal translation, but so she could find happiness and joy and comfort. But the word means to settle. To settle, yeah. SubhanAllah. Yeah, it came from coolness and tranquility and peace, but to settle. When a person is in fear, they're looking right and left. And Allah, subhanAllah, said, We want your eyes to settle. We want you to rest. So now the comparison starts. Okay, you're ready, Sheikh Abdullah? In the morning, she's breastfeeding her child out of fear and with fear. At night, she's breastfeeding her child fully secured. In the morning, she's breastfeeding her child afraid of Firaun. And at night, she's breastfeeding her child by the command of Firaun. In the morning, she's breastfeeding her child for free. At night, she's breastfeeding her child and she's getting paid. The believer, the example of a believer is like the example of the mother of Musa. They do actions and they get rewarded for it. She's breastfeeding and she's getting rewarded for it. So Allah's plan is over all our plans. Allah, subhanAllah, when we do this comparison in our life,
then our eyes will settle and we won't grieve for what's happening because we know Allah, subhanAllah, plans things His way, not our way. How long is it going to take? Is it going to be a year, two or three or four? We wish, inshaAllah, the struggle in Gaza would not last more than that. But we will say, remember the 40 years of Musa, alayhi salam. So when she saw her baby coming back, I could picture the mother of Musa saying, oh, he's back. Because of the promise. Well, I trust it's going to happen because I already saw the first part. Beautiful reflections. I wish we didn't have to stop. But alhamdulillah, we went over time and we hope that the viewers will not only forgive us, but inshaAllah ta'ala thank our guest because those are amazing reflections that you gave to us. May Allah reward you and jazakAllah khair for being with us and may Allah have mercy on our parents and guide our parents and may Allah, subhanAllah, make us dutiful to them and make us better servants to Him. Allahumma ameen. Just one thing. I just want to say to everyone out there, I mean, I have to say it. Each one of you, if your mother's not alive, make dua for her. And if she is, wallahi, turn to her and tell her you love her, man. Please just turn to her and tell you love her. Even if you are a mother and have a mother as well that's still older than you. Turn to her and tell her you love her. Wallahi, Sheikh Nadar, last reflection, if we're going to end with that because of the mother part, I had a video on TikTok and Instagram that went viral, almost three million views. That video of my mother passing away. And I was speaking on a khutbah and the sister said, post it, Sheikh Ammar, because it's a good video. And I looked at it and I said, I'm just crying in the video. What's good about it? And I posted at 12 a.m. so nobody would see it. And wallahi, subhanAllah, the barakah came out of this video that both channels just blow up because of that video that I thought there's no, but then I said, subhanAllah, it could be the
barakah of a moment of sincerity of dua to my mother. At that moment, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has accepted it. And so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to guide our parents and keep them guided. Jazakumullah khair for the beautiful reflections. InshaAllah, Ta'ala, we want to remind you all again, it's the last 10 nights, bid the night, Ta'ala, please do inshaAllah, Ta'ala, keep us in your dua, keep your parents in your dua, keep the people in your dua that don't have good relationships with their parents. And if you're one of those people, we're making dua for you, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala rectify your relationship with your parents as well, because we know that it's not easy for people that have these difficult situations. And for those that have difficult relationships with their kids, may Allah guide your children, may Allah rectify your relationships, may Allah reward you all. We'll see you all inshaAllah tomorrow, salamualikoum wa rahmatollahi wa barakato.