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Ep. 6: How to Start Your Day Right | Habits To Win Here and Hereafter
We all know the feeling of waking up groggy and unmotivated. But early morning prayer can undo those knots of fatigue tied by Shaytan, social media, and poor sleep. With the feeling of accomplishment that comes from a completed prayer, you can find energy and motivation to face the rest of the day.
Undo the knots tied by Shaytan
Do you know the feeling of waking up groggy or “on the other side of the bed”? Something is just off that day - you can feel it - and unfortunately it’s hard to shake off. The Prophet ﷺ gives us some insight as to why that might be the case.
In one narration, he says ﷺ: When you sleep, Shaytan ties three knots at the back of your neck. Fa-in istayqadh fa-dhakara Allah ta’ala inhalat uqda. If you wake up and remember Allah, one knot is loosened. Fa-in tawada’ inhalat uqda. If you make wudu, the second knot is loosened. Fa-in salla inhalat uqda. And then if you pray, the third and final knot is loosened. In which case: asbaha nasheetan tayyib al-nafs. You begin your morning in a happy and refreshed mood. Otherwise, asbaha khabeeth al-nafs kaslan, you wake up in bad spirits and a sluggish state.
Start the day with the remembrance of God
Starting your day right makes the world of a difference. You may have heard the advice about the importance of making your bed if you want to be successful. The idea behind it is that if you make your bed, you’re starting your day on the right foot. You’ve accomplished your first task, you feel a sense of accomplishment, and you’re motivated to keep the pattern going. And they’re not wrong. Making your bed can do that.
Beginning your day with remembrance of God does that too, and so much more. For one, it acts as a refresh button for the day. You wake up to reorienting your goals. You are reminded of your purpose in life. This sets your priorities for the day straight and you spend it in pursuing what is pleasing to God, deriving your energy and motivation through a connection with Him.
In this day and age, the idea of waking up and starting your day with meditation or mindfulness practices is all the rage. And yet, like everything else, this was a habit the Prophet of God ﷺ instilled in his ummah centuries ago.
When done correctly, in its truest form as we know it through wudu and salah as described in the hadith, Allah (swt) gives us the ultimate secret to success. If done with the right intention, you’re going to feel energetic and productive. You’re guaranteed to start your day in a good mood, feeling refreshed, and ready to tackle the tasks at hand.
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