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Ep. 4: True Productivity | Habits To Win Here and Hereafter
What does it mean to be productive? Our goals are defined by what makes us happy—whether that's worldly or spiritual. But as we reflect on what those goals are and what the Prophet ﷺ has advised us, we'll realize what true productivity really is.
Our goal as Muslims
We’re here in this world as Muslims not to increase our population or just get more work done, but we’re here to make a difference. How many of us Muslims work day in day out, pouring all of our energy solely into our careers just like any other person? Whether or not that time has already come, it is a stark reminder that we need to always be aware that our goal in life is not to pursue endless wealth, or fame, or other happiness only this world provides.
What true productivity is not
Our definition of productivity is defined by pursuit of pleasure. What makes us happy, even if temporarily, is what defines our goals, purpose, and ultimately our day to day activities. For some of us, that means working hard enough to pay off that next vacation or expensive lifestyle. For others, it could mean spending time watching videos on Youtube or TikTok. But our lives are so much more worth pursuing when we seek the only thing that will give us everlasting happiness.
How to work towards true productivity
Think about where you stand today. Why do you do what you do? What are your strengths and weaknesses? And what do you need and even want to do to reorient your purpose?
Remember that ultimately this religion is easy and meeting our goals is never out of reach. The Prophet ﷺ said, inna al-din yusr, This religion is easy. Whoever makes it hard, it’s going to become hard.
Take a balanced approach. Be intentional. If you can’t meet your goals, do something that will get you one step closer.Keep your head up and encourage one another to good. And, along the way, ask Allah (swt) for help.
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