Guidebook to God
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Ep: 25: The Lifeline Between You & Your Maker | Guidebook to God
Du’a is a powerful connection between the believer and Allah. Learn about this important component of our worship and check out our du’a eBook of prophetic prayers for relief.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Du'a is life. SubhanAllah. What good is life without having the lifeline that extends between us and our maker, our fashioner and creator, the innovator of the heavens and the earth, the one who gives without ever having any depreation, the one who is able to answer all of those who invoke him, the one who in his wisdom does not give us what we ask for if it is not good for us, subhanahu wa ta'ala, the one who restricts and opens, the one who gives and who withholds. Qulillahumma malika almulk. Say to them, O Muhammad, who else has the kingdom and the dominion with him, subhanahu wa ta'ala? Yu'til mulka man yashaa. He gives of his dominion to whom he wills. Wayanzi'ul mulka min man yashaa. He withholds it and removes it from whom he wills. Yu'izzu man yashaa. He elevates whom he wills. Yuzillu man yashaa. He humbles whom he wills. Bi yadika alkhair. Innaka ala kulli shay'in qadeer. Only with Allah is all good to He alone, subhanahu wa ta'ala, do we ascribe goodness and happiness as being from. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give us that which is good for us and to protect us from that which we ask for that is not good for us. That Allah answers our dua in the way that is knowledge, in his knowledge is better for us in this life and in the next. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to enrich us with the halal and to turn us away from the haram. Dua is life. Do not ever live and walk upon this earth in the anger of Allah. Meaning being distant from invoking Allah. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the authentic hadith, Al lam yas'alillah yaghdab alayhi, the one who does not have the humility, the consistency
in asking, invoking, making dua to Allah, supplicating to Allah, worshipping Allah through their dua, Allah's anger has fallen upon them. In the authentic statement of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says to us, as he defines to us the importance of dua, that those who came before us were destroyed because they turned away from dua. Allah says in Surah Ghafir, inna allatheena yastakbeeruna AAan ibadati, those who are too proudful, too arrogant, too haughty to turn to me in worship, meaning ayy bi du'a in dua, in invoking for me, sayadkhuluna jahannama daakhireen, they will be the ones who enter in jahannam in its enigmatic. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make us sincere and devote and humble and always seeking him in our dua. Allahumma ameen. Dua and invocation and supplication and praying and asking and requesting of Allah is life. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he teaches us, addu'a huwa alibada, dua is the essence of all worship. And there are two types of dua for you and I that we make. The first type of dua is the dua that we refer to as athana, the praising, magnificence and extolling virtue upon Allah. That we say subhanAllah walhamdulillah, the dhikr of Allah, that we make mention of what we believe of Allah. La ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk walahul hamd wahuwa ala kulli shay'in qadeer. La ilaha illallah wahdahu al aliyyul azeem al kabeerul muta'al. La ilaha illallah al hannanu al mannan, dhul jalali wal ikram. That we honor Allah with the statement of tawheed, la ilaha illallah khayru ma qala an-nase wa an-nabiyyun, the best statement any mankind, even the prophets have ever said. To make mention of our Nabi S.A.W. to extol our praise upon Allah is the most accepted form of dua.
And it makes us worthy of Allah answering the second type of dua, which is called dua uttalab awas sual, to make dua of the things we request of Allah. Oh Allah, bless my health, bless my wealth, bless my family. Allahuma barik lana fi asma'ina wa absaarina wa quwwatina wa abadan ma abqaitana. Allahuma zidna wa la tanqusna wa amkrimna wa la tuhinna wa azbigh alayna min ni'ma kamil adheema. Allahuma a'inna ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatik. Allahuma ghnina, Allahuma kfina bi halalika an haramik. Wa ghnina bika an man siwak. Oh Allah, give us sufficiency what you have made halal for us and turn us away from seeking the haram and make us have rida from seeking and turning away from that which is sinful. Oh Allah, making dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in a capacity where we are asking of Him for our wealth and our health and our homes and our rizq. It is a sunnah of the Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In the authentic hadith the Prophet ﷺ said, Allah would be shy of an individual who turned their hands up to Allah like a beggar asking Allah and that they made dua to Allah with sincerity of heart and word and practice and that they did not receive an answer from Him. And you might say, well why is it sometimes that I make dua and it hasn't been answered? Perhaps your dua has not yet been answered and Allah is seeing whether you will remain satisfied with Him in whatever condition He has put you in. The Prophet ﷺ said, yustajab li ahadikum ma lam ya'jal. Your dua will be answered as long as you do not become earnest and give up dua. That your dua has to be sincere and blessed from the heart and with an intent of seeking the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Being a person who knows that Allah, samee'un qareebun mujeebun dua. Allah is near and able to hear and see us, able to answer us. In the beautiful hadith where Allah describes His power in answering our dua.
He said law anna awwalakum wa akhirakum wa insakum wa jinnakum. If the first of you, O mankind, to the last of you, the jinn of you to the human of you, stood ala sa'eedin wahid, stood upon one even level plain from the beginning of time till the end and all of you, men and jinn, asked of me, men, women, children, all of the creation, asked of me for your individual needs, for everything each and every one of us wanted on our own. And I gave all of you what you wanted. Ma naqasa min mulqi mithla qatra tamain min bahr. It would not deplete from my kingdom not even a drip of a water, a drop of water from the ocean of my khaza'in, of my treasures of mercy subhanahu wa ta'ala. We are meaningless to the vastness of the creation of Allah. So don't ever give up your dua. Don't ever assume that Allah is unable to answer you. Wa qalat al yahoodu yadu Allahi maghloola. The nations that came before us, they said Allah's hand is tied up, unwilling to give. He's ungenerous and ungiving. Ghullat aydeehim wa lu'inu bima qaloo. Rather their hands are confined and they have been cursed for that sinful belief about Allah. May Allah give us a heart that is conscious of Allah, open to Allah, receiving of His pleasure and His blessing upon us subhanahu wa ta'ala. May Allah make dua life for all of us. Allahumma ameen. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not send His wrath upon us because we have forgotten to invoke Him in our days and our nights. Wa sallillahumma wasallim wa zidwabarik ala Sayyidina wa nabiyyina Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallam. Your brother Yahya Ibrahim, wasalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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