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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Ep: 23: Make The Qur’an Your Companion | Guidebook to God

February 1, 2021Yahya Ibrahim

What is your relationship with the Qur’an? Here’s how you can revitalize or nurture your connection with the Qur’an and the reward for doing so.


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The recitation and memorization of the Qur'an is one of the greatest aspirations that every single one of us, man, woman, Arab, non-Arab, should have as an aspiration to become from those who are guardians of the word of Allah, hafidh of the Qur'an. Hafidh doesn't mean memorizer of the Qur'an alone, it means protector, guardian, that you protect it from the changes, alterations, mispronunciations, misunderstandings that may have arisen in the thoughts and minds and recitations of people. I ask Allah to make us accompanying the Qur'an and the Qur'an accompanies us in this life so that it can accompany us into our grave and on the day of judgment. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, he said that sahibul Qur'an, the one who is a companion of the Qur'an, they will not have any sadness or sorrow, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That it is mu'nisun fil wahshah, that when we are in isolation it becomes our best friend, that when we are buried in our grave it is aljaleesu s-salih, it will be someone who will sit with you in your grave, sit with you in the confines of the next life waiting for the judgment of Allah to come. It is the reason of the brightness of faith, at face on the day of judgment. Nadharallahu bihi wujuhana, may Allah brighten our face with the reading of the Qur'an. Did you know that every ayah of the Qur'an that you read and recite and memorize correctly will be a higher level in Jannah that you ascend? Did you know that the reading of the Qur'an is one of the quickest ways for you and I to amass a massive amount of reward? That for every letter of the Qur'an, not ayah, not verse, not surah, not juz, for every letter of the Qur'an, alif, laam, meem, alif on its own, laam on its own, meem on its own,
each of them is a letter, each of them is given a reward multiplied by 10 at minimum, and it could be even up to 700 if you are struggling with it. And that's where you get the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ, in the hadith of al-Imam Muslim, allathee yaqra'ul Qur'an, the one who is ma'as safaratil kiramil barara, the one who is fluent in the reading of the Qur'an, is at the level of the angels on the day of judgment. Wallathee yaqra'ul Qur'ana wa yata'at'u fee, reads the Qur'an, stumbles in it, messes up some of the readings and is struggling to learn it better and better each and every day. Lahoo ajraan, will have double the reward, twice the reward, two times the reward, it's not just 1 to 10, it could be 100, 200, 700 times. In comparison to the one who reads it with fluency, they can amass a massive amount of reward because it's difficult for them, it's a journey. And therefore the reading of the Qur'an, the memorization of the Qur'an, has always been the pursuit of every Muslim. It must always be returned to you and I in our heart that the Qur'an is an aim for myself and you to seek nearness to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It is a dhikr al-hakim, the wisest remembrance in scripture. It is the protection in this dunya and akhira. It is the words that we read to protect ourselves spiritually and physically from ailment. Shifa'un lima sudur, it is a healing to what troubles the heart. It is a healing to the illnesses of the body. awwalu shay'in hajarna bihi al-Qur'an, annana laana tadawa bihi. Imam Ibn al-Qaymi says of the ways that we've turned away from the Qur'an is that we don't seek to cure our life and our reasons with it. That we don't seek a healing through the book of Allah. It is begun with the Fatiha and ends with an Naas. It begins with an opening and continues with the final chapter which is about our relationship with Allah as humanity.
Khul a'oodhu bi rabbin naas, I ask Allah to protect me. He is the protector of his creation, humanity. Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Why is the Qur'an significant? Because it is the word of Allah that has been revealed upon Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That when you recite it, you earn reward and no other text earns a reward. No other book that is ever read earns you a reward like it. It is brought down by Jibreel alayhi salam to the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It is collected in the Mus'haf today as a part of our belief and it is muta'abadun bi tilawati. It is something that has been shared with us and has been conveyed to us in so many oral traditions and writings that is undeniable. It is not a book of science but it is a book of wisdom. And you will find allusions to science in it. That which we have discovered and that which is yet to be discovered. But it is not meant to be read like a journal. It is meant to be read to affect our life and bring change and to give us clarity in times of hardship and darkness. In the Qur'an are parables and examples that give us hope and patience and resilience and trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And I want you and I to make this commitment that each and every day there will be a new verse. Each and every day there will be a new attempt. That either we learn to read it and memorize it or learn to understand it. And do not ever be dissuaded by the fact that you might not understand the Qur'an because you are non-Arab in nature. In fact I will give you a secret as an Arab that there is a vast majority of the Qur'an that when Arabs read it they don't understand it. The Qur'an is in a newspaper. Why else do you think we have something called tafsir? Why is there tafsir ibn Kathir and al-Qutubi and Tabari and others? Why? Because the Qur'an is not self-evident in all of its different perspectives. منه آيات محكمات Some of its verses are clear cut and easy to understand. قل هو الله أحد
It doesn't matter which language of the world, everybody understands it. But متشابهات, there are verses that are ambiguous, hidden. Not many people will be able to understand it and it requires training and knowledge and study to understand its meanings. That's why you have extremists who will twist the meaning of the Qur'an to their agenda. And you will have people who are usurpers of the knowledge, who will twist the meaning of the Qur'an to dilute it and water it down. To make it seem like it says something that it doesn't actually say. And both of them, both examples are extremists in their pursuit of the knowledge that is the sunnah in the practice of the Qur'an. Center yourself with the reading of the book of Allah. Be familiar with it, establish a regular daily reading, a regular daily amount you memorize, a regular daily reading of its meaning and a regular daily acquaintance of its interpretation. And I hope that Allah can allow us to contribute towards that for your betterment and ours and our families. وصلي الله وسلم وزد وبرك على سيدنا ونبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم Your brother Yahya Ibrahim السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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