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Ep. 19: Distributing What Allah Has Blessed You With | Guidebook to God

January 19, 2021Yahya Ibrahim

Charity in Islam has exponential reward and is an important virtue of a believer. Discover the personal and societal benefits of giving charity.


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Charity, Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us minal mutasaddiqeen, those who are charitable in all avenues of our life. Charity is the hallmark of a believer. It's always confined and tied to salah. Notice Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, as Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiyallahu anhu teaches us, that there are three pairings in the Qur'an. There are three concepts always attached with another three. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala always in the Qur'an will say, Ati'ullah wa rasul. Be obedient to God and also his messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The second pairing is Aqeemus salah wa atu al zakah. Give your prayer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala but also spend in your wealth in that which is pleasing to Allah and pay the zakah, the purification of your wealth. And the third and finally is I'budullaha wa la tushriku bihi shay'a. Worship Allah alone, don't worship other than Allah. Wa bilwalidayni ihsana. And treat your families and your parents with good morality and ethics and righteous conduct. Those three concepts are always intertwined with each other in the Qur'an. Today it's important for you and I to understand the concept of sadaqah and zakah. Now notice these two words when they're used on their own they mean the same thing. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Qur'an, Khud min amwalim sadaqatan. Take from their wealth a sadaqah. What Allah means by it is zakah because the word is not separated in the Qur'an in that particular ayah. So sadaqah in itself it means to show your truthfulness in your belief in Allah. How is my charity a sign of my truthfulness and belief in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? Well it's a very simple concept. That if I believe
Allah is the provider, that Allah is the giver of all good, that Allah is the one who withholds some of the things that I want from me. If I believe that Allah is the giver and the taker therefore that whatever I have that I give to others it is a sign to Allah, a testament and an evidence that I believe Allah will return to me what I have spent. That I believe that Allah is the one who owns all things and that I'm just a distributor of that which Allah has blessed me with. That I believe that I'm a part and parcel of the life's betterment for other people and therefore it becomes a sadaqah to burhan. The Prophet ﷺ says in authentic hadith, charity is evidence for you. It is evidence on the day of judgment that I put the needs of other people before my wants. My needs were met and there were certain things that I wanted, certain luxuries that I wished for but I looked over there and I saw that that person didn't have their need. They didn't have their food, they didn't have their clothes, they didn't have their shelter, they didn't have their security, they didn't have their protection, they didn't have their education, they didn't have their nurturing in life and I said to myself, no I've been blessed and I want to share from what I have. I want to do it with a willingness and a voluntary intent to please Allah, to make somebody's life easier. This becomes great evidence on the day of judgment. Did you know that Allah tells us in the Qur'an that the first thing that people will say when they cross into the next life, when a person has left this life, when a person has passed away and they're asked, what would you like to do if you were to go back? They will say, I want to go back, I'll give charity. It's not I'll go back and I'll pray two rak'ah, I'll go back and make hajj, I'll go back and make umrah, I'll go back and fast Ramadan. No, I'll give charity. Why? Because it's evidence. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala wants to see from you and I that we put other people's needs as a priority.
وَيُؤْثِرُونَ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَلَوْ كَانَ بِهِمْ قَصَاصَةً Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala described the righteous from the sahaba Ali ibn Abi Talib that he would give from himself even though he needs it. Even though in his home he's lacking certain things he sees somebody else is lacking more and although I need it I'm going to share and I'm going to split my date in half. Look at the words of the Prophet ﷺ. He says, اتقوا النار ولو بشق طمرة Save yourself from hellfire even if it's by splitting, sharing half of your date. And this was actually a reality. Aisha radiAllahu anha in the house of the Prophet ﷺ a lady knocked on the door and she had two young daughters with her. The hadith is Zuhayh Muslim and she had asked everywhere else. Everyone in Medina was in hunger and famine and the only place she could turn to even though nobody wants to take food from the Prophet ﷺ they would rather share their food with the Prophet ﷺ. She has nowhere to go so she knocks on the door. They're starving. They're in a moment of difficulty and she knocks and the Prophet is in home ﷺ and his wife Aisha answers and she says, يَا أُمَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ Do you have anything that you can share? And Aisha radiAllahu anha she says وَرَبِّ الْكَعْبَةِ By the Lord of the Ka'bah Almighty Allah all we have in the house of the Prophet are three dates ﷺ but you can have them. So Aisha without asking the Prophet ﷺ, without considering her own self she gives the last three dates, the last food in the house of the Prophet ﷺ to this mother and the mother takes the dates. She gives one to this daughter, one to this daughter and the third one's in her hand and her daughters wolf down the dates and they look at the third date up in their mother's hand and she sees them in that condition. She sees their hunger so she decides to go hungry herself and she breaks the date and gives each of them half and she goes, continues to be hungry. Aisha radiAllahu anha she said, Oh Messenger of Allah when he returned such and such and such happened. The Prophet immediately said وجبت له الجنة Paradise is hers.
Paradise is written for her for that act of love and service that she has shown. The ulama they comment if that paradise was for this woman who fed her own children what then is the paradise that is set in store for Aisha radiAllahu anha wa ardaaha. The Prophet ﷺ who it's they are the ones who are deprived and they're not their family that they have fed. Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala ahli Muhammad. May Allah make our charity our shelter on the day of judgment. The authentic hadith, Prophet ﷺ said your sadaqah will be your veil and your shelter and protection on the day of judgment. It will be like a cloud that protects you from the heat and the difficulty of the day of judgment. Allahumma ameen. Finally the Prophet ﷺ he said that there will be seven types of people on the day of judgment who will be given shelter and protection and shade when other people will desire it they won't be given it. One of those seven types of category of people is a person who gave with their right hand they put their hand in their pocket in their wallet and gave with the right hand that they didn't count what was there they just gave what they had that even their left hand was unsure of how much was given. They didn't hold their wallet and open and say oh not the five not the ten okay I'll give a one or a two. They didn't count they just put it and gave in the path of Allah to the path of assisting the needy. May Allah shelter us with our charity may Allah make it evidence for us and may Allah make us of those who are generous in spirit and heart and if we have nothing to give of material then let us remember the words of the Prophet ﷺ. تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقا that when you greet your smile بوجه طلق when you greet your friend with a smiley face your charity is an extension of the smile that you give. May Allah brighten our faces with charity. May Allah keep us happy and smiling and increase other people's prosperity through our generosity and may Allah return
to us all that we have spent. The Prophet ﷺ made a vow and a promise. ما نقص مال من صدقه Never will someone be poor because they gave charity from their wealth. Never will someone be deprived because they gave charity from their wealth. Never will someone be needing if they have given charity from their wealth. May Allah increase our prosperity through our charitableness. Allahumma ameen. صل اللهم وسلم وزد وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا محمد ﷺ Your brother Yahya Ibrahim السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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