My Moment of Conviction
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Unifying Morals and Purpose Through Islam: Dr. Nazir Khan | My Moment of Conviction
Was there a moment in your life when you knew for certain Islam was the truth? Dr. Nazir Khan talks about Islam's ability to answer the big questions about life, and how Islamic theology helped him recognize that Islam is the religion of truth.
Read one of Dr. Nazir's paper: Divine Duty: Islam and Social Justice.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Growing up I was always interested in the natural sciences and as well as in theology. And that led me to look into some of the debates surrounding religion and science, theism versus atheism. One of the things that I quickly noticed is that every single human being has certain fundamental questions that they have to grapple with. Everyone has the big questions of life. Why do I exist? What is my purpose in life? Those are the spiritual questions. What makes my life worth living? What makes my existence matter? Then there are moral questions of life. How do I know what is good and bad? How do I become a person of virtue? What kinds of sacrifices are worth making in life? And then there are the intellectual questions. I have the ability to discover truths with my mind. What kinds of pursuits should I direct my cognitive faculties towards? And every single person has these different questions that confront them. And what I found is that when you actually look for a unifying answer that can unite these different things with a comprehensive, coherent, convincing explanation, I was amazed to see that within Islamic theology, all of this is understood from the principle that is at the foundation of our entire religion, which is the belief in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, our relationship with God, Tawheed, and how that unites all of this together. So through that understanding, we know that God created human beings with a purpose in life, to strive towards virtue in their journey towards Him, enduring sacrifices
and acts of virtue in order to emulate the divine qualities, to learn what it means to be merciful by being merciful to others. So the Islamic understanding and how it tackles these questions of the big picture questions of life was something that really resonated with me and really made me appreciate the importance of focusing on understanding my own religion, understanding Islamic theology, and then seeing the value that it could bring in addressing the contemporary meaning crisis that a lot of people are going through.
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