Road to Return | How to Come Back from Sin
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Ep. 9: An Enemy Within | Road to Return
Did Shaytan make you commit that sin or was it just you? Sh. Yahya Ibrahim teaches us how to tell the difference between the devil and the enemy within us.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Inna ash-shaytaana lakum adoo. The shaytaan is an enemy. Fattakhidhoohu adoo. He is an enemy, so treat him as an enemy. Adooun mubeen. Allah says in another verse, he is a clear enemy. There is no hiding that fact. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, yuwaswisu fee sudoorin naas. Shaytaan at times will try to influence your mind and your inner dialogue to invite yourself to haram. And I want you to know that there's a difference between you choosing haram and the shaytaan inspiring you and whispering to you to do haram. How do we know the difference? Because not all mistakes is because shaytaan influenced you. Most of, if not the vast majority of mistakes we do is because of our own bad habits. So the first type of mistake that's from your own self are the mistakes that you do regularly. So if every morning you miss fajr, shaytaan has nothing to do with it. That's just you. It's just yourself not waking up. It's just you making a decision to not get up when you should. And that becomes important for you to correct. Stop blaming shaytaan. Shaytaan's like, hey, why do you blame me for everything? It's important for us to be careful with that. But the mistakes that are from the shaytaan are the ones that are opportunistic. So there you are, you weren't intending to do anything wrong and all of a sudden your parents say, hey, we're gonna leave you for a half an hour so I'm just gonna go to the store. So it's an opportunity and the shaytaan comes and says, hey, why don't you do this? Why don't you watch this? Why don't you read this? Why don't you go there? Why don't you hear that? And it's something you didn't plan on doing earlier,
but the shaytaan kind of sparked it and then your soul convinced itself. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna do it. I can't wait until I get this done or do this or do that. So be careful with the shaytaan's opportunities to haram that he opens a door for you, gives you an invitation, and you're the one who walks through it. Shaytaan is going to give a lecture when he's in hellfire with those who are in it. And shaytaan will say on that day, falatalumuni walumu anfusakum. Allah quotes what will be said in the future. Shaytaan will say to his people, don't blame me, but blame yourself. ma'ana bimusrikhikum. I didn't make you do anything. wa ma'antum bimusrikhi. You can't help me today and I can't help you today. This is your fault for what you did. illa andawtukum fastajabtum li. All I did was give you an invitation. You're the one that walked through the door. You're the one that came and did the haram and chose it yourselves. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la protect us from a sinful inner dialogue and from the second danger from the shaytaan being an influence in our life. Know of course that the shaytaan is not just a whisper inside and shaytaan does not just simply mean the one who is an unseen evil presence, but Allah tells us in the Quran, shayateen al-ins wal-jin that there are shaytaan from human beings. It could be your friend. Could be that person who calls you and says, hey, do you wanna go out tonight? Let's get in the car, we can go visit there or do this. It could be someone who's in your class who keeps crossing the boundaries because what does the word shaytaan mean? The word shataa means to go past the place you know you shouldn't, to go into transgression, to go to a place, everybody said, don't cross that line. The shaytaan says, I'm gonna go there. No one can stop me, I do what I want. So if you have a friend in your life,
if you have someone who lives their life that way, where they feel that there's no rules, no boundaries, nobody can say to me what I wanna do, or I'm gonna do what I wanna do when nobody's looking, that person is a shaytaan and you want to limit their influence on you. So you wanna limit their texts and their messages and your going out with them to be careful that the shaytaan is not an influence to you in a physical form, as a friend or as a human being, or as a whisper into the hearts. May Allah protect us from shayateen al-ins wal-jinn. Allahumma ameen.
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