This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. I do pray, I just miss a few. That, you know, SubhanAllah is a major transgression. And I know all of us, even myself as a younger person, there were so many prayers that I missed and I ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to forgive me for it and to help me overcome it with doing extra prayers. Allahumma Ameen. And therefore I want to give this advice to you as a young person. Begin your relationship with Allah early. Begin trying to pray and doing better with your salah as a younger person as you mature. Try to become one of those who the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam described in that authentic hadith that there will be seven types of people on the day of judgment who will be given Allah's protection and shade when others won't have it. And number two in the list, Shabun nasha fi ta'atillah, a young person who matured into their adulthood in the obedience and worship of Allah. The ulama say, meaning being regular in their salah. Do your best not to miss a prayer. And if you miss a prayer, make it up as soon as you have an opportunity. Even if it's the next day, make your qada, catch it up, do your best if there were a circumstance that prevented you. Even if you missed your fajr prayer in the morning, wake up, do your salah, return to Allah, ask him for forgiveness. Don't miss your prayer. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said, al-ahdu allathee baynana wabaynahum The separation is the covenant that we gave to Allah that separates between us and those who don't believe in him. That is salah. It's the line in the sand that makes you and I a believer from being someone who doesn't have completion in their faith. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, man tarakahah, the one who abandons it, hates it,
pulls away from salah, faqad kafar. They have entered towards disbelief in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. To say you pray is an honorable thing and you should always seek to pray better. And the better you pray, the more consistent you become in your salah. So if you're missing your prayers now, I wanted to offer you a solution. And that solution is simply increase your voluntary prayers. And you say, how does that work? I'm missing my regular prayers. You're telling me to pray voluntary prayers? Yes, because when you pray voluntary prayers, it puts ease in your movements of salah that makes you say, hey, I'm doing these voluntary prayers for Allah. Surely I should be doing the compulsory prayers. Surely I should be doing that, which is essential before that, which is voluntary. But it becomes very inspirational and your body learns that muscle memory of salah. Your soul has a soul's memory of salah and you begin to miss it every hour that goes by between one salah and the next. Get yourself accustomed to making regular wudu and when you make it, try to find an opportunity to pray. And did you know you can pray seated for prayers that are not compulsory? That all you have to do is face the qibla and you can pray seated, even when you're driving, even while your parents are driving, that get yourself in that habit that you push two rak'ah, you know, a two minute prayer, and get it something that becomes a natural habit for you. Do not transgress against Allah and be from those, sawfayalqawna ghaya those who will find the ghaya, the pit in hellfire that is destined for those who delay the prayer from its right time and were negligent in it. fawaylun lilmusalleen weary and beware for those who pray allatheena hum a'an salatihim sahoon those who pray, but they delay their prayers past the right time.
If there is a threat to those who pray, but I prayed it in the wrong time because of laziness and distraction, what about the one who doesn't pray at all? May Allah protect you from that and honor you with regularity of salah. rabbi ja'alni muqeema as-salati wa min dhurriyati rabbana wa taqabbal du'a Oh Allah make you and I regular in our prayers and our children and children's children. Oh Allah accept this du'a. Allahuma Ameen.
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