Road to Return | How to Come Back from Sin
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Ep. 40: Fake News | Road to Return
To speak deceitfully is among the greatest of transgressions against Allah. Just as we should avoid joking or putting others down, we must strive to always avoid lying so that we may be among those who are written down as truthful.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Fact or fiction, are the words you spoke truth or are they made up? Are the words you spoke intentional or non? And it's important for you to know that the line of transgression in the words you choose is a really important one and that the tongue is one of the biggest reapers of sins as much as it can be the biggest way to earn massive reward. The Prophet ﷺ told us that the tongue, let it be wet with the mention of Allah, with the reading of the Qur'an, with your Tasbih, SubhanAllah, walhamdulillah, walailahilallah, wallahu akbar, giving people a cheerful expression when you see them, the comfort of a beautiful smile, the softness of your words, the pat on the back, the kindness that you exchange and may Allah protect you from the other side. Mu'adh ibn Jabal radiAllahu anhu, one of the great companions of the Prophet ﷺ, one day the Prophet said to Mu'adh, should I not tell you of the thing that if you can dominate and control well, everything in your life, everything in your relationship with Allah will be complete. Mu'adh said, bala ya RasoolAllah, tell me. And the Prophet ﷺ said, kuffa alayka hadha, I warn you against this. And the Prophet held his tongue, salallahu alayhi wasalam. Mu'adh was a young man, he said, ya RasoolAllah, salallahu alayhi wasalam, awa inna lamu aakhadhuna bima tatakallamu bihi al-sinatuna? Are we going to be held accountable with what our tongues speak, with what our tongues say? And the Prophet ﷺ said, faqilatka ummuka ya Mu'adh. Mu'adh, you would have been lost. How could you not know that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la on the day of judgment will cause some people to fall into hell
fire min hasa'idi al-sinatihim because of the consequences of what their tongues have earned and what they will see on that day. Facts are always the constitution of a believer. Always speak the truth. Kunu qawwameena lillahi shuhadaa bilqist. Be upright, straightforward with your word. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, kunu ma'as sadiqeen. Be with those who are truthful. Never be duplicitous in your words where you say something that you don't mean. Always be a person walaw ala anfusihim. Speak the truth even if against yourself. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la commands the Prophet ﷺ to always be honorable in his words, truthful in his conduct ﷺ. He said ﷺ to us in the authentic hadith, a person will speak the truth. Wayataharras sidq and always attempt to be truthful. Hata yuqtaba inda Allahi siddiqa until they are written by Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la in the level of the honest, truthful people. Wa inna arraju la yakthub. An individual, a man may lie. Wayataharral kathib and be regular in their lying. Hata yuqtaba inda Allahi kathaba until they are written as a deceiver and a liar. May Allah protect us from that evil character trait. The Prophet ﷺ said ayatul munafiq thalath, the sign of a hypocrite is three. Itha haddatha kadhab, when they speak they lie. Wa itha tumina khan, when they are trusted they betray. Wa itha a'ahada akhlaf, and when they promise they don't fulfill it. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la protect us from all of those evil characteristics. May our tongues be true. May our truthfulness begin in the heart and may our words always be straightforward. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la make us of those who speak fact and never fiction. Allahumma ameen.
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