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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Maintaining Peace at Home in Stressful Times | Virtual Khutbah

April 10, 2020Dr. Omar Suleiman

While being under lockdown, we can often become frustrated and easily irritated. Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses maintaining peace at home and in general in stressful times.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim Inda alhamdulillahi wa nahmaduhu wa nasta'imuhu wa nastaghfiruhu wa nastahdihi wa nu'minu bihi wa natawakalu alaihi wa na'udhu billahi al-'adheemi min shururi amthusina wa min sayyi'ati a'malina min yahdi Allah ta'ala fala mudhdila lah wa man yudhdil falahadhi lah wa ashadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah lahul mulk wa lahul hamd yuhyi wa yumit wa huwa hayyuna yamut biyadihi alkhair wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadeer wa ashadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu wa sakhiyuhu wa khaliluhu addal amanat wa ballaghal risalat wa nusahilil ummah wa kashafil ghummah wa tarakan alal mahijat albayda laylul haa kana hariha la yazighu anha illa halik fa alayhi afdhulal salat wa atimul tasneemu ala anihi wa sahbihi wa man astanna bi sunnatihi ila yawm aldeen Allahumma ja'alna minhum wa minallatheena aminu wa amirul salihati wa tawassu bilhaqqi wa tawassu bilsabr wa qad amrana bilhaqq wa qala ta'ala ya ayyuha allatheena aminu taqoo allaha haqqa tuqatihi wa laa tamootunna illa wa antu muslimoon ya ayyuha alnasu taqoo rabbakumu allathee khalaqa kum min nafsin wahida wa khalaqa minha zawjaha wa batha minhuma rijalan kathiran wa nisa'a wa taqoo allaha allathee tasa'aluna bihi wal arhaam inna allaha kana alikum raqeeba ya ayyuha allatheena aminu taqoo allaha wa quloo qawlan sadeeda wa yaghfir lakum dhunubakum wana yu'ta ilaha wa rasoolahu faqad faaza fawzan azeema thumma amma ba't We begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bearing witness that none has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for one, and we ask our one God to send his peace and blessings upon his final messenger Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam and to send his peace and blessings upon all of his prophets and messengers that were sent before the family and companions of the prophet, peace be upon him those that follow in his blessed path
until the day of judgment, and we ask Allah to make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen Dear brothers and sisters, as this whole thing has been evolving the topics that have come to my mind in terms of what I should be addressing have also evolved, and let me be the first to say that some of the things that I'm talking to you about I myself am struggling with and that is the norm and not the exception, so don't feel guilty and don't feel like this is just something that speaks to you or that this is a reality that only a few are facing when there is deep uncertainty and deep tension then that has the ability to really cause us to always be on the edge, and that's the case when it comes to faith, right, and if you think about the way Allah describes how we're on the edge when it comes to faith Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says There are some people that worship Allah on an edge literally standing on the edge of a cliff okay, and what that speaks to is that when hardship comes to them in regards to their relationship with Allah, so if something bad happens to them then they're on the edge in regards to their faith, i.e. their relationship with Allah. Naturally when it comes to our relationships with everybody around us, even if we're not physically in the same space, but especially when we're physically in the same space we're even more on an edge when we're facing the hardship and when we constantly feel like our core is disrupted, and so I want to talk about sabr in a different way, and inshallah ta'ala I do hope that this khutbah will be beneficial, again pray dhuhr, disclaimer which I'll constantly make inshallah ta'ala it's just a reflection, but I really want to break down sabr and connect it to what we're going through right now and inshallah in a very practical way that can speak to all of our realities, no matter where on the spectrum we are right now in terms of how easily we get irritated or if we're having a hard time balancing your minor your minor irritations
with your major frustrations, right so you have these major uncertainties about what's going to happen regarding your health regarding finances, whatever it is regarding the future and then you also have just the things that are happening on a daily basis and things that can really annoy you suddenly that did not necessarily annoy you in the past, and this is not just in the capacity of marriage by the way, again when you're on the edge, you're on the edge and things can really get to you quite suddenly, so let's go through a few of these things, number one a rule that may Allah have mercy on him he said that patience with people is more difficult than patience with hardship and what he meant by that is you know when something happens to you but it's an unassigned disaster you can't blame that disaster on another person it's different than when someone is causing you harm when you can assign your hardship to a person so there's a difference between death by natural causes and death by murder and that's natural it is a natural sentiment that when it's death by murder, the feeling of injustice and the recourse that is due afterwards, the penalty and the recourse and all that is there is there for a reason right, now Allah has written death on a person at that time regardless but when it's a person that I can point to that caused me that harm that murdered my loved one then it's different than when someone passed away in a car accident or due to a sudden heart attack or whatever it may be even though that's painful, the loss of a loved one is painful regardless so these two categories of patients are pretty self-explanatory in terms of the degree that they occupy so patients with hardship that's unassigned disaster and patients with hardship that's assigned directly to a person which can cause added layers
of trauma, added layers of damage to a person but there's a third category that I think applies to us right now and obviously that doesn't mean that the other two don't apply to each of us in different capacities but there's a third category that I think applies to most of us right now which is patients with people in the midst of an unassigned disaster patients with people in the midst of an unassigned disaster so the first category of patients is someone harmed you and your patience directly involves another person the second category of patients is disaster strikes and I have to be patient with that disaster and that's going to affect my relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the third category is patients with people in the midst of that unassigned disaster and so I'm going through something right now I am hurt by whatever's happening around me in a way that I really can't understand because this is an unprecedented trial and so I'm trying to wrap my head around how this is affecting me in different ways and there are people around me or there are people that are going to bear the brunt of my frustration or my grief in the midst of all of that and it's not their fault which makes it so much worse because you're hurting and then when you're hurt you're hurting others so hurting people hurt other people and when you have a situation where people are quarantined together and they're hurting in different ways then that hurt can be that much more okay so I want us to take a step back inshallah and to really look at prophetic guidance at the way that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to deal with these things and how they would specifically apply to our situations right now and so first you kind of go through the basics right the basics and
this is especially true when it comes to the annoyances most of the ahadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about how to treat anger how to treat you know a person's impatience or annoyance speak to things that are of a lesser degree of severity okay so for example the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam did not tell a person who just lost a child to go make wudu the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam did not tell someone whose family member was just murdered go make wudu right to go and do ablution to perform to wash your face to do what's necessary to cool yourself down right saying isti'adah seeking refuge in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from the shaitan, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was not saying that to people and though it's always necessary wudu is always necessary isti'adah is always necessary but the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was not saying that when it comes to you know these major difficulties in life it's really those annoyances that have the potential to spiral into something much worse okay so to stop it before it spirals into something much worse and he always connected it to the shaitan he always connected it to the devil subhanallah some of you might have seen that image that's been going around that said this is the first year that we're locked away before the shayateen and Ramadan subhanallah I mean usually Ramadan comes around we talk about the shayateen being locked up the shayateen being locked up the shayateen being locked up right so now we're locked up and the shayateen are locked up with us so they're still here and we're tight you know in our places and so the shaytan has a lot to work with right now and the way the shaytan deals with sin in general is the shaytan always tries to do two things with sin and I want you to deeply connect this to your relationship with other people because this is in regards to your relationship with Allah the shaytan tries to take a one
time sin and turn it into a sinful habit that's number one number two the shaytan tries to take a minor sin and turn it into a major sin number three the shaytan tries to take major sin and turn it into disbelief and despair alright so the first one is take a sin that a person commits for the first time Allah put barriers between you and that sin and you commit that sin and now that you've committed that sin shaytan says how about you just go ahead and keep committing it now the second one is that it's a smaller sin and usually a smaller sin is a portion of a major sin so for example there's the zina of the eyes the adultery of the eyes but it's not like the adultery right like the major sin of adultery okay there is ghibah you know some of the scholars of taskih of surukh and I can't remember which scholar said this but I did find it very insightful he said that a person starts with ghibah but he ends up in namima ghibah is backbiting gossip and it's to say something that's true about other people but ghibah is the gateway to namima slander right so what comes after gossip is just naturally going to be slander okay so the point is that he'll take a minor sin and turn it into a major sin and then the third thing is he'll take a major sin and turn it into disbelief and despair which means a point of no return now think about this in regards to our relationships with each other okay the way that we deal with one another alright especially those that are closest to us and those that are quarantined with us and those that are around in whatever capacity alright how do you take a one time and turn it into a habit okay so one infraction in the relationship and how do you spur that into a habitual point of dispute a habitual point of argumentation and keep people at each other's throats
so that they have no peace the second one is a minor sin to a major sin right so a person starts you know there's so many different ways of this right you start to become emotionally abusive mentally abusive emotionally abusive verbally abusive it just goes and it keeps going and going until it becomes physically abusive and it's just horrific becomes a horrific cycle and then the third thing is a point of no return right so major sin to kufr in the relationship with Allah is how do I take this to a point of no return okay to make them feel like there is no way that they can come back to Allah likewise in our relationship shaitan will be the first one to suggest you know that just break it all off right turn your back on that person forget about it cut it all off cut it loose okay I'm not talking about the very real necessary times in which some relationships do need to be severed by the way I'm not talking about toxicity or tolerating abuse okay so please don't understand anything from this khutba to be saying that a person should remain in an abusive situation I'm talking about taking minor infractions and leading them into major major disputes and sins that are long term and that puts you in a place of no return that's what the shaitan does with your relationship with Allah and that's the same playbook he's going to use in your relationship with one another and as you know I was looking through all of these ahadith of how the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam taught us to deal with our minor frustrations our constant annoyances our irritations and he always mentions the shaitan always mentions the devil okay not as a and it's important because it's not blaming the shaitan to excuse bad behavior it's to empower good behavior with the understanding that shaitan will exploit your heedlessness alright so there's a difference between those two things it's not you know I'm sorry the shaitan made me do this the shaitan
made me say this the shaitan no no it's know that you have devils that will exploit and that will take advantage of the openings that you give them into your heart into your relationship with Allah and into your relationship with one another don't give them that space so here is an empowering way for you to push the shaitan out so it's a very different mindset and approach so let's look through these ahadith and you've heard them but I want you to pay attention to the things that are common between all three of these things the hadith in al bukhari that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam saw two men that were abusing one another verbally so they were getting heated and as they started to get heated with their words with their exchange and they started to get in each other's faces their faces turned red it was about to turn into something much worse the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is looking at these two men fighting and he's speaking to those that are sitting with him and he says I know a word that if he were to say it then then that anger that he's facing would go away that anger that he's encountering that's boiling inside of him right now would go away notice the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam did not go tell the man why because when he's already in his fit and he doesn't understand the mechanisms by which to deal with that fit then he's not going to process anything rationally at that moment shaytan's already in the driver's seat so this is a case of you know what let's just stop let a person blow off their steam cool it off and then let's talk when things are cooled off because you're not going to understand anything I have to say right now okay so the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam did not go up to him and say hey say because if the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said that to him in the midst of that he might have responded in a way that he would eternally regret to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam so in the wisdom of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam he's using this as a teaching moment for everybody else
because that man just has to blow off his steam you need to put them apart from each other nothing's going to change right now about his habits okay just pull them apart from each other sit them down calm them down but he's not going to process the statement of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam right now the proof of which is that one of the men that was sitting with the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam when he said I know something that if he were to say it then he would you know then he would be able to do away with that anger one of the men that was sitting with the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said well let me go tell him right so he went to the man and he told him so the man responded he turned his anger towards him he says you know am I crazy do you think I'm crazy do you think I'm insane do you want me to go you go away you know so he flipped out on the guy instead so he instead of the object of his anger being the person he was already fighting now he was fighting with the other person alright and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam understood that wisdom so you're not going to turn someone's habits or give them the right processing mechanisms in the midst of their anger but again the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said from the shaytan from the accursed devil and you know some of the scholars they say that in some of the narrations the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam said I seek refuge in Allah from the all-hearing and the all-knowing from the accursed devil and they said that is a better form of isti'ad a better form of seeking refuge in the midst of anger why because you remind yourself that Allah hears and Allah knows so you're still achieving removing the shaytan but you're also bringing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and reminding yourself of two core attributes in the midst of that debate or that discussion or that anger that you have and again this isn't a huge annoyance this is this is just in the midst of a heated argument and things get heated really really really quickly
so say I seek refuge in God the all-hearing and the all-knowing from the accursed devil bring Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala into you into that scenario like that the second thing is wudu the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said to do wudu every single time I've gone to any of those websites about anger management tips you'll always see something about washing the face cooling off right go wash your face take a break and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam he said for people to take a break and to actually do wudu so what's the connection between those two things well number one the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said haste is from the devil haste is from the devil shaytan is going to try to make you say as many damaging things as possible before you come to your senses so he's going to hurry you up speak speak do do he wants you to act in the point of action to act in the midst of your anger so he wants you to hurry up and say as much as you want so don't say these two words you're already throwing some hurtful comments go ahead and add a third one you know what would be a knock out punch right now throw that one in there too bring this into the discussion bring this into play so shaytan is going to try to get you to pile on as much as possible in that short period of time so that you can say as many things that contribute to his ultimate goal of no return what did Allah mention that the devil loves to pull apart a couple and it's not just the husband from the wife or the wife from the husband it's children, it's parents, it's all of those things shaytan wants to make these points of no return right so what did the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam say don't act in haste so he said if you're standing up sit down, if you're sitting down, lay down but just don't act be quiet, don't say anything if you're that upset, take a break take a break
and everyone in the household should afford each other that opportunity to take a break if you're really upset right now, you know what go ahead and just sit with yourself it's okay, I understand, you don't want to talk right now that's good, just take a break it's better to not say anything than to say something hurtful however فترة مغضبة، وهذا هو المعرفة، فترة مغضبة مستمرة يمكن أن تكون مساعدة في طريق أكثر مؤلم من التحدث هذا هو السبب في أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أعطى أحد المعالجات لتلك الفترة المغضبة فترة المغضبة لا يجب أن تكون مساعدة مؤلمة في نفسها، فترة المغضبة يجب أن تكون كافية لتحرير الشيطان من نفسه لكي لا تكون مؤتساباً في هذا الموضوع، فلا تقول شيئاً من أجل أن تقول شيئاً مؤلماً فهذا ليس أنني لن أتحدث معك، فهو أنني أخذ بعض الوقت، فأخذ فترة، أخذ براحة، أخذ بعض الوقت، أخذ بعض المساعدة، فالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يوصف ذلك بشيطان، فهو يوصف استعادة، يوصف الأسر من الشيطان يوصف الهجوم إلى الشيطان، لا تدفع في مجال محادثة أو في مجال مؤتساب ويوصف أيضاً، وعندما تكون محادثة، فتفعل الوضوء أيضاً، فتنفذ الوضوء وفي الوضوء، لا تنفذ فقط وجهك لأنه يدفعك إلى الشيطان كمعاملة محادثة، وهناك تقصير جميلة هناك العديد من الحديثات الصحيحة والثقيلة التي تتحدث عن الوضوء في مكان مؤلم هذا الحديث يمتلك ضعفاً في أبو داود، لكنه ليس ضعفاً كبيراً إنه مدهش جداً، ويضيف أشياء أخرى إلى هذا، وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إن الغضب من الشيطان وإن الشيطان خلق من النار وإنما تطفأ النار بالماء فإذا غضب أحدكم فليتوضى قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن الغضب من الشيطان
وكان الشيطان خلق من النار، والنار تضعف بماء فإذا أصبح أحدكم غاضباً فلتفعلوا الوضوء فإنه يمكنك فعل ما يجب عليه في أمان الله لتزويد الشيطان بالماء والعبادة هناك ثلاث أمور الآن التي أعطى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهم جميعاً مرتبطين بإزالة الشيطان من أبنائنا وإزالة الشيطان من محاولتنا أريد أن أجعل هذا في طريقة أكثر محددة تتحدث عن حقيقةنا الحالية الآن أكثر مهما من أبداً أن نأخذ فترة عندما نحتاج لها وأن نجعل مكان في المنازل لأجل تأخذ النار من أبنائنا فقط لأننا جميعاً مرتبطين بإزالة الشيطان وإضافة إلى نفس المكان لا يعني أننا لا نستطيع تخلص من هذا المكان ومن هذا المكان للبعض هذا هو الأمر الأول الثاني التحدث عن شعورنا خارج نظر المضرر يسمح لك بالتصوير عندما تكون غاضباً دعوني أكون صادقاً جداً بهذا تحدثت عن تسلح المساعدة إذن استخدام التصوير لتؤذي شخصاً عندما تتحدث عن شعورك عندما لا تكون غاضباً يسمح لك بالتعلم عن أفضل وجود للمشكلة لماذا لا تريد التحدث الآن حسناً تحدث عن أسلحتنا تحدث عن شعورنا تحدث عن لماذا نشعر بهذا الشكل بعد أن تتحرك المزرع ماذا تعتقد أنه أدى إلى ذلك الذي أجعلك تفكر بهذا الشكل الذي أجعلك تفكر بهذا الشكل الذي أجعلك تفكر بهذا الشكل تحدث عن شعورك الثالث التعبير معاً التعبير معاً لماذا لأنك لا تحاول فقط تخلص من شعورك أنت تحاول إخلاص الشياطين من المنزل وما يخلص من الشياطين من المنزل هو العبادة وما يخلص من الشياطين من علاقتك
هو العبادة معاً وما يخلص من الشياطين الوحيد هو العبادة الوحيدة لذلك العبادة عبادة هي طريقة لإزالة الشيطان لذلك التحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً تحدث معاً وصفة العملات الصفة العلمية الصفة العلمية �وهر رعد الظبي للمؤزمات الجبل الفوز الفوز بارئي أنا في أنا في öff أولاً الأن الأخير الأخير الأخير الأخير المهدي المهدي المهدي الم bunlar الذين أفكر علم 아니에요 was bigger. What does that mean? If you think about some of the arguments that he had in his home, that upset Aisha or Safiyyah, there's something that really is very apparent. He never said, I've got bigger things to worry about. You're bringing this up right now, this minor thing up, and I'm sitting here worrying about not getting my Ummah killed. So if someone's going to talk about important duties, no one was more important to the people than the Prophet, no one was more important to the world than the Prophet. So it's not like I've got more important things to do. I don't have time for your silliness. I don't have time for your argument. I don't have time for what bothers you because I'm going through something much worse. Why is this so important right now in particular? It's so important right now in particular because though all of us are struggling in unique ways and in different ways, some of us certainly struggling more than others, everyone is struggling
in some way right now. That could be an emotional struggle, a mental struggle. Even if you've got kids in the house, they're struggling with social pain. They're struggling with the uncertainty of not knowing when school's going to be back on, whatever it is, not seeing their friends. Everyone is struggling in some way right now in the house. So if you're the breadwinner in the house, then you're thinking about how am I going to keep paying the bills? That's certainly a great struggle and can cause anxiety and stress in many different ways. If your parents are sick and your spouse's parents are not sick, that can cause great stress. That's a unique stress. If you have an added duty that you did not have in the past, that can cause stress. If you're having problems getting structured, if you still have a job and you can't work properly, all of those things cause stress. All of these things are causing us issues in different ways. Do not belittle the other person's stress in the house because you think, and you might be right by the way, that your stress is bigger because there's no doubt that the Prophet's, alaihissalam, stress was bigger than everybody else in his home. We love our mother Aisha radiallahu anha and this is not dismissing Aisha radiallahu anha or thinking, no Aisha radiallahu anha was a woman of worship, a woman of righteousness. Okay, Aisha radiallahu anha did not have the responsibilities of the Prophet, alaihissalam, but still the Prophet, alaihissalam, honoured what disturbed Aisha radiallahu anha by settling those things. So it wasn't just, you know, you talk about the sweetness of the Prophet, alaihissalam, to pay attention to the minor details of drinking from the same part of the cup as her, you know, doing the small romantic things. That attention to detail carried into times of adversity too. That if Aisha radiallahu anha was disturbed by something, it wasn't the Prophet, alaihissalam, never, ever, ever says,
I've got more to worry about than you or my anger or my stress is greater than your stress. How many of those arguments or disputes or those things that come up in the traditions which are narrated by Aisha radiallahu anha to teach us about the amazingness of our Prophet, alaihissalam, and to teach us a standard that we can all aspire to, how many of them came in the midst of battle? How many of them came in the midst of persecution? You know, the Prophet, alaihissalam, 23 years of Prophethood, each year has a significant amount of adversity in it, right? But still, you never once hear the Prophet, alaihissalam, say, I don't have time for this right now, or I am going through this, and I, you know, I need to worry about this right now. Why? Please listen very carefully. Because even if your pain is bigger than the other person's pain in the house, prioritizing your pain over that person's pain means you're really just prioritizing yourself over the other people in your home. All right? So prioritizing yourself is by prioritizing your pain and making it seem like it's the only stress and anxiety that exists in the house. So don't belittle the other person's stress, don't belittle the other person's pain, don't belittle what everyone else is going through in the house, including the kids, by the way, if you've got children in the home. Everyone's going through something, right? Try to listen and hear what they're going through. Don't ever say, I'm going through more than what you're going through, or I've got more to worry about, because those are signs of narcissism, and narcissism is very satanic. Shaytan is the ultimate narcissist, right? So he's going to feed a narcissistic presence in the home as well. Do not say my pain is greater than yours, I'm going through something that you're not going through, I've got to worry about this, you've got to worry about this silly thing. Don't do that. It's not fair, it's not prophetic, it's not the Sunnah of the Messenger ﷺ. So yes, we're all struggling in very unique ways right now. Ways that maybe
we can't understand how the other person is struggling, we don't even understand how we're struggling right now, right? Each one of us is having to dig deeply and think, how am I struggling right now? How is this affecting me? How is this rupturing my way of thinking right now, right? Why am I so upset about this all of a sudden? So we're trying to figure ourselves out, so we're definitely not going to figure everyone else out right now, okay? So in the meantime, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala calm all of us, and those that indeed have been suffering far more than all of us. Our brothers and sisters that were already suffering around the world, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala alleviate their pain, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala remove their oppression. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replace the shayateen in our homes with malaika, with angels. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replace our hardships with ease, replace our points of dispute to points of connection. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us sakinah and tranquility, and particularly, by the way, and tonight inshallah ta'ala my reflection is going to be a message specifically to those that are alone. You're hearing all of these messages about family and family tension and what's happening in the house. Alhamdulillah, we just released a bunch of papers on family, really jams of papers, masha'Allah. Imam Hanif Faus, Dr. Zahra Khan, others, just a bunch of papers about family, videos about family. We just had a webinar about family. So I know that those who are going through this alone are having to suffer even more. So may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala comfort all of you that are struggling through this alone. May Allah surround you with angels. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala build in you a resilience that will allow you to keep going and to power through this, not needing anyone but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for surely we will only be resurrected alone in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. May Allah comfort you. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be with you. May Allah allow all of us that are not having to go through this alone to do a better job of reaching you and providing you the comfort that's needed right now. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala help
everyone that is going through this in their own unique ways. JazakumAllahu khayran to all of you for tuning in. Please pray for raka'at inshaAllah. Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Wa salamu ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salamu ala taslimin kathirin.
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