When someone does do good in this life, they won\'t be wronged. They\'ll just be repaid for that good in this life. That\'s the saddest thing about getting duped for this world. It\'s just that it does not fulfill you, nor do you snap out of it. One of the most profound characteristics of a selfless human being is not wanting anything for themselves. And as a matter of fact, they\'re willing to sacrifice themselves for that message that they\'re calling you to. As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur\'an 30 for 30. We are now in Juz 12 and we want to remind you all to support the work of Yaqeen. This is sort of that mid-Ramadan drop-off in every way insha\'Allah. So take it upon yourself to re-establish yourself this Ramadan to remind people about the blessing of this month and the blessing of every day of this month insha\'Allah. Make sure that you\'re sharing the content, investing in the donations bi-idhnillahi ta\'ala that allow us to provide this for free constantly to you and to so many others. And of course bi-idhnillahi ta\'ala, keep us in your du\'a. We are blessed alhamdulillah to have Abu Abad, Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy. How are you Shaykh? Alhamdulillah very well. All the way from Allentown, caught a, what did you ride on? Like a wagon? Like one of those old wagons? Because the donkey was in the shop Shaykh. Somehow made it from Allentown, Pennsylvania. Shaykh can you tell us what\'s going on with Allentown? Why Allentown? I wanted to leave the big city. I encourage everyone that can to leave the big cities. I have a few different theories on where masjids need to go in the next few generations. I think people need to congregate and bring their resources to the relatively more active masjids that have more potential. I don\'t think we can up the game of all 3,000 masjids fast enough basically. And so I think we need to just own that, admit it, and play catch up a little faster. I think that\'s by, let\'s say pick the top 500 masjids maybe or a thousand masjids, whatever,
and get around them. And that masjid was a particular masjid that seemed so valuable in its potential, so malleable, also like so flexible. So I\'m trying my luck in the sharia compliant version of luck to have some impact there. May Allah allow for some of it to be for his sake. What is it like living out in Allentown? No, hold on, hold on. I\'m feeling the passive-aggressive undertones here. I\'m not being passive. Shaykh Abdullah, have I ever been passive-aggressive? Shaykh Abdullah, wow. We\'re both from Africa, Abdullah. Egypt is in Africa. Sub-Saharan or not, we got to stick together here. That\'s right. To be honest, it is where we\'re at. We\'re at West Allentown. So we\'re still within human civilization, but on the edge. There\'s a Walmart there, right? Oh my gosh. So we are boycotting. Target. No, no, the Starbucks. So just to give you a little bit of like a mind map of gentrification, I have two different Starbucks, six minutes and four minutes, just to give you a feel. But literally two minutes west of me is the end. Like that\'s the farms. So it\'s really nice. It\'s like standing on between two worlds. It\'s wonderful. And it\'s like an hour and a half from New York City. I\'m there all the time. My mom and the dawah there and whatnot. It\'s actually an awesome community, Mashallah. It\'s beautiful. The trees are incredible. The nature is beautiful. And you\'ve stolen a lot of our community members too. Work in progress. Work in progress. Don\'t put your guard down, Shaykh Omar. Give us some background on the podcast, beyond the minbar. Alhamdulillah. Behind the minbar, blueprints for a better masjid is basically a realization that whatever I want to do might be a little bit arrogant of me, but at best it\'s not going to happen within one generation. So I want to just start these convos in case people could do some of it faster than me and better than me. So it\'s about interviewing SMEs from all walks of life that have some relevance to the masjid space, the Islamic space. What\'s an SME? Subject matter expert on masajid centers,
even third spaces. How do we better them? Masha\'Allah. And of course, you\'re a director of systematic theology. You\'ve been with Yaqeen literally from day one. Alhamdulillah. The last eight plus years. Just quickly, insha\'Allah ta\'ala, what should people look forward to coming out of systematic theology, insha\'Allah ta\'ala, and the building out of Yaqeen? What could you direct people to? Obviously, the Proofs of Prophethood book, by the way, which is still, masha\'Allah, absolutely incredible. But what else is kind of in the works for you? I\'ve found myself at Yaqeen in the cultivating conviction space, more so than the dismantling doubts efforts, though, alhamdulillah, I\'ve been a little bit involved in that. And so it\'s like, ihdina al-sirata al-mustaqim, guide us the straight path. And so that\'s the path of Allah and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so names of Allah and Proofs of Prophethood. And I\'m looking forward to exploring the sirata al-ladhina an\'amta alayhim, the path of those Allah has favored, sort of the biographies route, the stories route. I mean, you\'ve seen what the first have done for people\'s lives. It just builds in them this like instinctual ability to like, what would Jesus do? What would Mu\'adh do? Right? And so I think that\'s an underutilized angle. I hope we can do more of it, Yaqeen, insha\'Allah. It\'s more Mu\'adh, masha\'Allah. Last episode, we just sum up Mu\'adh. Actually, the last episode was was sabiqun al-awwalun, and that ayah, min al-muhajirin wal-ansar, it was all about the first. So alhamdulillah, you\'re actually building on that concept of the first. Allah bless you. And insha\'Allah, we\'ll get into the lesson. So we\'re going to do something very different today, only for Shaykh Abu Abad. He\'s the only one that gets this privilege. We\'re going to reflect on the same. You\'re lowering the bar for me? Not only because I know that your reflections will be far richer than mine. And insha\'Allah, it will allow us to have a really deep conversation. But we\'re actually reflecting on the same ayah, but with different lessons. I\'m going to build on the previous juz, and bi-idhnillahi ta\'ala,
Shaykh Shinawy will use it to sort of lead us in the direction of Surah Yusuf and what\'s coming next. But the lesson is, Allah might give you what you wish for, and that\'s not always good. Allah might give you what you wish for, and that\'s not always good. Allah says in verse 15, that whoever desires only this worldly life and its luxuries, we will pay them in full for their deeds in this life, and nothing will be left out. So obviously, we\'re in Surah Hud, verse 15. SubhanAllah, the last lesson was about the first, and the muhajireen and the ansar. Both of those groups were competing in ihsan, and we talked about the superiority of the muhajireen over the ansar, but we have our own category, which is following them in ihsan, and that\'s the only category that Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala has given to us in that verse. But the idea here is that these people knew what they were pursuing, and that\'s why they were able to sacrifice what they were sacrificing. And there are no two ways about this, and I think it\'s especially relevant when we talk about religion in this day and age. And some of us are guilty of this sometimes. I\'ll put myself on trial here. Sometimes, we want to teach someone about the religion, and we want to help them through a hard time. It\'s like, just make this du\'a. Just do this, and everything will change. Just go this route, and everything will go this route. You even emphasize in the process sometimes, give sadaqah, and Allah will bless you in this life as well. And there\'s maybe too much emphasis on that, perhaps feeding into an idea that religion is meant to better you in this life, which is true, but without focusing enough on the afterlife. And obviously, a lot of the Ramadan series is definitely pointing in the other direction, which is, that\'s where your goal has to be. That\'s where your dreams and your daily life, and that\'s where your focus, determination,
all have to be, because that\'s your destination, and you want your destination to be Jannah, and not, may Allah grant us that good destination, that praiseworthy destination. When you compare the companions to those that had some noble traits, but they made the wrong trade-off. When they saw the Prophet, they kind of analyzed the Prophet, they assessed it, and they said, it\'s not worth, I think he might be telling the truth, but it\'s not worth sacrificing the tribal superiority that we have, the wealth that we have. You\'ve got to imagine that there are many companions, or many people that could have been companions, actually, that were waiting to see how this was all going to go, but they didn\'t live long enough to do so. They were waiting for a Fatah Mecca-like incident to say, okay, now I\'ll become Muslim. But they didn\'t live to see Fatah Mecca, right? There were people that were waiting this out in Mecca and saying, he is a sadiq, amin, clearly. Think about that person that was sitting in the crowd when the Prophet stood up on Safa and looked at Abu Lahab and said, I wonder how he\'s going to react. If he was ready to accept the Prophet, okay, I\'m in, I\'m in. But we can\'t sacrifice these things. On the other hand, from the justice of Allah, because Allah is Al-Adl, and that\'s something we\'ve been speaking about constantly here. When someone does do good in this life, they won\'t be wronged. They\'ll just be repaid for that good in this life. The believer should be looking forward to that jaza in the hereafter. But Allah will repay the person who does good with good, but only here. There\'s nothing that will be left for them in the hereafter. And that\'s actually, subhanAllah, something deeply profound. Because you see some people, and they\'re doing good things, and they\'re not Muslim, and you can see the immense blessing that that\'s having on their lives. And you go, well, yeah, that\'s also from Allah\'s mercy and His justice. That from His mercy, despite His kufr, Allah is still blessing him. From His justice, subhanahu wa ta\'ala, Allah is rewarding him accordingly for that. So you find this consistency
within the Quran in this regard. But I want to hear your reflection, Shaykh. It is a very consistent Quranic pattern that Ibrahim, alayhi salam, for instance, will say, oh Allah, whoever believes in you, grant them of the produce. Allah says, even those who disbelieve, I\'m going to let them enjoy for a little bit, and then they will meet my justice and my torment. Elsewhere in the Quran, there\'s a particular nuance that isn\'t in the first ayah you mentioned, or the Ibrahim, alayhi salam, ayah in Surah Al-Baqarah, when Allah says, whomever seeks this world, you made a horrible, but business decision of, I\'m going to prefer the social bonds and the status and everything else. I\'m going to retain that capital I have of this dunya and not risk it. We\'re going to give him of it. So they\'ll get of the dunya from His adl, but they will never get what they\'re imagining they\'ll get. They\'ll get a part of it. We will give them of this world. No one will own this world, and whatever they own of this world, no one will own it fully, meaning forever. And not just that. Whatever you own of this world, you will not get from it what you thought you would get from it, the fulfillment aspect, right? And that\'s the saddest thing about getting duped for this world. It\'s just that it does not fulfill you, nor do you snap out of it. That\'s like an addiction. That\'s what an addiction is, right? Like I can\'t snap out of the addiction, nor is it ever giving me what it gave me the first time around, or what I assumed it would give me. And that whole notion on the streets of chasing the dragon, like they\'re always looking for this thrill, this high, and people just, you know, the youth have more leeway in Islam, in a sense, while being cautioned that if you go down this path, you may not come back. But in general, though, Islam is more cautioning of the elderly, because you saw that like, life is life. You\'re not really going to have a meal that you\'ve never had before. It\'s never going to do for you. You\'re never really going to have a vacation that you\'ve, that\'s really, it\'s all the same. It\'s all the same at the end of the day. And that\'s why
Yahya ibn Mu\'adh al-Razi, I believe it was, he used to say, that this dunya is the intoxicant of shaitan. So be aware of that. And the ayah, subhanAllah, you began with the surah Hud, whomever wants this world, and the zina, they say it\'s additive. It\'s a veneer. Like the word zina in the Arabic language is like what you add on top of your body or add on top of your vehicle. It\'s the plastic, it\'s the casing. It\'s not real, deep, meaningful, valuable. That\'s why even some scholars, when they were debating on what the ayah of hijab is about, that a woman is to cover her zina a bit more than the man, they said zina here means the clothing, right? Because it\'s the external. This dunya is so superficial, it\'s so, just an exterior shell. And to be able to catch that without procrastinating in time is what makes all the difference for eternity. There\'s a famous dream that some of the brothers, I\'ve heard it floating around on the tongues of scholars, but I\'ve never been able to track down a primary source. Some have attributed it to the Turkish scholar and reformer Nursi, rahimahullah, that a man came to the scholar and he said to him, like, I have this dream that I\'m being chased by a lion through a jungle. And he\'s about to catch me and I dive headfirst into a well. And then I grab onto the rope. And then as I\'m grabbing the rope, I\'m just catching my bearings. I\'m looking up like the lion\'s paws are on like the ledge. So I look down, should I go down? There\'s a huge serpent under me with his, lots of symbolism there, right? With this, you know, their mouth wide open to the end of it. And in the middle of this, a black and white mouse just jump onto the rope and start nibbling at it. And then in the middle of that, he sort of notices some honey, some sweetness, right? And he starts sticking his finger across while holding his rope and like sampling the honey. And it\'s just like in the midst of all of this. And so he\'s like, what is this dream about? He\'s saying the lion is death and the serpent is the grave. You run from death to the grave. The verse says, the death which you flee from will catch you. It will be in front of you actually,
right? It will meet you. Which you flee from will meet you. That\'s what the verse says. Then the rope is your lifeline and the black and white mouse or the night and the day, they eat away at your lifeline. And so who, unless someone\'s intoxicated in the middle of this would care to sample some dessert, would care to sample some sweetness or some honey. That is how preposterous it is when someone\'s stuck in the intoxication. And so the last thing I\'ll say is that to see it all as a test, right? The pain and the pleasure. It\'s really just to assess us all. Actually, if you think of the ending of Surah Hud or Surah Hud in general as pointing to Surah Yusuf, like Yusuf alayhi salam went through test after test after test, right? Like the test of, basically, Allah\'s Qadar, his brothers throw him in a well. He can\'t do anything about it. Be patient. Then the more difficult test of choosing difficulty over disobedience. So he went to prison. That was a harder test, right? And then the third one they say was when he met his brothers and didn\'t have to forgive them. You don\'t have to actually. And he forgave them. But they say there\'s one test that most people overlook, which was his toughest test, right? Before the curtains of the story close, Allah tests him with Dunya, the reunion. The happy moment, everything. He goes, yet he caught it, where most people wouldn\'t catch it. He turned aside and he almost said in private... ... you\'ve granted me kingdom... ... and you taught me how to interpret events... ... originator of the heavens and the earth... ... you are my guardian. He says that in the presence of getting his father back, who\'s his guardian. He caught it. So to take the pleasures of Dunya, the halal of them, and harness them into a vehicle for Akhira is what the pleasures are for. Not to intoxicate us. May Allah give us insight and help us use them as such. Allahumma ameen. SubhanAllah, it\'s like when you\'re given in this world, say, oh Allah, I love what you give.
And shukr makes what you\'ve been given a blessing in this world actually beautiful and enjoyable. Right? It\'s khamr al-shaytan when you don\'t understand who to source it to. Right? Who to source that blessing to. And these temporary pleasures can actually be means of a preview to a greater, more permanent pleasure... ... that is far beyond anything that you could have imagined. And you say alhamdulillah for the small things that you have. You see them as great. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, I\'m enjoying this. Oh Allah, let this pleasure be a preview of a greater pleasure. And if you\'re being tested, the test is put into perspective. Oh Allah, let this test be a means by which I attain the greater pleasure. And then I\'m spared from a greater test which would be the punishment in the hereafter. So it\'s really about seeing everything in this dunya as a preview rather than at all. And people that pursue it, Allah says, take it. I\'ll give it to you. But it\'s not going to be what you think it is. And you\'ll feel much worse in the hereafter when you realize what you gave up in order to have that. You didn\'t really enjoy it when you were here and you\'re definitely not enjoying it now. So may Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala protect us. Shaykh Abdullah, take us away. You have to remember that these prophets, Yusuf alayhi salam, these are prophets of Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala that have been given the message. And they were given the message by Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala to call to mankind and to live out that message. And that\'s an indirect way of calling as well. But for us to try our best to implement and to practice that primarily that which was in their hearts and their faith and their connection and relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala. And that is the means of guidance. And Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala says that really those are the ones that Allah has guided. And with their guidance, following that path and tread that same path or following that treaded pathway that has been set by Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala via the prophets alayhi salam. And the lesson is when Allah\'s pleasure is your concern, you want nothing in return.
What I love about the prophets and prophethood is the lack of reciprocity. Meaning that I\'m calling you to a message and I have no personal benefit from it. It\'s I\'m only fulfilling a mission, a mission of my life, my purpose. And I\'m living that purpose out by calling you to this message. And as a matter of fact, if I was to reject you, that would be rejecting the purpose of my creation. And that serves as a milestone for us as human beings that look, one of the most profound characteristics of a selfless human being is not wanting anything for themselves. And as a matter of fact, they\'re willing to sacrifice themselves for that message that they\'re calling you to. And that\'s why in, you know, Nuh alayhi salam, when speaking to his people, when he\'s talking about the message of Islam, and he\'s telling them about the oneness of Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala, he\'s calling the people to Islam and Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala is telling us the dialogue or what Nuh is saying to the people and what exactly the contents of what is said and also the integrity of the message and of the prophethood. When Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala says after, وَيَا قَوْمِي لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مَالًا إِنْ أَجْرِي إِلَّا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَمَا أَنَا بِطَارِدِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّهُمْ مُلَاقُوا رَبِّهِمْ وَلَكِنِّي أَرَاكُمْ قَوْمًا تَجْهَلُونَ We\'re going to break this up. Firstly, Nuh alayhi salam, he says, يَا قَوْمِي لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مَالًا So, Nuh is saying here, يَا قَوْمِي Firstly, my people, which is a beautiful, beautiful way of talking to the people. I\'m acknowledging that we are the same and that I am from you, but there\'s just been one thing that I\'ve been given, which does not make me, give me any type of deity or any type of level above you of godly characteristics. Oh, my people, لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مَالًا Oh, I seek no recompense from you. I seek no pleasure, no dunyaly pleasures. As we talked about just recently, of the dunya, something that is of this life, and it\'s fine. It is going to perish. And what\'s most important is that the human being does not allow the aspects of this dunya
to compromise their akhirah if they believe in the akhirah. And what\'s important here is that Nuh is calling them to the one that created the akhirah, created everything that we can perceive and imagine. And he\'s telling them, look, this message that I\'m calling you to, I don\'t want anything from it. I don\'t want anything in return, no recompense. إِنْ أَجْرِيَ إِلَّا عَلَى اللَّهِ And subhanAllah, he\'s centralizing it again. He\'s reminding them, the reason that I\'m here is for Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala, for Allah\'s pleasure. It\'s not to receive any type of monetary gain, any type of reputation, anything. It\'s only to call you to Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala. And as a matter of fact, I\'m hoping for reward by calling you to Allah. And it is not a condition if you accept or not. And that\'s what\'s important as well, that we speak to our family members, we speak to our friends. Every one of us with our family members, because they\'re our family, we\'re thinking, oh, that\'s my cousin. Now that Allah has shown me the way and I\'ve started praying, started coming back, this family member, they\'re going to get it. They\'re going to hear about it. They\'re going to hear that. They\'re going to see the text message or they\'re going to hear, yeah, you know, Shaykh so-and-so or brother so-and-so has started praying or started, you know, left their job because of God. That family member is going to get it. They speak to that family member. It doesn\'t happen as anticipated. Their friends that you thought was going to get it doesn\'t happen as anticipated. When we have our focus on Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala being thankful that he\'s given us the faculties, the wherewithal, the courage, the connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala to where if they don\'t accept it, it\'s totally fine. As a matter of fact, that\'s a test for me to be better. And it\'s also a reminder for me to never, to give up on them. Just as Nuh didn\'t give up. And as he\'s saying, that verily my reward is with Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala. Which is a very important point. That we do not allow the rejection of people, of the message to compromise our integrity of implementation of the message. I\'m going to live this reality, whether you like it or not, I\'m going to live this reality if you accept it or not.
And this is part of my purpose. And this is me living my purpose. As a matter of fact, it\'s my responsibility to tell you about it. I mean, there\'s nothing like seeing, we call a renewed Muslim, someone that was born Muslim and they\'re trying their best to be their best because they recognize the creator of the heavens and the earth. They\'re trying to pray. They\'re trying to be honest. They\'re trying to sever or lighten those relationships for a greater purpose. Or the person that comes into Islam, when they come and they say, man, I want to tell the world about this. I\'ve seen that a couple of times. A person just becomes Muslim. I say, how you feel? Man, I just want to tell everybody about this. They just feel so liberated. But the true meaning of liberation, they feel so free from these shackles of ignorance and from these shackles of desires. Yadu anhum israhum. They\'re relinquished from all of those things that held them back, that gave them levels of fear from the creation of people. He\'s saying here, I\'m not going to reject those that believe. This is important as well. All of us as brothers and sisters, we\'re going to have some differences with one another in regards to the way that we may, dare we even say, implement our belief. We may say, okay, these people are backwards. This organization is backwards. They may not get it. But in regards to people that don\'t believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala, we\'re all on the same team. We all have the same ultimate motive. We should not allow that. Wala tushmit bi al-a\'dah. Don\'t make those that deny Allah, openly deny Allah and speak against Allah to have some type of happiness or rejoicing over our enmity. It should rather be, we are in this together. We may have our differences, but we differ because we all want Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala\'s pleasure. And then lastly, he says, innahum mulaqo rabbihim taverli. Because I will not deny and I will not drive away those who believe. innahum mulaqo rabbihim. They are destined to meet their Lord, but I find you to be an ignorant people. They are destined to meet their Lord, reminding him, reminding all of us
that all of us are going to go to Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala and those that I will not deny are destined to go to the Lord, but as far as you all truthfully, which is my responsibility, I see you of those that are ignorant and I am here to educate you. The verse ending, I see you of those of the ignorant people, but as a result of that, I am here to educate you on this faith and on this religion and on this way of life. As a matter of fact, what I\'m doing here shows lack of reliance on the dunya. I am relying on the one that created the dunya, the one that has given me this strength and power and also giving me this wherewithal to live and uphold this responsibility and tell you about the message. That\'s important for all of us to remember that when we\'re trying to call people to goodness, we should never think that we have it all figured out and we should be very thankful that Allah has given us the knowledge, the courage and the wherewithal to tell people about the message, to have that integrity and also for the people that have that same belief system and they\'re trying their best to never give up on them, to never, never give up on them and sometimes, to be honest, we as people are, what do they say, rijal ad-din or the mutawa\'een or the religious people, quote, unquote, and I don\'t mean to do that from bab is to zat to make fun of religion or religious people but you will find that sometimes when people that are calling people to the deen of Islam or someone that has just been given a message and they realize this is from Allah, shaitan can indirectly affect us to look down on those that don\'t have that message, to look down on those, for instance, you know, there may be someone, a brother that is not, you know, practicing his religion correctly or he\'s not practicing at all or sometimes we see the woman coming to the masjid and she\'s not wearing a veil and the sisters don\'t even give her the time of day. We have to realize Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala has put us all in a situation and put things in front of us to test us directly and indirectly. It\'s your responsibility to embody that message of Islam and we see that here with Nuh alayhi salam being someone that was not a person of the dunya, calling them to the akhirah
and not compromising his integrity for those that he may have liked from those that didn\'t accept the message in regards to leaving off those that believe the same message. So may Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala make us of those that believe in him and that call people upon this way of life. Nuh alayhi salam. If I had to share maybe one more thing, it\'s actually not even my share, it\'s Shaykh Omar\'s share from my voice box. I remember years ago when the Muslim community was going through a little bit of a bottleneck in the public sphere, Shaykh Omar was speaking to me privately about someone that is very active in defense of the Muslim community being mischaracterized and being ashamed about certain maneuvers they used or whatnot. And this person had posted on social media that I\'m sick and tired of defending a community that\'s always trying to tear me down. And he mentioned that he had to get in contact with this person and tell them we can\'t forget. We\'re not doing this for them. They will never be able to appreciate us and our sacrifice and our effort. And leaders are meant to be misunderstood because they\'re looking farther. That\'s their destiny. And we\'re doing this for Allah, not for the people. And so if it\'s for the people, you will not find stamina. But if it\'s for Allah azza wa jal, you will find stamina. That is a beautiful message, man. JazakAllah khair. I don\'t remember saying that to you, but I\'ll take it. Maybe you don\'t ask me. No. JazakAllah khair. That\'s beautiful. That\'s a great recital. Maybe it was, maybe I showed up in your dream. But truly, subhanAllah, when it comes to the prophets of Allah, we have to remember that they had to constantly be reminded that what they do is for something greater. And they could not see the rejection of their people in any way other than Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala taking them on the next step of their journey. If we\'re to inherit the way of the prophets, we have to inherit the way of the prophets, right?
And that comes with true sacrifice. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala to make us able and to make us worthy and to grant us the best of this life and the next. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala to accept from us despite our shortcomings. Allahumma ameen. JazakAllah khair, Shaykh Mohammad, for being with us. May Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala bless you. May Allah bless the community in Allentown. I don\'t know why you\'re smirking. I mean it. May Allah bless the community in Allentown. I\'m making du\'a for them, man. Ameen. Ameen. May Allah subhanahu wa ta\'ala bless our brothers and sisters that are watching from around the world. BarakAllahu fikum. Insha\'Allah to all. We\'ll see you all tomorrow. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.