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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

What to do on the Day of Arafah | Webinar

July 7, 2022Yaqeen Institute

Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro examine the verses of the Quran, the advice of the Prophet ﷺ, and practical tips to make the most of this blessed day of Arafah.


0:00 - Introduction

4:08 - Virtues of Arafah

6:35 - The 5 pillars of Islam

8:38 - How does Allah refer to Arafah?

14:17 - What to do on Arafah

19:02 - The best day of the year

22:02 - Dua

30:10 - Reflection

33:42 - Conclusion


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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Everyone, welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. It's good to be back with you, Sheikh Abdullah. How's everything going? That was great. You have not had enough laughter in your life, Sheikh. Alhamdulillah. I hope you didn't forget this is not Qur'an 30 for 30, by the way. No, I did not forget. That was a joke. You're good. You're good. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. So, everyone, alhamdulillah, welcome to, I guess, I don't know, Sheikh, we call it Dhul Hijjah. 10 for 10. I don't know, man. Arafa Day. Arafa for Arafa. Arafa. Arafa one for one. Arafa one for one. Yes. Yes. Okay. Is that your dad joke for the day? I guess so. I guess so. Sheikh Abdullah has been in Ghana. I'm so scared of a ping pong match. The man literally left the continents. Oh, it has been two months. I can't find you. You supposedly live five minutes away from me, but you're nowhere to be found. Allah. Well, I got a lot of representation in Ghana. As soon as I got there, they were like, what's up with the ping pong match? So I told him I have to for the sake of Allah. And so I'm getting done. You're not fleeing the country, are you, Sheikh? No, no, no. Are you? No. Well, actually, I am. See? But, you know, InshaAllah. We'll try to get it in before that. InshaAllah. InshaAllah. We got to put it on live. InshaAllah. You got it, man. On a serious note, Alhamdulillah, Sheikh, we're in the blessed 10 days of Al-Hijjah. We're going into Arafa, bismillah, the best day of the year. And, you know, this kind of was a last minute thing.
We decided, you know, we're talking just the other day that it would be good to give people a chance to really get some some prep, inshaAllah, to add it for the biggest day of the year in Arafa. So we decided to put this together, Alhamdulillah, in our last conversation. And mashallah, pulled it together with the team. And before we get started, I want to remind everyone, before I even ask you to donate and support Yaqeen, I'm going to ask you to make dua for us, inshaAllah. So as we get into the Arafa day, I really request all of you to keep us, our families and everyone behind the scenes, inshaAllah, the entire Yaqeen team in your duas, inshaAllah. It would mean a lot to us if you do so. That's the price of this webinar, inshaAllah, is that you do that. And then secondly, inshaAllah, to ask you to please consider supporting us, inshaAllah, in this Al-Hijjah and these blessed 10 days with your sadaqah. I hope you've been supporting some of the numerous efforts, inshaAllah, that are out there. But I pray that you also support Yaqeen, in these blessed days, in these blessed last few days, inshaAllah. And catch up with the series. We have several Dhul Hijjah series now that are up there. You may have just seen Attaching to Allah, which is the latest one that we've been doing, Alhamdulillah. But we also have the story of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam's Hajj. We have the virtues of Dhul Hijjah. We have the duas of Ibrahim Al-Islam. We have several series that can, inshaAllah, to help you connect to the Hajj experience and to these Dhul Hijjah days. So please keep up with them, inshaAllah. And tonight, biduninahi ta'ala, we will just be talking about Arafah, biduninahi ta'ala. And zakal wa khair, Sheikh Abdullah for agreeing to come on sort of last minute and be a part of this, man. Allah reward you. Amin, amin, wa ya'akum, biduninahi ta'ala. How was Ghana, Sheikh Abdullah, before I get started? What's that? How was Ghana? Oh, Ghana was beautiful. Ghana was beautiful. May Allah bless the brothers and sisters over there. It was a beautiful experience, alhamdulillah. They're doing some good work over there and it's growing.
Alhamdulillah, Muslims about 18% over there, but, you know, the efforts of the brothers and sisters over there are really, really trying to do some good work and good cohesion, coexistence amongst them and non-Muslims over there. So it's really good, alhamdulillah. JazakAllah khair. Ta'ala, inshaAllah, I'll go ahead and get started. Bismillah walhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala. So before I get to sort of five things that are very important for you to do on the day of Arafah, inshaAllah, I wanted to speak about its virtues, first and foremost from the Quran and then from the sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam and some of the practical benefits. And I really want to go deeper than what we typically do when we speak about Arafah because I feel like creating a greater connection to that day, inshaAllah, and to its virtues will help you immerse yourself more in that ibadah. First of all, we know from our Messenger salallahu alaihi wasalam, khayru yawmin tara'at fihi shams yawmu arafa, the best day that the sun has risen upon is the day of Arafah. And he said salallahu alaihi wasalam, khayru du'a du'a yawmi arafa, the best du'a, the best supplication is the du'a of the day of Arafah. wa khayru maa qultu ana wa an-nabiyyuna min qabli, and the best of what I have said and the Prophets that have come before me have said on this day, la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk wa la ul hamd, wa huwa ana kulli shay'in qadeer. I actually did an explanation of this du'a last year, it's called the prayer of the Prophets on Arafah, so we did a full breakdown of this du'a. But it is the best day of the year, and the best day of the year is the day in which our du'as are closest to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And this is the day that Allah Azawajal says, wa idh akhatha rabbuka min bani Adam min dhuhurihim dhurriyatahum wa ashhadahum ala anfusihim alastu bi rabbikum qalu bala shahidna anta qulu yawmin qiyamati inna kunna an hadha ghafirin.
And Allah Azawajal says, when your Lord took from the children of Adam, from their loins, their descendants, and made them testify of themselves, saying to them, Am I not your Lord? alastu bi rabbikum qalu bala shahidna, and they said, yes, we testify, anta qulu yawmin qiyamati inna kunna an hadha ghafirin. Lest you say on the day of judgment that we were unaware of this. And SubhanAllah, what you realize with Arafah is that two of the five pillars of Islam are really combined here with this idea, this notion of the covenant. The first one of our pillars of Islam is bearing witness, is taking the shahada. ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadun Rasulullah To bear witness to the oneness of Allah and to bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the messenger of Allah. And this is a coming back into that covenant with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, right? That each one of us takes the shahada and then lives in accordance with la ilaha illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah. So the first of the five pillars is the shahada. And the last of the five pillars is the hajj, which the scholars say is the renewal of that witness, right? The renewal of that shahada, the entire ritual of hajj is the shahada in motion, right? Tawheed in motion and a person who does the hajj properly comes back like the day that they were born, the day their mother gave birth to them. When you renew that covenant with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, then you renew yourself. And when you renew yourself, then you remove sin from yourself. And when you remove sin from yourself, then you experience the greatest potential of being in relationship with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And so this is a renewal of covenant. This was the day that we took our initial covenant and the most important statement that we will make in this life is that covenant, renewing that covenant once again.
And the last pillar of Islam, which I pray that Allah Azawajal facilitate for all of us being in accepted hajj, Allahumma ameen, is the renewal of that witness. And so when you think about the day of Arafah, the day of Arafah means to come to know. Arafah means to come to know. Come to know who? Come to know your Lord. Wa min arafa rabbahu, arafa nafsahu, as the scholars say, whoever comes to know their Lord comes to know themselves. As Allah says in the Quran, la takoonoo kalladheena nasoolaha faansahum anfusahum. Don't be like those who forgot Allah, so Allah caused them to forget themselves. So when you forget Allah, you forget yourself. When you come to know Allah, Arafah, when you come to know your Lord, then you come to know yourself as well. And so that's why throughout the day, the great dhikr of this day is la ilaha illallah, la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah lahumul kula walhamduhu wa huwa ala kulli shay'in qadeer. Because it's a renewal of that covenant, that testimony of faith with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now, how does Allah refer to it in the Quran? Just briefly. The very famous example that we often give is when Allah says, shaf'ee walwatr, and the even and the odd. After Allah swears by layal al-ashr, the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, Allah specifies the even and the odd, which in one narration, the even is the day of the sacrifice, being the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, and the odd is the day of Arafah. So that's the first way that Allah refers to it. The best two days of the 10 days are the 9th and the 10th day. Now in another hadith, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned to us as well, that in Surah Al-Buruj, when Allah says, wa shahidin wa mashhood, the witnessing and the witnessed. Okay, the witness and the witnessed, shahid and mashhood. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says that shahid, the witnessing, is the day of Jumu'ah, and the witnessed, the mashhood, is the day of Arafah.
And the scholars explain that to say that witnessed as in this day is not hidden from anyone. It's not like Laylatul Qadr where you have to look in the last 10 nights for it. Everyone knows when the day of Arafah is. So it's just a matter of whether or not you want to exert yourself on that day or not. But everyone knows when the day of Arafah is, and then Allah says, al yawm al maw'ud, the promised day, which is the day of judgment. So shahid is Jumu'ah, mashhood is Arafah, yawm al maw'ud, the promised day, is the day of judgment. And SubhanAllah, in here I want to just talk about the beauty of the benefits of Jumu'ah and Arafah together. When the shahid and the mashhood are together, when the witnessing and the witnessed are together. Jumu'ah is the best day of the week, Arafah is the best day of the year. And when they come together, it is immense blessing. This was the day of Arafah and the farewell hajj of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. And it combines, as we said, the best day of the week and the best day of the year. It combines the best hour of the week and the best hour of the year. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught us that in the last hour of Jumu'ah, it is sa'at al-ijabah, it is the hour of acceptance. That last hour before a person breaks their fast at Maghrib, that they are before Maghrib comes in. The last hour of the day is sa'at al-ijabah on Jumu'ah, is an hour of acceptance. And the best hour of Arafah is the last hour of Arafah. It combines the best salah of the week. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught us that the best salah of the week is fajr in jama'ah, fajr in congregation on Yom al-Jumu'ah. And of course the best gathering is sa'at al-Jumu'ah, is the Jumu'ah prayer. And so it brings together all of these blessings to have a combined Friday and Arafah is indeed an immense blessing. SubhanAllah, you know, who can despair in the mercy of their Lord when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala combines these things for us.
And so this is a beautiful opportunity for us to take advantage of Jumu'ah and Arafah being on the exact same day. Now of course Arafah is as the scholars say, makan and zaman, its place and its time. And the one who stands in the actual place of Arafah combines between the blessing of the place of Arafah and the time of Arafah. But the blessing of Arafah is the day of Arafah and that is for the entire ummah. So certainly those that are standing in Arafah, may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala accept their prayers and accept their hajj, they are in the greatest place. But everyone has the blessings of the zaman, of the day of Arafah and it's something for all of us bithni Allahi ta'ala. So what are five things inshaAllah ta'ala that we can do on the day of Arafah? Number one, renew your intention, the intention of all deeds that you plan to do on that day. The intention for fasting, I know that some sisters, you know, especially and some brothers as well that might be ill, won't be able to fast on that day. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that whoever intends to do something will have the acceptance of that intention. He also said Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that whoever has a deed that they typically would do, and that is restricted from them because of illness, that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala would write it down for them fully. So if a person would have fasted that day, had the intention to fast that day, but they're prevented by something out of their control, then inshaAllah ta'ala they have the full reward of that fasting and they should not despair because they should instead inshaAllah ta'ala, you know, bank on the fasting being accepted inshaAllah ta'ala and then, you know, use the fact that they don't actually have to physically fast to nourish themselves inshaAllah so perhaps they can unlock the blessings of all of the other ibadat on that day. So that's the first thing, your intentions. Second thing, your fasting, your actual fasting. You know, I think it's important to mention here dear brothers and sisters, that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the companions fasted Arafah for seven years,
seven consecutive years before they actually got to do Hajj. This was their worship, was fasting the day of Arafah. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught us that the one who fasted the day of Arafah, that it expiates the sins of two whole years, subhanAllah. So fasting that day is very important inshaAllah ta'ala. So make sure that you fast that day bid'na'i ta'ala if you can. The third thing, dear brothers and sisters, is start the day off with Hajj. What do I mean by that? The best fajr, as we said, is the fajr of Yawm al-Jum'ah in congregation, authentic narration. Also the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught us that if a person goes to fajr, a person prays fajr in congregation and then remembers Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala until the sunrise, and then prays two rak'ahs of Dhuha, that they will have the reward of Hajj written for them, complete, complete, complete. So what better way to start the day off in Arafah than to go there inshaAllah ta'ala, and to pray fajr in Jum'ah and stay there until Dhuha, and then go there at Asr or the last hour of the day inshaAllah ta'ala and stay there until Maghrib. So really, you know, the first part of the day and the last part of the day inshaAllah ta'ala. You know, you pray fajr in Jum'ah inshaAllah ta'ala and stay there until Dhuha and, you know, remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and pray the two rak'ahs. And then of course, you know, you have Salat al-Jum'ah and then the last hour of the day inshaAllah ta'ala, which is the best hour of the day. SubhanAllah, you're combining the best hour of Arafah with the best hour of Jum'ah, with the Dhuha of the fasting person. And the best Dhuha of the fasting person is before they break their fast, right before they break their fast. All of this combined in that last hour. So if you can go and spend the last hour of the day inshaAllah ta'ala in the masjid, and even if you can't do it in the masjid, then inshaAllah ta'ala, isolate yourself for that last hour, then do so inshaAllah ta'ala. Number four, keep your tongue moist with the dhikr of Allah,
even when you're moving from place to place, when you're going to your car, when you're getting out of your car. SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, which are the things that were taught for the entirety of the days of the Hijjah. And of course, the dua, La ilaha illallah, wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk wa la ulhamd, wa huwa ala kulli shay'in qadeer. Try to say this throughout the day, between your duas, between your tasks, whatever it is that you're doing, on your way to work, if you have to go to work, throughout the day, keep yourself busy inshaAllah ta'ala with that particular dhikr. There is no day in which it is greater than that day. And of course, dhikr as a whole, and by the way, it is narrated from some of the salaf that they used to read the Quran as well, and the Quran is of course the best form of dhikr. So if you want to put some time to read some Quran on that day as well, then do so. Number five, dua, and specifically, dua for forgiveness. Dua, and specifically, dua for forgiveness. Aisha radiAllahu anha narrated that the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, there is no day in which Allah sets free more people from the fire than on the day of Arafah. Not a single day, not even Laylatul Qadr, not even Laylatul Qadr. There is no day in which Allah frees more people from the fire than the day of Arafah. And it is on that day that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la draws near to the earth and exhibits his superiority and his pride Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and boasts to the angels and says, what is it that these servants of mine want? ma'aradaha ula, what is it that these servants of mine want? And there is no greater desire that you should have on that day than the desire to be freed from the fire. You know, similar Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to the last 10 nights of Ramadan, the dua is, Allahumma innakaAAafoo wa intuhibbalAAafwa faAAafoo AAanni Oh Allah, you are the one who forgives, you love to forgive, so forgive me. There is no greater dua, there is no greater desire than to be freed from the fire, than to be forgiven. And Hafidh Ibn Rajab Rahim Allah said, al-itq min al-naar
The freedom from the fire is the jamee' al-muslimeen, is for all of the believers around the world. This is not something restricted to the makan, to the place of Arafah. And dear brothers and sisters, you know, Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, we should have dua with certainty at all times. And I know Shaykh Abdullah is going to take it from here inshaAllah and talk about this. But you know, having dua with certainty at all times is especially shown in these times of great blessing. A person should call upon Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la with no doubt that he will forgive them bi-idhnillahi ta'ala as he calls upon him in this great day of Arafah. And it's not just the dua of forgiveness, but Imam al-Awza'i Rahim Allah Ta'ala, he said he knew of people from the Salaf who would save their duas, their special duas until the day of Arafah. And so this is a day, dear brothers and sisters, of an incredible opportunity to make dua, dua, dua, and to have certainty in your dua. And the miserable person is the one who does not have certainty in their dua. And inshaAllah Ta'ala, I know Shaykh Abdullah will talk about that. So just to review, number one, have your intentions for all of the deeds prior to the day of Arafah. Number two, fasting the day if you can. Number three, start the day off with Hajj, meaning pray Fajr in congregation, stay there until the sunrise remembering Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and pray Dhuha. Number four, the remembrance of Allah throughout the day, especially the special remembrance of Arafah. La ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk wa la urhamduhu wa huwa ala kulli shay'in qadeer. Number five, dua, and especially dua for forgiveness. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la accept all of our duas on that day. Allahumma ameen. And inshaAllah Ta'ala, Shaykh Abdullah will take it from there bid'ah. Fadlal Shaykh Abdullah. JazakumAllahu khayran mashaAllah. That was beautiful advice, man. Very, very, very, very practical and very easy to implement inshaAllah Ta'ala in these beautiful days, and beautiful day of Arafah. I want to just capitalize, Bismillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulillahi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala amma ba'du.
I want to just congratulate you all for being in these beautiful days, and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has given you the opportunity to take advantage of this beautiful time, the best day of the year, as the Shaykh mentioned, as the Prophet ﷺ mentioned, that he mentioned that this is the best day, and the best day to make dua, and the best day that the sun has risen upon. And for us to remember the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ, that is really a manifestation of tawhid, as the Shaykh mentioned, the beautiful dua, la ilaha illallah wa huwa la sharika lahla wa mulku la urhamduhu wa ala kulli shay'in qadeer, that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. He has no partners. He is total sovereign and the dominion, and He is upon everything a Lord. He is able to do all things. Remembering the manifestation of tawhid, how this statement is something that is consistently said throughout your time, when you are leaving from arafatul muzdalifah, you know, when there is a lot of commotion and it can be challenged, but it's more of an opportunity for you to manifest your dua and to show your allegiance to yourself, and your allegiance to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. Because the more, as he mentioned, man arafa rabbahu arafa nafsa, whoever knows Allah knows himself. And there's a beautiful statement that I heard one time, SubhanAllah, that you never know, you don't know who you are unless you know whose you are. You know, knowing who you are ultimately for, and that you will go back to Him. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. That verily we are for Allah, and to Allah we will return. And hajj, in actuality, it takes you away from the dunya for you to detach from the dunya, to the degree that you can't shave your head, that you can't wear, you know, you can't wear perfume, you can't get married. Certain things that are of enjoyment of this life. So remembering arafa is the epitome of this event, is the epitome of these situations and these rituals that you are performing. And since for the individuals that are not making hajj, it's to have dhikr of that moment, to ask Allah to give you another opportunity, or to give you the first opportunity to go to this beautiful place.
And if he doesn't, it's with his ultimate wisdom, which, when the Muslim feels content with that, is a manifestation of tawhid. It's a manifestation and a way of showing in the heart, Allah, I believe you and I believe in you. I'm content with what you have given me. I'm content with what you have taken away. The Prophet ﷺ has a beautiful du'a, and I want to break it up into two parts. Where the Prophet ﷺ said, it's on the authority of Abiy Huraira radhiAllahu anhu, qal qala nabiyu salallahu alayhi wa sallam, ud'u Allah wa antum muqinoona bil-ijaba wa'lamu anna Allaha la yastajibu du'aan min qalbin ghaafilin laahin Rahu Tirmidhi narrated it, and al-Bani said it's sahih inshaAllah. The Prophet ﷺ, he says, ud'u Allah wa antum muqinoona bil-ijaba. He said, make du'a to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and you are assured for it being answered. This is the first part. So when we make du'a, when we call on Allah, when we supplicate to Him, we have to have yaqeen. It's important that you have certainty. In what? Certainty in preparation for this du'a. The scholars gave different understandings of this, particularly two. The first of them is that you are fulfilling the conditions of du'a, such as not doing any bad deeds, obviously not worshipping other than Him, being certain that He will answer your call, knowing that He has the capability, subhana, because if we have doubt in the capabilities of God, then this is borderline disbelief in God. But ultimately that you fulfill the conditions of du'a, that you are not committing any acts of apotheism, or you're not committing any sinful acts, or you're not making a du'a that is sinful, that you hope Allah does something bad to a person that hasn't done bad to you, or you're calling for the separation of the lineage of family ties. You're not calling to something sinful.
So that is something that is fulfillment of the conditions of a du'a being accepted. And there is another understanding of being muqin, of being someone that is certain and assured that the du'a will be answered, is that you know that, as some scholars said, anna Allah la yukhayyibukum, that Allah would never deceive you. Allah would never want something that is bad for you. Allah would never want something for you at the wrong time. And this is so important when it comes to a du'a that we make with severe iftiqar and need and urgency at the same time, but it's not given to us when we want it. At that time, it's important for you to take a step back and to realize that we worship Allah on His terms and not on our terms. Sometimes it may be hard to swallow and to understand because you are trying your best. This is the first time I called on Allah and I didn't get it. But we have to remember that the names and attributes, the beautiful names and attributes are all perfect. They're all complete. They're all beautiful and they're all beyond our comprehension. So when we call on Allah, we call on Him with certainty that He will answer. As a matter of fact, as scholars say, al-asl al-istijabah, that the basis of when someone calls on Allah is for it to be answered. But if there is something that prohibits that answering, such as what we talked about, of being arrogant, calling on Allah, as the Prophet ﷺ, he chastised the ones that would say, Allahu magfir li inshit, he said, Oh Allah, forgive me if you wish. It is with the attitude saying, if you wish, is as though if you do it or not, I'm fine. But the one that calls on Allah is the one that is in severe need. And that's exactly why Allah has legislated dua.
That's why Allah has created you for you to call on Him because dua mukhul ibadah. And as mentioned by a statement of the Prophet ﷺ in the Dabi' on its authenticity, but the meaning is correct, is that dua is the essence of servitude. Because you are worshipping Allah and you're calling on Him for whatever you want to call on Him for. That's from the khair. So that is the first aspect that you are muqin in ijabah. What is important in this as well is how Allah answers the call to dua. We're thinking if we ask Allah for something in particular, if we don't get it, our dua has not been answered. You know the Prophet ﷺ, he says in a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful hadith, there's different narrations of it, but there's one where the Prophet ﷺ said, ma min rajulun yad'u bi du'a in illa astujabak illa astujeeba lah that there is not a man that calls on Allah with a supplication except that he is answered. So this is the basis. He said either it shall be granted to him in this world or reserved for him in the akhira or his sins will be expiated according to the extent that he supplicated. So these are the three. Either it'll be granted to him in this world or it will be reserved for him or her in the hereafter or the sin will be expiated. So you may get what you asked for. It may be withheld until the day of, until the day of, in the hereafter. Or there may be a sin, a shortcoming that you have committed that we all have and Allah expiated for that sin. So the manifestation of Allah answering your du'a, even though we know these three, we may forget them at the time of need because we're concentrating on one thing. The Prophet ﷺ continued, he said, as long as he does not supplicate for some sin or for the severing of the ties of kinship and he does not become hasty. And then the companions asked, O Messenger of Allah, how would one become hasty? Listen to this.
He said, if the person says, I called on Allah, but he did not answer me. I called on Allah, but he did not answer me. We will never have it all figured out. There may be something that apparently to us, someone that is oppressed and we're making du'a for them. And we were sincere. We fulfilled the conditions. But what we asked for did not happen. This is a test of your connection with Allah at this moment. Whatever du'a that you have planned, inshallah, I hope that you're writing your du'as down. And as he mentioned that the statement of Awza'i that people would preserve the du'a for this day. You may make a du'a and it is not answered. But realize, domestication, the power of Allah, is something that we have to be attentive of. Meaning that Allah, the way that he answers is up to him. It's up to him. How, when, where, why. And that's the belief in predestination. So when we call on Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, we're certain that he will answer when he wants to. What's most important is that you believe that he will and you believe in him. How many of us have had with our children or ourselves as children, when the person tells you, I believe in you, I believe in you, doesn't that bring a different feeling of confidence? So when we believe in Allah, we're confident that he will answer the call. This is what is important. Then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says, so that's the first part, which is, Udu'u Allaha wa antum muqinoona bil-ijabah. Call on Allah and you are certain that he will answer you. But it's important to remember that it's upon his conditions and how he wants to, not on ours. Then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said in the second part, and know that God does not answer the supplication, which comes from a careless, inattentive heart.
Ghafilin laahin. This is important because the one that the heart is ghafil, is negligent. It's important for us to realize and to take a step back. What are the things that make me negligent? What are the things that put the worship of Allah in my subconscious mind and not in my conscious mind? Do I think of the names and attributes? Do I realize that everything around me and even myself is a sign of Allah's existence? When I stop and contemplate, when I ponder over the creation of Allah, when I detach myself from electronics, I detach myself from things that have a possibility to distract me. They call it meditation nowadays. But do I, in my salah, think of the sins that I've committed? And then ask al-ghfur. When I put my hands up, do I think of a sin that I committed and allow that to serve as a motivation to have more of an intense, sincere heart? Think of the shortcomings and allow that to serve as a motivation for you to be the best version of you. And on this day of Arafah, knowing that it's the best day of the year, the sun is not going to shine in a different way. There's not going to be a certain sound that comes from the sky. But what's important is what is the connection with the one that has legislated this day? When one makes the effort to connect, when one makes the effort to reflect in order to connect, that is what Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala wants. So when you put your hands up, you say, Oh Allah, I've committed this sin. And He knows already. He knew. But you are doing it it off. You are acknowledging to the one that you believe in, to the one that you ultimately trust in. And that's all that matters. Turning to Him on this beautiful day and making dua to Him profusely. You know, another narration in here, and it's so beautiful because it reminds us of the vastness of al-wasi,
that Allah is abundant and He gives in abundance if He wills and how He wills. You know, the Prophet ﷺ said, ma'am min muslin yad'u bi du'a in laysa feeha ithm. He said that there is not a Muslim that makes a dua that there is no sin in it. And we talked about the sins of calling to separation of the family ties or calling to a sin in particular within the dua. He said, except that Allah gives him one of three things. He brings it about quickly, answering in this life, or He stores it for him in the hereafter, or He averts it from a similar harm or taking away from him a dhamm mithla, which is another actual manifestation of Allah's answering the dua. Then the companion said, the companion said, ithnukhthir, because there are so many ways that the dua can be answered. They said, ithnukhthir, then we should do it a lot. And look at the Prophet ﷺ's answer. He said, allahu akthar. Allahu akthar. Allah is greater than that. Meaning that the more you make dua, Allah is ready to answer your dua. Allah is ready to answer your call. It's that small window of effort. Because you realize that feeling that you had of contemplating over your shortcoming, thinking about it, feeling bad about it, that's from the tawfiq. That's from Allah putting things in front of you and wanting you to win. You making that move, putting your hands up in dua, making the choice to ask for forgiveness, crying. That's the choice that you make. Then Allah rewards you for that in these ways that we've talked about. And we'll end with the Prophet ﷺ saying, fa-inna allaha laya mannu hatta tamallu. That Allah ﷻ will never give up on you until you give up. Meaning that basically Allah will never give up on us, but it's our effort. When we make that effort, Allah is there waiting for you. And always know that Allah ﷻ will never leave you. Creation can leave you because they're limited. Allah ﷻ will never leave you. But are we making the effort to ask for those beautiful, beautiful names and attributes to be manifest.
So may Allah ﷻ make this beautiful, beautiful day a day that will never be forgotten. May Allah ﷻ make those duas full of passion and full of love and full of servitude to Allah and asking Him for His beautiful names and attributes. May Allah ﷻ make us of those that are signs on this earth of His mercy and of the humility of the Prophets ﷺ. Jazakumullah khairan. Jazakumullah khair, Shaykh. So a question for you, Shaykh. A couple of questions. One of them, someone's watching this and says, last Arafah I made dua and it didn't come true. Should I make the same dua again? Why didn't Allah answer it then? Is it worth it for me to keep repeating or do I move on from that dua? No, it's worth it. It'll always be worth it because subhanAllah, Allah ﷻ created time. And as long as we're on this earth, the opportunity to ask for Allah's blessings is always there. And remember, we worship Allah in His terms. So when He chooses to answer it, He will. And the dua that you made, who knows, there also is that mother that you wish to become Muslim. So imagine you're thinking to yourself, you were so sincere in that dua for your aunt to be cured from COVID or to be cured from cancer. Allah ﷻ decided to take her. But you made a dua three weeks ago for your mother to come to Islam. Then your mother comes to Islam. So it was probably that sincere dua that Allah transferred in a different way. So yes, keep making that particular dua. But if it wasn't answered because that particular situation that you asked for didn't come in the way that you wanted it to, know that it can be answered in different ways. So continue to make dua to Allah ﷻ and never give up on Him and never give up on yourself as well. Sheikh Abdullah, someone says, I am not like the salaf that you're going to be talking about. You know my khutbah tomorrow is actually about sahaba on Arafah. I just tried to find any narrations about sahaba on Arafah. Someone says, I'm not like the sahaba, I'm not like the salaf. Why should I expect Allah would forgive me? Why should you expect Allah to forgive you?
Because the name of Allah ﷻ acknowledges that you will commit sins. The name of Allah ﷻ acknowledges that you should feel a level of regret. But when you ask, why should Allah ﷻ forgive me? It can go two ways. You feel terrible about the sin. As a matter of fact, I received a call right before the person went to hajj and they were crying because they were like, I don't know if I should go, I don't know if I should go. I've done so much, why should Allah forgive me? And that's exactly what they said. I said, you're going to the right place and you're doing the right thing. Because the medicine that is needed is to go to Allah ﷻ. So know that Allah ﷻ forgives all sins, never domesticate and never think that because of your sin, it's too great for Allah ﷻ. Just put your hands up and ask Him and be certain that He has the capabilities to do so and never give up hope on Allah ﷻ. Jazakum Allah khair, Shaykh. SubhanAllah, tomorrow and again, Juma'ah and Arafah. Allah akbar. Truly beautiful. There's so much opportunity. So I pray it's a day of ibadah for everybody. Shaykh, one last thing, you have an Arafah du'a that came true or you want to share with us a story or something that happened. It's up to you. Yeah, you know, it's crazy. When I became Muslim, you know, when I was a new Muslim, I got to make hajj on my second year. SubhanAllah. And that was the hajj where I got lost after dhuhr and had to carry someone with me. If you're watching, you know who you are. You know, we're in Ihram. Just be clear. It wasn't you. It wasn't you. It wasn't you. And we were in a tent and it was a whole bunch of people. We didn't speak their language. And subhanAllah, I remember, I remember that I was told just make this du'a. La ilaha illallah wa ahdahu wa shukran. La ilaha illallah wa ahdahu wa shukran. I just kept saying it, kept saying it. And then I made du'a in Arafah.
And the du'a was, oh Allah, allow me to get accepted to the Jamia Islam. I really wanted to go and study in Medina. I wanted to study the religion and I wanted to memorize the Quran. This is one of my major du'as to the degree that when I start making du'a, I look back and everybody was gone. Thuma afidhu min haytu wa fadlun naas. Everybody was gone. I almost lost my group. And I found them and I was on top of a bus. I almost fell off. Long story. But that was a du'a that, oh Allah, allow me to memorize the Quran and bless me to get the opportunity to study in your holy city. And alhamdulillah, a year later, Allah subhanAllah made that possible. And then around seven years later, I was able to finish as well the Quran. You think you could pick the bus up now? You talk about falling off. No way, man. That's it. That's it. This is Arafah, right? Oh Allah, let me pick up a bus. Is that what it is? That should be a du'a. Make that du'a, inshallah. Insha'Allah. May Allah bless you, man. What about you, Sheikh? What was the du'a that you made? Man, you put me on the spot, man. You know, subhanAllah, Sheikh, I think back and every du'a I've ever made in Arafah, subhanAllah, I've seen it come true. SubhanAllah, man. So it's missing being there, man. Missing, missing being there. SubhanAllah. Alhamdulillah, I mean. But yeah, I would, hmm, what am I comfortable sharing? You know what I'm saying, right? Exactly, exactly. It's hard to say, man. It's hard to be comfortable. But I'd say for my third child, for Khadija, she's literally like, she's like the shape of the du'a that I made in the last Arafah, alhamdulillah. She's a big fan of Sheikh Abdullah Adoro, by the way, for everybody. She makes du'a, she asks me that every time. My three-year-old, now, mashallah, she's like, Sheikh Abdullah is the best friend. Sheikh Abdullah Adoro.
Sheikh Abdullah Adoro. Where is Sheikh Abdullah Adoro? Yeah. Mashallah, mashallah, that's beautiful. But you know what's beautiful, man? When you, you know, have you ever thought about it? When you remember, something happens in your life later and you're like, oh, I remember I made du'a for this a long time ago. Wow. Yeah. That feeling, man? Oh, man, subhanAllah. And it's all up to Allah. It's just up to Allah. You trust in Him. That's it. Do your best. That's it. Allah accept all of our du'a. So, inshallah, everyone watching, please keep us in your du'as. Once again, please do donate, inshallah, support Yaqeen. Keep up with the Dhul Hijjah series. And inshallah ta'ala, we pray that you have a blessed Arafah and a blessed Eid. Jazakumullah khayran to everyone. Jazakumullah khayran, Sheikh Abdullah. Radeem with you again. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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