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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Ep. 7: You're No Angel | The Faith Revival

June 2, 2017Dr. Omar Suleiman


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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu everyone. Welcome back to the Faith Revival. So there's a very famous incident that took place that I'm going to bring back to the end of this episode. And that's the incident of a companion by the name of Hamdala radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu who went to Abu Bakr radiyaAllahu anhu and said, nafiqa Hamdala. He said that I have become a hypocrite. Hamdala has become a hypocrite. He said why? He said because when we're with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam we feel like our faith is full. I mean I feel like I'm not connected to this world in any way whatsoever. Then I go back home and I'm overtaken by family and I'm overtaken by thoughts of the world and it all goes out the window. And Abu Bakr radiyaAllahu anhu when he heard that he said well in that case Abu Bakr is a hypocrite too. So they both went to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam claiming to be hypocrites and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that if you were to be in your own time the way you are with me, nasafahatakumul mala'ika, the angels would shake your hands. If you were able to maintain that level of iman all the time the angels would shake your hands. But he said, wa lakin sa'atan wa sa'a, a time for this a time for that. Not a time for good deeds and a time for major sin. Meaning there are going to be times where you're not going to be able to have that level of iman and faith. Now this is where it becomes interesting. The fear that they had. You had the best human being that was not a prophet ever to walk the face of the earth going to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and claiming hypocrisy. That actually was the character of the companions. Ibn Abi Mulaika who was one of the second generation of the Muslims, he said I met over thirty companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says, ma ahad minhum yaqool innahu ala imani Jibreel wa Mika'il. Not a single one of them claimed to have the
iman of Jibreel or Mika'il, the angels Gabriel or Michael. All of them knew that they were always, always in danger of losing their iman. And Ibn Abi Mulaika didn't meet any companions. He met Ali, he met Sa'd ibn Abi Waqas, Aisha, Abu Huraira, some of the great ones. And he said that was their characteristic. What that means is that they knew that they were not like the angels in that even if they reached a position where they were comfortable with their iman or they felt like they reached a benchmark, they could not become complacent. Because unlike the angels, we can then fall. Jibreel does not have to worry about falling one day, nor does Mika'il or the great angels. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon them all because Allah has secured them from their desires and they are free from choice or free will in a way that would cause them to fall. We on the other hand, no matter how high we reach we have to worry about that. And Ibn Battal, the great scholar who explained Sahih al-Bukhari, he said look, these people lived and they saw the time after the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and think about how much changed after the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. Just the general barakah, the general blessing that was missing because the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam's presence was no longer there. So they all feared for themselves. And that in and of itself is a sign of iman. Imam Hassan al-Basri says, ما خافه إلا مؤمن ولا أمنه إلا منافق. No one fears hypocrisy except for a believer and no one feels safe from it except for a hypocrite. Only the hypocrite feels safe from hypocrisy. It's a sign of faith to be vigilant, to be worried about losing that faith. Abu al-Darda'a radiAllahu anhu, the great companion, used to be heard after every salah asking Allah, oh Allah protect me from hypocrisy, oh Allah protect me from hypocrisy, oh Allah protect me from hypocrisy. So a man by the
name of Jubair, he said, I said to Abu al-Darda'a, what is it with you and hypocrisy? He said, he said leave me to my Lord, he said, verily a man is snatched away from his religion in a moment and it escapes him. Iman can be taken away from you in a moment. And it's often when we are not thinking about the dangers to our iman, when we become complacent. Imagine Abu Huraira asking Allah, oh Allah protect me from adultery and theft. You were listening to the previous videos on major sins and probably thought to yourself, that's talking about someone else, maybe I can send that video to them. I would never drink alcohol, I'd never commit adultery. Abu Huraira, the great muhaddith, the great companion who narrates all the hadiths said, oh Allah protect me from drinking alcohol or from committing adultery. Why? Because he said that shaytan, that the devil, was at the highest point and look where he fell to, because he wasn't vigilant. So this does not mean we become paranoid with our iman. This means we always think with vigilance and we always protect it and guard it. And we don't leave it open and susceptible even to the major sins that we never think that we are capable of committing. That's where the problem is. It's part of iman to feel protective, overly protective of your iman. Now here's the beautiful thing about Hamdala. May Allah be pleased with him. Remember the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said the angels would shake your hands if you were to maintain that state of faith all the time. Hamdala is ghaseel al-malaika, he is the companion of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam whose body was bathed by the angels when he passed away. SubhanAllah. So the more we fear hypocrisy, the more we will be kept safe from it inshaAllah ta'ala. May Allah protect our iman from ever being corrupted by a major sin or a minor sin and protect us from ever
feeling complacent with it so that we do not fall into the things that we do not think we are capable of. May Allah protect us and may Allah safeguard our iman. Allahuma Ameen. See you next time inshaAllah. AsSalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu.
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