Bismillah walhamdulillah wa salatu wasalam wa rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala So before we get started inshallah ta'ala want to remind everyone to please bid'allahi ta'ala donate to Yaqeen Institute I hope you've seen the wonderful ad this year alhamdulillah, which really represents our growth and I hope you're benefiting From the Judgment Day series as well as of course season 3 of Qur'an 30 for 30 and all the other resources All of which you could find of course at the main website The Qur'an 30 for 30 e-book, the du'a e-book with Sheikh Tahir that we spoke about, the habits workbook, the convert resources that Sheikh Abdullah has led So please inshallah ta'ala benefit from them all and keep us in your du'a bismillah ta'ala. Now tonight we are Potentially just the two of us. We're waiting on Ustada A'isha Prime if she can join You know inshallah ta'ala she'll be able to join but if not Sheikh Abdullah it's just you and I man Just you and me. I'll do my best to tolerate you inshallah. You know, we'll see how that goes It's coming out, tolerate Am I a tolerable sheikh? I mean, you know at times, you know what I'm saying, but I just we got to be truthful. We gotta be kawwamin Just joking with you beloved, just joking. I'm gonna need to bring in, so we need a third person to What we need is a ping-pong table to settle this dispute I've got I've got the ping-pong table. It's it's folded up somewhere. It's folded and dusty. I know I know she I know it's folded, you know, but how did I know it's not folded and dusty my musha I Got you Okay, nice. Nice. I'm not implying anything not that I'm implying to the cheers. Mm-hmm. That was nice I'm on 30 for 32 so I gotta read some Quran. I'm gonna Alhamdulillah All right, man, you you uh, you got your so clearly, you know
It'll be a challenge, but we'll have to get through this together inshallah. Just the two of us didn't not But the ping-pong match is on sheikh. I haven't started practicing yet. I'll need about I need about two weeks two weeks to get in peak ping-pong shape you know you got to do like pull-ups and sit-ups and Lifts and you know all that stuff to get in peak ping-pong shape. Really? I never knew that I don't ever play ping-pong but You need to up your athleticism, oh, yes inshallah, I'm down incorporate ping-pong into the beast mode All right, so we are like I said, we're gonna wait for us that the IE chef she shows up Alhamdulillah, if not Sheikh, it's just you and I and inshallah I'm sure we can find plenty to talk about midnight. So we'll go ahead and get started inshallah This is my now. Alhamdulillah was salat was salamu ala rasool Allah Wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala. So we are now in Jews six alhamdulillah and and that takes us to the the beginning or the middle point of certain Maida and Of course, we're coming to the end of certain Esa into certain Maida and I know that obviously, you know we've mentioned before that you can benefit from the previous seasons where we gave some of the structure of the Surahs the the adza as well as some of the historical context the serial context particularly last year, but I think it's worth noting this once again inshallah to Allah that certain Maida really represents a turning point in the Madani Quran and the Quran that's revealed in Medina because this is post-hudaibiyah so this is now a Surah that really represents the global outreach of the Muslim community. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is no longer just addressing
His own people in Mecca nor is he simply addressing the people in Medina But rather this is a global message and it is reaching different parts of the world right now and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is approaching particularly first and foremost people of the book the Christians and the Jews in different parts of the world as he is an extension of what has been revealed to the prophets of Of the Christians and the Jews so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reaching out to them in that spirit The maturity of the law now shows And you know subhanAllah when they say that the devil is in the details Much of how you know people go astray is when they start to play with the law and you really start to see that tampering once you get into the details and this is of course you know a condemnation and an admonishing not just of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to The people of the book and some of the the nations of old But of course this was an admonishing that we find from prophets to their own people Right that truly when the love of this world overtakes the hearts of people then They have he could be him Zaynon Fayet a be on a matter Shabbah minhub itty-bottom fitna what but he got a tattwee Allah tells us this in the beginning of surahs ariam Ron It's the human condition that when the love of this world overcomes the heart that crookedness in the heart starts to lead to skewing of scripture and this was of course the challenge of every prophet with their nation that that there would be a skewing of the message and that really starts to show with the playing of the law the tampering of the law and the way that the scriptures Are played with to benefit in the worldly sense certain classes in society to the detriment of others in society So the more that the the law becomes elaborate the more that that tampering becomes apparent, right? And this is very important as we really talk about
This particular aspect of the hereafter this year bidman I eat a lot of so suit and Nisa dealt with inheritance and marriage law primarily out of what out of a post-mortem reality out of a post-mortem reality you have a lot of widows and You have a new family situation dynamic there in Medina So the laws are becoming very well formulated and defined particularly for the madani community for this community in Medina But now and not either you're talking about dietary law. You're talking about Pilgrimage you're talking about You know marriage you're talking about the laws of punishment and punitive law So all of these different laws as well as the spiritual thrust behind those laws Starts to come out there in in certain Maida and so Allah as a general, you know validates the good of what came before And of course, we believe in that which was revealed before we don't just believe in what was revealed to our prophets I sell them but we believe in the original Manifestations of what was given to the prophets of old and so the the very famous verse That to save a life man cut and a nephew son that whoever kills a person without right Then it says if they've killed all of mankind and whoever saves the life It says if they've saved all of mankind this is of course a prominent teaching that we find and one that is validated right and So Allah subhana ta'ala calls upon the people of the book in particular in this Jews and of course through the next Jews as well But before we get there Verse 36 and a Maida in a Latina kafaro well, oh and a little math in our the Jamia I'm one if the whole matter the F to do be he mean I thought beyond the camera Mattie could be the minimum well, I'm a thompson I mean Allah subhana ta'ala says that rarely those who disbelieved if they had everything in the world
Everything in the world the entire kingdom of the world and that which is like it with it so that they may Ransom themselves with it from the punishment of the Day of Judgment. It would not be accepted from them And they would face a grievous punishment meaning what look nothing in the world is worth the hereafter Nothing in the world is worth the hereafter Allah as we tell Condemned people that sold off the hereafter summoning Padilla for a few, you know dirhams for a few coins, right? nothing is worth the hereafter selling your hereafter even if you had the whole world and And here we actually have what the Prophet so I some tells us that on the Day of Judgment Allah Azza will ask a person who has reached the end of their doom You know If you could get yourself out of this situation If you could give the whole world in gold to get yourself out of the situation to ransom yourself Would you do it and that person would say yes and the last pant I would say I asked you for so much less than That Allah Azza was not unreasonable Allah was not unreasonable. God was not unreasonable to the nations of old. God is not unreasonable to this nation He's not unreasonable in what he asks of us Individually nor is he unreasonable and what he asks of us collectively? So why wait for that situation and why lose your hereafter with this world? The whole world would not make the hereafter worth it, so You start to find This this notion now Taking root and so Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala Admonishing those of the people of the book that did skew the scriptures and by the way in certain He said it actually comes to the end of certain. He saw verse 161 Well, I'll be him or Reba well God knew who I know what I could him and while in us will belted Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala says and when they took interest Even though it was forbidden for them and their wrongful appropriation of other people's property
We spoke about Reba a few episodes ago. And by the way, some of the people, you know had had sent in messages asked You know, it seems impossible for us to avoid Reba today and indeed You know The prophets like some mentioned that a time would come that we would all be touched by the dust of Reba the dust of usury The dust of interest but this is where number one fatah Allah hamasa Talked to him, you know You be as mindful of Allah as you can you try to keep yourself clean from it as much as you can You don't resort to it Except in dire need and even when you do so you only do so to the extent that is necessary To get you through that dire need and there is you know fatah Allah for this there are you know? Rulings that are given from scholarly councils right for certain people's situations where for a temporary You know time period they can use something that is interest-bearing to get themselves out of a situation But at no point do we become okay with it at no point? Do we legalize it at no point? Do we make it a matter which is not serious anymore. So Collectively as a community it becomes upon us to try to usher in Systems that don't involve Reba and that is not just to the benefit of the Muslim community, but to everyone else So what Allah subhana Allah admonishes here at the end of Surat An-Nisa Their consumption the way they made Reba halal all of a sudden even though it was forbidden for them and their wrongful appropriation of other People's property that same message sort of continues into Surat Al-Ma'idah That do not betray the scriptures that were given to you Do not betray the laws that were given to you and to do So is an indication of a crookedness in the heart and an indictment of an entire community if it overtakes the community So Allah subhana Allah speaks to the heart of the matter verse 65 and 66 of the Ma'idah Walow anna ahlul kitabi amanu wattakal lakafarna anhum sayyiatihim wala adkhalnahum jannatin na'eem
Allah subhana Allah says had the people of the book been faithful and mindful of Allah Amanu wattakal remember hudan lil muttaqeen. This is a guidance for people who are God conscious So if they had taqwa they would have avoided You know taking Undertaking these prohibitions because they would have known that it puts them in a very bad situation And they would have known that you know, they can't they can't fool God right taqwa Means that you're God conscious before all other types of consciousness, right? So had they believed and had they had taqwa then we would have Expiated their sins we would have absolved them of their sins meaning what they would have certainly still fallen short And this is such a beautiful message that you know If you have iman and taqwa, you're still gonna sin, but that sin can't be blatant. It can't be abrasive And so that's when communities You know bring upon themselves the displeasure of Allah subhana wa ta'ala when it becomes blatant And that's how as individuals we bring upon the displeasure of Allah subhana wa ta'ala when it becomes blatant when we no longer feel You know shame when we commit those sins and we no longer try to abstain from those sins Allah subhana wa ta'ala said had they had iman and taqwa, had they had faith and the sense of God consciousness Then we would have forgiven their shortcomings They would have still fallen short, but they would have been absolved of any shortcomings at that point and Allah subhana wa ta'ala says wa la adkhallahum jannatil na'eem We would have entered them into gardens of bliss. So this speaks to the good of the hereafter Now Shaykh Abdullah subhanAllah the next ayah It's how I was pondering the way this one ends and how Allah azawajal addresses them this time wa law anahum aqamu al-tawrata wal-injeel wa ma unzila ilayhim min rabbihim That had they observed the Tawra and the Injeel Had they observed the scriptures that were given to them and what was revealed to them from their Lord Allah subhana wa ta'ala says That they would have eaten the akhirun min fawqihim wa min tahti arjulihim
That there would they would have been overwhelmed by the goodness the risk the sustenance that would have come in that would have come To them from above them and from beneath them meaning it would have just been sustenance upon sustenance upon sustenance meaning what? They would have had the good of this life as well. It would have had the good of this life as well So they didn't need to you know undermine what was revealed to them for the you know for the good of this life and Sacrifice their hereafter. They would have had the good of the hereafter and they would have had the good of this life as well and so minhum ummatun muqtasidah Allah subhana wa ta'ala says from them There are righteous people that there are people that did indeed, you know fulfill this and that didn't indeed observe the the rulings from Allah subhana wa ta'ala and the commandments of God and There are many of them minhum sa'a ma ya'manun and there are many of them who did nothing but evil So Allah subhana wa ta'ala ends off this section, of course in a ladina. I'm an old lady now how do was sabi was sabi on? When the Sara man, I'm an abilah He will you mean after what I mean? I'll saw the hand fella hope on I am when I'm yes I know that those who believe those who were guided from the Sabians from the Christians Those who came before who believed in Allah and in the last day and did righteousness They should not grieve more. They should not fear nor shall they grieve so this was the message come on throughout history and this is the message now that if You undermine the scripture for the sake of this world You'll lose the world and you'll lose the hereafter Whereas if you establish it you'll gain this world and you'll gain the hereafter the hereafter more important and you'll gain this world as well And of course the scholars say look at the prophets like sums community Look at Medina look at what became of Medina and Mecca through the prophets lison through Islam What would Medina and Mecca be today without the prophets lison? Right, there would be some you know, some some cities that are on the map somewhere But what or without Islam right because obviously Mecca has a history that precedes the prophets
I said, where would they have been without the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and without Islam. So this is a beautiful call And again, the idea of if your hearts are clean and if you have taqwa, yes, you'll fall short But Allah subhana will forgive you and he'll enter you into gardens and he'll give you gardens He'll give you the goodness of this life as well collectively. The individual tests will persist but Collectively you will succeed and find blessing. So sheikh Abdullah You're talking low-hanging It's not what's a lot of us Salam. Well, I know that he was a human woman. Well, I am about it There was a lot there to unpack mashallah to barak Allah in regards to you know selling the the the akhira for the dunya but with some beautiful what he mentions as well as that whole concept of Hizzy fit dunya with akhira the loss in this life and the lost in the next You know subhanAllah when we look at Allah subhana wa ta'ala and his names and attributes his beautiful names and attributes and his Dare I use the word capabilities that word doesn't even really apply to Allah because subhanAllah He's able to do all things. He's a deer. He's able to do all things We're looking at that reality subhanAllah when we truly believe that Allah is al-khaliq I'll rozic and mudabbir that he is a creator He is a sustainer and he is the one that has ultimate control over all affairs We realize that whatever he has legislated and brought here for us to practice is only better for us because he created us and wants Best for us when we take a step back and it's important for all of us Particularly in this month of Ramadan to always take a step back and to detach that's why the the sharia gives us an opportunity and a challenge at all times to take a step back and just to look at it from a bigger picture and to Understand what is life really about who gave me this life and what does he want from me? And what does he know about me? What is he disclosed about me?
Therefore when I understand that and when I have that in my conscious all the time Zika that can make me a better Muslim. I a better person. So when we look at the next verse as he mentioned in verse number 67 Right before that it was talking about the fulfillment of the message of those that are the people of the book and receiving sustenance Men, Voki him women to have the art Julie him in above them and below them receiving that sustenance right after that It is as though he's giving a message to all of us by giving the message to the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam how Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala says if the other been lamina shaitan regime Yeah, you have a solo belligma unzila. I like a man rub it. Well, I'm tough on for my beloved I decided to wallahu yasin walk. Mullah. He asked emo Mooka mean and nas in the Laha laya Deen Oman caffeine Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala says here and this is I like this verse because subhanAllah as we talked about yesterday as I mentioned yesterday the importance of the Sunnah the promise of Allah alayhi wasallam being that he is mobile little risala that he is the one that Relates the message that delivers the message to the people via his statements actions tacit approvals We understand this to be Sunnah and Sunnah means way So what was the way of Allah via the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet? Sallallahu alayhi wasallam that's why he is who he is and he's the best of human beings because he was chosen by Allah to be the messenger of Allah and to deliver the Risala to deliver the message and that's exactly what is mentioned here a reminder to Allah to the promise of Allah I know a sudden after relating these verses about those that didn't fulfill the message Allah subhanallah is telling him Oh messenger of Allah announce what has been revealed to you from your Lord Yet, then you will not have announced what has been revealed to you from your Lord And if you do not do that, you have not communicated his message Allah will protect you from people for verily Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala does not guide those that disbelieve
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala breaks it into four parts is beautiful here when talking about responsibility and when talking about virtue the the virtue of the message of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and also our Responsibility in regards to that virtue Allah starts it off by saying Oh messenger Relate what has been given to you and sent down to you from your Lord. What's beautiful here? SubhanAllah in the Arabic language Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says yeah You have a solo and the Russell is messenger the messenger of Allah That has been given a message and the message is the Quran But Allah addresses him with the title That is in correlation to the responsibility that follows it or the subject matter that follows it, you know SubhanAllah, it reminds me. I was reading this I remember, you know Many of us may have a nickname that our parents give us, you know A lot of times when my mother would see me preparing for a lecture see she see me deep in my computer You know with the accent, you know, she was a professor Who are you going to teach today? Like she'd give the the name but then teaching with the professor She gave me that nickname already getting me ready to unto listen to what she's going to talk about that has a pertinence in Correlation to that title so Allah says here Oh messenger The messenger you have a message But little man was either a lake him in rubbick relate and announce what has been revealed to you from your Lord the revelation The message you have to pronounce it and announce it to people Tabligh Arisala to to to spread this message to the people So this is an in an order from Allah to go out and to tell people about this message That's been revealed to you by Allah and what's so beautiful as well. Is that Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala is Reminding him that it's been revealed by Allah which is indirectly reminding us The messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam is a messenger and whatever he does has been in inspired by Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala
So what we're practicing is exactly what God intended when we look at the Sunnah the message of Allah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam and Allah Subhanahu Wa'ta'ala also says here Belly of the map on Zila Ilaika man rubbick and this mat here is a generality meaning everything and Many more first many of the Mufasiri in the individuals that explain these verses Rahim ohm Allah They say that this is speaking about Particularly the whole message of Islam ie don't give part of the message what kids man will back and leave off some of it Give the whole message or give the message that is pertinent to their development to them as human beings That's important for them to know don't hold back because you fear something of this dunya Give the message of Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala and do not give part of it After that Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala says what in them tough on from a bellota resale And if you do not do so, then you have not communicated his message the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam as many of us know and had you till we're there when he was on the mountain and He was giving his his final sermon or farewell sermon as many of us call and it's a long hadith and We find this in books of Muslim and Abu Dawood and Bukhari even where Allah Subhanahu Wa'ta'ala the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam is giving his farewell sermon and he's giving them many forms of advice to stay away from Reba and also how we treat the women is those who've been you say Iqal on to treat them with good And Allah Subhanahu Wa'ta'ala the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam concludes by having a beautiful Statement that that is in reference to this where he says what in the other to talk to Fico man and to little body And it's a song to be her and it's a song to be he Kitab Allah He said and verily I left something with you that you will not be missed misguided if you were to have It's a song with it if you were to stay firm and to hold firmly on to it He said he tab Allah the book of Allah then after that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam says
Well unto muscular onani from a unto on he said and you will be asked about me What will you say and they follow Nash hadu and Nakaqa bellota? What a day to know when a softer we at we admit and we attest that you have You have been you have given us this message But Lata when a softer and you have advised and you have given us this message and you have performed or fulfilled This message and conveyed it to the people then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam as it says here from a call be a spire the is the Asbari he a subab at a your file haila Samai way young people ha ilan nasi Allah who must shed Allah who must shed Allah who must shed the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam says after that he raises his forefinger towards the sky and points it at the people and Then he says Oh Allah be the witness. Oh Allah be the witness. Oh Allah be the witness So here Allah subhana What to add it through the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam giving the last message being the last portion of his sermon? Because right after this Bilal gets up and he calls the event for the horror and also they make it together So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam fulfilled the message and this is by the color of Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala and if he did it for me But look at a salad if you did not do this you did not fulfill the message and this is also important Because we do not pick and choose what we want to tell people about Islam there may be times when you with your fit of the religion and understanding of the religion may hold back on something and you plan to tell them or if Someone is asking you a question about Islam as some would say sugarcoat We give the message but we use it in a language and in a way that is conducive We don't change the message and that is important here that we take Islam wholeheartedly Just as it has been delivered to us We practice it wholeheartedly to the best of our ability and also we notice that the preservation upon mankind in goodness
This preservation is in goodness and how Allah chose to preserve this message in a fashion That is good. Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala says after that wallahu ya'asimu kamina an-naas This is important as well Because it reminds you many times in the Quran and in the Sunnah the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam There may be a command to do or stay away from something Allah then injects a message and reminds you of who is talking Reminds you of who is speaking wallahu ya'asimu kamina an-naas Yes, when you deliver this message, there will be people that will shun you they will backbite you They will speak badly about you. They will defame you It's important to realize that Allah is the ultimate protector If Allah helps you there is no one that can overpower you as Shaykh Omar mentioned yesterday in the verse of Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala It's important to realize that that relationship with Allah should be primary It should be the most important thing for us on a daily basis What and how is my relationship with Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala? When that relationship is established i.e. Fulfilling the actions that he's legislated. We have to understand that the Sharia we don't want to look at as rules We want to look at it as as guidelines with objectives Guidelines for you to be a better person that has an objective for you to be with Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala So when looking at this beautiful beautiful aspect of the Sharia that Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala will protect you It's important for us to start initially What is our relationship with him because many times especially we see with our youth may Allah protect them and protect us all is that? They may just hear a bunch of rules, but they didn't have the time to learn or to establish That deem they didn't have time to learn it. They didn't have time to establish it It's just been times that they've been told a number of rules and then there's expectations automatically It's important for us to give them space and to allow anyone that is
Learning the religion of Islam as all of us are to be given space to make our mistakes Because once that person learns who Allah is and they make that mistake they understand the concept of forgiveness with Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala So when Allah protects you from mankind Allah will protect you from all of those individuals and here Anas is referring to The Mushrikun at the time that wanted didn't want well for the Prophet Salallahu Alaihe Wasalam Then Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala Continues and he concludes by saying verily Allah does not guide those that disbelieve Really here the just the guidance here that scholars mentioned is not the guidance of the Dean in particularly in particular Rather it's the guidance of them fulfilling their Kate their K their their plans to plot their plans and plots against the Muslims Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala will not allow them to do so by his predestination so here in conclusion looking at the importance of the message of the Prophet Salallahu Alaihe Wasalam how Allah ordered him to to fulfill this message and to Convey this message to the people and to understand that if you are negligent any in it It is as though you have not delivered it at all And then Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions and reminds of his greatness that he is the one that will protect you and that is important For us to give the time and integrity and freedom to those to practice their religion in accordance with the Prophet Salallahu Alaihe Wasalam and Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala does not guide those that have a plot against you if you are fulfilling this message May Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us of those that trust in him at all times for sirin wa'laniya In an open and in secret may Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us of those that understand his beautiful names and attributes But really that is the key to further to fortifying this relationship with him. Jazakumullahu khair How you mentioned an erti salam To hold on to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. Wallahu ya'asimuka minan nas And Allah will protect you if you it's like a fathullahi hafidh. Yeah, be mindful of Allah Allah will protect you
Hold on to what Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala Has legislated and Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala will protect you. Allah Azawajal will not let you go It's it's a beautiful, you know, fadias that fadias the jeeboony. Well, you know be right I answer your call answer my call Allah Azawajal will always meet you with their son and that really is the excellence that comes down You know Allah Azawajal guarantees paradise and then prosperity and then protection subhanallah all within these three verses all connected to holding on to The legislation as it came down the revelation as it came down as follow one of the proofs of the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is that the Quran admonishes him to hold on to alias a lot of us Salam the message as it was given To him. It's one of the the lot of Naboea that's mentioned like how beautiful and profound is that that and he's concerned with it You know there he has no intention Sallallahu alaihi wasallam to ever do anything but the best with what was given to him and he and he did You know fulfill alias a lot of us Salam the best of what was given to him But still Allah, you know had Allah Mufasa had the left alone and he but left alone with fashion Allah You know, did I do my job? He's still concerned about whether or not he did his job So what does that mean for us if the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam was concerned? You know with and we know how perfect he was in it in adherence Then what does that mean when we are admonished right as as this ummah and the previous ummam You know the previous nations the people of the book and you know, do not do not play with the message that's given to you Adhere to it and you will fall short, but Allah will forgive you Allah will forgive you so long as you're trying your best, but do not skew do not twist do not tamper Accept it as it is Adhere to it the best that you can and count on Allah's forgiveness
That's been the message for all of the prophets and their peoples and that's the message for this prophet So I sell them as for his people may Allah's parents. I'll make us amongst them. I mean So that I should did not looks like she's not gonna be able to join us so I get like five minutes Was I tolerable for 30 minutes? Yeah, are you at all? Abou Hamdullah Hamdullah? You were good. I kind of hurt my feelings You'd be some chronic makes a mistake far from Mashallah Ones for a much Allah. It's all good. I'll take out my vengeance on You properly on the ping-pong table and maybe on the basketball court you play football Yeah flag football. Yeah, I can I can do that When I was young, you know young okay, so you mean like last year No, I get out with the brothers man. Masha'Allah. Well, how's it down over there? Mashallah? So shout out to our flag football league I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Now I was interesting about that that uh You know what the process somebody said Help a lot as soon as I read that again. I was just thinking about like parents like when we You know the parents that are on their deathbed or you know before we go It's like have I fulfill my responsibility with my kids like have I told them about Islam? But that's why I touched on the fact of our youth being told about Islam in a way that breeds integrity and Gives them freedom to live it because sometimes we kind of choke them with you know The rules and regulations of Islam we want them to understand It's just guidelines that have ultimate objectives for you and Allah what's best for you But really them understanding who Allah is and establishing that connection with Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is important because I know I mean many times We're asked I mean
I think we just take it take a minute to talk about all the messages that come in mashallah may Allah reward all of you For sending in the messages and you know asking the questions and we you know, mashallah We can we read them we read them we read them We have a shout out section for those of you know For those of you that reach out and subhanAllah you're reaching out and you're telling your personal business and you really you know The message has touched you and that's from Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala But a lot of them are about parents that are concerned about their youth and you know We just ask that you know all of you You know you're doing this the Taiwan Asking the question and mentioning a benefit that you've taken and just making dua for us All of that is to our one I'll have better with taqwa so just want to give a shout out to all of them inshallah and to all the individuals that are Behind the scenes as well. That's the Taiwan but really when reading that from the parcel some it really makes me think about parenthood Because as you mentioned he says at the very end have I fulfilled my message? What will you say when you're asked about me? You know, what will my son say what my daughter say when they're asked about me? Am I their hero? Am I someone that told him about the proverbs also and did I live it in my life? I don't know. It always reminds me of that. You know, yeah You're right, I'm a loss that sense of amana That comes out of this to write the trust the trust the revelation is a trust and so everything That has been given to us through it is an amana to trust So I'm gonna I mean is that look a shake appreciate you shallot, I hopefully will have a study on in the future, but We've we've done and we're just a few episodes in we've had three two four Or three four two, so we've done every configuration, but we've all we've ended within the same time frame And have the last we're doing well
I don't everyone for tuning in today. Please keep us in your door inshallah. So I'm like when I come to our because I'm sorry