Qur'an 30 for 30 | Season 3
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Juz' 22 with Dr. Rania Awaad | Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 3
In the twenty-second episode of this Ramadan series, Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, joined by special guest Dr. Rania Awaad, explore gems from the twenty-second Juz’ of the Holy Quran.
Download the new eBook "Qur’an 30for30: Seerah Edition" here.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah wa salatu wassalamu ala rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala. I want to remind everyone inshallah ta'ala before we get started that alhamdulillah as we are in the last 10 nights now and you are bid'nillahi ta'ala benefiting from all of the content that's coming out. First and foremost make sure that you are aware of all the programs that are happening right now. So obviously we've still got the Judgment Day series, we still have Qur'an 30 for 30. We now have the late night reflections, the late night du'a with Sheikh Suleiman Hani, as well as the rotating bid'nillahi ta'ala khatiros at night, the Ramadan khatiro. So it's a lot going on alhamdulillah but I hope you find it all beneficial and are keeping up inshallah. With that another reminder inshallah ta'ala to please do donate to Yaqeen. We're in the last 10 nights and bid'nillahi ta'ala if you automate your donation then that will allow us inshallah ta'ala to truly continue to grow inshallah and continue to produce these resources and we count on Allah Azawajal first and then the generous support of all of you. So I know we spoke about this at the webathon and everything that we're trying to accomplish bid'nillahi ta'ala. We hope that all of you will continue inshallah ta'ala to support the work that we are doing. Alhamdulillah with that one of our speakers from the webathon and someone that we benefit from tremendously Dr. Vanya is with us. Dr. Vanya how are you? Alhamdulillah doing well and really blessed to be here alhamdulillah. Dr. Vanya what was your favorite session of 30 for 30 so far? How do you pick because every single one is a jiz' of the Qur'an. How do you pick? So that I can interpret that into it. Either that means you haven't watched the single ones you said they're all great or you can you know you're just being really nice and diplomatic so it's one of the two. I'll keep it at one of the two inshallah. Is there anything from from Yaqeen's content that really struck you within these
these 21 days now? Yeah actually I wanted to tell you that on our campus on Stanford University's campus every single night at iftar the students the Muslim Student Association has a um has an iftar and they watch your Judgment Day series every single night so it's literally on a big screen in the middle of Stanford's campus and every night Yaqeen is just streaming in to Stanford campus. That's a lot of good. Wow wow subhanAllah that's stunning subhanAllah. Allah accept it on behalf of everyone the team and JazakumAllah khayran for facilitating that. May Allah bless you. I have another question for you where in the world is Sheikh Abdullah Duru? I don't know where he is anymore. Sheikh Abdullah is in a different place it was first like 18 19 days I knew where you were Sheikh now I have no idea where you are. You are in the most random of places all the time. So Dr. Rani do you know where he is what city he's in? I cannot possibly Sheikh Yasser his jokes sent you over to Egypt somewhere man what's going on here? I'm in South Carolina. Oh MashAllah. We're gonna get hotel Sheikh Abdullah today then you know so inshAllah. It means you're gonna bring it inshAllah as always. May Allah accept. Sheikh Abdullah we're gonna we've been talking about the ping pong thing for a long time next three days all right. How are you winning I thought it was like 54 percent to like my 43 that's just. No it's switched people voted on Twitter they I think that you have the lead now. That's what I mean that makes sense. So we're gonna have to get this done inshAllah within the next few days in the night. InshaAllah. InshaAllah.
Allah yi malik feekum. InshaAllah we'll go and get started. So we're now in juz 22 and inshaAllah there were two verses that really struck me because they give the two sides of the book and what I mean by that is that when we often talk about the recording of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the way in which our deeds are recorded and our destiny is recorded sometimes we tend to diminish our own deeds by saying that it's already been destined that we would not do these good deeds or that these sins would be forced upon us and the precision of Allah's decree is so beautifully spelled out within this juz. First in surah Fatir verse 11 Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, wallahu khalaqa kum min turabin thumma min nutfa thumma ja'alakum azwaja and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one who created you from dust and then he developed you from dirt into a drop and then from a drop he made you into a pair and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, wama tahmilu min untha wama tala'u illa biidmihi that no woman conceives or delivers without his knowledge except that it is in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's knowledge, wama yu'ammar min mu'amarin wala yunqasu min umurihi illa fi kitab. Okay so subhanAllah two sides of this no one's life wama yu'ammar min mu'amari no one who lives long or no one's life will be long or yunqas or will be cut short yunqasu min umurihi illa fi kitab except that it is already written in a record and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, inna thalika arallahi yaseer that is easy for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so the various stages of coming into this life and then how long you're going to live but notice here
that the nature of what you do in life is actually not elaborated on here so this is surah fatir so chapter 35 verse 11 then you go to surah yaseen which is the next surah 36 verse 12 inna nahnu nuhyi almawta wa naktubu ma qadamu wa atharahum wa kulla shay'in ahslinahu fi imamin mubeen that it is us certainly who resurrect the dead and then we write down everything that they have sent forth and everything they have left behind you know ma qadamu are the deeds that you have brought with you the deeds that you have put forth with that life that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given to you okay wa atharahum and what they leave behind in terms of the legacy the footprint the effect the impact Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he talks about bringing forth the mustard seed on the day of judgment it is everything that was affected by that mustard seed okay so the one who sets an example of good and people follow in it or the opposite of that right it is all written with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so inna nahnu nuhyi almawta we are the ones who give life to the dead wa naktubu ma qadamu wa atharahum wa kulla shay'in ahslinahu fi imamin mubeen and we write down what they have sent forth and what they have left behind and everything is listed by us everything is precisely recorded fi imamin mubeen in this perfect record with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala this is talking about allawhi al mafood as the ulama mentioned so subhanAllah you see you know verse 11 in one surah and then verse 12 one verse Allah azawajal is talking about the precision of creation and decree and how you even got here right how you got here in the first place right and it was already decreed how long you were going to live before you even came into this life subhanAllah so it was written before you even came into this life how long it was going to be
but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala extends and decreases as he sees fit and Allah azawajal in the next surah talks about what we have put forth in terms of our deeds and the recording of that what we did with our lives and none of it escapes the writing of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala none of it escapes the decree now of course from a technical point which is an important one especially when we talk about the night of decree may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to witness it with worship and to be accepted within it Allahumma ameen we talk about the idea of changing qadr changing your divine decree and the idea of records being written on that night of course there are several writings that exist in the sharia there is the or in the religion there is the writing of a lawful which is the preserved tablet with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that does not change and that tablet takes into consideration what happens what happens what would have happened right so it has all of the the things that could have happened would have happened all of those things are recorded in a low health map with the preserved tablet and then you have the writings the annual writings which are the writings of the angels and they write what Allah commands them to write and that decree the writing of the angels and the uh the different types of kitabah the different types of writing of decree that the angels who don't have unlimited knowledge Allah azawajal has unlimited knowledge the angels don't have unlimited knowledge that the angels write that's where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wipes out and he confirms why because in those records it may be that it was decreed for you initially to pass away in this year for example but Allah azawajal extended it due to a good deed that you have done or you made dua for something and the dua changed the qadr or you gave sadaqa and the sadaqa changed the qadr now none of it can escape
Allah's infinite wisdom and knowledge which is why even that would be recorded that so and so was to live this much but then he will make dua or she will make dua and then this will change and all of that is recorded for imam and mubiq and Allah azawajal's writing now with all that being said subhanAllah what is the one writing we're going to be confronted with on the day of judgment our deeds our deeds Allah azawajal will not show you a lawful mahfuz on the day of judgment Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not show you the writing of his divine decree on the day of judgment because that's not what caused you into the condition that you're in it's your deeds that you'll be accountable for but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying that it is all recorded with precision none of it escapes the decree of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that precise recording should lead you to have a greater awe of the one who is recording right not to feel like you are under compulsion and that you cannot escape this writing but you certainly cannot escape him subhanahu wa ta'ala and so he is irresistible and he is inevitable subhanahu wa ta'ala and so you continue to put forth and to write your own books right iqra kitabak the the the scrolls of the the scrolls of the angels these are the books that you are writing and you are enough of a witness against yourself but it is really just a profound transition that we see here between these two surahs that caught my attention subhanAllah the recording before you got here the recording after you leave may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to put forth only that which is good and forgive us for any of our shortcomings and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increase the good footprints that we leave on this earth and let it be a larger share of al-firdos al-a'la and the companionship of our beloved messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam
i like how you ended it by saying you know may Allah allow us to put our good foot forth it's important for us to remember that a good deed is repentance as well you know a lot of times we may commit a sin and then we repent repentance is a good deed and as ibn al-qayyim subhanAllah graciously mentions in his book wa'ib al-sayyid the shower shower of good utterances he talks about how if we are wise how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala within his wisdom and hakeem will allow us to commit a sin as a motivation to be better i.e when you commit that sin you ponder and contemplate over it and that should motivate you to seek forgiveness from Allah hence being a good deed inshallah so within these last 10 days it's really time for inflection we really have to look at ourselves and realize that we do commit these sins and it's important for us to reflect on those sins that we can even remember and that's what i want to really want to capitalize on because you know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with his infinite mercy his infinite wisdom his infinite knowledge if he if he decides to take a nation or to take a world it's because of his infinite knowledge and wisdom and mercy at the same time all of the beautiful names and attributes are mutadakh and they have some type of connection to one another so i want to capitalize this in juice 22 the verse and the chapter falter where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about his qudrah he talks about his ability and gives you some of you know a tidbit of his wisdom behind it he says after audhubillah minash shaitanir rajim walaw yuakhidh allahu an-nasa bima kasabu ma taraka ala dhahriha min daabah walakin yuakhiruhum ila ajlin musamma fa idha ja ajiluhum fa inna allaha kana bi'ibadihi basira Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says and i'll split this into three parts the first part is where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says and if God were to punish people for the wrong that they have done
all at once he would not have left any creature on the face of the earth we know that that took place with nooh alayhi salam when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala caused the water to come from from the top and from the bottom and spring forth from the earth and to come from the skies as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says the two bodies of water from above you and from below you sprung forth at an amount that he knows it's only known with Allah as some of the scholars mentioned the whole earth was full of water except people on Noah's fulk on the ark so at that time that's proof that Allah has total total control over all things as we've known but actualizing that through the life of nooh alayhi salam is important for us to remember so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying if he was to do that all at one time he wouldn't leave anything on this earth that should be you know a reminder for us to realize that firstly the sins that we commit the shortcomings that we have it's human but it's also human to to have that level of repentance the key from intiqad from moving from here to there is contemplation it's thinking it's pondering and that brings forth humility when one cries over their sins when one ponders over themselves and doesn't ponder over other people's mistakes so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he talks about taking a nation as Allah says in the chapter of al-araf and for every nation has their appointed time every nation has their appointed time if their time and their appointed time was to come they cannot delay it nor can they hassen it it's all for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to do as he chooses and as he wills to destroy the nation or to bring forth some type of as we say you know natural disaster but it's for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to choose that and the ones that were righteous at that time as the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
told Aisha in another narration he told Umm Salama yub'athuna ala niyatihim the ones that did good they'll be raised upon by their intentions because he is al-adl so when we see that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us that he can easily take all of us away at any moment as he mentions in numerous verses suddenly suddenly we just look at any storm that we have faced and we didn't expect it that's just a tidbit of what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is able to do the second portion of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he says and he gives him respite for a state of time whenever the time comes and God has been watching with his servants so the second part is when he talks about he gives him respite for a stated time ila ajlim musamma we understand that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala chooses to do what he wills when he wills how he wills this is important for us to remember that we worship Allah on his terms and not on our terms we have good expectations of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as he mentions in hadith Qudsi when we have those good expectations we understand the beauty and the reality or a tidbit of the reality of those beautiful names and attributes and the name that struck me here is al-halim how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is al-halim how he is the one that grants respite and may delay a punishment or even a good due to his ultimate wisdom how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if he delays a punishment it does not mean that he was not able to punish you know me Louis's parents sometimes we may want to show or do ta'dib or to to show a consequence of something that was done wrong by our children or an employee or someone of that nature because we have a level of authority of guardianship etc but we're not able to sometimes because we're we don't have that ability to do so but Allah is able to do all things realizing that with his ability he chooses when to do something or when to prohibit something he
chooses when to bring his adab and when to bring his ni'm that we face every single day so looking at this third portion you know when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says here God has been watching over all of his servants what's beautiful here after understanding that Allah is able to do all things and that he is in the qadir and that's panallah his hilm his forbearance his love it's couched in mercy it's couched in love of his slaves more than more than anyone or anything else Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala continues it ends by saying wa kaana allahu and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala fa inna allaha kaana biibadihi basiran for verily Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is with his servants basiran what's beautiful here as the scholars mention how Allah says kaana and kaana it means a dilemma so Allah says Allah is always has been is and always will be watchful of his servants biibadihi basiran and that's one of the beautiful names of Allah that he is al basir so this verse subhanAllah in conclusion it really really reminds me of Allah being al hareem and then concluding it with al basir that his forbearance in holding in holding any punishment from us and realizing that we need to take take a part in really thinking about the deeds that we have done the shortcomings that we even remember and using that as a motivation to call on him in these beautiful names especially in these last 10 nights to call these beautiful names and attributes see how they reflect in our lives and always know that Allah has been is and always will be watching us with his mercy and his love so may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that are conscious of his beautiful names and attributes for really that is what magnifies the greatness in our hearts inshallah JazakAllah khair Sheikh Abdullah you look smooth man but it's it's uh you you look good alhamdulillah you sound good
the the noise in the background i'm like i'm like i wonder i was waiting for someone to just to just come look at your camera you know come look in for a moment you know but may Allah bless you honestly i want to thank you JazakAllah khair you're you're the way you're you're adjusting may Allah bless you it's your commitment to the Quran may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala raise you and make you from the people of Allah JazakAllah khair for always just adjusting man may Allah reward you we appreciate it man and beautiful words subhanAllah i think especially what you shared about Kana being a dawam that you know some if you read the English he was you'll say why why is Allah saying he was merciful right but actually when he says he was it means he always is in the Arabic language subhanAllah so i think that's such an important point that you bring here JazakAllah khair Dr Rania alhamdulillah i mean in your in your in your perfectly cozy office then we we look forward to hearing what you have to share i'm going to dovetail right where sheikh Abdullah talked about um contemplation and really thinking about the verses subhanAllah also speaking about surah fatir and the reason i want to do that is because we have entered in the last 10 nights of Ramadan and this is a time where if all of the different sunnahs of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam if we haven't come to them we really want to try especially the one that was that he never left in Ramadan which is i'tikaf or spiritual seclusion and it's that time of year mashaAllah and i have to tell you both sheikh Umar and sheikh Abdullah you know in the last few years in the woman's world we had a trending hashtag it was called i'tikaf at home because of Ramadan 2020 and 21 we're in you know at home and so many women said that they benefited so much from doing i'tikaf sometimes for the first time in their life and because they were able to do so at home barring from the Hanafi school but here you know
the masajid are open again and men and women both are able to go to do i'tikaf and there might be a subset of women who do i'tikaf at home still but i want to say that this sunnah of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam these are the days to capitalize on them and i really hope people do so and i was reviewing surah tafawt today and really thinking about how to answer is a question i always get asked which is okay in i'tikaf you might do prayers and quranic recitation listening to wonderful series like this one mashallah to fill your islamic knowledge but how else do you fill in the time that's always the question that seems to come up and here's where you know i ask in return you know people that ask you know have you ever tried islamic contemplation and they'll say things like have you mean meditation it's like no that's slightly different meditation and its current form right now is you know secularized and comes from buddhist roots we have kind of very indigenous forms of very bad that are much more holistic and that our teachers of spirituality have written about extensively and i really hope that in a state of after calf that people are going into inshallah that they use this inshallah this internally and externally focused attention to your heart your mind yourself your soul through contemplation and there's so many different forms and i'll just quickly mention two you have imam ghazali who talks about eternal contemplative tools a couple of the ones he talks about are like morocco self-monitoring or muhasabah self-evaluation you have ibn al-qayyim who talks about more externally contemplative tools like to fuck contemplative reflecting or to debor deeply contemplating the meaning of something and in this case the quran and so i'm going to share a formula that i use that i learned from my teachers when i was studying in damascus and it's a simple formula but it's a powerful formula and it goes like this it's really a tiered approach when you want to reflect on you know people say how do i even begin to reflect on the greatness of allah subhana wa ta'ala
so you could start with reflecting on your relationship with allah subhana wa ta'ala at its core and then you go to the next level out and on the relationship with people in your life your friends your family your spouse your kids your boss whoever you have in your life and then after that you may go to your community to the ummah to the globe and then eventually to the universe or you can go the other way all the way through from the universe to the globe to the ummah to the community to your people and then to yourself your relationship with allah subhana wa ta'ala and one of my favorite surahs to do this with is surah fatir because allah subhana wa ta'ala and there's many surahs like this but here he's using something called guided imagery or we can use guided imagery through this where there's so many beautiful um concepts that if you in your minds i really think about how allah subhana wa ta'ala is describing and we're going to start from surah uh fatir verse nine and kind of go through some of these descriptions and in your mind's eye kind of really think through what allah subhana wa ta'ala is saying and then he asks us kind of rhetorical questions that through them we're able to actually understand his greatness in much more clarity so if you look for example at verse nine allah subhana wa ta'ala says and allah is the one who sends the winds so you think of the winds right and they're carrying this stirring up this vapor formed clouds and the winds drive them to a barren land it's lifeless it's dry it's dusty and allah subhana wa ta'ala says that he brings life from this dead earth and then says and similar will be our resurrection because when you think back in a state of you know after catholic and when you're contemplation you think back and say what is my relationship with allah subhana wa ta'ala how did he create me and shaykh ahmad you talked about a verse actually
that comes very right it's very close after this where you talked about how allah subhana wa ta'ala right that he created us from dust and this earth was dusty and dead and he brought it back to life and we were created from dust and and then allah subhana wa ta'ala continues to go on to say literally a drop of seminal fluid and when you think about what that means in relation to the greatness of allah subhana wa ta'ala we are but a drop right you're able to sit back and really reflect on his greatness and that starts the healing process that we're going to talk about through contemplation and in that same verse allah ends it by saying in that this is certainly easy for allah subhana wa ta'ala making it clear to us who's actually in charge and then if that's not enough for somebody the next few verses invite us to look at the world around us and allah starts with the waters right the bodies of water with which no living creature can survive without and it would just be a few days without water that we would perish and so allah subhana wa ta'ala says he compares the two bodies of water and says they're not alike one is fresh and pleasant to drink and the other is salty and bitter and he thinks you sit back in their contemplative mode and you sit back and you think what if everything was bitter and salty what would that have been like right but allah from his mercy and then the ayah goes on and from both sets of water he's able to bring forth you know tender seafood that we can eat and ornaments that we can wear right and in a different surah surat ar-rahman you know you think about the imagery of subhanallah and if you haven't looked this up i hope folks look this up when you see the fresh water and salt water come close to each other and how they come right up to each other but they do not merge right
right like they do not go and you think to yourself subhanallah i can't do that nobody else i know can do that and then you really start to understand the greatness of allah subhanahu ta'ala and you go from there and it's as if allah saying okay if the signs on earth aren't enough then look to the heavens maybe that'll do it for you right he merges the night into day and day into night you know shukr aman and shabbalah we've been in a pandemic for over 10 that over i was going to say 10 years but may allah make us not have 10 years of pandemic and only two years is what i meant to say that's a lot of gala and then he's like cut cut cut so i'm gonna go ahead sorry allahumma make this pandemic and he's gonna get blamed if it goes 10 years now but no no two years here is under inshallah inshallah it's coming soon yara but you know in these two years we have been um and shahamad we have been in in and out of these virtual meetings all the time all the time and there's always some tech issues some glitches some microphone camera issues something's happening sopanola bandwidth issues and i think about this verse of and i love the word unit right like he just merges day and tonight and there's no glitches with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala there are no errors with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala it is seamless and we go to sleep every night expecting that when we wake up it'll be day and when every day we expect night will come and we don't think about it it literally just happens there are no errors ever subhanallah and if that's not enough allah subhan allah right after it says he subjugated the sun and the moon each orbiting in their appointed terms right the sun doesn't come crashing down at us the moon doesn't come crashing down at us and if you really think about this that if they were then who else is going to hold them up except allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
which is a verse a little bit later in the surah and so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ends this verse this is allah your lord and all authority belongs to him and this is where you know this is the point we're trying to get to in this meditative contemplation to see the greatness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to allow it to shrink our own egos and our own issues right because we think the world subhanallah may allah forgive us we think the world revolves around us and what we don't realize is our problems and our issues when you see the greatness of allah they start to shrink back to real size this is a very powerful meditative contemplation is so powerful and you start to really connect with allah and realize that we're literally just another everyday blade of grass except for those who come to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with a sound heart and he doesn't look at our faces or our outward forms he looks into our hearts and so i hope inshallah this is kind of helps break down that inspires people inshallah to take on what might seem complicated like a meditative contemplation how do you take this on both inside and outside of ramadan but especially folks are doing the sunnah of i'tikaf inshallah and really i really believe that meditative contemplation has a very strong healing potential spiritually but it also opens up this window for psychological and emotional healing as well so my du'a is that allah subhanu wa ta'ala heal us this ramadan on this healing journey that we're all on allahumma ameen ameen very profound beautiful words alhamdulillah and i think um subhanallah what you what you touched upon here and it was the part that that in the webathon even like when you mentioned this concept of no glitches i think that part of entitlement is expectation right you know in many ways they become synonymous or at least expectation is a huge part of entitlement that
you don't ask allah to bring the date time tomorrow you just know it's coming you know subhanallah you don't you don't and how does the muslim change that with vicar like you're thanking allah when you wake up in the morning for giving you life after death that's the most that is the most i don't want to use the word extreme but intense right form of gratitude like yeah allah i can't even take for granted that i'm going to keep breathing throughout the night you know before even opening my eyes to the world once again that you that you've allowed me to open my eyes to it hundred and now so you're thanking allah for resuscitation every day until the ultimate resurrection which mimics something that we become used to on a regular basis and i think it is profound and it's the moment becomes more aware of allah's greatness when they become more aware of his favors and when you become more aware of his greatness and his favors you become more aware of your own shortcomings and your own your own vulnerabilities uh to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so it's it's and so it's it's such a this is such a profound chapter uh all of the quran is profound of course but this jews uh really you know surah yassin fath and yassin really bring that home subhanallah in such such a great way that the originator is always in charge the originator is constantly sustaining and our origin is is a blessing in and of itself our our existence is a blessing that we can't take for granted and certainly the way that he allows us to communicate and the way that he allows us to continue even this subhanallah this glitchy technology we would not have been able to do it without allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right so we still fall short over and over again may allah reward you for those beautiful reflections sheikh abdullah is there anything you'd like to
share a conclusion uh definitely one is in definitely how you mentioned father the originator and then we have the fitra as well our original form and you see that the morphological makeup of these three radical letters you know it's it's huge uh just looking at how our original self like the motherboard that you know allah has given us that we you know the sharia tries to call us back to the beautifying the line um i just want to ask dr rania you know i'm kind of jealous of her because she was able to be around sheikh malik badri i really immensely benefited from his book particularly constant it changed my life contemplation if you can just grace us with you know just some of the moments you had with him just one benefit of something that he said i don't think people know about him as they should and the books that he's written but i personally benefited i read it numerous times and told you know psychology students about it and it's changed them as well like fairly really the book contemplation i mean if you can just share some moments or some benefits that you have from him absolutely well bless you and malik have mercy on him subhanallah he's just passed away only a little over a year ago and somebody like you said um you know he often would describe some of our early islamic scholars as precocious genius i think he was a precocious genius way ahead of his time um just in brief masha'allah uh dr malik badri for those who don't know him and please do look him up he um we call him in the field as the father of modern um islamic psychology somebody who really revived the concept of islamic psychology and in fact this entire section behind me here is like all dr malik's but these books and so absolutely it's it's um his book contemplation uh talks about as you said exactly these points we were talking about today like how it really kind of goes through very practical step by step how to actually do this and how it transforms people's lives it's
so beautiful to hear that you know shahab dali had that connection from the book you know when he um was alive subhanallah there's some very beautiful special moment that i'm going to share very quickly but i had once um traveled to a conference actually in pakistan and he at the time was in turkey and i rerouted my return flight to the u.s to stop in istanbul just to like see him subhanallah again like as a mentor and um and when i took that trip subhanallah was the last trip and that i saw him and he had passed you know very soon thereafter um and he said come i have something to show you my office and out of the office he pulls out um his the original book that he had used or he had you know for uh abu zayden bali who's a ninth century scholar and very quickly abu zayden bali you know we have some papers actually written on this where you know hamdi nila was able through dr badri's writings he was able to say balky is likely one of the first to really talk about cognitive behavioral therapy cbt which is now used so much in the field and my papers are looking more at like specific psychiatric conditions like ocd and phobias and proving that our islamic scholars figure these things out nearly a millennium before western you know psychologists did and so he pulled off this book the shelf and he said this is the original book that was stuck in the is sofia's library for literally hundreds of years dusty and it was uh misfiled so people hadn't found it for so long and then a friend of a friend had found it and given it to dr badri and when he saw it he said this is amazing i've got to do something with this and that's how we have the translation now of bali's book so it's just you know people like that you know that allah has placed them in a certain period in a certain time to revive something when the time was ready for it and that's what he would always say this is the time where the muslims are finally ready and the world is finally ready for what people combated him for early on which is bringing mental health into the discussion again and saying this is our heritage and masha
allah he's left in his path you know his his legacy inshallah as all of us students of his that you know are inshallah hoping to revive the field profound something else no just the name of the book from belgium and sustenance of the soul correct yes sustenance of the soul he translated the second half of the book on specifically the psychological conditions yeah masalih abdan when anfus is the full name of the arabic text another beautiful book and i don't know if people know about if you in the intro mentioned uh talk about madestan i think it's very important that people know about that as well so come to the madestan yes masha allah it's it's it's through works like that that i was really inspired because i for me and this is the name of the organization it's because the um the muslims from all we did with all the historical you know digging up masha allah of our torath of our heritage you know really finding out that the muslims were the first in human history to develop in their hospitals psychiatric boards like specific areas for mental health and psychological healing and then they had the talk therapies and the sound therapy and the water therapy and art therapy and color therapy all these different forms of therapy and people hear this and say is this some new age thing that you guys took from the west no this is our islamic tradition and it's because of the you know the impetus where islam says to really heal ourselves fully and that allah like the hadith says the prophet but if allah sent down an illness he sent down its cure and so mental health was no exception to the rule and so alhamdulillah we've named our organization madestan the madestan is the original term hoping to revive that tradition of the muslims inshallah this is great to be a you know an observer that conversation that just happened so may allah bless both of you for for that and bringing in of course the name of dr malik badri rahim
allah of course i'm a graduate of iium he was our uh our uh uh someone that we looked we looked up to quite a bit at iium in malaysia alhamdulillah and he also for many people that don't know uh was someone that malcolm x of hajj malik ash-shabazz rahim allah looked up to and admired met in sudan and in fact according to many accounts the name malik and hajj malik ash-shabazz malcolm took the name malik after meeting malik badri so it's that's how profound of an impact he had on him subhanallah in his meeting with him so may allah have mercy on him and and on and hajj malik ash-shabazz as well and all of the righteous that have passed before and allow us to join with them allahumma ameen we talked about we ended up talking about right totally unplanned but allah plans beautiful session tomorrow
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