Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Wa Salatu wa Salamu Ala Rasulil Kareem Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Ajma'een Alhamdulillah we want to welcome everyone to this family event. It is a continuation of the Confident Muslim Series where we look at Muslims that are doing incredible things Masha'Allah in their spaces and that are holding on strong and firm to their faith. And we're blessed Alhamdulillah to have with us Brother Ambry Thomas Alhamdulillah Al-Rameen from Michigan who also plays for the San Francisco 49ers I'm sure a lot of you love the Niners here in Dallas But you love him as a Muslim even if you don't love his team Alhamdulillah So we're blessed to have you here Alhamdulillah He's not Sheikh Yasser Brijas He's sitting in Sheikh Yasser's chair We're discussing a trade But he's actually thinking about SubhanAllah as soon as he sat there He's watched Alhamdulillah some of the programs The late night Ramadans Alhamdulillah he's actually thinking about moving here to Valley Ranch So do you all want to see him move to Valley Ranch? Alhamdulillah So we might have you and your family Insha'Allah With us in the Valley Ranch community during the off season Alhamdulillah Brother Ambry is married Got married last year Is expecting Masha'Allah his first child We ask Allah to make it a safe and healthy and blessed delivery Allahumma Ameen His wife is Egyptian So Alhamdulillah those of you that are mostly Egyptian You have another connection Sheikh Yusuf Bakir is Egyptian as well But Alhamdulillah we wanted to show him a lot of love And obviously we wanted to You know pick his brain about what it's like to be Muslim In the space that he's in Now we're gonna start off with the most comfortable part of this Which was Ambry's 2021 interception That took the 49ers to the playoffs So can you all play that Insha'Allah
Watch Stafford go deep And picked off Intercepted by Ambry Thomas And the rookie Has just ended this game If he is inbounds They'll look at it And if it stands and it looks like it will The 49ers have won And they're in the playoffs He's in 2021-22 season Brother Ambry intercepts Matthew Stafford To take the 49ers to the playoffs that year And several brothers caught you on the sideline Doing prostrating And that's when a lot of people start to ask questions About who you were, what your background was And the first time that you had reached out to me was In 2021 And it was a question about zakah So I don't know You know, that was the first time I'd ever heard anything from you But Alhamdulillah I mean, you know, over the years getting to To know sort of the way that you've carried yourself This is sort of a moment that you've been making du'a for your entire life, right? You work for this moment Allah puts you in a place Let's just start from the question that I'm sure you've been asked many times How did it feel to be in that moment? What did that do for your du'a, for your connection to Allah To really have that level of success That childhood dream culminate? Honestly, it just made me so much more grateful Because like I'm getting emotional talking about it It felt like everything I prayed for Like, even if it didn't come when I wanted it to Like, it came at the perfect time SubhanAllah, MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah And it was just so like The joy it brought to my heart Just to know that God always listens And He's always near
It's just comfort within myself Knowing that I can pray whenever And He will answer Not even if He don't answer the way I want Him to But He's going to answer the way I need Him to So, it's just like My connection just grew ten times So, growing up Obviously, you weren't a Muslim But you're hearing about Islam Talk me through your initial impressions about Islam growing up You grew up in Michigan, so you knew a lot of Muslims Correct So, what did you know about Islam growing up? Honestly, I didn't know that much about it I'm just about to be honest Like, the way the world Or the way media or the way movies portray Islam It was just like the total opposite picture I had of it Like, I'm thinking Excuse my ignorance, everyone But I'm thinking honestly like Terrorists and stuff like that But like, when I got to learn about Islam And just learn about the religion itself Like, it's like a slap in the face To even like compare or even put like Our religion on something like that That's how I feel like And it's just like I don't know, like It's crazy When's the first time that you heard about Islam And understood like There's something about this religion That's different That I should actually look into I would say seventh grade My dad was incarcerated And he had got back And he brought us the religion But he didn't bring it to us in the right form The first time he brought us like The nation And we were like, no, like Something ain't right about this But I get what you're saying But something's not right And then He went back to jail He came back with Sunni And like, we just fell in love With all my siblings My whole family And we just felt connected from that moment Like, we have to learn more about it And it's just like We all running to learn more about it
At that point And when did you feel your first like Real connection at a personal level To Islam You know, where you felt like this is your religion And this is something that you Have a direct connection to Allah Honestly, I can say when I first picked up the Quran And I started reading it It just appealed to my heart more And it just felt like it fit me more than anything else And then when I started praying And praying on time And get extra prayers in And seeing God really answer those prayers Like It just like Hit me in a whole different way Like, he's here, he's listening We can't see him, but he sees us all the time So All this is happening, you're getting to know And obviously we're going to I know all these kids, Mashallah, have a lot of questions for you About what it's like A lot of these kids grow up and their dream is to play in the NFL Their dream is to play in the NBA And this kind of has to become Your sole focus, right So I'm assuming that As you start to look into Islam And you start to look into faith as a whole You've also got this trajectory Where you're trying to make it to the NFL You're trying to make it to the NFL You're trying to make it to the NFL, right And you have to balance these things What is it like To dream about Going to the NFL And then actually making it to the NFL And what does that do for your faith And your spirituality at that moment I say Dreaming about it And it actually happening Is like one thing But praying on it Then dreaming about it You're visualizing it And you see God put you in these positions And you feel like I feel like I've been here before You have been there before And that's exactly what I felt I just felt like God always put me in the right position When I prayed And that's exactly what he was doing the whole time
But it all started with my prayers And doing them on time, honestly How do you pray five times a day As an NFL player I would say you can always pray Four hours at a time But throughout the day That's how my schedule goes Our first meeting would be like Eight to like Eight to nine we meet Nine to ten We'll go live Between ten and ten fifteen You have a small window to eat, pray Whatever you're prioritizing But After that You go to practice After practice you can always pray You have like an hour window So that's when I usually make up my missed prayers Even if I don't pray them on time I'm always making them up Our day usually ends around Probably like four So Maghrib would just be coming in After that So Dear teammates Alhamdulillah I think that one of the blessings is that A lot of people don't know you're Muslim So that probably opens the door for a lot of conversations What's it like when people find out that you're Muslim In the NFL A lot of them have more questions About it About what drew me towards the religion What is Islam What is the difference Between Islam and Christianity And I try to explain my best ability And just explain them From my growing up Me being Growing up Christian And now me being Muslim I try to explain them the differences But yeah when they see me pray And a lot of them see me Get what I prayed for That sparks a lot of questions So let's like Let's actually go through one of these scenarios I'm an NFL player I walk up to you I say hey I heard you're Muslim Why are you Muslim
Why out of all things It's curious right Why did you become Muslim Why are you Muslim Pretend I'm a non-Muslim in an NFL locker room That finds out Ambry Thomas is a Muslim I would tell them just because I grew up seeing different things I grew up Christian And I've seen the other side But to have a community as unified As the Muslim community I don't think it's nothing like it in the world honestly You go anywhere in the world If you're That goes a long way That goes a very long way I don't know no Arabic But I go Egypt I go to Somalia I go anywhere in the Middle East They greet me back And it feels like family honestly So you've been to the Muslim world You actually I remember you reached out and you said that you want to go do charity work You've been to Somalia Correct Where else have you been Somalia We've been to South Africa And we went to Somalia and South Africa for work Alhamdulillah Now With all this happening Alhamdulillah You have introduced people to Islam And we just saw you had a teammate that became Muslim as well Recently He took Shahada In Frisco Tell me about finding out about that And what your conversations have been like with him so far Like Even before he came Muslim He asked me one question about it But I didn't think he was really interested in it So it's kind of some stuff like You plant the seed And you go back to see if it wants more knowledge Or if the plant has grown But if it hasn't you kind of leave it alone To run astray from it But when he converted I hit him up immediately Congratulating him Telling him his love always And like now our conversations just go more A little bit more in depth
But he asked me how do you pray Or how do you do this And I'm still asking him stuff even though he's new to religion But we can learn from anybody And Mashallah Your mother is ready to take Shahada So one of the good news By the way that we have Is that your mother was actually going to fly down And take Shahada Here at Valley Ranch Islamic Center We pray that Allah allows the opportunity to give her Shahada Soon How many Closet Muslims are in the NFL This is a question He had a lot of closet Muslims in the NFL Most definitely I would say there's a lot on a lot of teams I feel like Not a lot of people are Comfortable expressing their religion yet But I feel like With me It's out there, I don't hide it That's what I love, I love Allah I do it for Allah, everything I do is for Him And I just feel like it's something To be proud about So on your Instagram Let me actually see this right quick What your bio looks like It says That's what it says in Arabic When you open your bio I fear Allah only What made you put that there Because I feel like just in my lifetime Growing up in Detroit, I've been through a lot I've seen a lot And I feel like you see so much It's only one One thing in this universe that can scare you And that's Allah I feel like I'm not scared of nothing I'm scared of that man above That's it So obviously You're scared of Allah No human being No other thing No one else causes you fear No one else drives your action What do you say about Muslims, Muslim kids That sometimes feel like it's scary to be Muslim In public, it's scary to be Muslim Around others
I say that you guys Should show up more, you never know who you're Influencing, you might be influencing Your parents to be more Involved in with the religion You might be influencing your younger sibling And I say you're going to strengthen Your connection with Allah by doing so Just for the sake of yourself You stick to that, you build that ground Right now while you're young, when you get older You care less what anybody say about you Doing what you gotta do for your creator What do you say to young people that Want to make it to the NFL Or want to make it to the NBA How much do they have to work out Honestly, you gotta work all day Every day My boy right there, we've been down here Working, I would probably get one day off If that a week, but we're working every day We go two days out here in the heat But that's what it's about You gotta put yourself in uncomfortable Situations to grow I'm uncomfortable being up here but It's for the sake of Allah, I'm growing I'm doing it for Allah, I'm growing And that's what life is about I feel like Putting yourself in uncomfortable situations In order for you to grow SubhanAllah, you actually I remember you actually said You want to help inspire Muslim youth, you want to do programming With Muslim youth, you want to start foundations You want to use whatever success you have To build other people up For a lot of young Muslims They're looking up to you And you're living their dream right now How do you not lose Perspective, how do you Maintain Jannah as your goal Because at the end of the day This is not the dream, the dream is Jannah And everything I try Doing in this lifetime I want it to get me to Jannah Like that's my end goal I want to get to Jannah I want to touch as many people as I can But I want to get, I'm trying to get myself My loved ones All my brothers, sisters to Jannah And I want to see as many people As I can go, inshallah
We all go So I'm going to Put something up here So you came to Dallas In my rookie season we played Dallas Cowboys In the playoffs, I believe we beat them So on behalf of all The non-cowboy Muslims, non-cowboy Fans I'd like to just pull up that picture So you all can look at it Jazakallah khair May Allah reward you But for the Cowboys fans May Allah forgive you, you can see that They're here strong But you know Subhanallah I think that as you're going Through the NFL, you're going through Season after season One of the things I think people probably don't appreciate Is that you have to work Extremely hard And there's a lot of uncertainty It's one catch, it's one Roster change, it's one coach Change, it's one play It's a game of seconds Right, and we were talking about this today This idea of precision A game of seconds Learning to trust the qadr of Allah What is it like when Allah Doesn't answer a dua the way that you want Him to answer your dua, how do you still Stay strong as a Muslim I'm about to tell you all one of my Experiences in college I was diagnosed with colitis IBS I was in the hospital for like a month and a half And just all blood in my stool Like for the whole month I probably got down to like 135, I went from like 175 to 135 like in a month And the only thing I Can think about, like it's God You get me up out of this, I'm eating right I'm eating right, I'm doing whatever you need me to do But in reality I feel Like when I really just Sat down in there and realized Like okay I'll be here in a minute and I'll start Getting closer and just
Tightening my relationship with God any way I can Whether it was reading, watching videos Praying And then like Just staying committed to what I needed to do Because I was in the hospital I used to walk the Walk the staircases, I kid you not I used to walk the staircases like what With a gallon of water Like no muscles, no nothing, like I couldn't lift it Couldn't do nothing So all I could remember was just like the people My support system around me like Come on Amber you got this My wife, my mom Come on you got this, you're good And I'm just thinking that whole season like I'm not about to play And it's two weeks out to the season I'm 140 pounds I look like I'm sick, like I'm I look very sick And um It's upon the law like a week later I started getting my Weight back And what the week after that I started hopping back To practice And that first game of the season like I caught an interception Had a fumble recovery, tackle for loss I just had my best game ever And everyone was like wow like you ain't practiced this whole time How do you do that And I told them I was like the whole time I was in there I was praying I was asking God to put me in this Position and Just show him I'm grateful And just to show him I would never go astray From him and Just show him I'm there with him It happened the way I planned it to Well the way he planned it to But it happened the way It happened the exact way Even though I didn't even think I was going to play that season Like I was devastated from that But I just stayed committed to my faith at the end of the day So mashallah You've been through those ups and downs You've seen it And I think you're teaching youth Especially the importance of praising Allah Through all of that If Allah gives you You're still young in the NFL Still in your third year If Allah gives you
Everything that you want From a worldly perspective Gives you success in the NFL Allows you to Win championships Allows you to beat the Cowboys Many times Allows you to win Super Bowls Allows you to be an MVP Allah gives you everything that you could possibly want What is your dream trajectory? What do you want to be looking back at 20 years from now Inshallah Saying like I did my best as a Muslim What does that look like If I'm interviewing you 20 years from now What do you want to see yourself I just want to say that I want to be able to look myself in the mirror And say that I used my key that God gave me That being football As a key to touch and help as many people as I can With my influence With whatever Every time I pray I ask Allah to put me in position To be next to people like Omar And be in position To help and give back Subhanallah It's happening It's happened I'm just grateful for that Inshallah Is that enough Cowboys hate for you guys Alright We're going to open it up to questions So we want to let the audience ask Their questions Inshallah Do we have an extra mic or should we just Pass this one around Or people just raise their hands Alright we'll take the first set of questions Inshallah Whoever wants to raise their hands if you can speak loud enough Alright you want to ask a question So the question is When you got that interception against the Rams What was going through your head In those moments The first thing that Hit my head was like God answered my prayer
Honestly because I asked for like a Season ending Game ending interception But I asked for it at the beginning of the season But it came when I needed it though You know what I'm saying But yeah like subhanallah it came Like that and I was just so grateful I couldn't even tell you right now What I was thinking What you saw on the video That's what was going through my mind But yeah I was very excited I couldn't even tell you Alright anyone else You guys can ask your questions Inshallah Yeah what's your question Yes they do pay me That's a great question does the NFL pay you The NFL does pay Here come up and ask your question How did it feel To get drafted Into the NFL I would say it felt like really amazing To get drafted into the NFL Just to know that God answered my prayers And just to know that All my hard work paid off To a certain extent even though I'm still working Towards something bigger You're so good Can you have led your team To victory over the Eagles Because it seems like the 49ers are sleeping Yeah hold on Y'all heard the question When you guys played the Eagles If you were so good Maybe you could have led your team to the victory
Because it seems like the 49ers Were sleeping on offense I agree with him Every dog has his day No comment Still under contract right now We talk after this year Any other questions Please do ask You mentioned several times About praying on time That alone is structure To get to where you've gotten to You must have Had a lot of structure in everything Diet How do you teach kids To focus on structure Everything Leads to prayer I'm happy you asked that Going back I'll repeat the question How do you teach kids to focus on structure Obviously being a professional Athlete requires structure with your diet Structure with your sleep Structure with everything So how do you teach kids to focus on that I'm going to start with The diet thing When I was in the hospital Allah put a reset on me To start eating the right things Start treating your body How far you want it to go That's the message I got From him being in the hospital that long So once I got out I started eating all the right things I noticed when I was eating right I started feeling better I'm like okay I'm going to keep doing this Praying on time I noticed when I prayed on time My days were easier, less stress Everything I wanted to do I accomplished for the day And I felt like I was honestly getting better At whatever I wanted to accomplish in life Yes, gotta be right I think that's
One of the important concepts in Islam Is that you can't have ihsan Which is excellence in output Unless you have ithqan which is excellence in process And especially with young people Finding that structure, finding that discipline Not just young people honestly If you want to attain something You have to give it your all And so to take that worldly You know prize There's a tiny percentage of people Who make it to the NFL Or make it to a professional league You translate that to your Pursuit of religion So I'm actually going to Piggyback on that question How do you take that structure And then put it towards your pursuit of religion Your reading, your thinking About how to become a better Muslim How do you bring that same mindset To becoming a better Muslim as well I say it's easier if you have Everyone has a goal at the end of the day That's everyone's goal right Then you're going to do certain things In your life to set you up for Jannah You're going to pray on time You're going to learn more about the prophet May peace be upon him You're going to learn about your creator It's just certain stuff you're going to do To put yourself in a better relation To him on the day of judgment So Henry let me ask you this question I don't want to take it from the crowd But I think it's important You meet a lot of people that seem to have it all Tell me about the superstars of the superstars And a lot of kids look up to them But you know that they're actually really empty Yeah Honestly it's a lot of people out there That have a lot of money But just to really talk to them And get to know them They really don't have nothing When you really get to talk to them Because they're coming from a broken place And they're just so Money is everything, cars are everything This is everything, that is everything And nothing is about God And honestly it's sad to me When I can ask somebody a question Because I do this all the time And I truly believe everybody should have
One answer to this That's what I think I ask them, I say what do you think your purpose is of life They all, raise my family Get this money Live lavish like that I want to be in the NFL I want to live over there, I want to stay over there And I tell everybody My true purpose of life Is just to get closer with our creator He puts us in difficult positions And challenges everyday Just for us to get closer to him He gives you what you want for you to get closer to him He takes from you for you to get closer to him Everything he does I feel like In our world is for us to get closer to him And it just hurts me on the inside Honestly when people Don't see that or they ask God Why has he done this to me He's done this to you for you to get closer to him Beautiful answer Mashallah, truly a beautiful answer And I think that Alhamdulillah when you see someone that That's exposed to that world And knows that it's not all that You know it's really not Fulfilling as people think it is Whereas having Allah Even if you have very little from a worldly perspective Is incredibly fulfilling Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah So if someone were to ask you Hey I'm thinking about Becoming Muslim Let's talk about those private Muslims in the NFL But I also don't want to be judged By the Muslim community You know like it's hard, you convert to Islam And I think sort of along the lines of what Ali was asking Like hey you become a Muslim and now suddenly Everything you say, everything you do The Muslim community might look at you And like Not really, how do you support someone like that How do you tell someone hey take that step You could inspire many other people There are a lot of prominent Muslims That people don't know are Muslims That if they told the world they were Muslims They would do an incredible amount of dawah So what do you say to those people that are like You know I'm afraid of just The outside as well as the inside As I'm trying to grow the expectations
I would tell them first just take that first Step for God and take that step Towards Him regardless of what anybody Thinks like it's going to be difficult You're going to have your different opinions Or what people think you should Or shouldn't be doing but at the end of the day I feel like that's not between nobody Besides you and your creator and as long as You're building your connection with Him And you're strengthening that bond That's all that matters at the end of the day As-salamu alaykum How do you manage fasting In Ramadan while being an NFL player That's the hardest thing ever honestly But normally When it's the month of Ramadan We're usually off We don't have to report To no team training So honestly I trap myself in the house Fast but Working out a lot of that stuff I'm not doing I do a little bit Of lifting weights and stuff But I'm not doing a lot of stuff to burn energy Until I done broke my fast Then I'm going about my day normally With my workouts and stuff but For the most part of the day I'm making sure I'm just getting my prayers in I'm reading That's all that matters to me at that point As-salamu alaykum What do you advise Athletes that forego food In order to lose weight I would say It's kind of hard I would say increase the fruit intake Lower carbs Little bit more protein And carbs And yeah just a lot of smoothies And stuff like that to lose weight But I would say it's hard to do that again Because we need our energy And it's hot out here in Texas I ain't never been out here It's burning up out here I don't know how y'all do it I would say it's kind of hard Because a lot of us males
Athletes we need our energy We burning our calories everyday We burning just walking around Playing That's kind of hard Who's a major role model That you look up to Major role model Are we talking about From a football aspect Or life in general Life I would say my father Just because like He brought me to this path I'm just grateful for him For showing me this Football I kind of look up to everybody I kind of take a little bit from everybody game If you guys familiar with Jordan Lewis He played for the Dallas Cowboys We went to Michigan together Look up to him take from his game I take from everybody game and just make it to my own My question was I've seen a lot of muslim athletes And being a muslim Requires a lot of discipline A lot of hard work How does being a muslim Sort of translate Into being the NFL What I mean by that is How does that sort of translate In your lifestyle I've seen a lot of people Like Khabib He's a devout muslim He's a devout muslim But it's helped him become an amazing athlete So how has it helped you in that sense Discipline Discipline, discipline, discipline You're going to be disciplined with your prayers You're going to be disciplined with your food intake You're going to be disciplined About being at work 20 minutes before It's just discipline It's about locking into the little things That's going to take you over the board Honestly I lock into the little things Praying on time It changed my life It changed my life I got everything I wanted It's just the little things
What do you do when you're not playing football Or working out I sleep or eat Go ahead How did it feel like When you were in the NFL Or were a muslim How did it feel like when you became a muslim It felt amazing When I became a muslim I just felt like my whole life was easier And I just felt more connected With earth And everything around me Itself Why did you start playing football I started playing football Because my older brothers played it And I just like competing And I felt like I was better than my older brother Honestly I was being a follower I wanted to do what he did Then I realized I was actually pretty good at it So I decided To make this my route To help my family In the NFL There's a lot of distractions In the dunya How do you Stay away from those distractions And be a muslim I don't want to scare nobody When I say this I think about death a lot We all can die anytime The more you remember death The more you're not going to do The nonsense that you would do If you weren't thinking about it A lot of parents here Are afraid to let their boys play football So what are your feelings About concussions
You're inshallah going to have a newborn And would you let him or her play I would say If my son wanted to play football I wouldn't stop him I would just advise him And let him know what could happen But if he wanted to play I don't think I would stop him Because ultimately God has written everything out And if it was meant to happen It's going to happen Sound like him So sometimes we have these worldly dreams Or these humans That we look up to Or heroes And when we get there Or we meet these people Sometimes we don't find it to be what it was Sometimes dunya puts us down So when it comes to your path to the NFL When you look up Has a worldly goal And is doing everything towards that worldly goal Did you find it to be what it was And do you advise How do you advise I would say I didn't find it to be what it was When I got there I felt like it was all just a big illusion Somebody on TV just say Oh this person Amory Thomas Now everyone knows Amory Thomas My face gets put out there more And it's just like It's a bigger image for you But like They're just regular people I guard the best receivers Week in week out The more I look at them It's just like this is a regular person I'm not going off of what I heard off TV Or anything like that This is a regular person He's going to have to show me He's whoever you say he is What was the second half of your question I would tell them to remember the end goal And just focus on
One little thing at a time Whether that's Whatever you want to work towards Just make that your main goal And always put God first And everything will always pan out the way it's supposed to First of all Stafford is Matthew Stafford is from here In Dallas So your Dallas roots were laid pretty early Just a question about Football is very There's a lot of religious people in football A lot of Christians and things like that What's your interfaith dialogue like With people who are really strong Practicing Christians Who aren't really seeking to learn about Islam To convert but really to learn To understand you Or just to create a healthy environment in the locker room Basically I always Respect whatever they believe in But I always Because I tell them I was Christian at first I got baptized Christian And I always just plant a seed in their ear I say something smart for them to think about And just leave them thinking about it all night Whether they come back to me the next day or not I leave them thinking about something Where they're going to want to Actually ask more questions about Islam What was the game Other than The one with the interception You said what? What was the game Other than the one with the interception Like what was the best game My best game personally I would say my best game Personally Against the Cowboys that year Y'all look up that film Y'all top receivers I say that was a pretty good game for me Mashallah We got some good news man So Alhamdulillah you brought brother Demario To the masjid And Demario was asking questions And you mentioned to me earlier today you wanted to bring your brother And he's actually ready to embrace Islam
Mashallah So I'm going to have you Stand up inshallah To the front inshallah But you're going to have to give him a bigger hug Than anybody else here With this man I don't know if he told you But man I got a special place in In my heart for this man I met him when he was about 16 years old And I was a highly recruited football player I'm older than him And when I met him he was just A junior in high school And when I asked him who's the best player in Michigan I was already playing SEC football, Division 1 I was already, got highly recruited I said who's the best And he stood up immediately It was a fire in his eyes And I told him when he was 17 years old That he was going to be in the NFL He was going to be a great player And it all came true I see a vision for him That he probably don't see for himself sometimes But that's my brother Well you're about to become brothers in Islam As well, brothers in faith as well And your close relationship is beautiful And you know you mentioned Your grandmother always told you Belief in one God And you always held that belief in one God And that's kind of what instilled the beautiful position Of Islam in your heart And you've been training Ambry and you've all been talking And Alhamdulillah We're blessed to welcome you You're just as, see he's going to go back home To Michigan Or San Francisco But now you're going to be a part of our community Until he finishes winning his Super Bowl Then he comes back and moves here for the off season But brother DeMario Alhamdulillah we're really Excited to welcome you as well So I'm going to have you repeat after me It's going to be in Arabic and in English There is no baptism No pool, that's really simple You just repeat the testimony of faith And you become a Muslim And that is the greatest piece of news
That we're going to have tonight Alhamdulillah This is the greatest piece of news May Allah bless you both And may Allah unite all of us in paradise together And allow you to be brothers on thrones In paradise So if you'll repeat after me And when you do When you become Muslim All of your previous sins are forgiven Every single thing you've ever done in your life In one moment disappears And all of the good that you've done stays From what I've heard about you through Ambry You've done a lot of good mentoring young players And doing a lot of good in your life And so you have a clean slate as you start And so it's a beautiful moment So if you'll repeat after me I'm going to go in Arabic first, really slowly And then in English, Inshallah So say Ash hadu An La Na Ilaha Ila Ila Illa Allah Illa Allah Wa Wa Wa Ash hadu Ash hadu Anna Anna Muhammadan Muhammadan Rasul Rasul Allah Allah Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters So so you're gonna have to hug each and every single one of them And I think And And... And I think this is the best way to conclude our program Alhamdulillah So we want to thank you Ambry for coming And we hope that Valley Ranch becomes your future home as well but But everyone here is going to be rooting for you And making dua for you And
So, D'Mario we want to welcome you as well to your new community to your new home Jazak'Allah Khairah Salaam alaykum Salam alaykum