Angels in Your Presence
27 / 30
Episode 27: The Heavens are Creaking
The angels compete with each other to be the one to catch your praise and record it. What is the best way to praise Allah, and how do the angels receive it?
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. I remember coming across this NASA study, Our Universe Is Not Silent, and it captured all of the sounds in outer space, because there's this idea that there is no sound in space because it's foreign to us. And I thought about this hadith of the Prophet, where the Prophet said that the heavens are creaking, and there's a reason why they have a right to creak. He said, salallahu alayhi wasalam, because there is not a span of four fingers, except that there is an angel that is standing, bowing, prostrating, and glorifying Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in every single space in the heavens. And subhanAllah, when you listen to the sounds, even to us, to what our ears can capture, it's almost like you could hear chants and shaking. But of course, what the angels are actually praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with, and the way that they're glorifying Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the creaking of the expanding heavens, as more angels are, of course, even being created to fill that expansion. That is something that only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala hears to its full extent. You think about what it would be like to pray with all of those angels. And we talked about, you know, having angels the size of mountains praying with you, even if you're praying in your room, 70,000 angels accompanying you, and all of these malaika. The Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam said something really profound about our salah with those malaika. He said salAllahu alaihi wasalam that when the imam says ameen, then say ameen as well. For if your ameen coincides with his ameen, his ameen coincides with the ameen of all of the angels. So the malaika say ameen, the angels say ameen, when the imam says ameen. So say ameen also. And the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam said, if you say it at that time,
he said that all of your previous sins would be forgiven. So all of you are saying ameen. It's not just the imam, it's the musallin, those that are praying behind the imam and all of the angels that are joining as well. He also said salAllahu alaihi wasalam that when the imam says, sami'allahu liman hamida, Allah has heard the one who has praised him. And we say rabbana walakal hamd. And to you, O Lord belongs all praise. The Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam said that when you say that, the angels say it as well. And if your rabbana walakal hamd coincides with the malaika, coincides with the angels, then all of your previous sins are forgiven. So it's not just this congregation. It is this entire congregation of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's worshippers coming together in unison to say ameen, to say rabbana walakal hamd. There's a beautiful incident where the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam was leading the sahaba in salah. And as he said, sami'allahu liman hamida, Allah has heard the one who has praised him. He heard a man behind him say, rabbana walakal hamd, hamdan kathiran tayyiban mubarakan fihi. Rabbana walakal hamd, to you, O Lord belongs all praise. A praise that is pure, hamdan kathiran, plentiful, tayyib, pure, mubarakan fihi, and blessed. A hamd, a praise that is plentiful, pure, and blessed. And the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam, when he finished the prayer, he said, who amongst you said, rabbana walakal hamd, hamdan kathiran tayyiban mubarakan fihi? And a companion said, it was me, O messenger of Allah. He said, I saw 30 angels rushing, trying to catch your hamd, trying to catch your praise, so that they could have the honor of recording that hamd with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, recording that praise with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So when you are praying and you say, rabbana walakal hamd, when you say ameen, and of course there's the fiqh of whether it's silent or loud, but you say ameen as the Imam says, ameen, and you say, rabbana walakal hamd,
hamdan kathiran tayyiban mubarakan fihi, as you're praising your Lord, know that you have angels that are praising with you, and angels that are recording your praise, and taking it up to the most praiseworthy.
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