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Episode 5: Switching Shifts

April 28, 2020Dr. Omar Suleiman

How does the way that you sleep affect the way that you wake up? And what happens when the angels gather at Fajr?


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So you went to sleep in wudu, reciting ayatul kursi, reciting the adhkar, the remembrances that are required for the night. Throughout that night, you had an angel that was protecting you, and an angel that was seeking forgiveness for you as you were in that state of purification. And if you meet Allah in that state, you are good because you left this world in a state of remembrance, in a state of purification. Now, how does this affect however, the next day when you wake up? Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions in the Qur'an, Inna Qur'an al-Fajri kana mashhooda That the Qur'an that's recited at the Fajr time is witnessed. It's widely witnessed. And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam explained that when you wake up in the morning, you have angels that have shifts. And so we talked about the two angels that guard you, the two angels that record. Those angels shift out at Fajr time and at Asr time. So you have the angels of the night and you have the angels of the day. And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, they switch those shifts at the time of Fajr and at the time of Asr. And so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la gathers them at the time of Fajr around that person, as that person is reciting the Qur'an at Fajr. And this is also connected to Salatul Jama'ah, the congregational prayer of Salatul Fajr when everyone is coming together, you woke up Tayyibun Nafs, nasheetun tayyibun nafs, energetic with a good spirit, you know, directed towards Allah, longing towards Him. And then you made your way to Salatul Fajr and all of the angels of each person there, your angels that work the morning shift and your angels that work the evening shift are gathered around listening to the recitation of that Qur'an at the time of Fajr. And what a glorious moment that was. And so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la asks those angels that He sent to you and those angels that are coming back because they all report back to Allah after their shift and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says to them, how did you find my servants? They say,
Tarakna hum wa hum yusalloon wa atayna hum wa hum yusalloon We left them while they were in a state of prayer and we came to them while they were in a state of prayer. They're constantly in a state of prayer because they're being found by the angels that are gathering at the time of the switching of shifts at Fajr in a state of reciting the Qur'an. And of course the Qur'an of Fajr is supposed to be the longest recitation of the Qur'an where we really start our days off connected to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And this, by the way, connects to the Hadith where the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam was asked about a person who sleeps through the night and then wakes up after the sunrise. Okay. So sleeps through the night, wakes up after the sunrise. And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, that's a person, that the Shaytan urinated in their ears. So the difference between the angels being at your bedside, seeking forgiveness for you, protecting you, and then you wake up in the daytime and the angels assemble for you, your angels that work the morning shift, the angels that work the evening shift all gathered around you as you recite the Qur'an and reporting to Allah that this person was in a state of prayer when we came to them and this person was in a state of prayer when we left them. This also has implications for our adhkar, for the remembrances that we make. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said, Saddidu wa qaribu, waghdu wa roohu, wa shay'un minal duljati wal qasta al qas tablughu. Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said to be sincere and moderate in your good deeds, Saddidu wa qaribu, do your best. Aim for perfection, but know that you have to be moderate in that pursuit of perfection. Waghdu wa roohu, and use the forenoon, use the time in the morning after Fajr until the sunrise, and use the evening between Asr and Maghrib to get ahead. Ibn Rajab Rahimahullah said, the way the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam talked about the first type of deeds, he gave us the manhaj, the methodology for how we do our deeds. We set the standard of perfection, but we moderately, you know, pursue that perfection.
And then he mentioned, al ghadwa wa rooha, which is the morning time between Fajr and sunrise and the evening time between Asr and Maghrib. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam gave us the best of times, afdal al awqat, if we make use of those times, we can get ahead. And that's when the angels are gathered around us as they're switching shifts and they find us in a state of dhikr, in a state of remembrance. And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam of course also said, burika li ummati fee bukooriha, that my nation is blessed in its mornings. The way that you start off your morning with Fajr, with recitation, and even, you know, getting, getting a headstart on your day in terms of your halal worldly pursuits. You know, one of the companions took the advice of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and started to work earlier than everyone else. And he always found himself ahead of everyone else. So using that early morning time to remember Allah as the angels that work your morning and night shift are together. And then beginning your own work shift earlier than everyone else allows you to get ahead.
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