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Ep. 18: The Veterans of Badr | Angels in Their Presence | Season 2

May 27, 2022Dr. Omar Suleiman
Angels In Their Presence | Season 2

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The Battle of Badr brought down angels from the heavens in great numbers to stand alongside those who experienced persecution for their faith. Described as “men as large as mountains,” the angels fought in battle, captured enemies, and even lined up rows of soldiers for prayer. And just as the Companions who participated in Badr were seen as the best of Companions, the angels who fought on that day gained the status of the best of angels.


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Wabi yawmi badrin hina tumha wujuhahum, Jibreel tahta riwa'ina wa muhammadu The famous verses of poetry from Ka'b ibn Malik radiAllahu ta'ala anhu as he looked out at the battlefield of Badr and he said the day of Badr, the day that their faces were disgraced, Jibreel alayhi salam and Muhammad sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam are standing under our banner. Who's going to defeat this army? With Jibreel alayhi salam amongst us and Muhammad sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam amongst us. Before the battle starts, the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam says Hatha Jibreel aakhidun biraasi farasihi alayhi adatul harb He says here's Jibreel alayhi salam holding the head of his horse and he is ready for battle. He's ready to go forward. This is going to now proceed and subhanAllah the miracles that the sahaba will witness on the day of Badr from the angels which is the time that more companions witnessed angels than any other moment right so the scholars mention more people saw the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam on Hajjatul Wada' on the farewell Hajj than any other time in the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam's life. More people saw Jibreel alayhi salam in human form on the day of Hadith Jibreel alayhi salam than any other day and this is the day of Badr where more companions experienced the mala'ika than all of the other moments of the seerah combined. So Abdullah ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhuma describes the scene that as soon as the battle proceeds basically the Muslims are seeing their enemies get pulled off of their horses and flying right and left and they don't even have to do anything. Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhuma describes that moment where you're going after someone and then you hear a whip from the sky and then the person falls off the horse so the enemies were falling without the Muslims in many
cases even having to strike them okay so in one situation there was a Muslim that was chasing someone from the other side as Ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhuma says and just as he was going to him he heard the sound of a whip over that over that man and he heard this voice this voice that was so loud that said aqdim hayzum go forward hayzum so he said that when he heard that sound he looked up to see who it was and then he looked back at the man and he saw that the man had fallen off of his horse and he had the scar from the lashing on his nose and his face and subhanAllah it had turned green because of the severity of that strike that came to his face so he came to the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam after that and he asked the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam about what he saw and the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam said hayzum was an angel from the third heaven now one of the things the scholars mention is that even the kuffar even the disbelievers and of course many of them were disbelievers only at the time even they saw the angels on that day so Hayl ibn Amr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu of course would not become Muslim until way later he said there were angels on horses that were gliding between the heavens and the earth I mean these were men that were gliding between the heavens and the earth effortlessly and they killed us and they captured us however they saw fit there was nothing we could do against them and the only logical explanation they could come to on the other side was they said this was some sort of magic or soothsaying the same way they tried to dismiss the Quran by saying that this is just magic and soothsaying and poetry they tried to dismiss the experience they had at Badr by saying maybe this was just some sort of supernatural force that was summoned that we can't make sense of there's another incident that took place with Abu Yusr al-Sulami radiAllahu ta'ala anhu Abu Yusr was a
very small statured man okay a very small statured man and he goes up to al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu on the day of Badr now al-Abbas was on the side of the disbelievers but you know there's a difference of opinion about whether he'd already become Muslim and he was concealing it or whether al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu was still not Muslim but he wasn't going to fight against the Prophet ﷺ so he came out on that day because he was forced to come out but al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu did not actually lift up his sword against any of the Muslims so he didn't fight technically speaking the Muslims but al-Abbas was a huge man radiAllahu ta'ala anhu a very large man so what happens is that Abu Yusr goes to him and just the idea of Abu Yusr capturing al-Abbas is something that seems impossible because that's what the variation of size looks like so Abu Yusr he comes holding al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu back to the Muslims and the Muslims are looking at him with just complete shock and awe like there is no way that Abu Yusr was able to capture al-Abbas so Abu Yusr comes and he's excited and he's saying Ya Rasulullah there was this man that came I've never seen him before and he helped me tie him up and he put him together and then he told me go forth and the Prophet ﷺ he smiled and he said laqad a'anaka alayhi malakun kareem it was a noble angel that helped you capture al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and bring him back now there's an incident that takes place in Mecca that's also describing what happened in Badr Abu Rafi radiAllahu ta'ala anhu who was the servant of al-Abbas he says that I was sitting with the wife of al-Abbas who we know was a Muslim Lubaba, Lubaba Umm al-Fadl radiAllahu ta'ala anhu so I was sitting with Lubaba and Abu Lahab was pacing nervously back and forth waiting for the news from Badr so he's there he's already a Muslim and he's keeping it to himself Lubaba is a Muslim and she's keeping it to herself or
rather she is a Muslim but she's not being threatened uh you know because she's the woman of the house and so no one is really touching her they're leaving her alone and al-Abbas is either a secret Muslim or someone who's not hostile to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam but he's on the other side right he's he's fighting technically against the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam so Abu Rafi says we're sitting in the room Abu Lahab is pacing back and forth right waiting for the news and then Abu Sufyan comes and when Abu Sufyan comes Abu Lahab stands up and says Malhabar what happened so Abu Sufyan says to him we found a people that were small in number but they were not deficient in courage they had courage that made up for their numbers they killed us as they wished they captured us as they wished and they had with them these huge men the size of mountains that literally were filling up the space between the earth and the skies and they were striking at us but we couldn't strike back at them so Abu Rafi says I'm listening to this and I couldn't contain myself in joy so I stood up and I said tilka wallahi al malaika tilka wallahi al malaika I swear by Allah it was the angels I swear by Allah it was the angels and Abu Lahab punches him in the face and starts to beat him violently and that's when Lubaba radiAllahu ta'ala anha takes a pole and cracks it across the skull of Abu Lahab and Abu Lahab would actually die from that strike from Lubaba radiAllahu ta'ala anha so subhanAllah that's even the way that the enemies of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam were perceiving the angels and the ease with which the battle would flow now subhanAllah the interaction of the Muslims with the malaika with the angels was not just limited to the battle and not just limited to you know feeling the presence and seeing the the enemies fly but the sahaba even experienced something else when Jibreel alayhi salam was with
the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam he was also giving the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam the command and the process of salat al khawf how to pray in the middle of a battle so this prayer where you know some of the troops go they pray the first rak'ah they come out another group grows and prays the first rak'ah they switch out so it's a very interesting way of doing the salah under those circumstances and the sahaba could feel the warmth of the hands of Jibreel alayhi salam and the angels as they were arranging their rows for salah so subhanAllah they could feel the hands of the angels putting them in their rows in prayer because even then the angels were straightening the rows for salah subhanAllah even in the midst of battle even in the midst of salat al khawf so they encountered Jibreel alayhi salam and they encountered the malaika in ways on the day of Badr that they would remember for all times now was it only memorable to the sahaba to the people or was it memorable to the angels as well Jibreel alayhi salam comes to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and this is a hadith in Bukhari and he says to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam Ya Rasulullah how do you the companions see the veterans of Badr amongst you like what position do you give them and the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said khiyaruna they're the best of us we put the veterans of Badr on a pedestal and that pedestal by the way would last throughout the entire time of the sahaba like someone who was from the Badriyun the people of Badr always maintained a position that gave them a status amongst the sahaba and Jibreel alayhi salam says what he says he said you know what Ya Rasulullah even the angels the Badriyun from the angels the angels
the angels that came down and fought on the day of Badr we give them a status and they are the best amongst us
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