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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Day 24: When the Night Draws its Curtain —The Importance of Tahajjud | Ramadan Strong

May 29, 2019Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed
The most effective therapeutic exercise; standing in front of our creator in the darkness of the night.


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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. My dear brothers and sisters, one of the purposes of the month of Ramadan is to develop good habits. Some of us, alhamdulillah, have already started on this journey towards developing good habits. Now the objective is that we maintain these good habits and they become part of our lifestyle for the rest of our life. While some of us are still struggling to start this journey, the good news is that we still have a few blessed nights and a few blessed days left and we can still develop a few good habits. One of the habits that we can all aspire to develop is the habit that was commonly found in the lives of the sahaba, radhiyaAllahu anjuma'in, the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's a habit that many of us undermine and underestimate the value and the power of this habit. And that is the habit of waking up in the middle of the night, praying two raka'ats or four raka'ats, shedding a few tears, and crying to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, asking Allah for our needs. This habit of tahajjud and du'a at night is a habit that we can develop in these last ten nights of Ramadan because it comes about the sahaba. ... These are people that made it part of their lifestyle continuously that most of the nights they would be standing in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, like a mother who waits for her child at the end of the day, a child in kindergarten or pre-k, and how happy she is and how overjoyed she is when she sees her child at the end of the day, that's how happy these people would be when the night would come, because now it's a moment to cry in front of Allah. ...
No one else listens to me, oh Allah only you listen to me. No one else can help me, only Allah, only you can help me. They had this belief so they would love the night, they would love... These people would enjoy their nights, because what were they doing in their nights? What were they doing? This is the one quality the Prophet ﷺ explains,... The first thing that they were doing is doing... Praying at night, the Prophet ﷺ he says,... It was a lifestyle of the pious people before you. It is a means of getting closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It's a means of cleansing of the sins. It is a means of preventing a person from sins. He says,... This one sajda, this one tear, this one dua, this one moment at night that you stand in front of Allah that you undermine, underestimate, he says trust me this could help you and it could help you stay away from asking hundreds of other people during the day and going door to door during the day, just that one sajda could help you with that. ... Imam Shafi'i says,... Imam Shafi'i says that the error of the night, it never misses a target. It might not happen right away, but after a certain time it will definitely happen for you. So we should, in these last ten nights and ten days, we should develop this habit of standing in front of Allah,... Isolation, so before suhoor we can make it part of our lifestyle that you know, we take out ten minutes, twenty minutes, pray two rakats of tahajjud, open the Quran, make dua, do some dhikr, and we do this every single night and inshaAllah after the month of Ramadan
we can continue with this and make this part of our lifestyle. Allah make it easy for us to act upon whatever was said and make these last few nights of the Ramadan the best nights of Ramadan and make these nights a means of developing habits so that we can inculcate them part of our life for the rest of our life. Jazakallah khair. Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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