Allah Loves
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Allah Loves Beauty | Episode 30
"Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty." This final episode describes why Allah loves to see traces of His blessings on us and how we can do so without being overly extravagant. May Allah make all of us who are beloved by Him.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakato and Eid Mubarak. Allah loves and this episode is a special Eid episode but not just restricted to Eid. Inna allaha jameelun yuhibbul jamal. Allah is beautiful and Allah loves beauty. This hadith speaks to the etiquettes that we should have today and a general mindset that we are supposed to have. The Prophet peace be upon him said whoever has in their heart an atom's worth of pride would not enter into paradise. So one of the companions said but Ya Rasulullah, O messenger of God, a person loves to have nice clothes, they love to have nice shoes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that's praiseworthy. Inna allaha jameelun yuhibbul jamal because Allah is beautiful and Allah loves beauty. The Prophet peace be upon him said that also if Allah has given you blessing, Allah loves to see the effect of his blessing upon you. And Allah subhana wa ta'ala wants to see it upon you but wa laa tusrifu. Enjoy the blessing of Allah, do not be extravagant. But at the same time to dress nice, to take your best clothes, to take the blessing of Allah subhana wa ta'ala upon you and to show it, not to show it off, to show it with gratitude. Let the trace of Allah's blessing be upon you. Taking care of yourself, being well dressed, showing that blessing and thanking Allah subhana wa ta'ala for that blessing. Allah also tells us in the Quran khudhu zinatakum ainda kulli masru. Take your best appearance when you go to the houses of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. And of course on Eid day there is no greater demonstration of that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to obviously come out with our best form, to bring our best clothes, to show the best of adornment within that which is permissible of course and to thank Allah subhana wa ta'ala.
So just as after the long month of Ramadan you thank Allah subhana wa ta'ala and you come out with your best on the day of Eid showing that beauty for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala who is the most beautiful within permissible bounds, I'm going to keep on saying within permissible bounds, then in the same way we take that mindset for our entire lives. That when Allah gives us something, Allah doesn't want to see us beaten down and showing that we're poor and that we're deprived when Allah has given us. Allah subhana wa ta'ala wants us to show our best as a means of showing gratitude for his blessings. And that's why Imam al-Ghazali rahimallah mentioned a people who would wear wool even though they didn't need to or they wore certain clothes that were beat up and raggedy and they deprived themselves because they thought that was an expression of love to Allah subhana wa ta'ala. But you have a Lord who is generous and Allah wants to see the trace of his blessing upon you. So enjoy his blessing. Umar ibn Abdul Aziz rahimallah said, speak of your blessings but without boasting, without showing off and without attracting envy. You know when people talk about attracting envy, most of the people that are very paranoid about envy are the people who show off the most. The most extravagant weddings and the most extravagant things right? No. You do things in a moderate way without being extravagant and you say alhamdulillah all the time. You let the gratitude show in the actions with the beauty that Allah subhana wa ta'ala has given to you. We ask Allah subhana wa ta'ala to always envelope us in his beauty, embrace us in his beauty, embrace us in his love. I hope you enjoyed this series insha'Allah and I hope that this 30 episode series provides you with a road map of how to become amongst those who are most beloved to Allah subhana wa ta'ala and if you have benefited in any way from it then I ask you to make one dua that Allah subhana wa ta'ala include me and everyone who worked on this series, the entire team at Yaqeen amongst those who are beloved to Allah subhana wa ta'ala. So may Allah subhana wa ta'ala make all of you beloved to him.
Enjoy your Eid. May Allah make it blessed. May Allah accept your Ramadan and may Allah make all of us amongst those who are beloved to him. Insha'Allah ta'ala we will see you after the Eid party is over. JazakumAllahu khayran. Wasalamualikoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakato.
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