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The Moment You Get to Jannah | Episode 2

March 23, 2023Dr. Omar Suleiman

Eight gates, stacked atop each other. Angels calling out for all to earn their entry with good deeds and generosity. And you, standing at last before the entryway to Paradise, ready to experience the bliss that erases all hardships. Adopt the Jannah mindset and, insha’Allah, one day your name will be called from the gates of Paradise.

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DISCLAIMER: All depictions of Jannah are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.


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Not everyone gets into Jannah at the same time, not everyone occupies the same rank, and not everyone is called from the same gate. But everyone who eventually gets in is going to be pleased. And the believer is so driven to Jannah right now that he tries to get in as fast as possible and with the highest place possible. SubhanAllah, that's what a Jannah mindset means. It means that every single minute in this world is an opportunity to proceed quickly and beautifully through the gate of eternity. People are going to be entering Jannah at different points, and you have some that will actually be entering Jannah while others are still being held accountable. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that there is a gate which is specific for those who are not even going to be called to account. May Allah make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen. And he said this is the right-hand gate of paradise. And he said the rest of the people of paradise will enter with everyone else through the normal gates. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala controls time and place. So this doesn't all have to fit in a linear way when we're speaking about it. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that the poor and downtrodden, and they are the majority of the people of paradise, they get to go first. And if you think about first class and VIP in this life, who usually is always at the back of the line. And in a more dramatic way, those swaths of poor people that are turned away from the gates of rich nations. And now they're ahead of everybody else and everybody wants to be like them. But that's not absolute because Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, for example, was not a poor man. And he's going to be ahead of us all. So the scholar said that if a person used their blessings right, then they still have a higher place, even if the poor will get in faster and lighter because they have less burdens to worry about. So there's the pace that you get
into Jannah, and then there's the place that you occupy within it. Now remember, Jannah is for people with certain qualities. So the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, the first people to enter Jannah are people who are Hamadun. They praise Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at all times, in good times and in bad times. So it's not about what you had or didn't have. It's about how you channeled all of that towards the pursuit of Allah's pleasure and paradise. So you ask yourself, are you praising Allah with your circumstances or not? Because that's going to determine how praiseworthy your order of entrance and eventual station are into paradise. Now what does the waiting area outside the gates of Jannah look like? The believers are near to its entrance as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, and they're under this tree where two rivers are flowing. They drink from one of them and they bathe in the other, and this removes all of the impurities inside out and they come out full of radiance. And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that as you look at the gates of paradise, paradise has eight gates, whereas hellfire only has seven. And this is just another way in which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shows us how his mercy exceeds his wrath. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, you have the gate of salah, you have the gate of sadaqah, you have the gate of jihad, those who strove for the sake of Allah. And then he mentioned sallallahu alaihi wasallam, you have the gate of fasting. And he said, it's called ar-rayyan, which means endless drinks. And he said that no one enters that gate of paradise except for the one who's distinguished by their fasting. So Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu is hearing this and he says, Ya Rasulullah, is there anyone who gets to be called from all of these gates? And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, yes, and I hope you will be one of them. And this isn't random because Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu actually used to excel in all of those things. So it's only right that he's called from all of those gates. Whereas most people are blessed if
they have just one quality that they excel in, to which they hope to be called into paradise by. Now, of course, you have gifts from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that open all of these gates, even if you don't have all of the qualities of those gates. So when the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, for example, no one of you performs wudu perfectly and then says, ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika la wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu, except that all eight gates of paradise will be open for you and you can choose which one to enter from. But even that's not random because to make that dua, you have to do a perfect wudu and you wouldn't be careful and frequent with your wudu if you weren't careful and frequent with your salah. So the wisdom of wudu opening all the gates is that if a person carefully preserves their salah, they naturally preserve everything else. And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the same thing about the day of judgment, that if the prayer is good, everything else is going to be good. And the same thing is now true about your entrance into paradise. Now Ali radiAllahu anhu said, you'll notice that the gates of paradise are actually vertical, not horizontal. You have one above the other because the higher gates correspond to the higher levels. And for this ummah, there's a special gate reserved for us inshallah. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, the gate from which my ummah will enter paradise is as wide as the distance covered by a rider in several years. And in some narration, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, like the distance between the cities of Mecca and Hajar and in other places, he mentioned different cities sallallahu alaihi wasallam. So it's a wide gate, yet still they're going to be squeezed until their shoulders are about to dislocate. And that's from the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, Jibreel alaihi wasallam came to me, he held my hand and he showed me
the gate through which my ummah is going to enter Jannah. And once again, you have Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu He says, Ya Rasulullah, I wish I could have been with you to see that gate. And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, I'll give you something better. Don't worry, you're going to be the first one to enter through that gate with me. But the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, for all of us, he said, you're the best ummah because you're the last ummah to come, yet you're the first ummah to enter into paradise. So Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the first Prophet to enter paradise. And we are the first ummah to enter Jannah together bi-idhnillah ta'ala. So as we stand in line with anticipation behind our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam Qatada rahimahullah says, you can actually see through the gates of paradise directly into it. And Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam walks up and he said, he rings the bell. He said, I will be the first person to hold the chain of paradise and clatter it. And I'm not boasting. And the keeper of Jannah will answer the doorbell and he'll say, man ant, who are you? And I will say Muhammad. And he will say, welcome, O Prophet of Allah. I was ordered not to open this for anyone before you. So that's the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Now for the rest of us, we have our keys. The key to paradise in the metaphorical sense is la ilaha illallah. But as the scholars say, the teeth of that key are our deeds. And that's, what's going to determine our order and our station. And the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says in another narration by Salman radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, that we also have passports. So think about it. Like when you go to another country, you have a passport. So when you get to Jannah, what's the passport? He says, innaAllaha azzawajal yu'til mu'mina jawazan ala sirat. That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives you a passport on the Sirat. And it says, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
Hathal kitabu minAllaha al-aziz al-hakim. In the name of Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful. This is a passport from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to this person and this person. Allow this person to enter paradise with all of its loftiness and with its fruits within reach. So you have your keys and you have your passport ready inshaAllah ta'ala. And then Allah says, hatta idha ja'uha wa futihat abwabuha. And then they come and its gates are slowly opened. Now Ibn al-Qayyim rahimAllah said, pay attention to the difference between how the people of paradise enter and how the inhabitants of hell enter. Allah says about the inhabitants of hell, hatta idha ja'uha futihat abwabuha. As soon as they get to it, the gates are suddenly opened and they're thrown into hellfire. But when Allah speaks about the people of paradise, he says, hatta idha ja'uha wa futihat abwabuha. They get to paradise and then the gates slowly open, revealing the beauty of Jannah, capturing you with every second of its reveal as you marvel at its beauty. And we enter into paradise, zumarah, as groups. Why? Because it wouldn't be a celebration otherwise. In this life as believers, we do hajj together, we break our fast together, we then celebrate Eid together, we pray in jama'a together. So here every group is walking together with happiness and they're congratulating one another. Whereas the inhabitants of hellfire are actually cursing each other as they're being thrown in. So we're together in groups lined up and the Prophet ﷺ and his companions and his family are at the front. And we all enter behind them just as we follow them in goodness in this life, inshaAllah. Now for now, if you want to rattle your gate and have the angels call you, the Prophet ﷺ said
that verily there is an angel at a gate amongst the gates of paradise. And he's saying, man yuqrid al yawm yujza ghadan. Whoever is going to give a good loan today will be rewarded tomorrow. And then an angel from another gate calls out and says, Allahumma a'ti munfiqan khalafa, Allahumma a'ti mumsikan talafa. Oh Allah, give back more to the one who gives and give destruction to the one who withholds. And those angels are calling from the highest place of the gates of paradise to the one who gives because you responded to the one calling upon you from the lowest places in the streets and alleys of this earth. And think about how many times the gates of Sadaqah called out to Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu while he was alive in this life. So imagine how eager they are for him now in the next life. And ask yourself, how eager do you want them to be for you? Rattle your gate and try to get in line with the first batch.
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