Alhamdulillah wa salatu was salamu ala rasulillah wa ba'd. It's really never too early to begin preparing for the month of Ramadan. The Prophet alayhi salatu was salam would fast extensively in the month of Sha'ban. And we also know that the month of Sha'ban was known as Shahrul Qurra because it's when the reciters of the Qur'an would begin their intensive preparation for leading the prayers in Ramadan. Some of them would even shut down their shops. One of the things that we can do as regular Muslims to begin to prepare for the month of Ramadan is to learn the du'as that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam would make frequently throughout the month of Ramadan or at specific times in the month of Ramadan. Now du'a is important in the life of the Muslim at all times, not just in Ramadan. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said, al du'a huwa al ibadah. That du'a is the essence of worship. Everything that we do, every act of worship has du'a connected to it either explicitly or implicitly. But du'a in the month of Ramadan is especially important. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said, thalathatun la turaddu da'watuhum. There are three categories of people whose du'a is not rejected, meaning that it is answered by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. He mentioned from amongst them, was sa'imu hatta yuftir, the one who is fasting until he breaks his fast. Meaning that at that time, when you are starving for food, but you're feeding your soul, it is one of the best times to call upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. But not just when you're fasting, the entirety of the month of Ramadan,
when those gates of heaven are open, when the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is close, it is that time when you want to be calling upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, familiarizing yourself with your Lord subhanahu wa ta'ala, man ta'arrafa ala Allahi fir-rakha ya'rifu fish-shiddan. Those who get to know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at times of prosperity, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will know them at their time of difficulty. So what about dua in Ramadan? It is so special that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala specified a verse about dua and placed it in the middle of those verses that deal with the ahkam al-siyam or the rulings that are related to fasting. Those verses that come in surat al-Baqarah that are specific to the month of Ramadan, right there in the middle, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about calling upon Him, invoking Him, making dua to Him. He says, subhanahu wa ta'ala, wa idha sa'alaka ibadi a'anni fa inni qareeb ujeebu da'wat al-da'i idha da'an. If my servants ask you, O Muhammad, about me, then I am near. I answer the call of the caller when he calls upon me. This, in the context of Ramadan, shows us how important it is for us to make this a month of not just fasting, but a month of dua, a month of calling upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. How do we do that? And what's the best dua that we can make? No doubt, the dua that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam himself would make is the best dua that any of us can make. He was sent as guidance for mankind. He was the uswatun hasana. He was the best example for us.
So the duas that he makes are the duas that we should make. Does this mean that if you have a particular circumstance or something that you wanna just call upon Allah for from your heart, that you shouldn't do that? Absolutely not. Of course, we all have our own needs and our own circumstances, and we wanna call upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from our heart, but when it comes to formula and the words that are being said, and there are absolutely no words that are better than the words that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam used to call upon Allah. And this is why we want to learn the duas of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. That being said, many times our memorization of the duas of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is simply that, we just memorize it. We know what the words are, but we don't really know what they mean. And sometimes they don't have that importance to us because we haven't really studied them. And it's very important that as we memorize these words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, which are the best words, the best formula, that we also know what they mean. Because if we don't know what they mean, then we can't actually have presence of mind. Our hearts won't be in it when we're making these duas to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And that's a recipe for disaster. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, la yaqbalallahu du'a'an min qalbin ghafilin lahin. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not accept the dua that comes from a heart that is inattentive or a heart that is distracted. How can we not have distracted hearts when we don't even actually know what we're saying? So this shows us the importance of not only learning the formula or the words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but also memorizing what these duas mean, knowing what they mean when we call upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. This is what is going to put our heart in the dua. And this is what we need for our dua to be accepted. You know, Ibn Qayyim rahimahullah ta'ala,
he mentions this beautiful similitude of the bow, a worn out bow. So you have this worn out bow, when you pull it back, even if the arrow is a beautiful arrow, is a really good arrow, it's not gonna go that far. Right? It's not gonna pick up because the bow is worn out. Similarly, when you're calling upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, even if you're calling upon him with the dua of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but your heart is not actually in the dua, you don't have the presence of mind because you don't really know what you're saying. The arrow is good, the dua is good, but it's coming from a worn out bow because your heart is not into it. So we want our hearts to be into the duas when we make these duas, bi-idhnillahi ta'ala. That's why in this series, we're not just going to tell you what the dua is or what the formula is, we're also going to teach you bi-idhnillahi ta'ala some of those meanings. With that, we hope that you will learn the dua, that you will learn what it means, and that you will teach it to others. That's right, teach it, convey it to others. Because if you do that, then you will be from amongst the people who are preserving the sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And hopefully you will get the reward of someone who preserves the sunnah. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, may Allah make radiant the face of one who memorizes something that I have said and who conveys it to others. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make your face radiant, may He grant you ease and success and give you the best in this life and the next.