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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Falling In Love With Madinah | His Hajj Story Ep. 2

July 11, 2021Dr. Omar Suleiman

Forced out of the only home they knew, the Prophet ﷺ and the Companions missed Makkah dearly. They reminisced through tearful poetry and heartbreaking conversations, until the Prophet ﷺ made a du’a that not only gave them solace, but made the city of Madinah twice as beloved to believers for generations to come.

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Home is home and people have connections to their places of birth and their places of childhood for so many different reasons. And sometimes others can't even understand it. It's the food, it's the memories, it's everything about it. And subhanAllah, that's for people who still can connect to their homeland. But when it comes to refugees, people that are violently forced out of their homes and are not able to return, that connection to home is deep. And that's why Allah subhanAllah even likens people being forced out of their homes to death. An-iqutulu anfusakum aw ikhruju min diyarikum It's the same thing as death for some people. Now for the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and some of those companions in Mecca, all they knew was Mecca. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam only left Mecca twice on a trade route. And for them to be forced out this way was very difficult upon them. And Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam would not only connect to Mecca in a deep way, but he empathized with those who were in a similar situation, both those who were forced out of Mecca as well as those who would be made refugees until the very time that we live in now. Mecca is not a place that has any particular beautiful beaches or oceans or any particular greenery. And most people who have seen Medina and Mecca in terms of just the nature of it would say Medina is far more beautiful than Mecca. But it was still home to the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. It's all that he knew. And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam now knows how special and blessed this place is. And so there's this heartbreaking moment where you see that the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam literally rises from a cave as he is in the beginning of his hijrah. And he looks back at Mecca and he talks to it for the last time before being run out of it. And he says to Mecca these famous words,
How beautiful, how pure and blessed of a place are you? And beloved to me. And in one narration, the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam says, beloved to Allah. And had your people not run me out, I would have never lived in another place. And so the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam is basically saying to Mecca, I would never leave you had your people not driven me out. And there was something about even the way the Qur'an was revealed to console the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and console the Muslims when they first migrated to Medina. The verses in Surat Al-Baqarah, when Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam and Ismail Alayhi Salaam are raising their hands after the construction of the Kaaba and they're asking Allah for acceptance and they're asking Allah that Allah honor the house with the believers who come from all over the world. So you have all of these verses about Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam making dua in Mecca that were revealed to the Muslims when they first migrated to Medina as a form of comfort to them and also letting them know that one day the promise of the father Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam will indeed come true. Then there's this narration from Aisha radiAllahu anha where it's like you have to balance the love that the Sahaba had for Mecca and then obviously what would come of Medina later on and realize we're experiencing Medina in a very specific way these days. This is a narration from Aisha radiAllahu anha. She says that I went to visit my father Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu after the migration to Medina. Why? Because they had fallen extremely ill and Aisha radiAllahu anha says that Medina was known as a place where people get sick. It was something in the water whatever it was when people
would get to Medina they would always get sick and so the Sahaba almost all got sick and her father Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu was sick and Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu was sick and she describes the scene that they're both laid out stretched on their backs and they're sweating from the fevers that they have so she says I spoke to my father and I said ya abati kayfa tajiduk oh my father how are you? O ya Bilal kayfa tajiduk and oh Bilal how are you? So as for Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu he responded in the following way he said kullumri'in musabbahun fee ahlihi walmawtu adna min shiraki na'lihi he said a man wakes up every morning amongst his family and death is closer to him than his shoelaces basically to say what's after Medina except for death after this hijrah after this migration I doubt we're even going to make it in this place so surely we're going to die because of this illness. As for Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu his poem is a lot more complicated and complex and he reminisces even though he was a slave in Mecca for so long and you know did not enjoy Mecca the way that others would enjoy Mecca still a deep attachment to Mecca. As for Bilal he gets up and Aisha radiAllahu anhu said he would rise to his to his elbows so imagine him stretched out on his back and he comes to his elbows he can't even sit upright all the way and he said ala laytashairi hal abitanna laylatan biwadin wa hawli idkhirun wajaleelu wa hal aridan yawman miyaha majannatin wa hal yabduan li shamatun watafilu it's a beautiful poem and if you don't know Mecca and surely we don't know Mecca the way that he's speaking about it then it doesn't make much sense until you start to break it down but he says how would it be oh will I ever get a chance to spend a night again in the valley and what's the valley it's Mecca with idkhirun wajaleelu and these were particular types of vegetation or grass that would grow in Mecca around him
and he said and I wonder if one day I'll get to drink once again from the water of majanna and I wonder if one day I'll see the mountains of shama and tafeel and these are two particular mountains that are on the outskirts of Mecca which you can actually see today they're very beautiful and they're unique in the surface and people used to go and they used to take their animals there so Bilal radiAllahu anhu is imagining sitting on the outskirts of Mecca on shama and tafeel watching the people let their animals graze and enjoying that place so Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu is missing Mecca to the point that he's starting to talk about the specifics and in one narration he then starts to curse Utbah and Shaybah and Umayyah and these people that ran us out of Mecca to this place of Medina that at that point they could not stand so Aisha radiAllahu anhu says I went back to the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and I said Ya Rasulullah I don't think your two companions like this place very much so Rasulullah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam said why what happened she said you know I went to them and this is what they're saying this is the poetry that they are chanting out out of their longing for Mecca and the hardships of Medina so then she says Rasulullah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam raised his hands and what I'm about to share with you of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam raising his hands those of you that love Medina may Allah make us all amongst those that love Al Medina trace it back to this particular dua where the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam raises his hands and he says Allahumma habbib ilayna al madina ka hubbina makka aw ashad oh Allah make Medina beloved to us as much as we love Mecca or more or more wasahihha wabarik lana fee sa'iha wa muddiha and rectify it and bless us with its sa'a and with its mudd these are two measurements the mudd is when you carry two handfuls of something and a sa'a is basically like a liter it's four times the mudd so bless us with its weights bless us with its fruits its measurements everything that comes from it
wanqul hummaha faj'alha bil juhfa and take away this fever from us and all this illness that we are struck with so from that day onwards when the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam makes that dua for us to love Medina know that we are still benefiting from that particular dua and that's why if you've been to Umrah or Hajj may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala write it down for us Allahumma ameen you might feel a connection that's deep to Medina one that you might not even feel when you go to Mecca and the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam brings the prayer of Ibrahim alayhi wa sallam together with his he says inna Ibrahima harrama Makkah wa daAAa li ahliha he said that Ibrahim alayhi wa sallam sanctified Makkah and he prayed for its people wa inni harramtu almadinata kama harrama Ibrahimu Makkah wa inni daAAootu fee saAAiha wa muddiha bimithlayi ma daAAa bihi Ibrahim alayhi wa sallam li Makkah so the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam said Ibrahimu alayhi wa sallam prayed for Makkah and they still experienced the blessings of that to his day until now and he said and I have sanctified Medina and I have prayed for it to be twice as much as what Ibrahim alayhi wa sallam prayed for the people of Makkah in another narration from Anas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam said Allahumma jaAAal bil madinati dhaAAfay ma jaAAalta bi Makkah minal barakah Oh Allah place in Medina twice as much of the barakah of the blessings that you have placed in Makkah and so the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam prayed for us to love Medina the way we love Makkah and more he prayed for Medina to be as blessed as Makkah and more in every single little detail and so what that meant was of course just like dajaal can't enter Makkah for example he cannot enter into Medina and it becomes a haram it becomes a sanctified place but on top of that when you go to Medina and you realize that you are in the presence of all of these places that
were in the presence of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam Al Qadi Ayyad rahimAllah ta'ala he said in al shifa no that there is not a tree in al Medina except that the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam either touched it or prayed under it or received revelation under its shade and that's why Abdullah bin Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhuma when he would walk in Medina he would say it might be that my footstep will fall in the footstep of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and so we love al Medina from the dua of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and we love Makkah from the dua of Ibrahim alayhi salam and of course both of those places along with Jerusalem because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sanctified those places and made them beloved to the hearts of the believers for all time
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