Virtues of Dhul Hijjah
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Episode 3: The Days Allah Swears By
Episode Transcript
(Note: the transcript has been edited for clarity)
0:00 – 0:43 What Allah swears by
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmah Allah wa Barakatu, welcome back to the virtues of Dhul Hijjah.
0:44 – 1:46 Which days do the 10 days refer to?So what is the benefit of that, and what does this refer to? Well, according to the majority of the scholars, in fact Imam al-Tabari, may Allah have mercy on him, said that this is the consensus of the scholars these ten nights that Allah swears by are the first ten of Dhul Hijjah and that is a sign of its virtue that Allah SWT would honor it with an oath. For some of the scholars, a minor opinion is that they're the last 10 nights of Ramadan and some of the scholars actually mentioned, also a minor opinion, that Allah does not use '
the 10 days', so because Allah does not use any definite article to refer to 'al' where these are theonlyten nights. They say that it can refer to two sets of ten nights. So it could refer to both the first 10 days of the Dhul Hijjah as well asthe last 10 nights of Ramadan because it simply swears by ten nights as opposed to "the10 nights". The point being though, they definitely or according to the vast majority of the scholars, refer to those 10 days that come in the beginning of Dhul Hijjah.
1:47 – 2:55 'Nights' and 'days' are used interchangeablySome of the scholars talked about how come Allah uses '
the nights' instead of 'the days' when we know the most virtuous nights of the year are the last 10 nights of Ramadan, and the most virtuous days of the year are the first 10 days of the Dhul Hijjah. The scholars of the Arabic language and the scholars of the Quran will point to the fact that layalandayyamin Arabic are often interchangeable - days and nights are often interchangeable in their usage. There might be something with the eloquence of it, or the flow of it, that would determine the usage of night or day. This is the case, for example, with Zakariya (as) where there's a theme when Allah talks about the Prophet Zakariya (as) and Allah talks about the three days that he was given an oath of silence. In one place Allah refers to it as
ayyam, and Allah in another place refers to it aslayal- as 'days' or as 'nights'. So it's often done in the Quran or it's often done at least in the Arabic language that these two will be used interchangeably. So even though Allah swears by ten nights, it is referring to the first ten of Dhul Hijjah.
2:56 – 4:04 Fajr is the best part of the day
theFajr", Allah is swearing by the fajr of the day of Eid, which is right after Arafah and the day of the sacrifice. So Allah is swearing by a very particular fajr, a very particular dawn. What is the benefit of this flow though? If you pay attention to this, Allah is swearing by the best part of the day, then Allah swears by the best days of the year, then Allah swears by the best days of those days, then Allah swears by the best part of the night. So fajr is the best part of the day. The Prophet peace be upon him, said that Allah has placed blessing in the early morning hours. There arethings that can be done between fajr and sunrisehajj
4:05 – 4:51 The most blessed time of the night
the even and the odd" would refer to the day of the sacrifice, the day of Eid being the even - the tenth of Dhul Hijjah - and Arafah which is the most blessed day, the ninth of Dhul Hijjah. So Allah takes the most blessed days of the ten days and swears by them in particular. And then Allah SWT swears specifically by the night as it starts to leave you, meaning the last part of the night which is the time of qiyam, the most blessed time of prayer. The time where we would feed ourselves physically if were to fast, and feed ourselves spiritually whether we're fasting or not, in those last parts of the night.
4:52 – 5:37 Why do these 10 blessed days matter?
5:38 – 6:07 Most people miss the blessings of Dhul Hijjahday of Arafah
6:08 – 6:36 Shine in the morning around FajrIf you really want to shine in the sight of Allah then that time after fajr, where most people go back to sleep if they even woke up in the first place, shine in the morning. Get a head start on your good deeds. Get a head start on yourproductivity
6:37 – 7:37 Don't miss these blessed opportunities and blessed deedsSo this is your time to shine. Don't lose the opportunity and that's the blessing of Allah swearing by these blessed times or one of the wisdoms of it for us. I'll just mention here that some of the scholars also mentioned "
the witness". "The witness" are referring to Arafah and Jummah, because the day of Arafah and the day of Jummah share many similar traits. So just as the day of Arafah is the best day of the year, the day of Jummah is the best day of the week. Just as the time between Asr and Maghrib is a time where we should increase du'a on the day of Arafah, it's a time according to an authentic narration that on the day of Jummah we should increase our dua, we should increase our supplication to Allah SWT. So these are blessed times with blessed opportunities. Don't miss out on these blessed opportunities and blessed deeds.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. The Virtues of Dhul-Hijjah Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Welcome back to the virtues of Dhul-Hijjah. Allah swears by these days and this is something that you hear often in the tafsir. But the virtues of that or the benefits of that or how Allah swears by these days is often not spoken about. So we know that in the Qur'an Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, wa layalin a'shri, Allah swears by the dawn and then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala swears by the ten nights. wa layalin a'shri. And then Allah swears by ash-shaf'i wa al-watr. Allah swears by the even and the odd. wa layli itha yasr. And Allah swears by the last part of the night. So what is the benefit of that and what is this referred to? Well according to the majority of the scholars, in fact, Imam al-Tabari may Allah have mercy on him said that this is the consensus of the scholars. These ten nights that Allah swears by are the first ten of the hijjah. And that is a sign of its virtue that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would honor it with an oath. Some of the scholars, a minor opinion is that they're the last ten nights of Ramadan. And some of the scholars actually mentioned also a minor opinion that Allah does not use wa layalin a'sh or wa layalin a'shri, the ten days. So because Allah does not use any definite article to refer to al that these are the only ten nights, they say that it can refer to two sets of ten nights. So it could refer to both the first ten days of the hijjah as well as the last ten nights of Ramadan because it simply swears by ten nights as opposed to the ten nights. The point being though, they definitely or according to the vast majority of the scholars refer to those ten days that come in the beginning of the hijjah. Now some of the scholars talked about well how come Allah uses wa layal, the nights instead of the days when we know the most virtuous nights of the year are the last ten nights of Ramadan
and the most virtuous days of the year are the first ten days of the hijjah. And the scholars of the Arabic language and the scholars of the Quran will point to the fact that layal and ayam in Arabic are often interchangeable. Days and nights are often interchangeable in their usage. And there might be something with the eloquence of it or the flow of it that would determine the usage of night or day. And this is the case for example with Zakariya alayhi salam where there is a theme when Allah talks about the prophet Zakariya alayhi salam and Allah talks about the three days that he was given an oath of silence. And in one place Allah refers to it as ayam and another place Allah refers to it as layal, as days or as nights. So it's often done in the Quran or it's often done at least in the Arabic language that these two will be used interchangeable. And even though Allah says wa layal an ashr, Allah swears by ten nights, it is referring to the first ten of the hijjah. Some of the scholars also said that when Allah says wa al fajr, when Allah refers to when he swears by the fajr, Allah is swearing by the fajr of the day of Eid which is right after Arafah and the day of the sacrifice. So Allah is swearing by a very particular fajr, a very particular dawn. Now what is the benefit of this flow though? If you pay attention to this, Allah is swearing by the best part of the day, then Allah swears by the best days of the year, then Allah swears by the best days of those days, then Allah swears by the best part of the night. So fajr is the best part of the day. The prophet peace be upon him said, burika li ummati fi bukuriha, that Allah has placed blessing in the early morning hours. There are things that can be done between fajr and sunrise that cannot be done throughout the day. So it's the most blessed part of the day. It's the time that you find your greatest energy. It's the time that you find that your deeds are amplified, that you can start the day off right.
So even sitting in the masjid and remembering Allah between fajr and sunrise, the prophet peace be upon him said, is the reward of hajj. So it's the most blessed part of the day and most people miss the opportunity of it. Then Allah swears by the most blessed days of the year in the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. And then according to narrations, wa shaf'i wal watr, the even and the odd, would refer to the day of the sacrifice, yawm al nahar, the day of Eid, being the even, the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, and arafah, which is the most blessed day, the 9th of Dhul Hijjah. So Allah takes the most blessed days of the 10 days and swears by them in particular. And then Allah swears specifically by the night as it starts to leave you. Meaning the last part of the night, which is the time of qiyam, the most blessed time of prayer, the time of as-sahar, the time where we would feed ourselves physically, if we were to fast and feed ourselves spiritually, whether we're fasting or not, in those last times of the night, those last parts of the night. What is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala emphasizing here for us? And what's the lesson that we can take from this? Other than Allah has honored these times of the day, these times of the year, these times of the night. What we can take from this is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given us blessed seasons throughout the year, blessed months, a blessed day of the week, blessed times of the day, and that a person who is seeking the blessing of Allah will always seek to get ahead by making use of those times. And that most people will not make use of those times and as a result of that will fall behind. And that is not from a lack of mercy or a lack of justice on the part of the Lord, but it is instead a time where we would prove neglectful and where we need to remind ourselves that Allah has given us ample opportunities to do things to please Him. So these are times that people typically don't take advantage of. And you know again, most people miss these days. They don't miss Ramadan. Most people miss the blessings of these days. Most people are not doing anything spectacular
in terms of their remembrance, in terms of their good deeds, especially in the first eight days of Dhul Hijjah. Maybe on the day of Arafah, but the first eight days of Dhul Hijjah. And this is where people really shine. And it's important to mention this here because in Ramadan everyone is worshipping Allah. Everyone's fasting. Everyone's doing certain things. But you really want to shine in the sight of Allah, then that time after Fajr, where most people go back to sleep if they even woke up in the first place, shine in the morning. Get a head start on your good deeds. Get a head start on your productivity. You really want to shine? Take advantage of these ten days that are better than the entire year. You really want to shine? Wake up a little bit before Fajr, when most people are still sleeping at night, and invoke Allah at a time where Allah truly favors His chosen servants in those moments. So this is your time to shine. Don't lose the opportunity. And that's the blessing of Allah, swearing by these blessed times, or one of the wisdoms of it, for us. And I'll just mention here that some of the scholars also mention, shahidin wa mashhood, the witness and the witness are referring to Arafah and Jum'ah. Because the day of Arafah and the day of Jum'ah share many similar traits. So just as the day of Arafah is the best day of the year, the day of Jum'ah is the best day of the week. Just as the time between Asr and Maghrib is a time where we should increase du'a on the day of Arafah, it's a time, according to an authentic narration, that on the day of Jum'ah, we should increase our du'a, we should increase our supplication to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So these are blessed times with blessed opportunities. Don't miss out on these blessed opportunities and blessed deeds. Jazakum Allah khayran wa salamualikoum wa rahmatollahi wa barakato.
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