Judgment Day: Deeds That Light The Way
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Clothing of Honor or Humiliation | Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way Episode 3
In the hereafter, deeds take on many forms. We’ve already seen that they guard us in the grave, but they also clothe us on the Day of Judgment—and their quality and beauty will be in exact proportion to the quality of our actions. Deeds related to sadaqah and Qur’an will have particular virtue, adorning us with crowns and with the green robes of Paradise.
Note: All depictions are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.
“Closed Caption is provided by Muhsen”
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Clothes serve the obvious function of covering your body. But they also sometimes speak to distinction and rank. And most of the distinctions in this world are pretentious and speak to all sorts of false ideals and constructs of superiority. And that's why there's the saying that expensive clothing is a poor man's attempt to appear prosperous. And then of course you have the way that clothes have historically been used to define castes in society. And that's why in Hajj, the ihram is a means of removing distinction and equalizing all people before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So you have all these people in the same place calling out to Allah, but their ranks are ideally supposed to be completely unknown to all but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So on the day of judgment, what are our clothes sewn by? They're sewn by our deeds. And our distinction is made clear solely on the basis of our deeds. And this deeper meaning of clothes in the Qur'an is in multiple places. So for example, when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, libas ut taqla, the cloth of piety, or wa thiyabaka fatahir, purify your garment, which many of the scholars said means your deeds, or how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes the spouse as a garment to the spouse and that they conceal and they beautify. So the needles with which you sew your garment in the hereafter are the days and hours passing by in this world. And the garment that you have in the hereafter is the culmination of that lifetime of sewing your garment. And for some, they're going to show up on the day of judgment and find no garment of good for them. And Umm Salama radiAllahu ta'ala Anha describes this. She says, one night I saw the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and he kept on saying, kam min kasiyaatin fid dunya, aariyatin yaum al qiyama How many people are well-dressed in this life
only to be completely naked on the day of resurrection? In an authentic narration, Abu Sa'id Al Khudri radiAllahu Anhu he says, I heard the messenger of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam say, inna al mayyita yubaAAathu fee thiyabihi lati yamootu feeha that the dead person will be resurrected in the clothes in which he dies. But of course we know the narration that is more popular and widely reported and authentic that people are naked on the day of judgment. Some scholars said that this is at some point on the day of judgment, meaning you first show up out of your grave with the clothes that you had at death and then they're taken away. Others said that this refers to the kefan that separates the believers from the disbelievers. And some said this refers to your deeds. In any case, we have sufficient evidence to say that the priority and choice of clothing on the day of judgment is based upon righteousness and it specifically surrounds this notion of honor. And honor is through two ways, through personal piety and then it's through honoring others, your brothers and sisters. Now the first person the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam told us is going to be dressed on the day of judgment is our father Ibrahim Alayhi Salam. And the scholars say that's not just because he was constant in praying for honor on the day of judgment, but it's because of the humiliation of when he was stripped in front of the people and thrown into a fire. So look how Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la makes it up to him. He's brought forth in front of all of the people on the day of judgment, just as he was brought forth in front of his people in this life. But this time he's given the special garment that's reserved for him while everybody else is waiting for their turn. Now at that point, you have those who sought honor in this life through pretentious clothing. And for them, the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, man labisa thawba shuhratin fid dunya
albasahu Allah thawba madhalatin yawm al qiyama That whoever wears a pretentious garment in this life will have a garment of humiliation on the day of judgment. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said in another narration on the other hand, man taraka al-libasa tawadu'an lillah wa huwa yaqdiru alayhi da'ahu Allah yawm al qiyamati ala ru'oosi al khala'iqi hatta yukhayyirahu Allahu min ayyi hulal al-eemani sha'a yalbasuha Whoever gives up fine clothes due to humility for the sake of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la even though he is able to wear them, Allah will call him on the day of judgment in front of all creation that he may choose any garments of faith that he desires to wear. Now, wait a minute. Does this mean that wearing nice clothes if you can afford them is a problem? No, because the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Allah likes to see his blessing on the one who he's bestowed it upon. But this is referring to clothes that are extravagant and corrupt the person or corrupt society with false standards. So the scholars say first and foremost, clothes that are haram, like silk for men. And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, whoever wears silk in this life will not wear it in the next. Then you have clothes that people can't afford. So it makes them feel bad and it sets a bad trend in society. Then you have clothes that are worn to show off. So the permissible, pure and modest, even if nice is what is preferable. Now, beyond that, remember the Quran and Sadaqah being your companion and your shade. They continue to bear their blessings here when it comes to your clothing. Firstly, you have with the Quran. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, the Quran comes and it says to its companion, Oh Lord, decorate him. So he's then clothed with the crown of nobility. Thumma yuqalulahu, ya rabbi zidhu. And then the Quran continues to say, Oh my Lord, give him more. Fayulbasu hulatul karama. And so he's clothed with a suit of nobility.
Thumma yaqul, ya rabbi irda'anhum. Fayarda'anhum. So then it says, Oh my Lord, be pleased with him. And so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will be pleased with him. And he will say, recite and rise up, be increased in honor for every single verse. But it doesn't just stop with that companion of Quran. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, his parents are then dressed with these two beautiful garments and they are unmatched in beauty by anything in this world. So they say, ya rab, bima kusina hadha, Oh our Lord, for what reason were we given these garments? And it is said to them, by your child's memorization of the Quran. So that's the honor of the Quran, which we're still not finished with on this day. As for the charity, remember that charity is of multiple types. So the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, ma min mu'min yu'azzi akhaahu bimusiibatin illa kasahu Allahu min hulalil karamati yawmul qiyamah. That no believer consoles his brother at the time of calamity, except that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will dress him with noble garments on the day of resurrection. But my favorite narration in this regard is another one that shows you how Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will always outdo the kindness that you show to your brother or sister. And it's a narration from Abu Sa'id radiAllahu Anhu. He says that the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, wa ayyuma mu'minin kasa mu'minan ala uriyan and whenever a believer clothes a naked believer, kasahu Allahu min khudril jannah. Allah will clothe him on the day of judgment from the green garments of paradise. So the clothes of honor on that day are for those who honor themselves with good deeds. And it's also for those specifically who honor their brothers and sisters by clothing them when they are in need. fa amma man faqulat mawazinuh
fa huwa fee eshaatir-radian
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