Proofs of Prophethood
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Behold God's Power: The Prophet’s ﷺ Miracles
For many people, miracles are a necessary component to believing in the prophethood. From the splitting of the moon to the widely reported Night Journey of Isra and Miraj, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy recounts some of the many miracles around the Prophet ﷺ and explains the evidence of their occurence.
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This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. In this episode, as promised, we want to run through a few of the great miracles that Allah permitted for the people to behold his power and recall it, and reinforce in them their conviction about the prophethood of Muhammad. The first of them is that of the moon splitting, which is mentioned in a surah of the Qur'an named Al-Qamar, the moon. In an attempt to stump the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, many of the idolaters of Mecca stood in front of him from that tribe of Quraysh and demanded from him a sign that no one could deny. This led to God splitting the moon right before their very eyes at that night and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam motioned to it and said, you bear witness yourselves. A person may ask, why didn't anyone else see it on that night? As scholars like Zajaj mention, first of all, human beings report incidents in context. Someone could have seen it in a different part of the world and doubted their own eyes. Or was too doubtful of what he saw to relate it to others, or others were too doubtful of this possibility and so they dismissed it. A second possibility is a time zone differential. Other people simply could have been experiencing daytime, or were deeper into the night and they were asleep. A third, very reasonable possibility also is that they were simply not the intended audience. It is not difficult for God to show some people a sign and not allow others to notice it. But ultimately, a fourth explanation is this is an incorrect premise and assumption. This great sign was seen by others. You see, the baffled crowd in Mecca said, Muhammad must have cast a spell on our eyes,
some sort of witchcraft or black magic, but he would not be able to do this to people that were not present. So they decided to ask travelers from outside of Mecca, people in the same region beyond the city, if they too saw what these people did. So they sent riders out of the city, racing to meet those days and nights away from where Quraysh took its dwellings, and they too confirmed that they in fact saw the phenomenon of the moon splitting. Ultimately, the idolaters of Quraysh were cornered and decided to deny their own eyes. No we didn't see that. Someone else from our times perhaps may ask why wasn't there a gravitational disturbance. This degree of skepticism is a bit odd because this was a supernatural phenomenon, something that transcended the natural order. So why should we expect a supernatural event to have natural effects? Can't an omnipotent God cleave an astronomical object in a miraculous way and at the same time miraculously suspend any of the expected impact? The second great miracle is that of the night journey which is also mentioned in the Quran. The fact that the Prophet Muhammad was carried by God's consent from Mecca in central Arabia all the way to Jerusalem in a single night and returned in that same night. The people of his city questioned him about how they are expected to believe something of this nature and he went on to describe this city with such perfect accuracy that all of the tradesmen and all of the journeyers who went back and forth for business and trade to that city, to Jerusalem and knew that Muhammad did not, were all astounded.
It should actually be easier for us in this day and age to dismiss the notion of this being unimaginable because challenging what is possible is of the distinctive features of our modern times that we take great pride in. Quantum mechanics challenge our notions of what is and isn't possible in terms of a fourth dimension. Transporting a person from New York City to Mecca in 12 hours would have been unimaginable. But both of these features of our age, the advancement in physics, the advancement in technology and transportation, these are productions of the minds of men, minds that God himself created. So what is so difficult about believing that God himself can do even less than that? The third mutawatir miracle of the Prophet is that of the tree weeping. This is yet another abundantly concurring event reported by mass transmission that a tree wept and whimpered when the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him distanced himself from it once the altar or the pulpit was constructed for him in Medina. Over 20 of his companions were eyewitnesses to this. And this took place in a public sermon, which means had these 20 plus been incorrect, they would have been corrected. Could all of this be a collusion? The fourth miracle is that of increasing the water supply and this occurred on many occasions. Jabir ibn Abdillah, may Allah be pleased with him, says we were once traveling with the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. We could not even find water to perform the sacred ritual of ablution so that we can perform our prayers.
And so a remaining pot of water was brought to the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. And he placed his blessed fingers in it and the water began to rise and flow through his fingers. And he said to us, anyone seeking water for ablution, come forward and know that these blessings are from Allah. Jabir says we all drank and all performed ablution without exception. And he said, I did not care how much I drank from that pot because I knew full certain that it was being miraculously blessed. One of the narrators asked Jabir, how many people were you? He responded, even if we were 100,000, it still would have been enough. But we were 1500 from that one single little jug. Then there are the times that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him increased the food supply where a single goat or lamb or sheep would feed an entire army and yet they would still find the food there remaining after they ate their fill. And so they loaded their camels with what remained of the food. And we did not cover the mutawatir concept of the accepted supplications of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. When he asked Allah to make Umar a man that Allah empowers Islam through. And they say we were never able to pray publicly until Umar became Muslim. And Michael Hart winds up including Umar among the 100 elite most influential human beings in human history. No one spread the light of Islam like Umar did by virtue of that Prophet's supplication. And as says the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him was approached by a panicking Bedouin as he was giving a sermon to a multitude of people that the animals are dying, the crops are drying up, ask God to give us rain already. He said before the sermon was over, while the Prophet's hands were still raised, all
of the clouds gathered above us and they began to pour. And pour so much for seven days straight that another Bedouin man comes forward the next week and says during the sermon, ask God to withhold the rain. And so he raises his hands again in front of everyone asking Allah to withhold the rain and make it around us, not upon us. And the clouds separate as they watch until they form a crown outside of the perimeter of the city of Medina. And then there was the time he prayed for Anas himself that Allah bless him in his wealth and in his offspring. When his mother requested that the Prophet pray for him, he made those two prayers for him and Anas used to say to his disciples a generation later, look at me now, look at this affluence that comes my way. And I between my children and grandchildren have 100 descendants at this very moment. And then there is Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, who would come to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam weeping because every time he invited his mother to become Muslim, she would say awful, vulgar, offensive things about the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam. And he would encounter a dua, a supplication from the Prophet Muhammad for his mother and return home just having dried his tears to find his mother testifying the testimony of faith and becoming a Muslim. And in one final incident that comes to mind, Abu Amr Al-Ansari, may Allah be pleased with him says, one time the army of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, as they were out on a military expedition, were nearly broken by their starvation. And so they were commanded by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to bring their rations, whatever remain, some people would bring a handful or two, and they made a small mound and then he called upon Allah to bless this little and make of it much. And then he commanded every single person to take from it.
Each of them filled their respective containers and went back to their animals. And he said, I testify that no one is worthy of worship but Allah and that I am the messenger of Allah and that no one meets Allah with these two statements having said them while not doubting them, except that they will be of the people of paradise, salallahu alayhi wasalam.
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