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How to Make Du’a for Palestine

The best thing you can do for Palestine right now is to pray, and the best du'a you can make is one that is sincere and heartfelt. But when you've exhausted your own words, turn to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Each is full of resonant du'as that believers have echoed for centuries in their own moments of crisis.

As Gaza continues to burn, keep these du’as frequent on your tongue, just as you keep the martyrs and the suffering women, men, and children of the Holy Land in your heart.

Download and print these 5 du'as that you can make for Palestine and Gaza.



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Salamualikoum wa rahmatollahi wa barakatollahi wa barakatuhu How do we make du'a for the people of Palestine right now? What is the right way to make du'a? What are the du'as? And, you know, I want to start, subhanAllah, just before I bring in Sheikh Tahir here, you know, this is a really extraordinary time. And today I visited a brother, a friend of mine, who lost 21 of his family members last night. I want you to think about, subhanAllah, the weight of that on people right now. So we're witnessing an extreme time right now, extraordinary circumstances. Yet, subhanAllah, all I heard from him and from his family members is alhamdulillah, bi'idhnillah, they are shuhada. We have hope in Allah, subhanAllah ta'ala. You know, now they're at peace. And just continue to make du'a for those that are still waiting every day. And, you know, as we were sort of talking about, every two hours you check on your family in Gaza. And the sentence is, alhamdulillah, lissa aisheen. Alhamdulillah, we're still alive. Like, imagine when someone says, kayfa haluka, how are you? And you say, alhamdulillah, bikhayr. Right now, the people of Gaza say, alhamdulillah, aisheen. If they answer your message, alhamdulillah, we lived another day.
Which really puts into perspective, alhamdulillah alladhi ahyana ba'dama amatana wa alayhi nushoor. You know, we say every morning that alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah, who gave us another day, who gave us life after death, and to Him is the ultimate return. So, these are difficult times. We ask Allah subhanAllah ta'ala to be with our brothers and sisters in Gaza. We ask Allah subhanAllah ta'ala to enable us, Allahumma a'inna ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husniya ibadatika. May Allah azawajal enable us to properly thank Him, to properly remember Him, to properly worship Him, to properly act in the moment in a way that's pleasing to Him, bid'ahni ta'ala, and beneficial. And with that, alhamdulillah, we're joined with my beloved brother, Dr. Tahir Wyatt, who alhamdulillah, some of you may have seen, he taught us the du'as to make in Ramadan. He often teaches us how to make du'a, and the etiquette of du'a, and what types of du'a. JazakAllah khair. As we're going through this every night at 8.30 Central Time, 9.30 Eastern, Sheikh Tahir agreed to spare some time, even though he's traveling, to be with us, and to talk to us about how to make du'a in the moment. And he's going to be going over five du'as in particular, inshaAllah ta'ala, that we can make. Sheikh Tahir, first of all, may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la bless you, and reward you for giving us time. Let's just start with, how do I even have hope in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la in the moment? You know, that husn ad-dhan in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, like I'm making du'a, and then as I make du'a, the death toll went from 1,300 to 1,500 children, 3,000, 4,000 civilians, 5,000 civilians. I'm making du'a, and then I'm seeing that. I'm making du'a, and then I'm seeing that. I have hope, as we make our du'as, and still find the energy and the himmah to still make du'a right now in this moment. Tafadhal shaykh.
Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasool Allah, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi, wa min wala. Amma ba'ad, first of all, jazakAllah khayran for having me, giving me this opportunity to speak to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Bid'Allahi ta'ala. Your question is a very important question, and it says, Umar radiAllahu ta'ala used to say, inni la ahmilu hamman ijabah. I am not worried about, I don't carry any anxiety regarding the answer from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That's not my concern. wa innama ahmilu hamman du'a. The thing that concerns me is, am I actually going to make du'a? And so you started off, and you mentioned the du'a of Mu'adh radiAllahu ta'ala, the du'a that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam taught Mu'adh radiAllahu alaihi wa sallam, which is, Allahumma a'inni ala dhikri, Allahumma a'inni ala dhikri, O Allah, help me to remember you. And that's a du'a that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam taught Mu'adh to make at the end of every salah. And making that du'a, hopefully, hopefully will be that pathway to making more du'a and calling upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala more. But to get directly to your point, which is, you know, how do we process all of this that's happening? And knowing that perhaps I am making du'a, and I'm not seeing it being answered the way that I expect it to be answered. It really does take us to ponder over some of the ayat of the Quran. And one of those ayahs is an ayah that many of us frequently recite, but maybe haven't internalized, you know, exactly what Allah azawajal is telling us in this ayah. From those ayahs, statement of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
أَمْ حَسَبَتُمْ أَنْ تَدْخُلُوا الْجَنَّةُ وَلَمَّا يَأْتِكُمْ مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ خَلَوْا مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ مَسَتْهُمُ الْبَأْسَ وَالضَّرَّاءُ وَالزُلْزِلُ حَتَّى يَقُولُ الرَّسُولُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُمْ مَتْهَى نَصْرُ اللَّهُ أَلَا إِنَّ النَّصْرَ اللَّهِ قَرِيمٌ In this ayah, Allah Azawajal is talking first and foremost to the companions of the Prophet ﷺ and then by extension to the Ummah after them. Did you think that you would enter Jannah? And the example of those who preceded you has not yet come to you. The example that came to those people who preceded you has not yet come to you. مَسَتْهُمُ الْبَأْسَ وَالضَّرَّاءُ They've been hit by hardship and adversity, poverty and affliction and injury and even death. They were tested with. وَالزُلْزِلُ And it shook them. To what point? To what extent did it shake them? حَتَّى يَقُولُ الرَّسُولُ Until their messenger, the messenger that was with them وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُمْ And those believers who were with that messenger, they said مَتْهَى نَصْرُ اللَّهُ When will the help of Allah come? Now, subhanAllah, it's interesting that they're not shaken at all about the help of Allah coming. They know that Allah Azawajal's help is going to come, but it's delayed longer than they thought. And we're talking about a messenger here. We're talking about the believers that are with that messenger. مَتْهَى نَصْرُ اللَّهُ When is the help of Allah going to come? Allah Azawajal says أَلَا إِنَّ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ قَرِيبٌ The help of Allah is near. It is important for us to understand that you look at the state of that prophet. Those believers that were with the prophet,
they were done of all material means. They were broken at this point. There is nothing left for them to do. And at that stage, or at that state, when they are at their final wits, they have nothing else. None of their own devices. That is when the help of Allah Azawajal is the closest because that is when they are the closest to Allah. سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى It is at that point when everything else is out of the way. And now they are truly depending upon Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى The reliance is at the end of the spectrum. If you will, if you look at a spectrum of tawakkul, and they are truly depending upon Allah, أَلَا إِنَّ النَّصْوَ اللَّهِ قَرِيمٌ I look at the situation that our brothers and sisters are dealing with today and we ask Allah Azawajal to be with them, to aid them, to make it easy upon them, to heal their wounded and to have mercy on their dead and to accept them as shuhada. We look at this situation. Perhaps Allah Azawajal is preparing them to be the leaders of something. We don't know Allah. But when you think about those type of emtihanat, those tests, the exams that people go through, it is a stage and it leads to something else. I think about it from, and I know that this is an example that's a little bit off, but it relates. When people are hiring somebody for a company, they're trying to bring in a CEO, they're trying to bring in the leader, somebody that's going to take this company, this organization into the future. There's multiple candidates. All of them may seem eligible. All of them have beautiful resumes or whatever the situation may be. So they have to put them through a series of tests
to see which one is actually fit to lead this organization into the future. Maybe Allah Azawajal, and we don't know, we don't know, but maybe Allah Azawajal is testing some of our brothers and sisters in Islam because they are going to be the leaders of this ummah in the very near future. Allah Azawajal knows best. But the point is, we should not ever give up hope. Never give up hope. Ala inna nasrAllahi kareem The hope, I mean the help and aid of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is close. And this is very, very important for us as believers. And Sheikh Omar, if you don't mind, I want to just talk a little bit more about the part about having hope in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and how we should be thinking about the situation as a whole. You know, it is at times like these when the believers are being tested, when lives are being lost, that Allah Azawajal distinguishes between the believers and the munafiqeen, and the hypocrites. And historically, this is what has happened. And we're talking about those who, when we're talking about the believers, we're talking about those who have a good opinion about Allah Azawajal, those who have good thoughts about Allah Azawajal. And Allah describes the hypocrites as people who have bad thoughts about Allah. They don't have a good opinion about His justice, about His mercy, about His wisdom. And so, at the Battle of Uhud, when the believers faced some trials and adversities, and some of the Sahaba were killed, the hypocrites at that time, Allah Azawajal described them as يظنون بالله غير الحقي ضن الجاهلية They have untrue thoughts about Allah. ضن الجاهلية
Thoughts that are of ignorance, thoughts of pre-Islamic ignorance, for that matter. And so, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is describing them this way. The believers have حسن الظن, they have good thoughts about Allah, but the hypocrites, throughout the Quran, by the way, it's not just in Al-Iman, when Allah Azawajal is talking about what happened at the Battle of Uhud. He says that they have evil thoughts about Allah, untrue thoughts about Allah, ضن الجاهلية And then Allah Azawajal talks about what is that thought? يقولون لو كان لنا من الأمر شيء وما قلتناها هنا They said, if it was up to us, if we had something to do with it, if we had a say in the matter, we wouldn't have been killed here. And Allah Azawajal responds to them and tells the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم كُلُّوا كُنتُمْ فِي بُيُوتِكُمْ لَبَرَزَ الَّذِينَ كُتِبَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْقَتْلُ إِلَى مَضَجِعِهِمْ Say, if you had been in your homes, those who had, it had been written for them that they would be killed, death would have found them even in their homes. Death would have found them regardless. And so, the difference between the way that a believer approaches all of these matters and the way that somebody whose Iman is not as strong or perhaps even has reached the level of hypocrisy is that those who believe in Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى are always looking for حُسْنَ الظَّنَّ always looking to have good thoughts and good opinions about Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and that is what is going to lead them to call upon Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ Last but not least, and I'm going to say this inshallah and then any other questions that you may feel بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ But Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله تعالى he has a very important statement he says أَعْظَمُ الذُّنُوبِ عِندَ اللَّهِ إِسَاءَةُ الظَّنِّ بِهِ that the greatest of sins in the sight of Allah عز و جل is to have evil thoughts about Him it is the evil thoughts that is going to lead to one associating partners with Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى it is evil thoughts
about Allah عز و جل that leads to stinginess and greed and cowardice and other vices as Ibn Abbas رضي الله تعالى عنهما used to say JazakAllah Khair Sheikh and I think SubhanAllah one of the things that is really important to mention you know these people in Gaza look at the way that they just naturally make dua man it's really beautiful and inspiring and I think it's important for us to take a step back and appreciate that that type of yaqeen that type of certainty is not generated overnight that's years and years and years of praying fajr everyday in jama'ah that's years and years and years of learning sabr and understanding living it right the constriction of this dunya and the expanse of this dunya and the hereafter by connecting to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and so there is a a natural beauty like you don't you don't feel like it's forced when they're saying you don't feel it they're simple phrases but they're extremely heavy in those moments and that is directly grounded in their hope in Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى when they are saying look at the end of the day when we're passing away the hope that Allah عز و جل gives us these firmness to be able to say is our last words every muslim knows the term but how many muslims at the time of death may Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى make us all amongst them اللهم أمين that can utter those words as their last words at the time of death so it's not even the the words themselves being in any way lengthy or you know exclusive in their nature that only a few you know
highly literate muslims know them it is the that we say on a daily basis what does it mean to say لا إله إلا الله in that time what does it mean to say الله أكبر in that time what does it mean to say سبحان الله in that time what does it mean to say الحمد لله when you don't even have water, food, fuel or electricity while the airstrikes are falling upon you you know to say الحمد لله so I think that there is something deeply profound that all of that is grounded in their حسن الظن and we have to take from that حسن الظن that they have in Allah سبحانه وتعالى that doesn't mean that they don't get tired that you know زلزل like they are being shook in every direction but I think that it does mean that there is a lesson I think to be gleaned from that in particular so sheikh I think next question I will sort of jump into the etiquettes of dua that people should observe you know we know that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for example did in all five prayers for a month after and hadith so how should people be doing in all five prayers and if so is there a particular dua they should learn to make in all five prayers what are some of the etiquettes of dua that should be made in these extraordinary times right now in terms of some of the other etiquettes let me just say first because a lot of people they come and they say you know what dua should I be making and subhanallah the dua that comes from your heart that dua is the one that you should make before we worry about formulas worry about where it's coming from so if it comes from your heart and it comes off of your tongue then it'd be that is a good dua the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught this
ummah inna allaha laa yaqbal duaa'an min qalbin ghaafilin laa Allah azawajal does not accept the dua that comes from an inattentive heart if that heart is not attentive if it's distracted then that is not a dua that is accepted by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala this is not the way you want to be making dua and sometimes people memorize formulas or they memorize from the Quran or from the Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam but they don't actually know what those duas mean so they just they know the words that is not the best way to make dua the best way to make dua is the dua that comes from your heart now if you are able to memorize duas from the Quran duas from the Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and you also know what they mean then this is obviously and you say them from your heart then this is the best way to make dua that is accepted by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala you don't have to wait to memorize any special duas whatever comes to your heart that is expressing asking Allah azawajal to help those people to help our people to help our brothers and sisters to protect them against those who are trying to hurt and destroy them and exterminate them then that dua is a good dua the another thing that you know is from the etiquettes of dua is that a person make wudu before making dua so to be in wudu to be in ritual purity while making dua is from the Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam something that is highly encouraged for people to do likewise facing the qibla when making dua is encouraged now mind you a person can make dua when they are not in ritual purity they can make dua not facing the qibla
but this is from the etiquettes of dua also to raise the hands and the way that Ibn Abbas radiallahu ta'ala described the dua of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in general was that he would put the hands like this almost as if he was cupping them almost as if something was coming out of the sky and you're trying to catch it so I don't know if this is picking up or cupping like this and almost like shoulder length okay so this is the way that Ibn Abbas radiallahu ta'ala described the way that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would hold his hands making dua and that's under circumstances where that's possible because as many of you may know one of the best places to make dua or the best situations if you will is when you're in sujood so I think that this is an opportunity subhanAllah and I don't want to digress too much but when things are going tough when there are difficulties that the ummah is facing we should actually be trying to increase in our obedience to Allah subhanAllah ta'ala we should be trying to increase in our obedience trying to increase in our worship of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so perhaps you didn't used to pray salat al-duha for example well use this as an opportunity to pray duha and make your sujood longer make your sujood longer and just make dua for your brothers and sisters in philistine make dua for the ummah as a whole but make make your sujood longer this is something that you can that you can do or in your nawafil for example your sunnah is before and after the uh the obligatory prayers so extending that sujood because making dua and sujood the prophet
alaihi salatu wasalam said this is when you are the when you are the closest to allah for coming and you say i mean it's it's more likely that a person's dua is going to be accepted at that time similarly uh before uh the taslim so before you salam out of salat salam alaikum wa rahmatullah right before that that is a very good place to make dua this is where the prophet alaihi salatu wasalam told some of his companions to make a lot of dua and one of the reasons why shaykh omar this goes back to the etiquettes from the etiquettes of dua is to start with the praise of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and follow that with the salat and the salam upon the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as for this one he was hasty he just started saying oh allah give me this oh allah give me that and he said that that if he would have started with the uh with the praise of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and then the salat and the salam upon the prophet alaihi salatu wasalam that this is uh more likely for his dua to be accepted that this is from the etiquettes of dua now take that back to salat when you're in the last sitting of your salat you start with praise of allah and then so now you're sending the salat and then the salam upon the prophet alaihi salatu wasalam all of this happens before the tasmeen so there's praise of allah salat salam upon the prophet alaihi salatu wasalam and then you can make any dua you want while you're in the sitting position so this is also another opportunity to extend that sitting and make dua for your brothers and sisters in islam similarly and this is something that maybe i'm going to encourage myself
and everybody who has the opportunity to make dua between the adhan and the iqama so instead of going to the masjid at the normal time that you would go go five minutes earlier go six minutes earlier pray two rakats before the the actual fard salat and extend the prayer extend the dua for your brothers and sisters in sujood which is also between the adhan and the iqama so looking for those times when it's more likely for your dua to be accepted and obviously the last third of the night is one of those times as our prophet alaihi salatu wasalam informed us and encouraged us i think a question that and i'm seeing it already in the chat and i know that it's a it's it's a major question people want to make a sincere dua when can they make dua in their own language in those times that you mentioned uh versus the times that it has to be in arabic so fard salah, nafl salah, sujood, the end of salah that's a that's a question that comes up frequently and love if you can enlighten us on some of the differences of opinion and how people should maybe navigate that so i don't want to go too much into the difference of opinion what i would say is that any dua that is going to be out loud uh so for example in the qunoot then that dua should stay in the arabic language for those who have the ability to do so and that's it's interesting that many of the contemporary scholars uh because of the spread of islam to so many lands where people are not learning and speaking the arabic language and they have been asked this question in fact uh the one time that i got to ask uh sheikh uthaymeen a question maybe in 1998 i believe when he was in medina
i actually asked him this question because it was a question that came from the states i asked the sheikh is it permissible to make dua in english in the english language in sujood in the salah and he said and he said even if you do it in chinese in other words it's fine to make dua in any language uh while you're in your salah uh even in sujood however like i said with qunoot in the in those duas that are going to be out loud which is different than the dua that you're going to do in your sujood and before you do the taslim uh that one is preferable to keep that in the arabic language and especially if you are in jamaah uh so this takes us back to the question i forgot the answer that you asked which was about the nazila and should we be doing qunoot and nazila there's no doubt about that this is a nazi that this is a so what do we mean by a nazila well it's often translated as a a contemporary issue but let's just call it a contemporary difficulty a hardship that the ummah uh is dealing with and so uh it is legislated to make the nazila and you can do it in all five salawat obviously if the imam uh is leading the salat there are people behind them again we would choose somebody who can do that in the arabic language because and i'm just uh just to take it a step further there are some of the ulama of islam and from what i remember the malikiya rahimahullah are particularly strict on this issue of not making dua uh in other than the arabic language and so when it's done out loud stay away from uh using other than arabic so between the farid and the nafil it's okay it doesn't matter if in their sujood our brothers and sisters can can use any language correct that is the opinion that i hold to be correct and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best
um and subhanallah i think that that that comes of ease to a lot of people because many people want to make dua sincerely from their heart and they're just not they're not there yet when it comes to the arabic language and being able to uh to do so can i just go i just want to go back to this point subhanallah uh allah has created us from various nations and tribes and peoples and not everybody is going to learn the arabic language yes there's a portion that we have to learn in order for our salat to be signed like surat al-fatiha other surahs from the quran and that's never going to change but the reality is as i mentioned before calling upon allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sincerely from your heart may require even learners of the arabic language to sometimes not say it in arabic because it doesn't come easy in arabic and it's not something that that they can figure out how to say in arabic because it's from their heart subhanallah and with that being the case if that comes out in sujood then so be it you know shaykh subhanallah before i kind of ask you about the specific du'as man when you're watching uh the du'as of the old illiterate women in gaza some of them actually can't read and write right and their du'as even from an arabic perspective they're not fosha right they're it's falahi you know the countryside palestinian very specific um gazan dialect and they are so beautiful i mean i'm listening to it and i'm shook and i'm like i can't imagine what that khalto's du'a what that uh old woman's du'a is is doing to the heavens right now subhanallah it's because you can you can see it i mean what do you say about an 85 year old woman that buried all of her children and grandchildren
and has absolutely no person with her that's on a sidewalk and says i'm not leaving here and just says you know in in the most in in the most uh you know pure way you know that oh allah you know give me patience give me victory over these people i'm not going anywhere you know uh it's like you know they're saying stuff like that's so just pure and it's not colloquial arabic it's not fosha it's not scripted but subhanallah you see it and it is it's deeply moving and deeply inspiring and um may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless them again they're they're giving us an example uh in their in their very being um you know in the way that they're carrying themselves uh in these moments so sheikh with that inshallah i'm going to ask you to um share with us five du'as that you could be making right now for palestine what are five du'as and i'll and i'll preface that part with saying that you know one of the beauties i think of the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam uh the du'as from the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the specific ones is that sometimes actually gives us something to say when we don't know what to say because sometimes you know you're just your tongue tied not because you don't know you're not you're not attentive with your heart but because you just don't know the right words and you find that the sunnah has the perfect words subhanallah and and an even more perfect reward right it's sort of like like what what a what a beautiful expression these like these are words that are so perfect in their expression and the reward is even is even greater so what are five du'as that we can learn from the quran from the sunnah from the salaf
from our pious predecessors um to maybe help us inshallah and then we can springboard into our own personal du'as for our brothers and sisters in philistine tennis i really like the way you preface that um because sometimes we don't know what to say you know um and uh i was going to recall a personal incident but i'll leave that inshallah that's something we can talk about later maybe not but uh so the first du'a shaykh you already said it so now you got to recall it hello yeah it's up to you no pressure listen i i remember some years ago we were on arafat and um you know and i think i think we had any you know an experience where you know think about it you know the prophet alaihissalatu was saying was making du'a from from after duhr i mean you know combined duhr and asr all the way up until maghrib so you're talking you know six hours or or thereabout right it's like how do you make du'a for six hours that i remember uh i remember something that was you know advice that was given to to our group and just look ask allah just tell allah you don't know what to say help me help me say it you know you could just see the difference that that little advice made you know of asking allah to help you say what needs to be said you know like even that even that like i don't know what to say y'all but help me say it you know because you know what you're feeling in your heart right subhanallah um so that was the uh the the unpersonal version of that personal story uh so so the first du'a inshallah is from the quran um and it is a du'a for perseverance uh for firmness for victory and for death upon islam and and so we're going to i'll mention inshallah and shaykh please after i uh mention these du'as and just to
brief explanation i'd like you to jump in on on each one uh just to to share whatever thoughts allah azawajal allows you to come up with so the the the first du'a uh that we'll mention is found in surat al-baqarah uh and it is okay so this is how the du'a comes in surat al-baqarah right so it's it's oh allah pour upon us and make our feet firm and grant us victory over the disbelieving people now you're going to change that because you're not making the du'a for yourself right and so instead of you're going to say if you like instead of upon us so you're just changing the na which is uh us to whom which is them now interestingly enough it is it is not i mean as many of the scholars of islam mentioned there's a ta'if hadith about this it is not from the sunnah to ask allah for initially but only after the calamity has befallen is at that point you're asking allah azawajal for sabr for perseverance this this du'a
also comes in surat al-a'raf when fir'aun is telling the sorcerers who at this point now believed and had accepted islam like immediately right subhanallah and then he's now threatening them with crucifixion i mean imminent death imminent death at that point they said pour upon us your uh your sabr or pour upon us sabr and allow us to die as muslims and so subhanallah you know when you see a situation where death looks imminent uh upon some people and you want to make du'a for them what's a muslimi i mean that dying upon islam yusuf alaihissalam made that same du'a right he calls me to die as a muslim and allow me to join the company of the righteous and we hear in every surat al-jum'ah just about i mean when the imam is saying ya ya ladina taqullaha haqqa tuqati wa la tamutunna illa wa antum muslimun don't die except in the state of islam so if you want to i mean this is actually two different du'as but we can look at it as as one in the sense of giving them sabr and this is important they are going to need to persevere those from amongst them that are directly uh facing some kind of enemy force and also uh just the rebuilding their lives after this calamity is uh lifted from them so again
that is the du'a that's the first du'a inshallah so oh allah and and again people can say this in english inshallah as well right so oh allah pour upon them patience and make their feet firm and grant them victory over a disbelieving people subhanallah shaykh one of the things about that this ayah and and you actually um you actually did allude to this which is really important you know the hadith of you've asked allah for al-bala ask allah for al-afia instead ask allah to be spared so before a calamity strikes you ask allah to be spared after the calamity strikes you ask allah correct you ask allah for patience and in this regard um i think what's what's really beautiful what stands out to me about this particular ayah uh when allah mentions make the feet firm the scholars of tafsir mentioned that that is through the tranquility of the heart so i think about you know like a malfunctioning exterior if the battery is off or if the you know the engine is not proper then the exterior starts to move funny and you know i think the scholars of tafsir speak about it in that way that if allah solidifies the heart puts that tranquility makes the heart in uh gives it that tranquility then the feet naturally become firm then a person becomes steadfast as a result so it's like the the sabr is being poured upon you it's on the outside it's being descended upon you and then the heart is being made firm and tranquil i also think of the hadith of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where he mentions that no group of people gather in their remembrance of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala except that
the angels surround them that tranquility descends upon them that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions them uh with those that are with him so the idea of ar-rahma the sakinah comes down upon them so it's like the angels surround them and then the sakinah the tranquility comes into uh you know into them um and so i think that there's a common theme there that we find from the quran and from the sunnah of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that allah azawajal surrounds and then penetrates if we make du'a properly in that regard the second du'a is one that i don't know that many people may even be thinking about uh for uh the people of palestine but it's it's interesting because it's the du'a that anis radi allahu ta'ala and who said that the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make the most and he would make this du'a in his sujood and it is the shi'ar of tawaf right and that is we would normally make this du'a for ourselves right but we should be making that du'a for our brothers and sisters in islam وَطَنَا آتِهِمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنًۭا آتِهِمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنًۭا والله والله as shaykh omar already mentioned and even the difficulties that they are going through if allah azawajal puts the tranquility in their heart and there are other people who have easy lives but but no tranquility in their heart who has hasana in this dunya in in that sense subhanallah so even though even though you may look at it from the outside it may not be able to fully fathom what's going on make du'a that allah give them good in this life because wallahi what allah chooses for them in terms of good
in in that whole comprehensive term of what is khair وَطَنَا آتِهِمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنًۭا and what is hasana that is much better than anything that we could conjure up uh from our own minds so رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنًۭا وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنًۭا وَقِيهِمْ عَذَابَ النَّارِ allah give them the good of this life and the good of the next life save them from the punishment of the fire that's the second dua and that dua is so comprehensive it would take i mean a very long time to explain but what one of the things that's interesting is that there was a man who went to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and he said to him and i don't know how to hum like you and muad know how to hum sometimes if you maybe even sometimes you're sitting next to somebody and they're doing dhikr and saying subhanallah subhanallah it might just sound like they're like they're humming right and so this is what then then is so the man says to the prophet i was saying i don't know how to hum like you and muad know how to hum you guys mashallah you make a lot of dua i don't know how to do that but i ask allah i ask allah for jannah and i seek refuge with him from the fire the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said to him this is what muad and i are humming about so subhanallah gives them jannah saves them from the punishment of the fire the person who faced the most difficult life the person who had it worst the most impoverished the one who faced all types of difficulties in this life the one who had it the worst the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam mentioned that he will be dipped in jannah one time dip i'm so kidding and it will it will be said to him how do i eat the bat son cup and
did you ever have any problems it's not i don't i don't remember i didn't have anything i never i never faced any problems just one dip you know uh subhanallah a couple months ago i was with a brother uh at a dinner table and um uh there were there were six of us and this brother had just done 48 years in prison and he thought that he was never coming home right he he didn't expect to ever get out of prison and so uh at this point he was in his he's now in his early 70s and like i said this was a couple months ago and we were sitting at that dinner table he had he had been out for five or six days and he was enjoying the brotherhood so much uh enjoying the good food and he said subhanallah you know he said i've only been out for five days but i don't feel like i served any time so i don't i don't even feel like i was in prison 48 years of his life and just that experience of that uhuwa that that brotherhood and you know having some good food and and he he said i didn't feel like i ever i was i was ever in prison i immediately thought of that hadith about being dipped in jannah subhanallah and so subhan we have to realize that the difficulties that we face in this life and people are going to face different levels of difficulty but if they get jannah and they say from the fire then they are truly successful whoever is distanced from the fire and entered into jannah that person has succeeded not only is it the most comprehensive dua but like it reminds me of the the incident where the young man was making dua oh allah whatever it is that you were going to punish me with in the hereafter then hasten it for me in this dunya and the prophet said
you would not be able to handle that instead say and and i think that's like a lot of people watch what's happening to the people of gaza and they think this is unbearable but allah azawajal does not give anyone the unbearable and one dip in jannah and all of it is forgotten so i think it's it's just such an incredible dua it's comprehensive and it's so fitting right now because people are like how much more how much more right how much more can can these people possibly suffer and in how many different ways can they suffer and it's it's just a profound thought that every single one of those children with a dip in jannah will forget the suffocation of this world and the cruelty that was shown to them so we have sheikh what is your third dua so those are the two duas from the quran we're going to do two duas sunnah of the prophet as well and so the the next dua the third dua which is the first from the sunnah of the prophet is taken from the dua that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make every morning and every evening according to ibn umar and part of that dua so we're going to take part of that du'a so we could say more but i think we can we can stick to that so this is the the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam would make this dua for himself we're just changing it so that it is a dua for them so allah conceal their things that you that it could be translated as false but it's things that you that you don't want others to see it's it's things that should be covered concealed and protected and subhanallah this is this is deep because uh there are other meanings and other implications that this may have for the muslims as a whole right that those things even the holes that we may have things that we want to be concealed but they remain concealed and make secure make them feel secure from those things that would normally scare them amen and protect them from in front of them and from behind them and from their right sides and their left sides women folking him and from above them and you can add and we also seek reference with allah that they will be swallowed from beneath them you repeat it slowly inshallah and i think the team will write it put it in the chat inshallah and then we'll compile them inshallah you said you said you you're going to repeat it slowly shaykh no no if you if you can repeat it first okay so you want to say allah so when you put it together you say
all right so that part there is you're asking for sitter oh allah conceal cover their faults cover what may bring them shame is to to bring security to make them feel secure are those things that would normally scare them so keep them secure keep them safe from those things that would normally scare them and protect them from in front of them and from behind them their right sides and their left sides from above them no no that's it that's it that's good may allah protect them from every direction and subhanallah it's it's amazing because from it's from the morning and evening remembrances that we make for ourselves but how many of us even feel threatened from in front of us and behind us and right and left and above us and under us and our people in gaza are are literally uh facing hostility from human beings from every one of those directions so your fourth
the fourth is also from the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the hadith of ibn abi awfa when the prophet actually was uh about to face the enemy and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and many of you may know this hadith we said don't wish to meet your enemy right but if you do if you do then be patient and to the end of the hadith and what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the dua that he made at that time it has two different uh versions that i'm aware of in bukhari and muslim uh i combined those versions inshallah just so that we would have a comprehensive dua from the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here so what he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was this was the dua of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as it comes with bukhari and muslim in all of these uh uh alfa the the exact wording is from both bukhari and muslim so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said one who has sent down the book the revealer of that holy book the the one who is quick in reckoning quick to take to account swift at reckoning subhanahu wa ta'ala the disperser of the clouds the defeater of the ahzab now the ahzab at the time of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was was talking about those uh what they call the confederates right those different tribes along
with some other people uh who i'm not going to mention right now who came together uh to fight against the the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam some of them uh being treacherous and breaking the treaty with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so so we can use that same language because they have people coming together to to uh i mean hurt our brothers and sisters and to exterminate them we ask allah azawajal and you'll get the kato that allah azawajal uh prevents their uh their treachery and and and prevents their their plot from becoming a reality so he says the one who causes the disperse of the clouds and the one who defeated or the defeater of the confederates he that he he says and he defeat them oh subhanallah looks like we uh we lost the sheikh uh temporarily inshallah ta'ala he'll uh come back so what the sheikh was mentioning um subhanallah one of the things about this powerful allah azawajal sent down the book and he is he is swift to hold us to account as a result of that and then you know obviously gathers and then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allah azawajal defeats the confederates defeats the different uh tribes the different armies that come together uh to hurt us one of the things that i reflect on with that dua is that the first two are connected and the second two are connected so munzir al kitab and sariyya al hisab allah azawajal reveals the book and then he holds you accountable allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh
gathers and then allah azawajal defeats so allah azawajal collects and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala destroys so it shows allah azawajal's complete power to give and to take and i think this is a very um common way in which we are taught about allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right uh so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives and allah azawajal withholds allah gathers and allah causes to dissipate uh shaykh now you're back the last part is so inshallah i hope that shaykh will uh be back we're obviously having connection issues yeah maybe this is the one where they're watching says defeat them shake them right and give us victory uh upon them and and i would you know i would leave that like that because this is us right this is us uh it seems like uh that's the one shaykh's internet is uh going in and out i think um when allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions uh you know or when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in this regard mentions to us right to shake them
this is actually very powerful because when you think about what they take away from us and the harm that we feel in these moments our dead are in paradise your dead are in hellfire so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions the believers that came before that they were shaken that they faced deep trials but their trials were different and their outcome is different so when we are tested the outcome is reward because we are believers when they are punished the outcome is only further punishment uh so shaykh bismillah you gotta make dua for your internet right now too so it's not the internet actually the camera got hot but uh oh okay it was it was feel of that the um the the last one that will mention is uh a very very important dua from one of the great scholars of islam the tabi saeed ibn jubeir from the great students of ibn abbas and saeed ibn jubeir died in the year 95 after the hijrah of the prophet and this dua is a dua we should make for ourselves and also make for our brothers and sisters in palestine and the dua that he used to make was Allah I ask you for true reliance upon you and for good thoughts about you Allah bless me to have good thoughts bless me to have a good opinion
about you and so the way that we could make that dua for our brothers and sisters is Allah Allah grant them true reliance upon you and good thoughts about you and we all need that at this time you know Allah says in the hadith I am as my servant expects of me I am to him what he thinks about me and subhanallah you know sheikh omar you mentioned about uh you know the the khalid in palestine they're there they're just making dua they're saying alhamdulillah it doesn't feel forced like they're really saying alhamdulillah and i'm also witnessing you know from friends and colleagues on that side similar responses and you're just saying subhanallah allah is really blessing them because it's coming off their tongue very easily like you said it's not forced and that's because they have a good opinion about allah subhanallah you know many of us may go through this vicarious suffering right and that's real uh i'm not making light of that but sometimes we make ourselves suffer even worse than the people who are actually going through what we are uh looking at and what we are suffering from vicariously but their experience is very different than ours and they are truly you know close to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and having very good thoughts about allah and having that and the prophet also told us let not one of you die right except that he has good thoughts about allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala and that command not to die uh except that a b or c is actually a command to live that way because we don't know when we're going to die so it's as if the prophet is saying always have this like always have these good thoughts about allah and so it is through those good thoughts that we have our you know that we put our trust upon allah that we that we rely upon him subhanahu wa ta'ala put our trust in him and so asking allah for that is very important for us like for our own selves as we witness what is happening and also that we ask allah to grant them true reliance upon him and good thoughts about him JazakAllah khair oh allah grant them uh true um trust or reliance upon you and a good opinion of you sheikh if i could ask you if your camera will allow can you can you just match can you read all five of those du'as inshallah ta'ala just uh in one sequence if you don't mind and that way people can yeah sure so the first of them is the second is of the third is him the fourth of those du'as is not one that i actually memorized so i want to read it
allah and the last of those du'as is so inshallah ta'ala for those of you that are tuning in um and we're gonna share a few more reflections take some questions inshallah um so we'll put out a blog post tomorrow inshallah ta'ala on yaqeen's website with these five du'as inshallah in their translations also if you're not signed up to the email list if uh whoever is managing moderating right now the yaqeen's uh handle just please put in how to register uh sign up to the email list inshallah ta'ala then um you know inshallah you can always have these uh these things sent to you sheikh tahir's camera just decided to tap out again um and inshallah ta'ala with that um you know i just want to share a few final thoughts but then i thought we should thought we'll come back and we'll get to some of the questions inshallah ta'ala as well that some of you are sending in look now is the time where we need to teach ourselves how to make du'a and we need to teach our families how to make du'a and teach our communities how to make du'a um if this is the catalyst for you to start making more du'a then let it be if this is the way that you get emotional right now as we learn from uh the adab of our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the mannerism in which he used to make du'a and of the righteous predecessors to be broken in front of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then let it be so this is a time if this is the catalyst then let it be teach your kids you know just if you have your family and you just sit and you make du'a together hey let's do this you know however many times or whatever day or whatever night not to single out a particular day or night but just to say let's let's make du'a together for our brothers and
sisters but let this be your catalyst inshallah let this be our catalyst uh to have that that turning back to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that we need to have in the night and inshallah ta'ala with that uh we will get to some of the questions uh sheikh if you don't mind i'll take the first question because it's directed towards me in particular um and then i'll probably ask you some of these questions but feel free to weigh in on this as well uh there's a question that's towards me about uh global day of fasting is it permissible to do a global day of fasting um you know or is this bid'ah so doing a global day of fasting for palestine is it still wrong so i'll take a step back inshallah and it showed up a few times there and i'll just say first and foremost um no energy right now to fight the muslims or fight people online so please don't fight each other inshallah over these things uh we clarify and we uh we try to do what's best so when it comes to fasting um there is no such thing as fasting for palestine or qiyam for palestine right or these uh or reading quran for palestine um the only thing that uh would be inshallah ta'ala i think good is for us to revive the sunnah these days of fasting mondays and thursdays at some times and of course the du'a of a fasting person is accepted inshallah ta'ala and so a person can make du'a in the uh time before maghrib uh and they can make du'a there's also a question here about umrah for palestine so we should encourage the sunnah in general you fast for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mondays and thursdays but there is no fasting for palestine i'll just mention this because i think it actually shows the pure heartedness
there was a muslim mom's group that actually started a global day of fasting for palestine and they had reached out and um to someone from uh you know from from my team and asked to share it on a story um and when i saw that the way that it could be misunderstood or the misframing of it was taken down and then we had a conversation you know some sisters that wanted to do something good and the encouragement should be fast for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mondays thursdays the three days of the week uh the three days of the month sorry and make du'a to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at that time as you should at any time inshallah ta'ala qiyam qiyam should be for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so it wouldn't be qiyam for palestine but if there are times inshallah ta'ala things that encourage us to uh wake up and pray in the end of the night then obviously that is a blessed time to make du'a to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in qiyam ul-ilm likewise sending salawat on the prophet doing dhikr making umrah all of these uh affairs of worship then they should be done in accordance with the sunnah of the prophet and there's no such thing as a solidarity fast a solidary prayer or whatever it is it's simply prayer and fasting and we should encourage ourselves to be the best that we can and to also make du'a inshallah ta'ala uh you know for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and uh in a way in shaa allah ta'ala that uplifts our brothers and sisters uh in palestine so umrah for palestine you know you do umra inshallah ta'ala and when you do umra make dua for your brothers and sisters so you wouldn't dedicate your umrah to your brothers and sisters in palestine you would make umrah inshallah ta'ala for yourself or whoever you're doing umruh on behalf of and then make dua for your brothers and sisters uh in tawaf inshallah ta'ala and again just please be uh patient with your brothers and
sisters inshallah ta'ala people are trying to do the right thing inshallah ta'ala so if you see something uh where you know uh i was i was doing khutba yesterday and and mazid volunteer put out an announcement said twice the reward for praying behind sheikh umar sulaiman and uh for standing in solidarity with your brothers and sisters in palestine i guarantee you that that volunteer nor myself believe that praying behind me gives you twice the reward it was obviously a good intention just to say pray jumah and inshallah ta'ala also uh do something for your brothers and sisters in palestine so this is i think an important time for us to uh obviously insist on as many ibadat as possible as many of the acts of worship as possible from the sunnah and then in that process make dua for our brothers and sisters in palestine so again fast mondays and thursdays if you can inshallah ta'ala uh and make dua for your brothers and sisters in palestine it's a sunnah to fast those days and then make dua obviously for your brothers and sisters in palestine and other places pray tahajjud if you can inshallah ta'ala pray salat al buha like sheikh tahir said let that let that be a catalyst inshallah ta'ala in which you can really push yourself to make dua inshallah ta'ala and uh we ask allah to to guide us to that which is which is beneficial inshallah sheikh do you want to share anything on that oh i think you answered that very well question can you go into oh can you go into so uh this is an interesting question can you go into sujood without prayer for the sake of dua so you mentioned making dua facing the qibla making wudu and then facing the qibla and making dua so can someone go into sujood and fattah al-bari uh actually discusses this issue along with i mean obviously there's other
scholars from us the ulama but other than where the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uh specified that sujood uh could be made without salat so such that to shukr and such that tilawa just making uh that is the the sujood that one would make uh for appreciation to allah thanking allah or so you're reciting the quran and there's a such the place uh other other than that um you would there is no i'm just going to go into sujood to to make dua right that is not something that is known from the sunnah of the prophet as we're saying or any or any of the companions without being in salat first meaning that you that you are praying and then when you get to uh the sujood the position of sujood that you would prolong it and make dua so there's such that the shukr but there which is a prostration of gratitude which which is not preceded by salat that's my point right that that there's no that you can just go into such that now obviously there's some of the ulema to say that you have to do takbir first and that you have to be in uh in a state of purification but other scholars say no that the point is that there's no that it's not preceded by uh standing and reciting quran and then making rukur and and then going down to that that was that's the point all right i'm gonna put you on the spot luqman rashid asks will you do a series on how to use the names of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala oh boy he must work for yaqeen or something i don't know i don't know a luqman rashid but yaqeen but allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make that easy and make it sincerely for his plate for his face and
beneficial to his servants i mean sheikh on that note what are some names of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala particularly when people are calling upon allah in this moment that just immediately come to your heart in your mind that they can do that a lot subhanallah any name related to allah's rahmah whether that's uh or his rahman rahim al-wadood al-latif for for certain parts of the dua when we're making dua for them uh uh when you're making dua for victory and nassar i'm thinking al-qawiyy al-aziz al-qawiyy and al-aziz and aziz especially subhanallah uh reading about that name and the difference the subtle difference between al-aziz and al-qawiyy because al-aziz in the quran is usually used when allah azawajal is talking about i find that usually but let's just say that the subtle difference between al-aziz and al-qawiyy so al-aziz mighty and honorable strong so you might look at might and strength as being the same thing but there is a subtle difference al-aziz is usually used when allah azawajal is talking about aiding his righteous servants from the anbiya and other than that subhanallah there's something about the name of al-jabbar uh it just it it is such a profound and comprehensive uh name subhanallah so for two reasons for two reasons when you think of jabbar because there's the there's the one that comes to most people's mind which which is that indicative of that strength and overpowering right then there's also the other side because of jabbar is also the the mender right to mend something to to heal that wound to bring that which is a cast which is worn when when somebody breaks a bone to help keep it straight so that
the bone can come in back right that concept of in that sense of of like i said healing even though it's different than shabby but but bringing things together and mending them back fixing them fixing them in fact right um which which is which is in between the the such the tame when between two such as when when you're in that sitting prostration so allah warhamni forgive me have mercy on me fix me fix me like i'm broken fix me and give me well-being and provide for me so i think a question here and inshallah we'll just maybe do two more and then we'll close it i think it's appropriate shaykh i appreciate you because honestly subhanallah i'm just i'm just telling you for me sincerely it is it is your da that will close us out today so uh to the masjid right so may allah bless um you know again some of the brothers sisters that have you know corrected and and advised and said you know look you know the masjid should maybe host a program frame it this way and you know a group of people should maybe host it this way so masjid wants to do a program for palestine a qiyam for palestine uh what advice do you kind of have for people like we're going to do a dua for palestine just any nasiha in that regard um you know to where they can observe the sunnah but not um but you know obviously still do what they need to do but at the same time not not so so if i'm understanding if i'm understanding correctly then the question is asking about a qiyam as in qiyam al-layl in the last or like what would
normally be held in ramadan right again uh i i don't i would actually prefer and and i know this is going to sound like i'm kicking the can but i would actually prefer that the people ask their local mashaikh and ulama about these issues because when they're a difference of opinion amongst the scholars so now what's happening is we're talking about congregating right for an ibadah that we would normally not congregate for like qiyam outside of ramadan some of the scholars actually say that that's permissible as long as it's not done for a specific time like so for example we start making this like a e we're going to do this every single year on this same day uh so so some of the scholars say that that's permissible others say that it is not permissible because it is not known from the prophet or any of the companions or the tabi'in for that matter that they would that they would gather at times of calamities that make the i or whatever whatever uh yeah we're talking about here in terms of qiyam and for that reason shaykh and i think this is important that there is that there is unity around certain issues uh that we are not divided uh over things that are not as important as other things right now we're not talking about anything in the religion being trivial uh but we are saying that there are priorities uh and this historically you can look at the fatah or the metaphor from forever okay where when when something else was a priority this right here has to be put to the side and we can deal with that later and what i'm saying is that it is very important for us uh even when we start talking about uh a thebet and being firm and and having our feet firm it tohi the suf is important that
that we are one that we that we come together so if there are scholars in a particular locale locale or there are students of knowledge who can get in contact with the scholars then it's more appropriate that that happens than me answering uh some type of question on the internet in a vacuum not knowing what that may cause amongst the people of a particular locale and then they're fighting uh or bickering or arguing when that doesn't need to be the case so it is important that that there's a level of cooperation amongst the people in a particular area before something like that happens that may further split ranks for no reason i think that's a wise answer and definitely one that inshallah we can all agree to so the last thing i'll ask you sheikh is a question here does it have to be facing mecca so when you make sujood there's back to a question on sujood do they have to face mecca when they make sujood well because sujood is legislated in the salat and not outside of the salat for the purpose of du'a then you're going to be facing the qibla anyway you're going to be facing the qibla while you're making the sujood because it is actually a part of your salat and facing the qibla is a short to salah it is a condition for the validity of one's prayer any last words uh just of advice for people i mean everything that you've we've kept you for a long time hamda even your camera's tapped out but any last words sheikh i mean i think you know hamda we benefited a lot from the beautiful du'as that you shared sheikh i would just say that that the one that does not have cannot give it is very important that we
turn to allah for ourselves at this time as well that allah gives us that he gives us well-being that we turn to him and that we use this uh as a catalyst to draw closer to allah and prepare for what's next sometimes we get so caught up in the moment that we fail to look further down the line it is important for us to be people who move intentionally who are calculated in the way that we move our prophet alaihi salatu wassalam right the strong one is not the one that can wrestle people to the ground but the one that is really strong is the one that can control himself when he is angry again this is not just about anger management this is about not being reactionary the prophet is telling us in this it's not just about how you react to something you think that you're strong and you you're going to reply you know you're going to respond a certain way right the strong one is the one that's able to control himself you think about what's happening calculate make sure that what we are doing is strategic i think that as an ummah and especially those of us who are living in the west especially for those living in america that i know a little bit more about america than i do about the west as a whole i think it's very important that there are some calculated strategic things that we do to to strengthen our own unity uh to prepare for the next 10 to 20 years for the next generation of us living uh in this country it is important that we fortify our youth that we solidify our
infrastructure uh and so on and so forth i don't want to say too much more than that shay but uh i do think that it's important that we use this as an opportunity to draw closer to allah and we ask allah his beautiful names and lofty attributes to make us from amongst his righteous servants and to unite our ranks and to bring our uh to bring victory to our brothers and sisters in palestine i mean i mean and um before we make you know a lot of the questions are about other subjects so we are doing alhamdulillah nightly session on this topic for now uh it's going to continue at least for the next few days inshallah so tune in every night at 8 30 central 9 30 eastern inshallah where we address different uh aspects of this and i wanted to actually you know personally um someone passed away a few days ago shaykh uh her name was sister mayra ali sister mayra ali was a sister that had a very rare skin condition um it's like a butterfly condition subhanallah i met her um about 13 years ago in the united kingdom and literally i i was giving i was giving a talk about the the woman who had epilepsy in the time of the prophet um and asked the prophet to make dua for her and the prophet you know essentially told her that i could make dua for you and you'd be cured or uh you could be patient you would have jannah and she mentioned you know that she'd take jannah but at the same time she asked the prophet to make dua that if it happens she said because when it happens at the kashif my my aura shows i'm exposed so can you make dua that i'm covered subhanallah in that time epilepsy and i was talking about the difficult trials being a means of entering jannah and she came up to me after that talk
12 13 years ago and um you know she was like talking about the rare diseases that she suffers from and she's saying you know you're saying if i'm patient i can have jannah you're saying if i'm patient i can have jannah and she her her uh the condition was so severe that her she actually lost her hand like she would peel away subhanallah so she actually only had a little semblance of fingers by the end of it her skin was constantly shedding and um she uh reached out to me uh last week i saw her on this last trip to the uk she came to one of my talks and then she reached out last week and she said she got diagnosed with late stage of cancer and that she didn't know she was going to make it to december when i come out there and you know i told her inshallah you would and then she uh i came to know that she passed away uh just two days ago may allah have mercy on her and accept her and may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow every moment that she suffered and all of our brothers and sisters who suffered to be a means of expiation for them and elevation for them allahumma ameen and lastly uh shaykh saad taslim and shaykh fahad taslim uh their their mother had passed away rahimahallah not too long ago um i believe a month and a half or two months ago i mean time is obviously hard to capture these days but then their father passed away a few days uh ago as well so i don't want to forget them may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have mercy on their father and their mother and grant them and join them with them allahumma ameen so inshallah ta'ala we'll end with the du'a dr tahir hafidh for taking all the time to be with us even as you're traveling and for giving us these du'as inshallah ta'ala we'll make a du'a together for our brothers and sisters in palestine
hasanah oh allah we ask you to give victory to our brothers and sisters in palestine oh allah we ask you to accept their dead as shuhada ya allah accept all of their casualties as shuhada ya allah accept all of their casualties as shuhada ya allah we ask you to pour upon them patience and to pour upon them your sustenance we ask you to provide for them where other people have cut them off we ask you to heal them when others have hurt them we ask you to grant them expanse when others have sought to make the earth constricted for them we ask you oh allah to give victory to our brothers and sisters in palestine we ask you allah to give victory to our brothers and sisters in palestine we ask you allah to give victory to our brothers and sisters in palestine and to our brothers and sisters all over the world ya allah we ask you to give victory to our oppressed brothers and sisters all over the world ya allah we ask you to grant them steadfastness and firmness and patience ya allah we ask you to grant them the best of this life and the best of the next and to protect them from the punishment of the fire ya allah we ask you we ask you oh allah to do away with the oppressors who oppress our brothers and sisters in palestine and oppress our brothers and sisters all over the world ya allah ya allah foil their plot
foil their plot foil their plot ya allah turn their plot against them Ya allah turn their plot against them Ya allah turn their plot against them, Ya allah we ask you to guide us and to guide our brothers and sisters we ask you o allah to allow our ummah to come together to feel like one body ya allah unite our hearts unite our ranks and ya allah grant us victory over the transgressors everyone for joining us you
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