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Episode 2: When Abraham Asked for Redress

July 23, 2020Dr. Omar Suleiman

After his own people snatched away his dignity, Ibrahim’s (pbuh) plea to Allah was answered with a promise that would reduce the humiliation of this world to nothing.

Episode Transcript

(Note: the transcript has been edited for clarity)

0:00 – 0:39 Introduction

After Allah saved Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam from that fire, and he is walking away from his people, Lut Alayhi Salaam will go to his people, Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is making hijrah, he's migrating and he has his wife Sarah. And as he is on his way out, there are a number of, duas that he makes as he's walking away.

And you can imagine the closeness that he had to Allah SWT in those moments, he just witnessed that great miracle from Allah SWT.

0:40 – 1:23 Ibrahim (as)'s dua for the next life

And one of the things that he says in those moments is

"wa la tukh zini yawma yub 'ath" - Do not disgrace me on the day that we are all resurrected

"yawma la yanfa'oo maa lun wa laa banoon" - A day, in which wealth nor children, will avail a person

"illa man atallaha bi qalbin saleem" - Except for the one who comes back to Allah SWT with a sound heart,

and that's all that Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam has at this point, is returning to Allah SWT with a sound heart. But it's just really powerful to think about the fact that he just experienced a humiliating, traumatic moment in this life, and as he's calling upon Allah, he's saying, "Ya Allah, don't let me be disgraced in the next life. Don't let me be humiliated in the next life."

1:24 – 2:33 When Ibrahim (as) sees his father on Judgment Day

There's a narration where the Prophet (SAW) gives us this incident where Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam actually sees his father on the day of judgment, and his father is covered in dust and humiliated, and Ibrahim seeing his father, he says to him, "why did you disobey me?"

And his father says that I won't disobey you today, Oh my son. And Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam looks to Allah SWT, and he says, "didn't you promise me that you wouldn't humiliate me on this day, and look at my father", and Allah SWT says, "Jannah has been forbidden for the idolaters", and Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam looks down and he sees an animal, a slaughtered animal. And that animal is grabbed by its legs and thrown into the fire.

SubhanAllah. His father who had once thrown him into a fire, and Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam still has empathy and love for his father. And so he doesn't see his father in flesh being thrown into the fire, but an animal that is his father thrown into the fire. And that is a different fire altogether.

And so that's a painful thing that Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam has to deal with throughout,
which is he loved his father and he still wanted good for his father. And he's still making dua for his father for his father, even after his father had done that to him, and even on the day of judgment.

2:34 – 5:39 The honor of Ibrahim (as) on the Day of Judgment

But there is something particular about the honor of the Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam on the day of judgment that I wanna speak about. Khizi is more than anything else entering into the fire, right?

That's the greatest form of humiliation that a person could encounter on the day of judgment, may Allah SWT protect us. But it's really more than that, right?

Ibrahim is saying that the humiliation of this world is nothing. Imagine the gathering in the hereafter, where all of the creation of Allah is gathered, and you receive your book in your left hand, and the people mock you and laugh at you, and you are humiliated knowing that
your fate has been sealed.

May Allah protect us.

On the other hand, a person who receives their book in their right hands, going through the gatherings of the people on the day of judgment, people they knew and people
they didn't know, and saying,

"Haa umukrau' kitabiya" - everyone read my book. I know where I'm going. I knew this day would come and I know where I'm going. I'm going to Al Jannah, may Allah SWT make us amongst them.

But there is something special about Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam. On that day, the Prophet
(SAW) said that we would all be resurrected, and we won't have clothes. At least initially we won't have clothes, and Aisha (ra) asked the Prophet (SAW), "won't the men and the woman be looking at each other?", and the Prophet (SAW) said that the matter is too severe for them to even notice as the people are gathered without titles, even without clothes, and the Prophet (SAW) said,

"Awwalu man yuksan yawmal qiyamah, Ibrahim" - The first person to have his robe given to him, is Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam.

This is so powerful. So powerful.

Connect it to the moment where Ibrahim was just stripped of his clothes. And some of the scholars say the fire burnt off his clothes. Some say he was stripped and then thrown into the fire. And some say the fire burnt off his clothes, but not him. But he just witnessed that moment of humiliation, and he asked Allah, "don't disgrace me on the day of judgment", and look what Allah does for him. On the day of judgment when no one has their clothes, Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, is clothed with the robes of paradise.

And some of the scholars say that's how Allah SWT makes up for him, compensates him for what he suffered for, Allah SWT in these moments. His clothes were consumed
or his clothes were taken from him in this world for the sake of Allah, and so his clothes are given to him on the day of judgment before everyone else by Allah SWT, and Allah dresses him first on the day of judgment.

And I want you to imagine for a moment what this means, the honor of that and what this means. That when Ibraham was in that gathering, Ibrahim was the only one undressed, and humiliated in front of the people, who all had their worldly clothes and their robes.

On the day of judgment there will be a moment where every single human being that Allah has created is without clothes, without robes, and it's only Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam. Talk
about being distinguished. It is only Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam that is dressed.

And so that's how Allah SWT restores what was wrongfully taken from the one who says, "hasbunaAllahu waniAAma alwakeel".

5:40 – 7:01 The honor of the Prophet (SAW) on the Day of Judgment

And there is a worldly element to this, as well as an element of the hereafters. As far as the worldly element of this, look at the Prophet (SAW) in Ta'if right after the Prophet (SAW) experienced the rejection and humiliation of the people of Ta'if.

Soon after Allah facilitated for him, Madinah where the people came out from their homes, and waited for him, for weeks and weeks, to see when he would come, and they all surrounded him, wanting to embrace him SAW, wanting to dedicate themselves to him.

But the greatest honor, is, "yawma yub'athun" is the day that they would be resurrected.

On that day, when Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is dressed and honored in a way that no one
else is dressed and honored, the Prophet (SAW), who was once rejected and taunted by the people of Ta'if, and by the people of Makkah every single human being wants the shafa'ah, the intercession of the Prophet SAW.

May Allah SWT gather us around the fountain of the Prophet (SAW) and honor us on that day, and restore for us, whatever we lost for his sake in this life.

Captions by MUHSEN

What is Hajj? Why is it important? Learn more in What Islam says about Hajj and Umrah


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After Allah saved Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam from that fire, and he is walking away from his people. Lut Alayhi Salaam will go to his people. Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is making hijrah. He's migrating and he has his wife, Sarah. And as he is on his way out, there are a number of du'as that he makes as he's walking away. And you can imagine the closeness that he had to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la in those moments. He just witnessed that great miracle from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And one of the things that he says in those moments is Do not disgrace me on the day that we are all resurrected. Yawm la yanfa'u maalun wala banoon, a day in which wealth nor children will avail a person. Except for the one who comes back to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la with a sound heart. And that's all Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam has at this point is returning to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la with a sound heart. But it's just really powerful to think about the fact that he just experienced a humiliating traumatic moment in this life. And as he's calling upon Allah, he's saying, Ya Allah, don't let me be disgraced in the next life. Don't let me be humiliated in the next life. There's a narration where the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam gives us this incident where Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam actually sees his father on the day of judgment, and his father is covered in dust and humiliated. And Ibrahim seeing his father, he says to him, why did you disobey me? And his father says, but I won't disobey you today, oh my son. And Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam looks to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and he says, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't humiliate me on this day? And look at my father. And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, Jannah has been forbidden for the idolaters. And Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam looks down and he sees an animal, a slaughtered animal.
And that animal is grabbed by its legs and thrown into the fire. SubhanAllah, his father who had once thrown him into a fire and Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam still has empathy and love for his father. And so he doesn't see his father in flesh be thrown into the fire, but an animal that is his father thrown into the fire and that is a different fire altogether. And so that's a painful thing that Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam has to deal with throughout, which is he loved his father and he still wanted good for his father. And he's still making dua for his father, even after his father had done that to him. And even on the day of judgment. But there's something particular about the honor of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam on the day of judgment that I want to speak about. Khizi is more than anything else entering into the fire, right? That's the greatest form of humiliation that a person could encounter on the day of judgment. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect us. But it's really more than that, right? Ibrahim is saying that the humiliation of this world is nothing. Imagine the gathering in the hereafter where all of the creation of Allah is gathered and you receive your book in your left hand and the people mock you and laugh at you. And you are humiliated knowing that your fate has been sealed. May Allah protect us. On the other hand, a person who receives their book in their right hands, going through the gatherings of the people on the day of judgment, people they knew and people they didn't know and saying, everyone read my book. I know where I'm going. I knew this day would come and I know where I'm going. I'm going to Al-Jannah. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make us amongst them. But there is something special about Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam. On that day, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that we will all be resurrected and we won't have clothes. At least initially, we won't have clothes. And Aisha radiAllahu anha asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, won't the men and the woman be looking at each other? And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that the matter is too severe for them to even notice as the people are gathered without titles, even without clothes.
And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Awwalu man yuksa yawm al qiyama Ibrahim. The first person to have his robe given to him is Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam. This is so powerful, so powerful, connected to the moment where Ibrahim was just stripped of his clothes. And some of the scholars say the fire burnt off his clothes. Some say he was stripped and then thrown into the fire, and some say the fire burnt off his clothes, but not him. But he just witnessed that moment of humiliation. And he asked Allah, don't disgrace me on the Day of Judgment. And look what Allah does for him on the Day of Judgment when no one has their clothes. Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is clothed with the robes of paradise. Some of the scholars say that's how Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la makes up for him, compensates him for what he suffered for Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la in these moments. Right? His clothes were consumed or his clothes were taken from him in this world for the sake of Allah. And so his clothes are given to him on the Day of Judgment before everyone else by Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And Allah dresses him first on the Day of Judgment. And I want you to imagine for a moment what this means, the honor of that and what this means, that when Ibrahim was in that gathering, Ibrahim was the only one undressed and humiliated in front of the people who all had their worldly clothes and their robes. On the Day of Judgment, there will be a moment where every single human being that Allah has created is without clothes, without robes. And it's only Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam. Talk about being distinguished. It is only Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam that is dressed. And so that's how Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la restores what was wrongfully taken from the one who says, حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل And there's a worldly element to this as well as an element of the hereafter. As far as the worldly element of this, look at the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in Ta'if, right after the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam experienced the rejection and humiliation of the people of Ta'if. Soon after Allah facilitated for him Madinah, where the people came out from their
homes and waited for him for weeks and weeks to see when he would come and then they all surrounded him, wanting to embrace him SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, wanting to dedicate themselves to him. But the greatest honor is Yawm Al-Yub'athun, is the day that they would be resurrected. On that day, when Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is dressed and honored in a way that no one else is dressed and honored. The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, who was once rejected and taunted by the people of Ta'if and by the people of Mecca, every single human being wants the shafa'ah, wants the intercession of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la gather us around the fountain of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and honor us on that day and restore for us whatever we lost for his sake in this life.
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