This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. All praise and glory be to Allah in the manner that he deserves, and may his finest peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, his servant and his messenger, and upon all those who adhere to his guidance after him, may we be among the best of those who do so. So when the great scholar Malik ibn al-Dinar, rahimahullah, his students would recite to him, he would remark after the recitation and say, Isma'u ila ma yaqoolu al-sadiqu min fawqi arshi Listen, listen to what the most truthful has said from above his throne, subhanahu wa ta'ala. How often do we think of the Qur'an when we listen as that? I want to begin by inviting you all to permit yourselves to let the weight of that reality sink in. Have you ever thought about how, how is it that a powerless, temporary, fleeting creature like the human being could ever be capable of restating the words of the all-powerful eternal supreme being Allah? This is something that is in reality pure grace, an undeserved, unattainable, it's a gift. It is a miracle that we perform all the time from his bounty. Reciting the Qur'an is a miracle. This is why when Allah Azawajal said, wa laqad yassarna al-Qur'ana lil-dhikri fahal min muddakir
We have certainly made the Qur'an easy. We have facilitated it to be recalled, to be restated, to be remembered. So is anyone willing to take heed? After Allah said that, Abdullah ibn Abbas radiallahu anhuma commented and said, law la an yassarahullahu ala lisani al-adamiyyin mastata'a ahadum minal khalqi an yatakallama bikalamillah Were it not for the fact that Allah had facilitated it on the tongues of the children of Adam, no one of the creation would be capable on their own of speaking the words of Allah. How does that even make sense? You know, if, and I don't have a better example, I wish I did, but if like a, an eagle from the eagles of the Lehigh Valley, not the Philadelphia eagles, the real eagles, the birds or a lamb or a goat were to stand in front of you and give a charismatic speech, you would be blown away. Why? Because animals don't speak human, right? The distance between the human, anything of the creation, including the human and Allah is far greater than the distance between the animal and the human being. So how can it be that humans can say God's words? That's the idea. In fact, in fact, it is even beyond us to even hear God's words. In the Hadith of Abdullah Al-Masood, narrated by Abu Dawood and others, the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, when Allah first speaks the revelation, speaks it to who? To the archangel. You hear a rattling in the skies like the dragging of massive chains against boulders.
Imagine you have these big chains being dragged against rocks. That rattling is what? That is the fervent of the angels that are hearing Jibreel be spoke to by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And ultimately they pass out and they remain unconscious, the angels, until Jibreel alayhi wasallam reaches them. And then when Jibreel reaches them, they revive and they say to Jibreel, what has your Lord said? So Jibreel says to them, Allah has said the truth. He has given me, spoken to me some truth. He is the source of all good and all truth. Everything he says is true. The most truthful speaker, what he says from above his throne. So he says the truth. And so the angels begin to chant the truth. It is the truth. Our Lord only speaks truth. Of course, it's truth. This is the idea that I want to begin with our series together in Ramadan. Salam Ibn Maymoon al-Khawwas, rahimahu Allah. He said once, Qultu li nafsi, I said to myself one day, Ya nafs, O soul, he's speaking to himself. Iqra'i al-Qur'ana, ka'annaki sama'tihi. Awwal ma takallama bihi Allah. Read the Qur'an as if you were hearing it at the very first time Allah spoke it. Fajaa'ati al-halawa. And then suddenly the sweetness came. So whether you are reading your Qur'an throughout the day, or you are glancing, of course, on airplane mode, but glancing at your translation during Taraweeh, this is of the most important.
The first step is to realize what it means to have revelation in front of you. A secret gets revealed. Allah has revealed to you this secret. He is the one speaking. Even in translation, it's still his message. Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Begin with that. Wa innahu la kitabun aziz. This will be the second point. Allah says, and it is a mighty book. What does it mean a mighty book? Why does Allah Azawajal call the Qur'an mighty? Many reasons. The first of them is that it is mightier than to be overtaken, mightier than to be distorted, mightier than to be corrupted, mightier than to be changed. Kitabun azizun la yateehil batilu min bayni yadayhi wala min khalfi. The verse continues to explain itself. And it says a mighty book that no falsehood can approach it from in front or from behind, from any angle. Okay. And this too is a miracle. How did the Qur'an reach us? Think about that. Why did nothing else reach us from 1400 years ago? Why is there no other piece of literature? Because it's not supposed to reach us. Were it not for the fact that Allah took it upon himself to guarantee its preservation, if it were normal, typical, we would have had other. Writings from 1400 years, nothing exists but this book. Inna nahnazalna thikra wa inna lahul hafidhun. We sent this book down to you and we have guaranteed its protection. And by the way, it was not even written 1400 years ago, was it? It was not. It was documented in the lives of the sahaba. Pulled together, each of them had a bit of it, right? bal huwa ayatun bayyinatun fee suduri allatheena ootul ilm Rather, they are clear signs of God. Every last verse in the Qur'an that are found in the chests of those we endowed with sacred knowledge.
Not written, nothing else was preserved in the chests, decentralized, we still have it. That's another miracle. What a mighty book, cannot be overcome. Even in the authentic hadith, where Allah Azzawajal said to the Prophet ﷺ wa anzaltu alayka kitaban la yaghsiluhul maa taqra'uhu na'iman wa yaqdaan O Muhammad, know that I have sent down upon you a book that the water of the oceans can't wash away, that you are to recite it, meaning live by it, follow along by night and by day. This is the first meaning of a mighty book. Another meaning of kitabun aziz is that it is mightier than to fail. At improving the lives of whoever it encounters. This is my takeaway, your takeaway from tonight. The Qur'an, nobody can change the Qur'an. And the Qur'an can change anybody. That's of the beauty of the miracle of this book. It can change absolutely anything. Whatever it comes in contact with, it will not fall short. It will not fail, it is aziz. This is why al-Hassan al-Basri rahimahullah used to say about this, wallahi maduna al-Qur'ani min ghina wala ba'dahu min faqa I swear to you, without the Qur'an, you will never reach your goal. And once you have the Qur'an, you will never remain unfulfilled. It is enough for whatever the void is. And one final ayah quickly as we close, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, walaw anna Qur'anan suyyirat bihi al-jibal aw qutti'at bihi al-ardu aw kulli ma bihi al-mawta Say to them, O Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam, if there were ever a recital that could render the mountains to rubble
and crack the earth in half and address your dead ancestors that died centuries ago, meaning what? If any recital would be capable of doing it, it would have been the Qur'an. The Qur'an could have done this, but why doesn't the Qur'an do this? It was not meant for this. If every person who recited the Qur'an had superpowers, he could do mountain demolition, right? And he could sort of rip the earth open and he could speak to the deceased, life wouldn't be a test. But instead Allah chose what? Instead of rendering the mountains to rubble, it takes the stoniest hearts and returns them to softness, to purity, to innocence. Instead of ripping the earth, puncturing the earth's crust, it rips open these eyes that have been sealed for decades, the hearts that have been sealed shut with people's crimes. Instead of addressing the dead, it revives the souls that are dead. And so we've said much, but that will be our first step to realize the weight of what it means to have Allah's miraculous word in our lives. And that nobody will ever be able to change a letter of the Qur'an, but the Qur'an can change inside and out, absolutely anybody. I say this, and Allah forgives me and you, and Allah knows best. And peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
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