Dr. Naved Bakali
Guest Contributor
Naved Bakali completed his Ph.D. in Cultural and International Studies in Education from McGill University, Canada. He is an Assistant Professor of Anti-Racism Education at the University of Windsor. Naved is also a Research Affiliate with the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society. He has published extensively in the field of Islamophobia Studies, Muslim youth identity in the post 9/11 context, educational programming for refugees and survivors of trauma, and internationalizing and decolonizing higher education. He is the author of Islamophobia: Understanding anti-Muslim Racism Through the Lived Experiences of Muslim Youth (Brill/Sense 2016), as well as the co-editor for the volumes Teacher Training and Education in the GCC (Lexington 2021) and Coloniality, Race, and Islam: The Rise of Global Islamophobia in the War on Terror (Manchester University Press, Forthcoming).