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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Arnold Yasin Mol

Arnold Yasin Mol

Guest Contributor

Arnold Yasin Mol is a PhD Candidate in Religious Studies and Islamic Intellectual History at Leiden University. His research focuses on otherization and ethics within Islamic intellectual and exegetical history, with a special focus on the Ottoman tafsīr tradition (working title: The Qurʾān and the Other: Islamic Ethics and the Tafsīr Tradition). He is a research assistant at the Institute for the Revival of Traditional Islamic Sciences (www.IRTIS.org.uk) and studies the traditional Islamic seminary in both the Deoband and Ottoman curriculum. He is Lecturer in Islamic theology and Qurʾānic studies at the Islamic University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam (IUASR, www.Islamiciniversity.nl).  He is a Fellow at Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research (YIIR, www.yaqeeninstitute.org) and a fellow at the British Board of Scholars and Imams (www.BBSI.org.uk). He is the Research Consultant on Religion and Theology of Care at a Dutch healthcare NGO, and is a spiritual care worker in detention-and healthcare settings. His research focuses on:
  • Islamic intellectual history, Islamic theology and philosophy, Ḥanafī-Māturīdīsm
  • Islamic exegetical history, Tafsīr studies, and Qurʾānic studies
  • Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy of law (uṣūl al-fiqh), Islamic ethics, Islam and human rights discourse
  • Islam and political thought, Islamic international law (siyar), Muslim concepts of the Other (Islamic comparative religion, theology of the Other), non-Muslim minority policy (aḥkām al-dhimma, millet system)
  • Islamic studies, Ottoman studies, Islam in the west, Muslim minorities, Islamophobia
  • Sharīʿa and governance, Muslim minority jurisprudence
  • Islamic contemporary thought, and modernist/reformist, and (anti-)extremist movements
  • Islamic spiritual care, character and value education
  • Religious studies, conversion theory, hermeneutics, epistemology, psychology of religion
  • Christianity, Late Antique religions, comparative religion and theology
  • Philosophy of religion, theodicy, theology of care, theological anthropology
  • Political theology, human rights discourse, (global) ethics, moral philosophy and intellectual history, moral psychology
  • Otherization and dehumanization, religion and violence, conflict studies, fundamentalism and cult studies, intellectual history of extremism and totalitarianism, ideological worldview studies, spiritual care and rehabilitation, healthcare rights-based approaches, ethics and CVE policy.
  His previous studies include Islamic studies (Leiden University) and pastoral care theology (Fontys University of Applied Sciences). He has multiple publications on the subjects of Islamic intellectual history, Islamic theology and ethics, tafsīr studies, ḥadīth studies, Islam and human rights, Islamic modernism and reformism (including Brill, Oxford University Press, De Gruyter, ABC-Clio, Journal of Islamic Ethics), and has provided talks and lectures at multiple (non-)governmental organizations, international institutes and conferences (including ISAR, BBSI, Oxford University, CIET, Leiden University, UQSIA, Dutch Theological Society, Osnabrück University, and Freiburg University). His publications include: ‘The encyclopedic hermeneutics of Ibn ʿĀdil al-Ḥanbalī (d. 775/1374) in his exegetical summa al-Lubāb fī ʿulūm al-kitāb’, and ‘Hermeneutical Aspects in Ḥāšiya and Supercommentary tradition’, in Handbook of Qurʾānic Hermeneutics, Ed. George Tamer (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021) (forthcoming). ‘‘Evil cannot be related to You’: Kemālpāshazāde’s treatise on theodicy’, Hikma: Journal for Islamic Theology and Religious Education, (2021) (forthcoming). ‘Human Rights and Islamic Reform’, in Oxford Handbook on Islamic Reform, Ed. Emad Hamdeh and Natana DeLong-Bas (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020) (forthcoming). ‘Islam and Human Rights Discourse: A Typology’, The Journal of Rotterdam Islamic and Social Sciences (JRISS), Volume 10 (forthcoming). 'Islamic Human Rights Discourse and Hermeneutics of Continuity’, Journal of Islamic Ethics (JIE), Volume 3 (2019); ‘Divine respite in the Ottoman tafsīr tradition: Reconciling exegetical approaches to Q.11:117’ in Osmanli’da ilm-I Tefsir (Istanbul: ISAR, 2019); ‘Laylat al-Qadr as Sacred Time: Sacred Cosmology in Sunnī Kalām and Tafsīr’ in Islamic Studies Today: Essays in Honor of Andrew Rippin (Leiden: Brill, 2017).   For all his publications and writings, see: https://leidenuniv.academia.edu/ArnoldMol