Ep. 9: What If I Dream About Them? | For Those Left Behind
When I see my loved one in a dream, is my soul actually meeting them? What message could they be sending me? How can I be sure it is them?
00:00 Introduction
00:27 Narrations of dream interpretations
4:40 Are we actually seeing the dead when we dream of them?
In general, bad dreams are from the Shaytan. If you see a bad dream, seek refuge in Allah SWT and don't seek the interpretation of that dream.
If you see your loved one in a dream, it could be a form of your regurgitated thoughts. But to actually see a person that has passed away (in your dream) is also possible, according to the scholars of Islam. Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullah) said that the soul moves freely at the time of sleep, and it meets with the soul of others. It is not limited by the physical dimensions of this world at the time of sleep. So while you are asleep it is possible for your soul to meet the soul of your dead loved ones.
06:23 Types of dreams of the deceased
When a person sees a dead person in their sleep, the dead may give them advice. The dead may also comfort them, and tell them that they're ok and that everything is good (with them). Sometimes the dead person asks the one who is alive to pay off their debt or seek forgiveness from a person on their behalf.
08:08 Signs of dreams that may be from Shaytan
If the person in your dream tells you to do something wrong, gives you revelation or changes a ruling from Islam then know that it is probably from the Shaytan. But whoever sees the Prophet ﷺ in their dream has no doubt seen him because the Shaytan cannot take the form of the Prophet ﷺ or imitate him.