Your Jannah Welcoming | Episode 4
Your home in Jannah, you’ll realize, is one you already know better than you ever knew your homes on earth. When the gates open with flourish for you, you will first be welcomed by angels, greeting you with salaam (peace). As those gentle caretakers—jubilant for you—walk you through the palaces your deeds and patience built, they will show you what awaits: your servants in the thousands, shining like pearls and your family and friends eager to reunite with you.
And just when you think you couldn’t be happier, Allah will give you glad tidings of something even better than all the pleasure Paradise promises.
Enter through the Gate of Charity. Invest in your Jannah. Donate today!
DISCLAIMER: All depictions of Jannah are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.